Product Specification Sheet APS152 - Rev. 07/2013
AM612 Apartment Intercom System Speaker Entrance PanelsAM612 Apartment Intercom System Speaker Entrance Panels
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Model A M612/08
Architects' And Engineers'Architects' And Engineers'
The entrance panel shall be Alpha
Communications® / T ekTone® AM612 or
approved equal, and shall provide for up
to 16 push buttons per speaker panel.
The panel shall include a weatherresistant mylar speaker mounted behind a
BLACK flame retardant polyc arbonate
plastic grill. Push button switc hes shall be
individually replaceable t ype with self
wiping c ontac ts. In addition, the
panel shall c ontain up to 16 individual
name holders. The name holders shall be
made of BLACK flame retardant
polycarbonate plastic strips to protec t
card inserts. Each name holder shall snap
into two small slots on the panel
itself and shall be individually replaceable.
The AM612 shall have t op and bot tom
decorative end c aps t hat shall also serve
as mounting brackets to flush mount t o
Alpha Communicat ions® OH600 or OH601
back boxes. T he dec orative end caps
shall be made of BLACK flame retardant
polycarbonate plastic. AM612
panels (with suffix 'S") are fully surface
mount types and do not require any
housings or back boxes.
Each AM612 Panel, or approved equal,
shall be supplied with name card sheets
that may be easily separated
into individual name strips. Name strips
shall be inserted into name holders
without the use of t ools. Contractor
shall provide a model S1 screwdriver for
panel maintenance.
Model A M612/16
AM612 Series Apartment Intercom System Speaker Entrance PanelAM612 Series Apartment Intercom System Speaker Entrance Panel
The AM612 Series ent rance panel is for use with Alpha Communicat ions®
loudspeaker type suite stat ions.
They are our most economical entrance panel stations. Panels are equipped
with a weather resistant mylar speaker protec ted by a BLACK flame
retardant polyc arbonate plastic grill. All of the AM612 series panels are
available in a flush or surface style (add suffix 'S').
The anodized aluminum panel is available in two sizes. T he 5.00" x 11.50"
panel acc ommodates from 2 to 8 push buttons, and the 5.00" x 17.25"
panel is used for applications requiring from 10 to 16 push buttons, or for
smaller panels with built- in postal release switch (add suffix 'P').
The speaker panel can ac c ommodate up to 16 push buttons. In addition,
the panel also contains up to 16 name holders made of BLACK flame
retardant polyc arbonate plastic with c lear flame retardant polycarbonate
plastic strips that snap easily into the panel and are individually replaceable.
Hands-free loudspeaking
Weather-resistant mylar speaker
Self-wiping push button switc hes
Decorative end caps (BLACK flame retardant polyc arbonate plastic)
Individually replaceable name holders (BLACK flame retardant polycarbonate switches)
Slim-line surface-mount option
Simple installation
Height: 11.50" (292mm) or 17.25" (439mm)
(d ep e nd in g up on n um be r of b utt on s)
Width: 5.00" (127mm)
NOTE: All 17.25"H mo dels manuf act ured be fore 03/10/2011 were 19.00"H
Push Buttons: Individually replaceable t ype with self wiping cont ac ts.
Speaker: 2.50" (64mm) voice frequency response
Construction: Anodized extruded aluminum panel
Flush Housings:
OH600 Flush Back box for 11.50"H panel OH601 Flush Back box for
17.25"H panel For surfac e panels add the suffix 'S' to the model
number. Surfac e panels are open in the bac k and do not require any
back box or housing.
Tool Required: Model S1 Scrulox (Roberts head) screwdriver