Product Specification Sheet APS193 - Rev. 07/2013
TTU-5 High Security 2-Way Talk-Thru Communications System (Flush)TTU-5 High Security 2-Way Talk-Thru Communications System (Flush)
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-559942 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
TOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: AlphaCommunications.com • Email: info@alphacommunications.comTOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: AlphaCommunications.com • Email: info@alphacommunications.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Talk-Thru™ is a registered trademark of Norcon Communication s Inc.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
TTU-5 Flush-Mount ed High-Secur ity 2-W ay
Talk-Thru Electronic Com municat ion Syste m
Clear, 2-way hands-free voice communication.
Avoids shouting, repetition, misunderstanding.
Provides ongoing ac tivity-monitoring as needed.
Rugged, tamper-resistant materials.
Quality elect ronic design and engineering.
Bullet-resistant option available.*
Export models available.
Made in U.S.A.
Talk-T hru systems are shipped complete with mounting hard ware,
instructions, and power supply (AC operated unit), or c harger
(batt ery operated unit).
Mechanical SpecificationsMechanical Specifications
Steel Backboxes: 11.50" H x 3.50" W x 2.00" D
Face Plates:
0.0625" Stainless Steel standard.
(Other gauges available.) 13.625" H x 4.50"
Weight: Depends on gauge and type of material.
Mounting: Backboxes recessed in barrier wall.
Panel Controls:
Exterior (corridor) panel only - onoff switc h, recessed listen volume,
and recessed talk volume.
Flush W a ll-Mounte d System - Ideal for
HighSecurity Locations
Monitoring the activities of inmates and patients in high-security or
sensitive t ypes of areas require a spec ial kind of c ommunication
system. T he syst em must be sensitive enough to deliver clear,
intelligible c ommunications in high-ambient noise environment s. It
must be durable enough to withstand a tough environment. And it
must provide a measure of c ontrol for those responsible for the
inmates or patients.
The Alpha Communications®/Norc on T TU-5 is spec ifically designed
to achieve this. It is intended for in-wall installations requiring
flush-mounting and bullet-resistance. It is enclosed in a pair of
wall-mounted galvanized st eel boxes with stainless steel
rect angular fac es.
How It Works...
The microphone/speaker c ombination is designed to
penetrate high-ambient noise levels. In addition, t he TTU-5's
circuity shapes and enhances the sound for maximum intelligibility.
Its c ompression circuitry decreases loud, annoying sounds. The
mic rophone/speaker and controls are flush with the panel, assuring
a tamper-resistant environment. The operator has acc ess to
recessed volume controls.
How To Install...
The unit with the c ontrols goes on the c orridor side; the other
unit on the inmate or patient side. Simply connect the cable
provided to the terminal blocks on the stainless st eel plates. Then
fasten these plates to the backboxes using the t amper-proof
screws and spec ial tool furnished.
The panel on the exterior (c orridor) side is connected to
a c ontinuous-duty, 117-Volt AC power supply which is
stepped down to 12 Volts.
Electrical SpecificationsElectrical Specifications
Audio Frequency
Select ively shaped for maximum
voice intelligibility
Audio Power: 2 watts per amplifier
Distortion: Less than 2%
Listen Mode: 20 dB c ompression
Talk Mode: Vox
Microphones: Electret