Alma Lasers Sinon II Product information

Safe and accurate - with small
Q-Switched uences and single pulses for safe and accurate treatment of sensitive skin.
Fast treatment - a high pulse
repetition rate and easy spot size changes allow for faster treatments and a more ecient practice.
Suitable for all skin types -
including darker skin.
Flexible patients scheduling -
mmediate sleep /active modes allow for quick patient acceptance without long system warm up delays.
Intuitive user interface - quickly adjust
treatment parameters according to pigment density, depth and skin type, depending on each patient’s needs.
High ROI - with a cost-eective
solution that yields higher returns than devices that achieve comparable results using more expensive technology.
Laser type Ruby
Wavelength 694 nm
Operating mode Q-switched
Energy density 2-14 J/cm2
Pulse width 20 nsec
Beam diameter 3/4/5/6 mm
Repetition rate 0.5-2 Hz
Power requirements 230 V +- 10%, 16 A, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions (LxWxH) 84x35x102 cm
Weight 73 kg
EC Medical Device Directive (MDD) 93/42/EEC (CE mark), FDA/US 510k*
SINON II uses a divergent beam with the focus point located within the handpiece rather than on the skin. This removes the risk of creating hot spots during treatment.
SINON II oers a 3mm soft spot
size tip allowing for safe and
eective treatment of darker skin types.
Low Q-Switched uences of 2 J/cm² and single pulses allow for detailed
ork as well as safe treatment of
w sensitive skin.
The SINON II handpiece is compact, providing an unobstructed
of the area to be treated for
maximum visibility.
*Intended uses may dier
An oval spot shape reduces treatment overlap, minimizing the risk of side eects.
A cold air cooling device further reduces pain and maximizes patient comfort.
© 2017 Alma Lasers. All rights reserved. Alma Lasers, its logo, and Sinon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Alma Lasers. In the United States and/or other countries. Product specications are subject to change without notice.
The SINON II Q-switched Ruby laser (QSRL), with an optimal 694nm wavelength and an extraordinarily short pulse width of only 20nsec, is the safest and most precise laser treatment solution available for pigmented lesions and multi-color tattoo removal. Now with a new large 10" colorful touchscreen, SINON II oers a friendly interface and an easy operation platform.
A high pulse repetition rate and easy spot size changes allow for faster treatments and greater penetration depth, while low uence values ensure minimal side eects while achieving excellent clinical outcomes.
Listen to our experts:
The SINON II Q-switched laser is the most advanced
Ruby Laser I have ever used. The machine is very reliable. In a comparative study with the Q-switched Alexandrite laser, pigmented lesions responded better to treatment with faster and more complete clearing using the SINON II."
Mitchel Goldman, M.D., Goldman, Butterwick & Associates, Cosmetic Laser Dermatology, San Diego, USA
Ruby Wavelength
The Ruby laser has a proven track record as the most eective of all Q-switched lasers for pigmented lesions as well as yielding excellent results for multi-colored tattoo removal.
With a 694nm wavelength, the Ruby laser is selectively absorbed by the melanin or tattoo pigment in the skin, with very low absorption by hemoglobin and minimal risk of bleeding.
The high absorption by the melanin chromophore allows for eective treatment of both supercial and deep pigmentation using low uence values, which signicantly reduces the risk of side eects.
Q-Switched Laser
The Q-Switched (QSW) laser is the most eective way to remove natural or articial (tattoo) pigmentation, while minimizing the risk of damage to surrounding tissue.
SINON II uses an active Q-switched laser to deliver photo acoustic shockwaves to the target area through high laser intensities in short nanosecond pulses. The mechanical Q-switched eect works by vibrating and breaking up the pigment in the lesion or the ink particles in the tattoo.
As the area heals, the body’s immune system ushes away the shattered pigment, revealing lighter, clear skin with minimal risk of scarring or hypopigmentation.
Ultra-Short Pulses
The SINON II system features ultra-short pulses of only 20nsec. This is the shortest pulse duration of all Ruby lasers available in the market.
The short pulse produces very high peak power for optimal clinical eciency with minimal patient pain. With highly ecient treatment, it is possible to maintain low uence values and still achieve excellent results. Low uence also allows for the application of large spot sizes for faster treatment as well as for targeting deep lying pigmentation.
Latest Innovation ­HomoGenius Handpiece
Treats pigmented lesions and tattoos using a a square homogenized laser beam prole with uniform energy intensity, preventing hot spots. A square at top prole beam with 3x3 mm2 spot size allows for coverage of treatment areas without overlap. The Homogenizer handpiece may be used in Q-Switched laser mode.
HomoGenius Laser Beam Prole
Fractional Handpiece
SINON II’s new fractional tip oers the advantages of fractional technology for the treatment of pigmented lesions and multi­colored tattoos.
5x5 pixel array micro beams of Ruby Q-Switched laser energy create vacuoles with minimal thermal eect. This allows the skin to heal faster as new collagen is formed. Fractional treatment achieves more even skin tone over a larger area and oers an added skin rejuvenation eect, while reducing patient downtime.
5x5 Pixel Array
Benign Pigmented Lesions
Using a nanosecond laser pulse- the gold standard for treating pigmented lesions, SINON is the optimal choice for treating naturally-occurring hyperpigmentation including:
Solar lentigos
esions aecting the oral mucosa and the lips
Deeper lesions such as Nevus of Ota and Ito
Café-au-lait spots
Multi-Colored Tattoos
The QSW Ruby laser delivers the high energy required to eectively remove tattoos of all types and depths, and is particularly eective for treating resistant tattoo ink colors such as lime-green, sky-blue and teal. With precise ink targeting and high peak power, SINON removes tattoo pigments in fewer treatments, yielding greater patient satisfaction.
Courtesy of: Eric Bernstein, MD, Ardmore PA, USA
Listen to our experts:
The removal of tattoos with the SINON Q-switched ruby laser system yields excellent results for almost all colors.
With high energy output and the optimal adjustment of spot size and impulse, often only a few treatments are needed. The removal of natural pigment spots is achieved even faster."
Prof. Uwe Paasch, University Clinic of Leipzig, Germany
Before After
Before After
After 7 TreatmentsBefore
Overall, the SINON has resurrected the ruby laser
market. The ruby laser is alive and well, and better than ever. You’re able to treat four times as quickly compared to the older ruby lasers. It only takes a few minutes for a tattoo session.”
Dr. Bernstein, MD, Clinical Associate Professor of D
ermatology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA