Product Specification Sheet APS020 - Rev. 09/2013
VI402/1NYH Vandal-Resistant Entry Intercom StationVI402/1NYH Vandal-Resistant Entry Intercom Station
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb:
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
VI402/1NYH Vandal-Resistant VI402/1NYH Vandal-Resistant EntryEntry
Intercom StationIntercom Station
Architects' And Engineers'Architects' And Engineers'
The entry st ation(s) shall be Alpha
Communications® (V.I.P.™ series) model
VI402/1NYH or approved equal. Stat ion
fac eplate shall be minimum 16 gauge
high-carbon brush finish stainless steel. A
single momentary action, solid-metal
push-butt on shall be provided for calling
funct ion. The speaker/microphone shall be
a 2.00" (51mm) high sensitivity mylar
plastic cone type with exc ellent voice
frequency response. The speaker shall be
protected by a fine mesh grille, and subplate with offset speaker holes.
Pigtails shall be provided for all wiring
terminat ions. Station shall be flat, and
shall fit over existing narrow aluminum or
stainless st eel hollow door frame.
Stat ion(s) shall be permanently engraved
with the words "PROPERTY OF NEW
deter t heft. T he VI402/1NY H station shall
be installed with 'Star' type vandal
resistant screw fast eners, included with
the stat ion.
VI402/1NYH Vandal-Resistant VI402/1NYH Vandal-Resistant Entry Intercom StationEntry Intercom Station
The Alpha Communications® VI402/1NYH (V.I.P.™ series) ent ry intercom stat ions are
designed specifically to minimize vandalism and abuse. Made from 16 gauge high-c arbon
brush finish stainless steel, with solid met al push-button, these stations are built to last. A
high sensitivity 2.00" (51mm) mylar plastic c one speaker assures crisp, c lear voice
communic at ion, and resists mold and mildew caused by dampness on paper cone speakers.
The VI402/1NYH is designed specifically to meet the needs of New Y ork City Housing
Authority project s, and mounts flush into a hollow aluminum, st eel, or st ainless steel door
frame, without a bac k box. If a model is required with a flush or surfac e bac k box, use
our model no. OR502/1NY H instead.
Pigtail wiring makes these stat ions easy to wire and resists wat er c orrosion found on P.C.
board type stat ions. The speaker is protec ted from damage by a fine mesh grille and subplate with offset speaker holes. When used with t he SM201B, SM201BT S, SM404TS (or
similar) indoor master stat ion, a model EC105 nonpolarized capac itor must be installed into
the VI402/1NYH remote station. St ations are also available in c ustom sizes and
wiring configurations.
Simple push butt on c all operation
Made of Rugged Stainless St eel with Metal Push-Button
Tamper and Vandal-Resistant
Easy Installation
Permanent ly engraved markings to deter theft
Clear Voice Fidelit y using high qualit y 2.00" mylar cone voice speaker
Pigtail wiring minimizes water c orrosion
Simple to Operate and Reliable
Installs with 'Star' type tamper-resistant mounting screws (provided)
Outer Dimensions:
3.13"W (80mm) x 7.00"H (178mm) x 0.50"D (13mm).
Inner Dimensions:
2.60"W (67mm) x 4.50"H (115mm) x 1.50"D (39mm).
Solid 16 gauge high-c arbon brush finish Stainless St eel fac eplate
2.00" round (51mm), 45 ohms, mylar plastic c one, designed for
cryst al-c lear voice.
Push Button:
Individually replaceable Solid Metal pushbutton with self-wiping
plated c ontact s.
Mounting: Flush. (4) pre-punched mounting holes.