Product Specification Sheet A PS590 - Rev. 07/2013
DTSM Series Speaker/Microphones (For digital-dial modular door stations)
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
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Model DTSMT Spea ker/ Microphone
Shown in Tit anium Finish
Architects' And Engineers' Specifications
Speaker/microphone module(s) shall be Alpha Communicat ions® /
S.T.R.™ DTSM (2-wire loop) ReliaBUS™ series or approved equal.
Speaker/microphone module(s) shall snap into t he
corresponding MT series modular panel frame(s), and shall be
used with t he digital-dial type panel(s) only.
Speaker/microphone module(s) shall be finished in Titanium (suffixT), White (suffix-W) or Brown (suffix- B), and shall feature a
weather-resistant speaker, long-life elect ret c ondenser
microphone, illuminated dry- contac t low voltage light
pushbutton and plug-in c onnect or for easy wiring.
Contract or shall observe all local and national electrical and
building codes.
DTSM Series Speaker/ Microphones for 'Digital' Modular
Series Door Stations
The DTSM series speaker/microphones are designed to be used
with Alpha Communicat ions® / S.T.R.™ digital-dial modular series
door entry st ations.
The DTSM series is used with t he 2-wire (loop) type ReliaBUS™
apartment handsets (i.e. HT3011, HT2011) only.
All DTSM speaker/microphone modules feature a weather-resistant
speaker, long-life electret c ondenser microphone, illuminated drycontact low voltage light push-button and plug-in c onnect or
for easy wiring.
All DTSM speaker/microphone modules are available in three (3)
finishes; Titanium (suffix-T), White (suffix-W) or Brown (suffix-B).
All DTSM speaker/microphone modules are 3.94"w x 3.94"h (100mm
x 100mm), and are made to snap into t he MT series modular panel
trim frame(s).
To service the DTSM series modules, once installed, use the model
13510 key / tool unit for installation and servicing if needed.