Product Specification Sheet APS041 - Rev. 01/2014
NC110N Audible / Visual Nurse-Call System (no intercom)NC110N Audible / Visual Nurse-Call System (no intercom)
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
SF100C LI150B
NC110N Master Shown with 40
Butt ons
SF102 SF155B /SF337C
LI381 / LI382 SF101C N553A
SF301/8 SF302
Architects' And Engineers' SpecificationsArchitects' And Engineers' Specifications
The audible/visual nurse-call system shall be Alpha
Communications® / T ekTone® NC110N series, or
approved equal. At each of t he bed loc ations,
contract or shall furnish and install a model
SF100C (single) or SF102 (dual) bedside station single
(SF301/8) or dual (SF302) call-c ord(s) (or other
specialty type c ord as required). At each bath location,
contract or shall furnish and install a model SF155B
(pull/push) and/or SF337C (push/pull shower type)
water-resistant emergency-c all station. At eac h remote
call-in location, c ontractor shall furnish and install a
model LI381 corridor dome light.
At the main nurse's locat ion, contractor shall furnish and
install one (1) model NC110N/xx (xxx=number of lamp
indicators-must be in multiples of 4) annunciator with
appropriate backbox (specify flush, surfac e or desk
mounting). Annunciator shall have indicator lights no
less than 5/8" by 5/8" in size, to allow for positive
room recognition, when ac tivated. Unit shall have model
test button(s) to allow for test ing of all indicator lamps,
as oft en as desired. System shall be U.L. Listed 1069 to
the latest revision standards. Contrac tor shall observe
all local and national electrical and building codes.
NC110N Audible/Visual Nurse-Call System (U.L. Listed)NC110N Audible/Visual Nurse-Call System (U.L. Listed)
The Alpha Communicat ions® / TekTone NC110N series audible/visual nurse-
call system is designed for health-c are applicat ions where voice
communicat ion is not required.
When a remote station is ac tivat ed, t he NC110N annunciator will sound an
elect ronic tone and will light, indicat ing the location of the call. The tone
signal can be silenced at the master stat ion (and/or at t he optional LI150B
remote duty st ation(s) for non-emergency c alls). The individual switch/light
will remain lighted until the remote stat ion is reset at the point of
origination only.
The NC110N master annunciator is modular and can be flush, surfac e or desk
mounted, and is available in any size, in multiples of four (4) lights/switches.
The NC110N features built-in tone signal, and tone silence butt on and light.
Built-in 'TEST ' buttons are used on each annunciator lamp module for lamp
testing (as required by U.L.).
Modular (NC110N) Master Stat ion available for any size application (in
multiples of 4 lights/switc hes)
Built-in Elect ronic T one Signal and Tone Silence Switc h (T one Silence
Over-Ride for Emergency-Calls)
Wide Variety of Remote Pullcords/Push-button St ations
Multiple NC110N Master Annunciator Capability
Ideal for Hospital and Nursing Home Applications
Optional Remote Annunciators c an be provided
Master(s) can be Flush, Surfac e or Desk Mounted (with the appropriate
System ComponentsSystem Components
Power Supply: Model PK152. One (1) required for each NC110N master
annunciator. Provides elec tronic tone signaling and lamp outputs.
Requires model SS106 transformer and model IH151N (surface) painted
steel UL enclosure (required for UL1069 listing).
Frame: OF20X series annunciator frame. Use OF201 for 1-gang, OF202
for 2-gang, etc ., depending upon size of master annunciator.
Housing: OH20X series (flush) or OH30X series (surfac e) or IH30X
series (desk). Model depends upon size of OF20X series frame used.
Tools Required: Model S1 Scrulox (Roberts head) screwdriver and
model N553A lamp bulb extrac tor t ool. One (1) of eac h is recommended
for eac h Mast er Station, for installation and servicing.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.