Alpha RS101S Specsheet

Product Specification Sheet A PS799 - Rev. 07/2013
RS101S Remote Sounder Tone Speakers
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
Shown with red Call-P laced light illuminated
Architects' And Engineers' Specifications
Remote tone sounder stat ion(s) shall be Alpha Communications® model RS101S or approved equal.
The RS101S stat ions shall include a built-in Tone Speaker mounted behind a rugged 2mm t hick Natural Anodized Aluminum faceplate. The RS101S shall be also include an internal Red Tone Lamp and double-contac t momentary Tone- Off pushbutt on.
RS101S tone sounder stations shall provide remote audible and
visual annunciator when used in c onjunction with Alpha Communications® AlphaEcall™ 100 series annunciator and AC219 Control Unit, or similar system.
The RS101S shall protrude from t he finished wall surface a maximum of 1.3875" (35mm), and shall be only 3.25" wide (83mm).
Contract or shall observe all local and national electrical and building codes.
RS101S Remote Tone Sounder Station
The RS101S remot e t one sounder stations provide for remote audible and visual annunciation when connected directly in parallel with an Alpha Communicat ions® AlphaEcall™ 100 series annunciator and AC219 control unit, or CM800 or DS100 series annunciator and PK2019 / PK2019A control unit. The
RS101S stations feat ure a momentary cont act Tone-Off button for
tone silencing. Depressing the Tone-Off button silenc es t he tone at all sounding locat ions. When the emergency initiating device has been reset, the Tone-Off will aut omatically reset. The RS101S also includes a red Call-Placed light which will illuminate when an initial call is placed on the Alpha Communications® AlphaEcall™ 100 series system.
Easy installation - fully surface mount Red Call-Placed light (c oncealed) Pushbutton Tone-Off reset Reliable and rugged 2mm t hick Aluminum fac eplate Advanced design
Height: 6.875" (175mm) Width: 3.25" (83mm) Depth: 1.375" (35mm) at it's deepest point on the surface housing
Finish: Natural Anodized Aluminum faceplate
Individually replaceable push button with self­wiping double contac ts
Indicator: 28 volt red light (c oncealed)
Tone Speaker:
50-ohms, Round (50mm)
Connections: Pigtails
Housing: Hi-impac t plastic, surface mount housing included