Product Specification Sheet APS917 - Rev. 09/2014
EPH2100-907 Elevator Emergency Phone EPH2100-907 Elevator Emergency Phone (AlphaRefuge™ Series)(AlphaRefuge™ Series)
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-559942 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
TOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: • Email: info@alphacommunications.comTOLL-FREE: (800) 666-4800 • Web: • Email:
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Panel Mounting Side (shown)
Rear Programming Side (shown)
Architects' And Engineers'Architects' And Engineers'
The Elevator Emergency Phone(s) shall be Alpha
Communications® EPH2100-907 AlphaRefuge™
Series, or approved equal.
The EPH2100-907 shall mount behind the
elevator c ab c ontrol panel and shall interface
with the elevator emergency- c all controls.
Elevator c ab supplier shall furnish the compatible
momentary Call pushbutton.
The EPH2100-907 shall meet all requirements of
ADA, ASME A17 and B44 Codes for elevator
emergency phones.
The EPH2100-907 shall be powered from
a separate system power source and contain a
built- in battery bac k up circuitry to allow up t o 4
hours of Talk time, in the event of a power
Contractor shall observe all local and national
elect rical and building codes.
EPH2100-907 Elevator Emergency Phone EPH2100-907 Elevator Emergency Phone (AlphaRefuge™(AlphaRefuge™
ADA compliant speaker phones (Meet s all requirements of ADA, ASME A17 and
B44 Codes for elevator emergency phones)
Designed for 120VAC or 24VAC/DC power
Requires analog telephone line either POTS, PBX or central office phone lines. If
used on a VoIP system, you must purchase a model# ABL-VOIP VoIP Interface
Device. If you have one from the VoIP provider, have them program it with
a standard WINK or disconnect signal per FCC and CRTC requirements
External power drives built-in phone c onsolidator and line detec tion compliance
Phone Line Detection Compliant ( Phone is field programmable to
chec k for an act ive phone line every 10 minutes up t o 23 hours. If an act ive
line is not detect ed it will activate t he Alarm Relay on our phone board. If
equipped with our Auxiliary Relay board you can sync Relay 2 to act ivate at
the same time as the Alarm Relay to trigger another device. Use with our Alarm
& Junction Board or with the EPH-ALARM board. They are simple to install and
require 12 or 24VAC/DC power
Optional computer modem operation: Allows you to call into the elevator
controller to run diagnostic s utilizing a single phone line. Must specify this
option at time of order. Will not interfere with emergency c ommunications
Optional Annunciator Interfac e. Allows your annunciator to use our phone
speaker for audio outputs, saves money on extra grill work and additional
speaker. Will not interfere with emergency c ommunications
Built-in 10 phone consolidator feature allows you to install 10 EPH2100-907
units on a single telephone line without any additional equipment
Programmable with up to 5 emergency telephone numbers
Optional 2 button / 2 number c apability
Locat ion Message (18 second recordable message) with Human Voic e
Fully programmable timer feature c an be set from 1 to 999 minutes. Will prompt
called party to extend the call
On-site or remot e programming
Pictorial keypad
Remote or on-site diagnostic test
Built-in battery bac kup recharges from 120v or 24v power (Allows for a
minimum of 4 hours of Talk time upon loss of power)
Compat ible with RCC2500 series AlphaRefuge™ Command Centers for in-building
rescue coordinat ion
Temperature range -40F t o +150F (- 40C to +65C)
Automatic dialer (31 digit programmable memory)
Programming error indicat or
Fully automated operation. No spec ial codes or procedures t o remember
Automatic answer feat ure
Audible ring
LED: 2VDC, 1/3 watt (Solid lit when dialing, Flashes when answered)
Touc h Tone operation only (Touch Tone is an AT&T registered trademark)
Loop current: (48V=23.89mA & 24V=24.32mA)
On hook telephone line voltage: 24V-48V (Off hook: 48V=3.55V &
24V=3.59V). (Most st andard telephone lines are 48V & many switc hboard/PBX
lines are 24V)
Ringer equivalent number (REN): .5B
FCC Part 68 registered
Made in USA
4.50"W (115mm) x 5.35"H 1361mm) x 2.00"D (51mm)
tot al depth