Product Specification Sheet A PS911 - Rev. 08/2014
RCC2505SF / RCC2510SF Refuge Call Centers (AlphaRefuge™ 2100 Series)
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
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Model RCC2510SF (shown)
Architects' And Engineers'
The AlphaRefuge™ 2100 Series system
Refuge Call Center(s) shall be Alpha
Communications® RCC2505SF (5- stat ion) or
RCC2510SF (10-station), or approved equal.
The Refuge Call Center(s) shall be Flush
Mount type and shall be finished in Brushed
Stainless Steel with a galvanized steel flush
backbox/housing. T he Refuge Call Center(s)
shall contain a built- in battery back- up and
charger circuitry and shall be programmable
to call out on a telephone line to a 911 call
center or other emergency c all locations. The
RCC2505SF shall be capable of connect ing
with up to five (5) and the RCC2510SF shall
be c apable of c onnecting with up to ten (10)
of t he RCB2100 series Refuge Call Boxes
The Refuge Call Center(s), shall be IBC, NFPA
and ADAAG code c ompliant, and shall also be
Elevator Code c ompliant.
Contract or shall observe all local and national
elect rical and building codes.
RCC2505SF / RCC2510SF Refuge Call Centers (AlphaRefuge™ 2100
The Alpha Communicat ions® RCC2505SF (5-st ation) and RCC2510SF (10-station)
Refuge Call Centers are used with the AlphaRefuge™ 2100 Series Area of Refuge
system, and are Flush Mount St. Steel type. They are used with t he RCB2100 Series
Refuge Call Boxes.
The RCC2505SF and RCC2510SF Refuge Call Centers are powered by connec ting
to 120VAC power, with the supplied power supply that provides 24VDC power.
The RCC2505SF and RCC2510SF Refuge Call Centers come standard with a built-in
back-up battery and c harging circuitry.
Only one (1) PWR2410A power supply is needed per system, when using Refuge Call
Boxes t hat are "remote powered" (suffix-'R').
Brushed St. Steel faceplate, galvanized st eel flush back box
Use with up to (5) or (10) Refuge Call Boxes on t he same telephone line
(depending on model)
Coordinate and control in-building rescue in the event of an emergency
Audible alert sounds when the Refuge Call Box places a call to the Refuge Call
LED's indicate which Refuge Call Box(es) initiated a call and eliminates the
guesswork for emergency personnel
Built-in Telephone Line Consolidator Feature
Heavy-duty Button Switches and Red Handset with c oiled cord
Resc ue personnel can pick up the Refuge Call Center handset and t alk with the
Refuge Call Box(es) and any existing emergency call
Refuge Call Center also includes connect ions for two (2) Sub-Master Stations
(model# MRPH-2300-630SM)
Install the Refuge Call Center in a c entral locat ion on the first floor (wall mount)
or in an area approved by t he local AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction)
IBC, NFPA, ADAAG Code Compliant and Elevator Code compliant
Built-in Battery Back-up and Charging Circuitry
Made in USA
O.D. 11.875"W (302mm) x 15.00"H (381mm) x 3.25"D
(83mm) total depth with handset
I.D. 11.375"W (289mm) x 13.375"H (340mm) x .2.50"D
Flush Enclosure: Galvanized steel (included)