Product Specification Sheet A PS555 - Rev. 12/2013
BRK16 16-Station Relay Card (For digital-dial systems)
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
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BRK16 Shown without P lastic Casing
Architects' And Engineers'
The 16-stat ion digital-dial relay c ard(s) shall
be Alpha Communications® / S.T.R.™ model
BRK16, or approved equal. Unit(s) shall provide
up to 16 dry contact 'normally open' relays
needed to signal an apt. intercom (or videointercom) stat ion, or other low voltage signaling
applic ation. Low voltage wiring shall be used and
positive sc rew terminals shall be provided for
installation wiring. The BRK16 unit(s) shall be
used in conjunction with t he BRA c ontroller
Contract or shall observe all local and national
elect rical and building codes.
BRK16 16-Station Relay Card for Digital-Dial System
The Alpha Communicat ions® / S.T.R.™ BRK16 16-station relay c ards are used with
our BRA controller board, DB1 series LCD display(s), and EMDB1 (or EMVDB1) series
keypad module(s) to provide digital dialing c apabilities to a variety of intercom
or video-intercom systems.
Up to 239 apartment intercom and/or video-intercom stations c an be signaled by
using the BRA in conjunction with up t o 15 BRK16 units.
Each BRK16 used with t he BRA c ontroller provides up t o 16 time-delayed dry c ontac t
(normally open) relay c losures to act ivate the apt . st ation's call signal. This makes
the BRK16 and BRA combination a nearly universal digital dialing solution.
The BRK16 16-station relay cards are designed to easily surface mount right onto t he
finished wall by means of cust omer supplied screws or the c onvenient plastic 'Din
Rail' brac ket supplied with eac h power supply. Connect ions are positive sc rew
terminal type.
Can be used t o ac tivat e up to 239 total relay closures
Operates on Safe Low- Voltage Class II Wiring
Convenient Plastic 'Din Rail' Mounting Bracket
Positive Sc rew Terminal Connectors
Height: 3.75" (96mm)
Width: 4.25" (108mm)
Depth: 2.375" (61mm) from mounting surfac e
Construction: Rugged ABS plastic casing.
Connections: Positive Sc rew Terminal Connectors.