Product Specification Sheet APS699 - Rev. 08/2013
ECD2 QwikBUS™ Dual Input Wiring Harness ConnectorECD2 QwikBUS™ Dual Input Wiring Harness Connector
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Architects' And Engineers' SpecificationsArchitects' And Engineers' Specifications
The Dual Input Wiring Harness Connec tor(s) shall be Alpha
Communications®/S.T.R.™ QwikBUS™ ECD2 or equivalent.
The ECD2 shall be used in conjunct ion with the FSE1500 or
VFSE1500 (or equivalent) intercom/emergency st ations t hat
require one or two dry c ontac t auxiliary inputs to signal a call
or event.
The ECD2 shall easily plug onto the polarized connector of t he
assoc iated F SE1500 or VFSE1500 QwikBUS™ stat ion's pc
board, and shall provide one or t wo dry c ontact inputs t o signal a
call or event on t he associated AlphaEntry™ (v3.0 or later) Master
Stat ion(s).
Contractor shall observe all local and national electrical and
building codes.
ECD2 Dual Input Wiring Harness ConnectorECD2 Dual Input Wiring Harness Connector
The Alpha Communicat ions® /
S.T.R.™ ECD2 QwikBUS™ Dual
Input Wiring Harness Connec tors
are designed to be used in
conjunct ion with t he FSE1500 series QwikBUS™
intercom/emergency st ations and VFSE1500 series videointercom/emergency st ations. When the ECD2 harness is plugged
into the FSE1500 or VFSE1500 station's PC board auxiliary
connection it allows up to two (2) dry contac t closures to t rigger
a c all (or event) on the QwikBUS™ system, by means of the
connected AlphaEntry™ (v3 or later) PC Master Stat ion(s).
Typic ally these inputs can be a momentary or latc hing contact
using such devices as Emergency Pull Cords, Smoke Detec tor
(relays), Heat Detectors, Wireless Pendants, Panic Buttons, Water
sensors, Motion Sensors, and many more.
The signaling type and display are fully user programmable at eac h
assoc iated AlphaEntry™ (v3.0 or later) Mast er Station locat ion,
and these calls/events c an t rigger other relays, devices, text
messages, emails, etc .
Accept s one or two dry cont ac t inputs (S1 and S2)
Accept s momentary or latc hing dry contact inputs
Positive sc rew terminal input c onnectors
Plugs easily onto t he pc board connect or of the
assoc iated F SE1500 (or equivalent) intercom/emergency
stat ion or VFSE1500 video-intercom/emergency stat ion
Rugged and Reliable
Positive Sc rew t erminal type for dry c ontact
inputs. Polarized plug-in c onnector on ot her end
to connec t to the pc board on the FSE1500 or
VFSE1500 station
Mounts inside the wall behind the assoc iated
FSE1500 intercom / emergency st ation or
VFSE1500 video-intercom / emergency station.