Product Specification Sheet APS718 - Rev. 07/2013
NC511ES Wireless Repeater/Locator Unit (TC500 Series)NC511ES Wireless Repeater/Locator Unit (TC500 Series)
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Architects' And Engineers' SpecificationsArchitects' And Engineers' Specifications
The Repeater/Locat or(s) shall be Alpha Communications® /
TekTone NC511ES or approved equal. The Repeater shall increase
the alarm transmission range, and shall provide at least 200
milliwatts of effec tive radiated RF power. It shall also determine
the general area from which an alarm transmission is sent, and
shall transmit that information to t he NC510ES Receiver and/or
other NC511ES Repeater/Locators. Alarm and supervisory check-in
signals from transmitt ers shall be maint ained reliably with mult iple
repeaters in the syst em. The repeater/locator shall not require a
home- run wire back to the receiver or panel.
TekTone® has designed the Tek-CARE®500 (TC500) to work as a
system. Its NC501ES Master Stat ion Computer has been c arefully
designed and mat c hed to work with Tek-CARE®500 wireless and
wired peripherals. TekTone® will not warrant or support
components of Tek-CARE®500 that are purchased separately
unless the c omponents are add-ons to previously sold systems.
TekTone® will also not warrant or support a syst em that is a mix
of T ekTone® and Non-TekTone® parts, unless prior written
permission has been obt ained. In order to track our syst ems and
to inform fac ilities of software upgrades, full site information (site
name, address and phone number) will be required when ordering.
Site information and NC501ES warranty number will also be
required when requesting technical support.
NC511ES Repeater/LocatorNC511ES Repeater/Locator
The Alpha Communications® / TekTone NC511ES is a high
power repeater and locator for the Tek-CARE®500 (TC500)
Wireless Emergency Call System. The NC511ES
repeater/locator allows greater distances between the TekCARE®500 Transmitters and Receiver, and also provides
general transmitt er locator informat ion. Its range makes t he
receiver/locator a prac tic al solution for open-air installations suc h
as c ampuses, multi-wing buildings, and ot her large wireless
projects. The NC511ES uses signal strength to distinguish between
virgin and re-transmitt ed signals, to ensure that the NC510ES
Receiver is sent accurate location information. Wireless radio
protocols and Signal Synchronization Tec hnology™ allow the
repeater/locator to ac t intelligently, amplifying transmissions from
any Tek-CARE®500 transmit ter, while ignoring bac kground noise.
Enhances wireless t ransmission range
Provides general location of calling t ransmitters
Signal sync hronization processing to minimize
excessive signal generation
Easy to install - just mount and plug in
Supervised radio link to home receiver
Includes integral backup batt ery
Height: 3.50" (89mm)
Width: 6.60" (166mm)
Depth: 1.00" (26mm)
Weight: 7.14 oz.
12-16.5 VAC or VDC (transformer included)
2450mAH @3.7V lithium- ion (included)
Up to 24 hours (varies depending upon repeater
-4�F- 140�F and up to 90% non- condensing
relative humidity