Product Specification Sheet A PS548 - Rev. 07/2013
NTR3 - NTR201 - NTR211 Power Supplies
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NTR3 / NTR201 / NTR211 Power Supplies
The Alpha Communicat ions® / S.T.R.™ 'NTR' series power supplies are used with a
variety of S.T.R.™ (and ot her) intercom and video-intercom syst ems, to provide the
low voltage power needed to operate the associated syst em c omponents,
and certain optional components and/or accessories.
All of these power supplies operate on 120VAC primary power. Optional models are
available for 220/240VAC primary power as well.
All models are designed to easily surfac e mount right onto t he finished wall by means
of c ustomer supplied sc rews or the convenient plastic 'Din Rail' bracket supplied with
each power supply.
All models have fused secondaries and meet CE requirements.
Easily Installs Right on Finished Wall Surface
Provides Safe Low-Voltage Class II Secondary Wiring
Fused Sec ondary Power
Convenient Screw Terminal Connec tions
Models NTR3, NTR201 and NTR211 are all 4.25"W (108mm) x
2.375"H (60mm) x 4.75"D (120mm). All dimensions shown are
outside dimensions with protect ive covers installed.
Housing: Gray Color ABS plastic.
Connections: Positive Sc rew Terminal Connectors.
Architects' And Engineers' Specifications
The power supply unit(s) shall be Alpha Communications® / S.T.R.™ (NTR3, NTR201
or NTR211) or equivalent. Power supply unit(s) shall operate from 120VAC primary
power. All secondary wiring to power supply unit(s) shall be low-voltage Class II
wiring. All wiring shall be installed as per all federal, state, and local elec trical and
building codes. Power supply unit(s) shall surface mount right t o the finished wall and
shall be installed in a suitable environment that is free from excessive dirt, dust,
temperature, humidity, grease and water. Power supply unit(s) shall provide t he
signalling power for proper system operation. For most sec ure installation, power
supply unit(s) should be installed into a loc kable equipment cabinet/ housing. Power
supply unit(s) shall be installed a safe distance from the intercom and/or video
wiring, and as per manufacturer's instructions.
Contract or shall observe all local and national electrical and building codes.