Product Specification Sheet A PS916 - Rev. 08/2014
A-4800M / A-4800R Main and Remote Control Panels
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A- 4800M / A-4800 R
Architects' And Engineers' Specifications
The Main Control Panel(s) shall be Alpha Communications® /
Cornell A-4800M or approved equal. Control Panel(s) shall provide
a voice handset, internal modem for outside dialing and call
indication of incoming calls. In the event that an incoming c all is
not answered, at any of the Control Panels in a preset amount of
time, the 4800 system shall dial a pre-programmed phone number
to directly c onnect t he Call Station to a monitoring location.
At each of up to four (4) remote locations, t he Remot e Control
Panel(s) shall be Alpha Communications® / Cornell A-4800R or
approved equal.
The 4800 syst em shall be wired using standard Cat5e cabling, and
shall be a supervised syst em t hat automatically "polls" all of the
4800V remote c all stations for faults and trouble.
Contract or shall observe all local and national building and
elect rical (and A.D.A.) c odes.
Door: Height: 20.0" (508mm); Width: 20.0"
(508mm) Enclosure Depth: 3.25" (83mm)
Power Req. 24VDC (from system power supply)
50-120°F Indoor Non-condensing
Housing: BB-48 flush housing / enclosure
Cat5e Ethernet c abling for Control Panel, Switch
and Call Station Connec tions
A-4800M / A-4800R Main and Remote Control Panels
The 4800 Digital Emergency Communication System is designed to
provide fully supervised, two- way voice c ommunicat ion, between
each 4800V area of refuge c all stat ion and the Main Control
Panel. Optionally, up t o four (4) Remote Control Panels can also
be installed throughout the building to allow alternate locations to
respond to a call for assistance. An internal modem, operating at
the Main Control Panel, connec ted to a Analog “POTS” dedicated
telephone line, provides an automated-timed dial-out capability t o
a monitoring location.
The 4800 Digital Emergency Communication System shall poll
(supervise) all the 4800VCall Stations, area of rescue control
panels and Expansion Switches on a continuous basis, to identify
line faults and defect ive equipment . Ac tivat ed Call Stat ion
locat ions and fault information will be alerted and displayed at the
40 charac ter LCD four line display, at each Control Panel location.
Each 4800V remote call st ation is equipped with an auxiliary set of
momentary Form 'C' contact s t hat c an be used to act ivate
external devices, such as a c amera, strobe, or tone device.
When call is initiated at t he Area of Refuge Call St ation, t his
signals the alarm to display at t he Main and Remote Control Panels.
Sound will initiate as well as a det ailed description of where the
call is c oming from on the Control Panel screen.
Modem Operation (Available on Main Control Panel ONLY):
The 4800 Digital Emergency Communication System incorporates a
programmable automatic dial feature to connect to an analog
telephone line. In the event t hat an incoming call is not answered,
at any of t he Control Panels in a preset amount of time, the 4800
system will dial a pre-programmed phone number to directly
connect the Call Station to a monitoring location.
The flush mount enclosure assembly c onsists of a separate back
box and a locking hinged Frame / Door assembly. The Back Box
chassis shall be mounted with t he “Top of Box Arrow” pointing up,
and approximately .125" to .25" below the finished wall surface.
The reversible Frame / Door assembly c an be adjusted up to
approximately 1” away from the face of the chassis surface.
One (1) Main (A-4800M) and up to four (4) Remot e (A-
4800R) Control Panels per system
Mounts into special locked flush enc losure (model# BB-48)
Fully supervised c ircuitry polls the remot e c all stat ions
Convenient Cat5e cabling
Built-in handset for c ommunication
Attractive and durable satin finish Stainless Steel faceplate