2. Call Button: Press to call a resident inside the
complex, or office.
3. Status LED: Solid Red (EL25 idle power, doors
are locked); Blinking Red (Strikes and Out for
a door); Solid Green (Granted access for a
door); Blinking Green (Latch for a door is
unlocked). NOTE:All references are for door 1.
4. Microphone
5. Asterisk Key: "Start Programming Mode" or a
Cancel Key.
6. Pound Key: Data field separator, optional skip
step or enter key. Call a resident using the
directory codes.
7. Visitor Volume Key: Visitors can physically
adjust the speaker volume of the unit. Unit will
return to programmed volume setting when
transaction complete.
8. Up/Down Key: Serves no function on this unit.
9. Help Key: Receive a quick audio description of
a keypad button by pressing the Help key
followed by the key to be described.
10. Lights: Top and Bottom of Keypad.
11. Speaker: Allows resident and visitors to
communicate; plays responses to
communicate programming or function
Keypad Programming Guide
1. CCTV Camera: Optional
2. Call Button: Press to call a resident inside the
complex, or office. Also when calling someone
using the directory code listing.
3. Status LED: Solid Red (EL2000 idle power,
doors are locked); Blinking Red (Strikes and
Keypad Programming Guide
Out for a door); Solid Green (Granted access
for a door); Blinking Green (Latch for door 1 is
unlocked). NOTE:All references are for
door 1.
4. Microphone
5. Asterisk Key: "Start Programming Mode" or a
Cancel Key.
6. Pound Key: Data field separator, optional skip
step or enter key. Call a resident using the
directory codes.
7. Visitor Volume Key: Visitors can physically
adjust the speaker volume of the unit. Unit will
return to programmed volume setting when
transaction complete.
8. Up/Down Key: For scrolling through tenant
9. Help Key: Receive a quick audio description of
a keypad button by pressing the Help key
followed by the key to be described.
10. Lights: Top of Keypad.
11. Speaker: Allows resident and visitors to
communicate; plays responses to
communicate programming or function
12. LCD Display (optional)
13. Postal Plug
Page 1
Table of Contents
Programming NumbersPage
Quick Reference Guide (Default Factory Settings)
Single Family Residence (NPB)
Multi-Resident Complex (Dial-Out or Manager Sharing)
Sample Layouts and Your System Layout
Programming Single Unit Overview
Enter Programming Mode
Exit Programming Mode
System Feedback / Responses (Beeps)
Sending Direct Commands from Resident's Phone
Getting Started
Setup External Access Control Devices
Your Door Settings with Examples
About Directory Codes
Set a Directory Code Length
Add, Edit, or Delete Directory Codes
Enable or Disable Do Not Disturb Schedule
Enable or Disable Call Forwarding (Directory Calls)
Add/Modify Resident DnD and/or Call Forwarding
Activate or Deactivate a Directory Code
Directory Code Display Option
Verify a Directory Code
Programming Multiple Units Overview
Setup “Your Settings”
Directory Codes
+ 6-Digit Password
Entry Codes
About Entry Codes
Set an Entry Code Length
Add, Edit, or Delete Entry Codes
Activate or Deactivate an Entry Code
Verify an Entry Code
Access Cards
About Cards
Add, Edit, or Delete Cards
Activate or Deactivate a Card
Verify a Card
Page 2
Table of Contents
Access Cards (Continued)
Facility Codes
Card Types
Transmitters (Remotes)
About Transmitters (Remotes)
Add, Edit or Delete Transmitter Codes
Activate or Deactivate a Transmitter
Verify a Transmitter
Time Zones, Holidays and Clock
About Time Zones
Creating Time Zones
Setting Holidays
Assigning Door Use and Unlock Time Zones
Deleting ALL Time Zones
Setting the Clock
Setting Anti-Passback
Configuring the Alarm Features
Changing or Verifying the Unit Password
Programming NumbersPage
10564 13
17102 103104
Communications to and from Unit
Telephone-Unit Settings
Speaker-Microphone Settings
Enable or Disable Call Waiting
Visitor Communication Settings
LCD Visitor Messages
Postal Lock/Autocall/Exit/Door Sensor Devices
Postal Lock Switch
Autocall Device
Request to Exit Device (REX)
Door Sensing Devices
2661Enable/Disable All Door Access Granted Disabled 26 # (0=disable, 1=enable) #
Important: The Pound Key (#) must be used as Data Field Separator and to Save Data at the end of the
sequence. Time must be entered using a 24-hour format (8AM=0800, 3PM=1500 etc.). If you make an
error during an entry, press the asterisk key (*) to begin again.
Set Standard Single Ring or Double 1=Double Ring 15 # (0-1; 0=one long ring,
PageDescription of Task
Optional Steps Indicated in BOLD type, all other steps are Required
59 37Assign Special Use 59 # (entry code) # enable/disable #
Entry Code
60 24Assign Each External Main keypad 60 # (device 1-4) # (door 1-4) #
Access Control assigned door1
Device a "Door Number" Device 1=door 1
Device 2=door 2
Device 3=door 3
Device 4=door 4
61 24Assign "Each" Door D1=Relay 1 61 # (door 1-4) # (relays to activate
Number to One or D2=Relay 2 0000-1111) # Order of relay is: relay 4-relay
More Relays D3=Relay 3 -3 -relay 2-relay 1 for an example if you
D4=Relay 4 want relay 4 active you would enter
1000, if you want relay 1 active you would
enter 0001
63 51Assign Door Use Time Zone Enabled 63 # (door 1-4) # (time zone, 0-63) #
64 53Set Anti-Passback Entry/Exit Disabled 64 # (device 0-4) #
for Specific Devices (0-3; 0=disable, 1=set device to timed
anti-passback, 2=set device to true
anti-passback-entrance, 3=set device for true
anti-passback-exit) #
65 23Set Each "Relay Mode" All Relays= 65 # (relay 1-4) # (1-5; 1=strike, 2=shunt,
to get the "1-Strike" 3=CCTV, 4=alarm, 5=control) #
Appropriate Response
66 23Set Each Relay’s All Relays= 66 # (relay 1-4) # time (1-300 seconds)
"Activation Time" 10 seconds
67 65Request to Exit Device (REX) R1=Door 1 67 # (REX number 1-4) # (select REX option:
R2=Door 2 0=disabled, 1=use your door settings or 2=useR3=Door 3 specific relay(s) 0000-1111) #R4=Door 4 Order of Relays are 4321
68 66Door Sensing Devices DS1= Door 1 68 # (sensor number 1-4) # (select sensor
DS2= Door 2 option: 0=disabled, 1=use your door settings or
DS3= Door 3 2=use specific relay(s) 0000-1111) #
DS4= Door 4 Order of Relays are 4321
69 64Postal Lock Switch Door 1 69 # (door 0-4; 0=no postal lock) #
Quick Reference Guide
70 64Autocall Device 0000 70 # (relays to activate 0000-1111) #
Order of relays are 4321 (Factory Default: 0000)
71 43Set the Default Card Type 30 71 # (26 or 30) # (Factory Default: 30)
Function Transmitter 1 Full (sequence number) # (ID number) # (button
Full Function Transmitters
(schedule for door 2, 0-63) # (schedule for door
3, 0-63) # (schedule for door 4, 0-63) #
# (0=deactivate, 1=activate) # (schedule for door
1, 0-63) # (schedule for door 2, 0-63) # (schedule
for door 3, 0-63) # (schedule for door 4, 0-63) #
name (0-20 characters) #
(sequence number) # (ID number) # (button
number) #
# (transmitter PIN code end range) # (facility
(sequence number) # (ID number) # (button
number) # (new transmitter PIN) # (new facility
code) # (new sequence number) # (new ID number)
# (new button number) #
(sequence number) # (ID number) # (button
number) #
(sequence number) # (ID number) # (button
(sequence code) # (ID number) # (button
number) #
relay time expires, 2=enable until alarm clears) #
(relay group, 0000-1111) #
Order of relays is 4321
relay time expires, 2=enable until alarm clears) #
(relay group, 0000-1111) #
Order of relays is 4321
relay time expires, 2=enable until alarm clears) #
(relay group, 0000-1111) # Order of relays is 4321
Quick Reference Guide
Page 7
Quick Reference
PageDescription of Task
10554Enable or Disable Anti-Passback Enabled 105 # (0=disable; 1=enable) #
Forgiveness at Midnight
Set a Phone Number’s No Delays 110 # (directory code) # (phone extension
Extension Delay Time delay) # (call forward extension delay) #
Verify Unit Number 111 #
Call Response Keys 7,2,1,* (activate door 3) # (activate door 4) # (call wait
Resident Display Option 2 or 3
Delete ALL Cards
(0-9, when enabled) #
pound-03, number-1n) # each unit in chain must
have same setting
(hidden option; 0=show name and code, 1=name
only, 2=code only, 3=hide) #
201 # 101010#
203 # 101010#
204 # 101010#
205 # 101010#
Quick Reference Guide
To enter programming mode from the keypad
Press *** and the 6-Digit Password (audio feedback will be heard)
Exiting programming mode allows changes to take effect
• The Pound Key (#) must be used as Data Field Separator and to Save Date at the end
of the sequence.
• Time must be entered using a 24-hour format (8AM=0800; 3PM=1500 etc.).
• Audio Feedback: Programming input is valid. Audio Feedback: Input is not valid.
• If you make an error during an entry, press the asterisk key (*) to begin again.
Page 8
Telco Phone Line
AUG 10, 2005
Telco Phone Lines
Phone Junction Box
separate phone number
separate phone number
separate phone number
separate phone number
separate phone number
AUG 10, 2005
The sample installations on the next few pages will help familiarize you with the
features of your unit. You MUST know how your system is laid out to program it
with this manual. If you have questions about your configuration, please contact your
installing dealer for more information.
Single Family Residence (NPB)
This type of installation utilizes the "No Phone Bill" (NPB) feature. When a visitor
contacts the resident at the unit, it does not dial a separate number to reach you in
your residence. The unit essentially functions as an intercom with your residence
phone. Therefore, the NPB does not require the use of directory codes, since the unit
will only need to ring a single telephone line to the house. When a visitor arrives,
they will simply press the unit’s "Call" button to contact the resident.
This installation utilizes the dial-out feature. Each resident has a separate phone
number. The unit dials the resident’s numbers using preprogrammed Directory Codes. Because the unit dials a separate phone number to contact the resident, the
"Call Waiting" and "Direct Command" features will not work. The unit must be
remotely programmed.
Multi-Resident Complex (Dial-Out)
Page 9
Multi-Resident Complex (Manager Sharing)
With this type of installation, the manager has the same features as the single family
residence (page 9). The unit can be programmed remotely or locally. Visitors can call
the manager directly using "Call" button or contact residents using preprogrammed
Directory Codes.
separate phone number
Modes of Access
Visitors or residents of a building or complex controlled by a unit can gain
access using one of the following methods:
Resident Phone (Directory Codes): A visitor may dial a resident’s
directory code from the unit to contact him/her. The resident can then
decide to grant or deny the visitor access to the building or complex.
separate phone number
separate phone number
Phone Junction Box
AUG 10, 2005
NPB Multi-Resident Complex
Telco Phone Lines
Keypad (Entry Codes): A resident may enter a valid entry code on the
unit’s keypad or an optional external Wiegand-compatible keypad to enter
the building or complex.
Optional Card Readers (Cards): A resident may present a valid card
to an optional Wiegand-compatible card reader to enter the building or
complex. Card readers are typically located near an entry/exit area (e.g.,
door or gate).
Optional Radio Frequency Receivers (Transmitters): A resident
may choose to use an optional Passport radio frequency transmitter or
other optional Wiegand-compatible receiver to enter the building or
complex. For example, these may be used to open a vehicular gate.
Page 10
Single Family Residence (NPB) Example
EL Model System with optional CCTV
Card Reader
(Pedestrian Gate)
Gate Operator
(Vehicular Gate)
Relay 3 - Unlocks
Pedestrian Gate
Relay 1 - Opens
Vehicular Gate
Relay 2 - Turns on Light
Car Exit Sensor
Camera is always on.
The unit can operate the vehicular gate with an access code or by remote control. It
will allow Pedestrians entry with an Access Card. It will also open the gate
automatically for exiting cars.
Page 11
Multi-Resident Complex Example
The unit can control the property with a vehicular gate operator, access card or the
unit’s keypad. Residents can use programmed transmitters for the parking lot,
access cards for the pool or a personal entry code for the main entrance. The main
entrance is equipped with a door sensor to alert management about inappropriate
use. The exit sensor will automatically open the gate for exiting cars.
Card Reader Relay 3
Opens Pool Gate
Card Reader
(Pool Gate)
Parking Lot
Car Exit Sensor
Gate Operator
(Vehicular Gate)
RF Receiver Relay 2
Opens Vehicular Gate
Relay 4 - Shunts Alarm
for Main Entrance
Internal Keypad Relay 1
Opens Main Entrance
EL Model
(Main Entrance)
Page 12
Your System Layout
How your system has been wired is an important part of programming it. Write down
your configuration. To help visualize it, draw a map of it below. If you’re unsure of
your setup, consult your dealer/installer for more information.
Door Stat 1
Door Stat 2
Door Stat 3
Door Stat 4
Door Sensor
Exit Device
Door Sensor
Exit Device
Door Sensor
Exit Device
Door Sensor
Exit Device
External Access Control Device(s) connected to aux board(s)
(Default Internal Keypad)
Device 0
Device 1
Device 2
Device 3
Device 4
Relay Connections
Relay 1
Relay 2
Relay 3
Relay 4
Page 13
Programming Single Unit Overview
Programming Basics
The units can be programmed 4 different ways:
1. Keypad: You may use the keypad on the front panel (next page).
2. Local/Remote DTMF Phone: You may use the keypad on a local or remote phone
to program the system. The unit responds to the DTMF signals generated by your
touch-tone phone (next page).
3. Direct/Modem Connection to a PC: In order to program the units with a direct or
modem connection, your PC must be running Chamberlain’s Windows®
compatible Versa XS software (not covered in this manual).
4. EL2000 Keypad with Display: On EL2000 units with an LCD, you have two ways
to use the LCD to program the unit.
1. Enter program steps and use the LCD to confirm the step(s) before entry or
2. Use the program menus in an interactive step-by-step manner to program
common items in the system.
Programming Single Unit Overview
When using the program menus, you’ll notice that they are fairly intuitive
and walk you through the common areas necessary to set up a basic
system. There is also a quick start menu selection, numerous help files
and voice and text confirmation of the areas programmed. Two areas
that do need special mention are noted below:
1. Scan Mode: This is a new feature that allows you to enter single transmitters or
cards by scanning them into the system. The program menus are the only area in
the system where you can use the scan mode feature.
Programming Single Unit Overview
and keys and and keys for navigation and text input while
using the program menus. The up and down keys help you to scroll through the
alphabet for text input, while "4" and "6" numeric keys allow you to advance the
cursor forward or backward.
The best way to learn how to navigate through the menus is to actually
use them to program the standard settings in the system. You can use
the keypad programming template on page 72 for a description of the
keypad keys and functions.
Page 14
Programming Single Unit Overview
Programming Basics
Procedure Required to Program EL Models:
1. 1,2 or 3 digit Programming Number. (See "Quick Reference Guide" Tables for descriptions
and procedures)
2. One or more Data Fields.
3. Pound Key (#) as a Data Field Separator and at the end of the programming sequence to Save the Data.
• All data fields must be separated with the pound key (#).
• Steps tagged with a ( ) are optional, press the pound key (#) to skip them. NOTE: Some
steps are required and must have data entered in them to continue, tagged with ( ).
• If you make an error during an entry, press the asterisk key (*) to cancel the step.
• When you correctly enter the entire programming sequence, the unit will respond with voice
feedback (see also System Feedback/Responses(Beeps) on page 16).
Programming Single Unit Overview
Example of a Programming Sequence: "Changing the Password"
NOTE: must be pressed first to enter programming mode
1st Pound Key:
Separates the 1st field.
Pound Key:
Separates the data field.
(Next page)
Programming Number:
Programming Single Unit Overview
changes or verifies
the password.
Data Field:
changes the password
(2 verifies the password)
Data Field:
(The new password)
Last Pound Key:
Saves the data.
(Next page)
Page 15
Enter Programming Mode
If you will be programming the unit via modem, please refer to the Versa XS online help.
Important: After entering programming mode for the first time, we suggest you change
the password to maintain the security of your system (see page 56).
From the Keypad:
Enter the (6) six-digit password. The default is six zeroes.
Voice Feedback
The unit is now ready to accept programming instructions!
From the Residence Telephone:
When you lift the receiver, press
NOTE: If multiple units are sharing the same phone line, then a Unit ID Code (1-7) will need to be
entered at this time. See page 20 for more information about Multiple Unit Sites.
Enter the (6) six-digit password. The default is six zeroes.
Press and the audio tone will stop.
The unit is now ready to accept programming instructions!
Programming Single Unit Overview
From the Remote Telephone:
Dial the unit’s phone number:
Note: If the unit and an answering machine (or answering service) utilize the same phone line,
let the line ring at least (2) two times, hang-up, and call back within one (1) minute. The unit will
answer on the second call. If the unit does not answer, you may need to change the ring count
(see page 58).
When the unit picks up the call, you will hear the audio message: "Please enter password"
NOTE: If multiple units are sharing the same phone line, then a Unit ID Code (1-7) will need to be
entered at this time. See page 20 for more information about Multiple Unit Sites.
Programming Single Unit Overview
Enter the (6) six-digit password. The default is six zeroes.
Press and the audio will stop.
The unit is now ready to accept programming instructions!
Exit Programming Mode
• Press on the unit keypad and the unit will respond with audio feedback when
• Press on the telephone and the unit will respond with audio feedback when disconnecting.
and exit programming mode.
when using a telephone or the unit to cancel programming sequence
Page 16
System Feedback / Responses (Beeps)
The units emit various audio tones to respond to input and to indicate
certain conditions.
Programming Responses:
Voice Response Description
4 Short Beeps: Enter command System is waiting for a latch command
by user with entry code
3 Short Beeps: Exit program Exiting from program mode
2 Short Beeps: Valid step Valid step entered in programming mode
1 Long Beep: Invalid step Invalid step entered during programming
2 Long Beeps: Duplicate code Duplicate code entered during
programming a new code
3 Long Beeps:Capacity reached The new code is rejected because
database is full
1-7 Short Beeps:Unit 1-7 Give feedback of system ID number to
user in programming mode: keypad or
1 Short Beep:Digit Keyname Echo each key press on user’s touch tone
phone or key press while in programming
Programming Single Unit Overview
Other Response:
Voice Response Description
4 Long Beeps: Chime System starts up
Programming Single Unit Overview
Visual Responses:
LED Status Description
Solid Red Idle power, door 1 is locked
Blinking Red Strikes and Out for door 1
Solid Green Granted access for door 1
Blinking Green Latch for door 1 is unlocked
Page 17
System Feedback / Responses (Beeps)
Direct Command Responses:
Voice Response Description
10 Short Beeps: Entrance 1-4 opened This is the command to latch open door 1
5 Short Beeps: Entrance 1-4 closed This is the command to keep the latch
closed for door 1
Visitor Responses:
Voice Response Description
10 Short Beeps: Access granted Access is granted from an entry code or
other code used on door 1. Access may
also be granted by a tenant on their touch
tone phone. The voice is played first then
the beeps
1 Long Beep:Access denied Access is denied from an entry code, card
code used or invalid password on door 1.
Access may also be denied by a tenant on
their touch tone phone
1 Long Beep:Invalid code Unknown entry or directory code on
door 1
2 Short Beeps: --- Indicates door 1 is already open
Busy Tones: --- Directory code in DND mode or resident line
is in use
1 Short Per Second: --- 1 beep is played per second for remaining
seconds during a call
2 Short Beeps: Program mode System acknowledges valid prefix/password
and is in program mode
Use up and down keys to While system is idle and the help key is
Programming Single Unit Overview
Programming Single Unit Overview
Page 18
Sending Direct Commands from the Resident’s Phone
(NPB / Single Family Residence ONLY)
You can send commands directly to the unit from your phone without
being in programming mode. This feature is only available from a
single-family residence or a manager who is sharing a phone line with
the unit.
To Enter a Direct Command from a Residence Phone:
Lift the receiver and press
NOTE: If multiple units are sharing the same phone line, then a Unit ID Code (1-7) will need to be
entered at this time. See next page for more information about Multiple Unit Sites.
The unit is now ready to allow direct commands only!
Example 1:
Enters direct command mode
Example 2:
Enters direct command mode for unit three
Programming Single Unit Overview
Programming Single Unit Overview
Page 19
Programming Multiple Units Overview
Up to seven (7) units can be installed on a single telephone line. Each
unit must have a "Unique Unit ID" number and the "Number of Units in
Chain" assigned to it.
Set the Unit ID Number and Number of Units in Chain:
The unit ID identifies each unit within a chain. Adding or removing will require the unit ID’s to be
re-entered. Factory Setting: Unit ID 1 and Number of Units in Chain 1.
Press Then
Unit ID Number (1-7), Then
Total Number of Units in Chain (1-7), Then
Unit ID “1”
AUG 10, 2005
Unique Unit ID Sequencial Order
Unit ID “2”
AUG 10, 2005
Number of Units in Chain “7”
Important: This must be performed for EACH unit in the Chain
Unit ID “3”
AUG 10, 2005
Unit ID “7”
AUG 10, 2005
Telco Entrance Box
Demarcation Point
You must program each unit ID using the main keypad first before attempting remote access.
EACH unit in the Chain must have the same "Rings Before Answer" 16 .
Factory Setting - 5 Rings
EACH unit in the Chain must have the same "Alternate Prefix" 115 .
Programming Multiple Units Overview
Factory Setting - Normal (use
to enter programming)
Be sure to set the rings before answer value 16 is greater than maximum rings before
aborting attempt 14 .
Programming Multiple Units Overview
Verify Unit Number:
This allows you to verify a unit’s number within a chain. When you perform this step, the unit will
respond with the number corresponding to its unit ID number. The message two (2), for
example, means the unit is number 2 in the chain.
If you make an error during an entry, press the asterisk key (*) to begin again.
Page 20
Setup “Your Settings”
The units come preprogrammed with Factory Settings. When the unit is
first installed, you DO NOT need to program each feature.
Review the unit’s factory settings before programming (see Quick
Reference Guide, pages 4-8 for ALL the Factory Settings).
Getting Started
Change the Unit Password:
Change the unit password to prevent any tampering with your system’s database. When changing
the password, save a copy of it in a secure location. If you lose the password, you will not be
able to enter into programming mode. Factory Setting: 000000
See page 56
Set the Clock:
An accurate clock is critical to the proper use of schedules and for accurately reporting
See page 52
SetUP "Your Settings"
Change the Unit’s ID and Chain Number for Multiple
Unit Configurations ONLY:
SetUP "Your Settings"
The Unit ID number identifies each unit within the chain. Setting the "Unit ID" and "Number of
Units in the Chain" are required so Versa XS can send or receive data to/from the correct units
within the chain. Factory Setting: Unit ID Number "1" and Number of Units in
Chain "1".
See previous page
Page 21
Setup External Access Control Devices
The unit must have all external access control device options
configured into it, before many of the other programming options can proceed. You must tell the unit "what it’s wired to" and "how you want
the devices to behave." To do this you must know what a "Door"
Number is and what a "Relay" is.
What is a Door Number?
A Number (1-4) YOU assign to the unit to identify the External Access Control Devices wired to it.
Up to 4 devices can be connected. Once identified, the unit will keep the Same Door Numbers in
other programming. The Internal Keypad is ALWAYS Assigned to Door Number 1.
What is a Relay?
SetUP "Your Settings"
A relay is a device that reacts to an electric current to activate other devices. Allowing the EL
Model to lock or unlock a door/gate, shunt (bypass) alarm contacts, signal an alarm, or turn on a
camera wired to a closed-circuit television (CCTV). The relays can be programmed to 5 different
The 5 Modes of Operation are:
Strike Relay: A Strike Relay controls a door or gate by unlocking or opening it. It does not
control any other component associated with a system like Alarms, CCTV, etc.
SetUP "Your Settings"
Shunt Relay: A Shunt Relay is normally wired to an alarm and works with strike relays to
shunt (bypass) the alarm when the door is opened with a valid access code. If the door is
forced open, the system will not shunt the alarm and the alarm will be triggered.
CCTV Relay: The camera is wired to a closed circuit television (CCTV). The system’s
camera is always on. The CCTV relay can be used to control an external recorder or external
Alarm Relay: The Alarm Relay will activate another device, such as a siren, when 3
conditions occur. A door is opened without a valid access code, a door is open past the
allotted time programmed in, or too many invalid codes are tried. Any of these will trigger the
alarm relay.
Control Relay: The Control Relay can control another device such as an outdoor or indoor
light near the unit. For example, you could configure the system to turn on an entry light
through a darkened area after a resident enters a valid access code. The light would then turn
off after a specified amount of time.
Page 22
Configuring "YOUR" Unit:
There are 3 sample configurations on pages 26 and 27 to help you understand
the 4 step process needed to setup YOUR external access control devices.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Set Each Relay Mode for the Appropriate Response: There are 5 different relay modes
(Previous Page). The relay mode determines what the relay will control (a door, alarm,
CCTV, etc.). See next page.
Set Each Relay’s Strike Time: The relay time determines the amount of time the relay
remains activated. For example, when a strike relay activates to unlock a door, the relay
activation time determines how long the door will remain unlocked (next page).
Assign Each Door Number to One or More Relays: Defines which relays will activate
when a resident presents a valid access code to an external access control device
(next page).
Assign Each External Access Control Device to a Door Number: When a valid access
code is entered into a external access control device, the Assigned door’s relays will
activate (see below).
Step 1 Set Each "Relay Mode" to get the Appropriate Response:
There are 5 different relay modes (see page 22). The Relay Mode determines what the response
will be when a valid access code is entered (open a door, turn on an alarm, turn on a light then
turn it off, turn on a CCTV, etc.). Be sure relays are not activated when changing "Relay Mode"
types. Factory Setting: All Relays are Set at "1 - Strike"
Enter the Relay Number (1-4). Then (#)
Enter Relay Mode (1-5). Then (#)
1 = Strike - controls a door/gate by unlocking/opening it. 4 = Alarm - activates another device (siren)
2 = Shunt - bypasses the alarm under normal 5 = Control - controls another device
circumstances. (on/off light)
Important: 1-3 must be performed for EACH
Relay assigned to the unit.
SetUP "Your Settings"
SetUP "Your Settings"
Assigns Relay “2” as a Shunt Relay
Step 2 Set Each Relay’s "Activation Time":
This is the amount of time (in seconds) the relay remains activated. This will define the amount
of time a door cycles (unlocks, then relocks) or how long the CCTV camera remains on after
being activated. Be sure relays are not activated when changing relay "Activation Time".
Factory Setting: All Relays are set at 10 seconds.
Enter the Relay Number (1-4). Then (#)
Enter Activation Time (1-300 Seconds). Then (#)
When Activated, the Relay Number "4" will activate for "30" seconds.
NOTE: Most gate operators recommend activation of 2 seconds.
Important: 1-3 must be performed for
EACH Relay assigned to the unit.
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