Alpha RSS402, RSS402PJC Specsheet

Product Specification Sheet A PS608 - Rev. 07/2013
RSS402 AlphaStatus™ Remote Room Status Indicating Station
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
Architects' And Engineers' Specifications
The 2 button AlphaStatus™ room station(s) shall be Alpha Communications® model RSS402 or approved equivalent. The 2 button AlphaStatus™ room stat ion(s) shall consist of two (2) locking push-button switc hes.
The c olors assoc iated with these switc hes shall be t he same as the t wo (2) colors used on t he associated LI382 dome lights for the room status syst em. The designated colors are "RED" and "WHITE". Depressing either of the buttons shall c ause t he switc h center to change from Black to Red color, as well as the c orresponding dome light. Power to operate t he
RSS402 AlphaStatus™ room station(s) and associated
dome light(s), and opt ional master station(s) shall come from t he
PSR-24/4 central power supply unit(s). Reliable components shall
be mounted on an attractive polycarbonate White 2-gang plastic fac eplate. Screw terminal connec tors shall be provided for wire connections.
Contract or shall observe all local and national electrical and building codes.
RSS402 (2 Button) AlphaStatus™ Room Station
The Alpha Communicat ions® RSS402 provides locking push-button registration (of 2 different colors) of the room stat us to the LI382 or LI382LED c orridor dome light(s), on an AlphaStatus room stat us syst em. When an optional master stat ion is used, the stat us registered by each RSS402 will also be displayed at t he master stat ion(s) and other indicators based on t he syst em configuration.
Emergency signalling from eac h room location can be ac complished with the addition of an optional model SF119/2A Emergency Pull Cord station (and some additional system c omponents).
Button c enter c hanges from Black to Red for stat us indication Corresponding push-butt on colors t o those of the dome light(s) and optional Master Stat ions LEDs. Attractive, polycarbonate White 2-gang plastic fac eplate
Height: 4.63" (118mm) Width: 4.75" (121mm) Depth: 1.50" (38mm) Projects: .63" (17mm) from mounting surface
Attractive polycarbonate White plastic fac eplate. Switches are c ircuit board mounted.
Connections: Wire pigtail c onnect ors
Standard 2-gang electrical back box or plaster ring
Switches: Two (2) locking room status switches