Product Specification Sheet A PS558 - Rev. 07/2013
TT212 Speaker/Microphone Control Module
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Architects' And Engineers'
The speaker/microphone and c ontrol unit(s) shall
be Alpha Communications® / S.T.R.™ ReliaBUS™
model T T212 or equivalent. Unit(s) shall be
powered by t he model SP300 ReliaBUS™
controller. All wiring to power supply/amplifier
shall be low voltage Class II wiring, installed as
per all federal, stat e, and loc al elect rical codes.
TT 212 shall be designed to mount direc tly into
the 'T T' or 'TTM' series lobby entry panel
stat ions. TT212 shall contain the speaker and
microphone and memory c ircuits for up to 24 of
the HT3011 handsets, all in one 'snap-in'
assembly. Unit shall snap onto t he panel front
speaker/microphone grille.
TT 212 shall provide the intercom amplificat ion
and signalling control for the proper system
operation. TT212 shall be installed a safe
distance from any source of elect rical
Contract or shall observe all local and national
elect rical and building codes.
TT212 Speaker/Microphone Control Module
These Alpha Communications® / S.T.R.™ TT212 ReliaBUS™ speaker/microphone
control module is used with the HT3011 series ReliaBUS™ handset stations to
provide intercom amplificat ion and power to operate t he assoc iated intercom system,
and certain optional components and/or accessories, such as electric door opener(s)
etc .
The TT212 is used in conjunction with the SP300 ReliaBUS™ controller.
These TT 212 speaker/microphone c ontrol modules are designed to easily mount right
onto t he plastic speaker/microphone grille in the 'T T' and 'TTM' series lobby entry
intercom panels.
The TT212 c an ac commodate up to 24 of the HT3011 ReliaBUS™ handsets, when
used with c onventional push-button type door station(s).
Easily Installs Right Behind Lobby Entry Panel
Operates on Safe Low- Voltage Class II Wiring
Clear Voice Fidelity with Adjustable Voice Volume Control
Convenient Screw Terminal Connec tions
Dimensions: 2.375"W (61mm) x 5.25"H (134mm) x 1.50"D (39mm).
Volume: Adjustable Volume Control (potentiomet er) built-in
Connections: Positive Sc rew Terminal Connectors.