conformance with the ADA requirements.
2.6 The Call Station must have a Braille fac eplate stating EMERGENCY PHONE™ PUSH FOR HELP™ t o ensure c onformance with ADA
requirement s.
2.7 The strobe shall be mounted within overall construction of unit enclosed behind a Lexan window. Strobe will come fully assembled.
2.8 Phone electronics and most electrical connections must be housed in a NEMA 4 enclosure within the Emergency Call Stat ion.
3.0 Mounting
3.1 The Emergency Call Stat ion is to be mounted on a flat wall surface or on a pole (using optional Alpha Communicat ions® model ABLPMBCS
aluminum pole mounting bracket). When pole mounting a St . Steel model Call Stat ion contract or shall use the model ABLPMBCSSS St. Steel
pole mounting bracket.
4.0 Electrical
4.1 Elect rical connect ions are to be made inside a NEMA 4 enc losure or with wat erproof wire nuts provided by Alpha Communications®.
4.2 The Emergency Call Stat ion shall come equipped with a transformer to step down from 120vac to 12vac. It must also be available with
277vac or 480vac transformers (opt ional extra).
4.3 All internal operating electronics shall be 12vac .
5.0 Lights
5.1 The 12v Strobe light shall be locat ed within the Emergency Call Station. The st robe shall be ac tivat ed upon pushing of the emergency
phone button.
5.2 Single Element St robe light flashes when phone is act ivated.
5.3 The 12v Dual Element Strobe light is c onstantly on and Strobe flashes when phone is ac tivat ed. If optional photoc ell is select ed, unit
must t urn constant light on at dusk and off at dawn.
6.0 Communications
6.1 The unit shall have an ADA compliant and vandal resistant speaker phone.
6.2 The Phone shall act ivate with one push of the button. Once the button has been pushed, the phone will call programmed emergency
numbers and t wo- way communication will open up. The Phone must be c apable of being programmed with up to (5) emergency numbers.
6.3 The phone shall have Location Message c apability. The phone must have a minimum 18 sec ond recordable message capabilit y,
programmable to play once, twice, or cont inuously until the * key is pressed by t he c alled party.
6.4 The phone shall be capable of allowing the called party to replay the location message (Loc ation Message feature) if nec essary to
ensure an understanding of the locat ion of phone st ation.
6.5 Once the c all has been made (button pushed), the call can only be t erminated by the c alled party.
6.6 The phone plate must have a red LED that will light up upon push of the button. The light shall be a solid color when the phone is
activated, and will flash when c all has been answered.
6.7 The speakerphone must be c apable of being programmed and reprogrammed on-site and remotely.
6.8 The phone must have a built in phone line c onsolidator feat ure. Phones must be c apable of sharing phone lines with up to 10 Alpha
Communic at ions® Phones if required by end user to reduce operational cost .
6.9 Line powered phones and Dip Switc h programming are not acceptable.
6.10 Standard Landline (POTS) Phone features:
Programmable with up t o five (5) emergency phone numbers
Weather Resistant speaker
Weather Resistant mic rophone
Operating Temperature of between - 40 deg. F to +150 deg. F (- 40 deg. to + 65 deg.C)
Programmable passwords
On-Site or Remote Programmable
EEPROM memory to protec t programming
Adjustable speaker and microphones levels
Programmable locat ion message with human voice rec ognition
Programmable conversation time
2 Button / 2 Number capability (depending on model)
Remote and on-site diagnostic testing
Abilit y t o c ontrol additional acc essories (cameras, speakers, etc.)
7.0 Finish
7.1 Unit shall be powder coated white with a weat herproof and corrosion resistant finish. End user must be c apable of requesting custom
colors (at additional cost).
7.2 Unit must be UV resistant.
7.3 Stainless Steel shall be offered as an extra- cost option.
8.0 Graphics
8.1 All wording shall be made of highly reflective vinyl lettering.
8.2 The Standard text like EMERGENCY shall be Blue and c ustom colors shall be an extra- cost option.
9.0 Extra Cost Options
9.1 There shall be c ustom paint options for the Emergency Phone St ation.
9.2 Pinhole™ c amera options must be available from manufac turer.
9.3 System must allow for cust om school or company logos on the Call Station similar to how t he words Emergency is affixed.