1.2 The Emergency c ommunicat ion component shall comply with the ADA. When used with c ellular phone dialing, t he phone shall have the
ability to be programmed with up to five (5) emergency phone numbers. Upon ac tivation of the emergency push button; a call will
be automatically plac ed, t he strobe shall instantaneously flash until the call has been disconnected by the called party.
2.0 Construction
2.1 The Tower shall be const ructed of hot rolled steel that is weat herproof and manufactured with a weather and c orrosion resistant finish.
2.2 The Tower is to stand 9’ tall from base to top, 10.75” wide and 6” deep and all aspec ts of its construction will be vandal resistant.
2.3 The emergency phone plate shall be made of 12 gauge Stainless Steel and be 11.25” inches high and 8.25” inches wide and will at tac h
to the t ower using six (6) stainless steel screws (provided).
2.4 The emergency phone button shall be located approximately 36” above the base t o ensure c onformance with the ADA requirements.
2.5 The Tower must have a Braille fac eplate locat ed approx. 36” above the base t o ensure c onformance with the ADA requirements.
2.6 The base of the Tower shall be .625” in thickness, welded to body of tower with four (4) built in 1” mounting holes t o attac h to a
concrete mounting pad.
2.7 The strobe and beac on light shall be mounted direc tly t o the top of the Tower (above the solar panels).
2.8 The strobe elec tronics acc ess opening shall be 7.25” high and 6.75” wide and located on the back of the t ower.
2.9 Phone electronics and most elec trical connec tions shall be housed in a NEMA enclosure within the Tower.
2.10 The Tower shall have a rear access panel locat ed on t he bac k of the tower, direc tly behind the phone plate. The panel provides acc ess
to the elec trical and phone connec tions.
3.0 Mounting
3.1 The Tower is construct ed of steel t hat is of one c ontinuous piece with a welded internal base .625” thic k c ontaining four (4) built in
mounting holes. A template for installing the anchor bolts is to be included. The unit shall be mounted on a conc rete pad with 3/4”
galvanized anchor bolts, galvanized nuts and washers (available for purchase Alpha Communicat ions® model ABLTMHN).
4.0 Electrical
4.1 The phone shall be powered by (85W or 130W) solar power. Power must be supplied to t he tower though c onduit that extends down into
the base of the tower.
4.2 The power consumption cannot exceed 7 amps with a fully active phone, st robe, beac on, faceplate LED, wide area speakers, wide-area
lighting and c amera.
4.3 When cellular phone type towers are used, the compatible cellular phone service (GSM or CDMA) shall be provided by the installing
contract or.
5.0 Lights
5.1 The dual element light shall be locat ed at the top of the Emergency Phone Tower. T he light shall contain a strobe and (depending on
optional model) a c onstant-on beacon.
5.2 The strobe shall be ac tivat ed upon pushing of the emergenc y butt on. It shall have an output of approx. 150 to 500 candelas and flash
at a rate of a minimum of 60 flashes per minute.
5.3 The beacon shall provide continuous, steady illumination and will utilize an LED cluster as its light source.
5.4 A Photocell shall be offered as an option to allow for the deactivation of the beacon during daylight hours (which may incur additional
5.5 A single element st robe shall be offered as an option. The st robe shall be activated upon pushing of the emergency phone butt on.
5.6 Strobes must also be available in red and amber (which may incur additional c osts).
6.0 Communications
6.1 The unit shall have an ADA compliant and vandal resistant speaker phone.
6.2 The cellular phone shall be a push once to t alk phone. Once t he butt on has been pushed, the phone will call programmed emergency
numbers. The cellular phone must be c apable of being programmed with up to five (5) emergency numbers.
6.3 The phone shall have Locat ion Message c apability. Phone must have a minimum 18 sec ond recordable message capability programmable
to play 1 or 2 times or play c ontinuously until * is pressed by called party. Phone shall notify called party of the location of the c all upon
being received at the emergency dispatch center.
6.4 Phone shall be capable of allowing the c alled party to replay t he phone location message if necessary to ensure an understanding of the
locat ion of phone tower.
6.5 Once call has been made (button pushed), the call c an only be t erminated by t he c alled party.
6.6 Phone plate must have a red LED that will light up upon push of t he button. The light shall be a solid color when the phone is act ivated
and will flash when call has been answered.
6.7 The speakerphone must be c apable of being programmed and reprogrammed on-site and remotely.
6.8 Line powered phones and Dip Switch programming are not ac c eptable.
6.9 Standard Cellular Phone features:
Programmable with up to five (5) emergenc y phone numbers
Weather Resistant speaker
Weather Resistant microphone
Operating Temperature of bet ween - 40 deg. F to +150 deg. F (-40 deg. to + 65 deg.C)
Programmable passwords
On-Site or Remote Programmable
EEPROM memory t o protec t programming
Adjustable speaker and microphones levels
Programmable loc ation message with human voice rec ognition