AWD165 Rev. 1 09/2012
ALPHAGUARD 2000 Series Autodialer
Capacity for up to 1000 Tenants.
Simple Upgrade from Autodialer to No Telephone Line System.
Handsfree or Handset operation.
Field Programmability using system keypad.
High Contrast LCD user Display.
Zinc Die-cast Marine Quality Keypad.
PROM Memory, retains programmed information during total power failure.
Superior Lightning & Transient Protection.
Two Programmable Relay outputs to control door strikes, gates, cameras, etc.
System operates with both Tone and Pulse telephones.
Variable Tenant Code length, 1, 2, 3, or 4 digits
7, 10 and 11 Digit dialing capability.
Built-in Multiple Entrance capability.
Automatic termination of call after eight seconds of dial tone detection.
Tone & Tapping Rejection Circuitry to prevent unauthorised entry.
Provision for Postal Service Lock included.
Contact Input will pulse entry doors during an emergency.
Door Timer Cutoff input prevents 'tail-gating' through entry doors.
Night Service Feature, transfers all calls to pre-programmed telephone number.
One 'Keyless' Entry Code per tenant plus five for use by building management.
Warning Tone to alert tenant call will end in 10 seconds.
Tenant Codes can be actual suite numbers or may be coded for security purposes.
ALPHAGUARD 2000 Series Autodialer
Installation Manual for 2000 Series Telephone-Entry Autodialer
1.0 Installation Hints .................................................................................................. 1
2.0 Special Features ................................................................................................. 1
2.1 Postal Service Lock ............................................................................................. 1
2.2 Door Timer Cut-Off .............................................................................................. 1
2.3 Auxiliary Relay Activation ...................................................................................... 2
2.4 Emergency Input ................................................................................................. 2
2.5 Multiple Entrances ............................................................................................... 2
2.6 Night Service ..................................................................................................... 2
3.0 Installation ............................................................................................................ 3
4.0 System Programming .......................................................................................... 4
4.1 Entering/Exiting "Program" Mode ........................................................................ 4
4.2 Tenant Codes, Entry/Review/Delete .................................................................... 4
4.3 Keyless Entry Codes ............................................................................................ 5
4.4 System Master Code ........................................................................................... 6
4.5 7, 10, 11 Digit Select ............................................................................................ 6
4.6 Telephone Line Type Selection ............................................................................ 6
4.7 Door Timer Selection ........................................................................................... 7
4.8 Conversation Time Selection ............................................................................... 7
4.9 Night Service ........................................................................................................ 7
4.10 Night Service Telephone ...................................................................................... 7
5.0 Adjustments ......................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Volume Controls .................................................................................................. 8
5.2 Rotary Phone (Pulse) Sensitivity ......................................................................... 8
A. Regulatory Approvals and System Warranty
B. System Wiring Diagram
C. Programming Worksheet
D. Directory Worksheets
E. User Instruction Sheet
G. F. Wiegand Card Access Interface
© 1999, E S & P Ventures Corp.
ALPHAGUARD 2000 Series Autodialer
Arrangements should be made with the telephone company for the installation of a telephone line
for use by the system. It is recommended that the telephone jack be installed inside the entry
panel enclosure.
One 16 Volt/20 VA CSA approved Class 2 power transformer is required for system operation. A
second transformer is required for door strike activation. This transformer should have the
necessary voltage and current rating for the door strike that is to be used. Do not exceed the
maximum relay rating of 3 amps @ 28VDC.
Transformers and remote devices such as the door strike, emergency and door contacts, must be
wired to the system controller located in the enclosure housing. A wiring channel must be
provided for these devices to the rear of the system enclosure. Follow local building code
requirements for low voltage wiring.
If a Postal Service Lock is to be installed, arrangements must be made with Post-Office to have the
lock supplied.
In Multiple Entrance applications, two additional wires are required from each entry system
to interconnect the system controllers. A telephone line extension jack must also be installed at
each entry location (see system wiring diagram).
2.1 Postal Service Lock
Provision for the installation of a Postal Service Lock is available on the rear of the control panel of the
system enclosure. The system is pre-wired for this service.
2.2 Door Timer Cut-Off
Using this feature of the entry system will require the installation of a Normally Open switch contact that
closes when the entry door has been opened. A magnetic contact, as used in security systems is
acceptable for this application provided that a Normally Open type is obtained.
When the electric door strike is released, the door will normally remain open for the period of time that
has been programmed (see Door Timer Selection, Sec.4.7). When the door timer cut-off feature is used,
the door strike will de-energize as soon as the system senses that the entry door has been opened. This
will cause the door to lock when it closes regardless of the programmed time. This action will allow the
door strike to be energised only as long as necessary and will prevent unauthorised entry of individuals
who follow behind the visitor (tailgating).
ALPHAGUARD 2000 Series Autodialer
2.3 Auxiliary Relay Activation
The system includes a Form C auxiliary relay contact that can be momentarily activated from the suite
telephone by dialing the digit 6 when the tenant is in conversation with the visitor at the entry system. This
contact can be used to trigger a parking gate, elevator, secondary door or video camera.
2.4 Emergency Input
Connection of a Normally Open alarm contact will cause the electric door strike to pulse on and off in the
event of an emergency situation. This will effectively leave the entry door unlocked for the duration of the
2.5 Multiple Entrances
Accommodation of multiple entry doors is a built-in feature of the AlphaGuard System. Up to 20 entry
systems can be interconnected without the need for additional switching equipment, and all systems can
be connected to one common telephone line. One additional pair of wires, parallel connected, to terminals
ME and G of all entry systems will be required. When one entry panel is in use, the other panels will be
temporarily disabled and display a "System in Use" message. Note that each entry panel must be
independently powered and programmed, and requires a telephone extension jack at that location.
2.6 Night Service
When enabled, the Night Service feature can be used to redirect all entry system calls to a pre-
designated telephone number (Guard Phone). When in use (by entering * 4 5 6), the entry system will
display the "Night Service On" message. To return to normal, re-enter * 4 5 6.