Alpha VI402-018, VI402-018D, VI402-021, VI402-135, VI402-135D Specsheet

Product Specification Sheet A PS014 - Rev. 01/2014
VI402 V.I.P.™ Series Stainless Steel Lobby Panels
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
VI402/ 021D 21 Butt on
(Flu sh P a ne l s ho wn)
Architects' And Engineers'
The entry panel unit(s) shall be Alpha Communications® VI402 V.I.P.™ series, or approved equal. Panel(s) shall be (flush/surface) mount t ype. Panel(s) shall include the proper speaker components t o matc h the apt. intercom stat ions. Panel(s) shall have (built-in/separate/no) direc tory units. Where supplied, direc tory unit(s) shall be made of heavy- gauge brushed stainless steel, with the name st rips protect ed by a sheet of c lear Polycarbonate. Name insertion and maintenance shall require the use of a 'Star' head type screwdriver tool. Contractor shall provide two (2) sc rewdrivers (per building), to t he building management (or superintendent), for future directory name maintenance. Panel(s) shall have solid-metal pushbuttons, permanently engraved (and filled) apt . markings and mesh speaker grille to protect t he speaker c omponents. Panel shall be made of a single sheet of 16 gauge high­carbon stainless steel.
VI402 V.I.P.™ Series Stainless Steel Lobby Panels
The Alph a Co mmunica tio ns ® VI402 V.I.P.™ se rie s St ain les s Ste el (Va nda l-Res ist an t) lobby pa ne ls are rugg ed , go od-loo king p an els for indoo r or ou tdo o r us e.
Made of h eavy 1 6 g au ge high-carb on st ain les s ste e l, the VI4 02 se rie s is mad e to tak e ab us e . VI40 2 p an els a re a ll cus to m-mad e to you r exact siz e a nd la you t s pe cification s a nd are a va ilab le in flus h o r su rfa ce mo un t s tyle s. Flush VI4 02 pa ne ls ca n be mad e comp letely flat , with a slig ht be vel on the e dg es o r a 1 /2" ret urn ed edge (p lea s e s pe cify w h en ord e ring ). Oth er op tions for the VI40 2 s eries inclu de po stal rele ase sw itch (PO40 2I) b uilt-in , bu ilt-in o r se p ara te ma tchin g s ta inle ss s te el a lph abe tica l dire cto ries , built-in B& W CCD came ra (CC DC AM-I), bu ilt-in C OL OR C CD came ra (CC DCAM-CI), a nd a host o f o ptional sp eake r/micro ph on e a nd ha n ds et op tio ns .
All VI40 2 pan els fe at ure so lid me ta l pu sh-bu tto n, engra ve d a pt . markin gs (righ t o nto th e face o f the p an el), and bu ilding name / nu mbe r engravin g a t the top o f the p an el (wh ere sp ace a llow s). The us e o f 'Sta r' he a d s cre w s ma ke s it ne arly imposs ible to ta mpe r w ith the pa ne l o r dire cto ry w ith ou t th e use o f th e s pe cia l scre w driver too l.
Heavy 16 Gauge High-Carbon Stainless Steel Fac eplate Solid Met al Pushbuttons with Permanent Engravings Panel can be made Flush or Surfac e Mounted Names are Protec ted by a T hick Polycarbonate Directory Window Rugged and Good-Looking. Vandal-Resistant Wide Variety of Speaker/Microphone components available Works with a variety of apartment intercom and videointercom stat ions Tamper-Resistant 'Star' Head Screws Used Optional Stainless Steel Rain Hood available Building Name and/or Address Engraved (standard) Optional Privac y Handset available Can be custom-sized to fit existing wall openings Made in U.S.A.
Depends upon individual panel configuration. Contact our Sales Dept. for more information.
Heavy 16 Gauge High-Carbon Stainless Steel fac eplate with Polycarbonate directory window.
Tool Required:
'Star' head sc rewdriver t ip required for panel installation/removal and direct ory name insertion and maintenance, included with each VI402 V.I.P.™ panel ordered.