Product Specification Sheet APS1054 - Rev. 02/2017
AA915 St. Steel Master Station (RM5000CX / RM5000EX / CB901EX Series)AA915 St. Steel Master Station (RM5000CX / RM5000EX / CB901EX Series)
387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422387 CANAL STREET • NEW YORK • NY • 10013-1615 • Phone: 212-431-5066 • Fax: 212-431-5422
Web: www.canalalarm.comWeb: www.canalalarm.com
Copyright © 1998-2 017 Alpha Communication s® - All Righ ts Reserved.
Due to c ontinuo us product i mprovement, all col ors, sizes, materials, finishes and sp ecifications are subject to change witho ut not ice.
Architects' And Engineers'Architects' And Engineers'
The Master Station(s) shall be Alpha
Communications® / Ring model AA915 or
approved equivalent. Mast er(s) shall
feature a heavy- duty St. Steel front
plate, 10-button keypad, 32 character
Alphanumeric display and shall require
simple home-run wiring. Master(s) shall be
flush or surface wall mounted or desk
mounted using the appropriate
backbox/housing. Mast er(s) shall be used
with the BBF863 (flush backbox) or
BBS863 (surfac e bac k box) or BBD905
(desk cabinet).
Master(s) shall be used with t he
RM5000CX, RM5000EX and/or CB901EX
series microprocessor intercom systems.
Contractor shall observe all local and
national elect rical and building codes.
AA915 St. Steel Master Station (RM5000CX / RM5000EX / CB901EXAA915 St. Steel Master Station (RM5000CX / RM5000EX / CB901EX
The AA915 is designed for normal use as a flush or surface mounted Master St ation fwhere
a heavy- duty St. Steel Master Stat ion is required. It is used with t he model BBF863 (flush)
or BBS863 (surface) or BBD905 (desk) backbox.
The stat ion's frontplate is made of durable St. Steel. The stat ion can be used in hospital
operating rooms, patient isolation rooms, laboratories, pharmacies, restaurants, offices and
manufact uring, et c. T he speaker and mic rophone allows for normal hands- free
conversation with a range of approx. 3-5 meters (10-15 feet). The station's keyboard
consists of 10 numeric dialling keys (DTMF), push-t o-talk key (T), c ancel key (X), volume
UP/DOWN keys, privacy key (P) and a microphone mute key (M). There is a 32-c haract er
Alphanumeric Display as well.
The stat ion is designed to work with the RM5000CX, RM5000EX and/ or CB901EX series
mic roprocessor interc om syst ems.
Stainless Steel front plate
Handset c onnector on front panel
T- butt on for Simplex voice c ontrol
Voice cont rolled 'Duplex' c ommunication
Ultra sensitive Elect ret Microphone
Full keypad with access t o all system functions
All/Group calls with reply-bac k
Volume Control on front panel
32 Character Alphanumeric Display
Width: 5.50" (140mm)
Height: 9.85" (251mm)
Depth: 0.50" (13mm) faceplate
Operating Voltage: 20-27VDC
Power Consumption: 200mA max
Frequency Range: 300 - 5000 Hz
Speech level: max + 4dBm
DTMF Signaling: -10 dBm
Flush Backbox: BBF863
Surface Backbox BBS863
Desk Backbox BBD905
Termination RJ45 connect or