Product Specification Sheet A PS485 - Rev. 07/2013
TTU-302 Counter Top 2-Way Talk-Thru Communications System with 2nd Master
T he Ide al Counter-T o p Communication S ystem
W he re It is Impra ctical to C ut a Ho le In the B a rrier
During off hours (or lunch time, etc .), when there is no
recept ionist at the front c ounter, employees in the bac k office
(or security booth, etc .) c an st ill talk t o your visitors, by using
the TTU-302. The TT U-302 system includes two (2) 12"
prismshaped inside units (master 'A' and master 'B') and one (1)
prismshaped outside unit. The inside master 'A' and outside unit
are mounted on the front counter and operate the same way as
the basic T TU-3. The Inside master 'B' is mounted in the
remote (back office) loc ation.
How It Works
When the c ustomer visits t he front counter (during off hours), the
cust omer c an push the 'PUSH TO CALL' button, whic h will sound a
buzzer in master unit 'B'. The employees c an turn on master 'B' and
talk to the c ustomer. Both masters ('A' & 'B') have their own highquality electronics and individual power supply. The user can t urn
on master 'B' at any time. When one inside master is turned on,
the other inside master will be turned off. Only one (1) inside
master may remain operational at any given time.
The TTU-302 incorporates the same high-quality electronics
as the basic (Norc on) patented model T TU-1 Talk-Thru system. It
is a vox system, enabling the att endant and t he c ustomer to
talk and listen giving easy natural c onversation.
The TTU-302 provides c lear communication even in environments
with high ambient noise, shaping the sound for
maximum intelligibility. Its c ompression circuitry decreases loud,
annoying sounds.
How To Install
The TTU-302 comes ready to operate. Master 'A' and the outside
unit are quickly and easily mounted on the c ounter-top on
opposite sides of the barrier. They can be positioned bac kto-back
(as shown) or randomly. The portion of the unit with t he
1. Outside assembly: Machined aluminum, anodized
finish, tamper-resistant
2. Inside assemblies: Machined aluminum, anodized
finish, tamper-resistant
3. Size (all 3 assemblies): 2.375" H x 12.0" W x 2.375" D
4. Weight: 4.50 lbs.
5. Mounting: Counter-t op
6. Panel Controls: Listen volume, Talk, volume, Power onoff
(random position on/off), LED power indicator
1. Audio Frequency Response: Selectively shaped for
maximum voice intelligibility
2. Audio Power: 2 watts per amplifier
3. Distortion: Less than 2%
4. Listen Mode: 20dB compression
5. Talk mode: VOX
6. Microphones: Electret
7. Power Supply: Input: 120 VAC, 60 Hz
8. Output: 15 VDC, 200mA
Mounting Details
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
TOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: • Email:
Copyright© 1998-201 4 Alpha Communications® - All Rights Reserved.
Talk-Thru™ is a regist ered trademark of Norcon Co mmunicatio ns Inc.
Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
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gooseneck mic rophone (and labeled as 'A') goes inside the booth;
the unit with the 'PUSH T O CALL' button is mounted outside. The
portion of the unit with t he goosenec k microphone (and labeled as
'B') goes in the back office. An eight (8) c onduct or jacketed cable
connects masters 'A' and 'B'.
The TTU-302 uses a c ontinuous-duty, 117-Volt AC power supply
which is st epped down t o 12 Volts.
'Talk-Thru' is a tra dema rk of Norco n Communicat ions Inc