Product Specification Sheet APS611 - Rev. 07/2013
NH200A - NH201TVA-2 - NH208TVU - NH908A Power Supplies/AmplifiersNH200A - NH201TVA-2 - NH208TVU - NH908A Power Supplies/Amplifiers
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
NH201TVA-2 (Shown) & NH208TVU
NH908A NH200A
The power supply/amplifier shall be Alpha Communications® /
S.T.R.™ (NH200A, NH201TVA- 2, NH208TVU, or NH908A) or
equivalent. Power supply shall operate from a 16VAC (30VA) U.L.
Listed transformer (SS106 or T1640). All wiring to power
supply/amplifier shall be low-voltage Class II wiring, installed as per
all federal, stat e, and local electrical c odes. Power supply/amplifier
shall surfac e mount right to the finished wall and shall be installed
in a suitable environment that is free from excessive dirt, dust,
temperature, humidity, grease and water. Power supply/amplifier
shall provide the intercom amplificat ion and signalling power for the
proper system operation. For most sec ure installation, power
supply should be installed into a lockable equipment
cabinet/housing. Power supply/amplifier shall be installed a safe
distance from any source of electrical interferenc e.
Contractor shall observe all national and local elec trical and
building codes.
NH200A - NH201TVA-2 NH208TVU - NH908ANH200A - NH201TVA-2 NH208TVU - NH908A
Amplifier / Power SuppliesAmplifier / Power Supplies
The Alpha Communications® 'NH' series power supplies are used
with the HT3000 and HT2000 series handset stations t o provide
intercom amplification and power to operate the associated
intercom system, and certain optional components and/or
accessories, such as elec tric door opener(s) etc.
All of these power supplies operate on 16VAC (30VA) lowvoltage Class II wiring. For permanent transformer mounting use
our Model SS106 (U.L. Listed) transformer. For plug-in transformer
connection use our Model T1640 (U.L. Listed) t ransformer.
These NH201TVA-2 and NH208TVU power supplies are designed to
easily surface mount right onto the finished wall by means
of c ustomer supplied screws or the convenient plastic 'Din Rail'
bracket supplied with each power supply. The NH200A and NH908A
power supplies are P.C. board type, with self-stick mounting tabs
and mounting holes for surface wall or other types of mounting.
NH200A power supply is used with HT3003 or HT2003 series 5-
wire apt. entry intercom syst ems. NH201TVA- 2 power supply is
used with HT2001 series 3-wire apt./ent ry intercom systems.
NH208TVU power supply is used with HT2006 series handsets for
handset t o handset internal communic at ion, as well as
communicat ion to one or more door speakers. NH908A power is
used with HT2006 series handsets for internal handset to handset
communicat ion only.
Easily Installs Right on Finished Wall Surfac e
Operates on Safe Low- Voltage Class II Wiring
Clear Voice Fidelit y with Adjustable Voice Volume Control
Convenient Sc rew Terminal Connect ions
Models NH201TVA-2 and NH208TVU, 4.25"W
(108mm) x 2.375"H (60mm) x 4.75"D (120mm). All
dimensions shown are out side dimensions with
protective covers installed. Models NH200A and
NH908A, 3.50"W (89mm) x 3.50"H (89mm) x
.75"D (20mm).
Adjustable Volume Control (potentiometer) builtin (except for model NH908A).
Connections: Positive Sc rew T erminal Connectors.