Allview Wi 10N Pro Instruction Manual

User manual
Thank you for purchasing our product.
These operational guidelines for the user, to ensure you a quick and convenient
use, read the instructions carefully.
This device is a specialized top quality portable table product with a series of remarkable functions. There will be no separate notice in the case of any change in content of this text.
This company will continue to provide new functions for the development of the product, and there will be no separate notice in the case of any change in the product’s performance and functions. While this unit is used as a mobile storage device, this company will not be held liable for the security of files saved in the disk.
If the actual setup and the application methods are not identical to those as set forth in this manual, please access the latest product information of this company's website.
Foreword ..................................................................................................................... 2
Contents ...................................................................................................................... 3
Points for Attention ..................................................................................................... 4
Shapes and Keys ......................................................................................................... 5
Buttons description and application ............................................................................ 6
Desktop introduction ................................................................................................... 7
App interface introduction…………………….……………………………………....9
Declaration of conformity.…………………………………………………………...13
Specifications .............................................................................................................. 57
Points for Attention
1. Do not use the tablet in exceptionally cold or hot, dusty, damp or dry
2. Do not allow the tablet to fall down while using it.
3. Please charge your battery when: A. Battery symbol shows an empty icon; B. The system automatically shuts down and the power is soon off when you
switch on the unit once again;
C. There is no response if you operate on any key
4. Please do not disconnect power when the tablet is being formatted or in
the process of uploading or downloading. Otherwise it may lead to the error in the program.
5. When this unit is used as a moving disk, the user shall store or export files
in the proper file management operation method. Any improper operation method may lead to the loss of files, for which this Company will be held no liable.
6. Please do not disassemble this unit by yourself. If you encounter any
malfunction, please contact the dealer.
7. There will be no separate notice in the case of any change in the functions
and performance of this product.
To avoid the problems that might occur with the service shops approved by Visual Fan Ltd. (because Visual Fan reserves the right to stop the collaboration with any service shop which was previously approved and mentioned in the warranty card on the date on which the product batch was sold on the market), before taking a product to the service shop, please check the updated list of approved service shops
on Allview website at the section: “Support&Service – Approved service”.
We do not assume the responsibility in case the product is used other way than stated in the user guide. Our company reserves the right to bring modifications in the content of the user guide without making this fact public.
All the modifications will be listed on the company website
( in the section dedicated to the specific product which is subject to modifications. The content of this guide may vary from the one existing in electronic format within the product. In such case the latter one will be taken into consideration.
For more product details visit Do not cover the antenna with your hand or other objects Failure to comply resulting in connectivity issues and rapid discharge of the battery. All applications provided by third parties and installed in this device, may be modified and/or stopped at any moment. Visual Fan Ltd will not be responsible in any way for modifications of the services or content of these applications. Any request or question regarding third party applications may be addressed to owners of these applications.
Shapes and Keys
1. Front camera 2. USB socket 3. HDMI socket
4. Earphone socket 5. SD card socket 6. Home Key
7. Power switch 8. Volume key 9. Loudspeaker
10. Rear camera
Buttons description and application
Note: The keyboard will be used according to product configuration.
1Base: folding base of the tablet
2Keyboard form: provide a QWERTY
keyboard set of buttons and
provide excellent typing
The use of tablet with the keyboard
1The desktop is introduced: In Windows 8.1 start screen you can see many
applications in fixed positions as in the picture that will display in form of
"magnet", with easy access of one click.
Before using applications in full need to login to your Microsoft account first
2Picture slide application
Slide to the right Slide to the left
Slide from the left side to the right Slide from the right side to the side of the screen in order to open left side of the screen to open the running application screen. the menu bar.
Zoom Out Zoom In
Two fingers together on the touch screen to shrink.
Separate two fingers on the touch screen to zoom in.
In the start screen, slide down from the top to display customization options.
Slide from the center of the screen to the left or to the right to mode around the screens.
Slide down sliding Fingers sliding
Slide down sliding
At the start of the screen, from underneath the screen sliding upwards to show the
application or screen options.
App interface introduce
In start screen you can also expand to see all applications available if slide upwards.
If you want to fix more applications in start screen, please light touch as in (1) and
hold the application magnet for about 1 second, let go, select (2) and now application
is fixed to the start
In start screen if you want
to remove, or delete an
application, (1) light
touch and hold the
application magnet for
about 1 second, and then let go run, select (2) attribute column, remove fixed,
delete, etc. The application can be completed.
Charm menu bar Slide from the right side of the screen to the left, to unlock Charm menu bar including:
start, equipment, share, search program.
Allows you to search for files or applications in tablet.
Allows you to share through social networks or email program.
Can return to the start screen; From the start screen you can also use this function
to return to recently opened applications.
Allows you to connect to the tablet devices to read and write and share files, an
external screen or printer.
Allows you to enter tablet PC Settings.
Search menu Share menu
Equipment menu Settings menu
Double screen app
1As in (figure 1) in the left picture, from the left side of the screen if stall in sliding you can open double interface. 2As in (Figure 2), press and hold the middle button dividing line and split, drag, and dual display scale can be divided.
(Figure 1) (Figure 2)
Basic operation
1Standby, restart, turning off
2Safety management
User and password
Fast method Settings: Click on the "Charm" set the "set" button, select "more PC Settings". Choose "user"
on the left of the Settings, and click the "your account" on the right side of "create the
local account". After input complete Windows live ID account password, enter the
user name, password and confirm password.
We, S.C. Visual Fan S.R.L, with the social headquarters in Brasov, 61st Brazilor Street, post code 500313 Romania, registered at the Register of Commerce Brasov under nr. J08/818/2002, CUI RO14724950, as importer, ensure, guarantee and declare on own responsibility according to Art. 4 HG nr.1.022/2002 regarding the products and services regime, which could put in danger the life and health, security and labour protection, that the ALLVIEW product WI10N PRO does not put in danger the life, safety of labour, does cause adverse environmental impacts and is according to:
-The 2011/65/UE Directive regarding the usage restrictions of some dangerous substances ]n the electonic and electrical equipments.
-The Directive regarding the radio and telecommunications equipments R&TTE 1999/5/CEE (HG 88/2003)
-The Directive regarding the ensurance of low voltage equipment users 73/32/CEE , modified by the 93/68/CEE (HG457/2003) Directive.
-The Directive regarding the electromagnetic compatibility 89/336/CEE, modified by the 92/31/CEE si 93/68/CEE (HG982/2007); RoHS Directive: EN50581:2012
-The safety requirements of the European Directive 2001/95/EC and of the EN 60065:2002/A12:2011 si EN 60950-1:2006/ A1:2010 /A11:2009/A12:2011 standards, regarding the decibel level limit of the commercialized devices. The product had been evaluated according to the following standards:
-Health: EN 50360:2001, EN 50361; EN 62209-1 : 2006
-Safety: EN 60950- 1: 2001 +A11:2004; EMC EN 301 489- 01 V1.6.1 (09-2005) EN 301 489- 07 V1.3.1 (11-2005); EN 301 489- 17 V1.2.1 (08-2002)
-Radio spectrum: EN 301 511 V9.0.2 (03-2003);EN 300 328 V1.7.1 (10-2006) The conformity assesment procedure was done according to the 1999/5/CEE Directive (of the Annex II of HG nr. 88/2003) the documentation being at S.C. Visual Fan S.R.L., Brasov , 61st Brazilor Street, post code 500313 ,Romania at it will be put at disposal on demand. The conformity declaration is available at
Brasov Director
04.05.2015 Cotuna Gheorghe
Nr. 1356
Manual de utilizare
Cuvânt înainte
Vă mulţumim că aţi achiziţionat produsul nostru.
Aceste orientări operaţionale pentru utilizator, pentru a asigura o utilizare rapidă
şi comodă, citiţi instrucţiunile cu atenţie.
Acest dispozitiv este o tabletă portabilă specializată de o înaltă calitate cu o serie
de funcţii remarcabile. Nu va fi o notificare separată în caz de modificare a conţinutului acestui text.
Această companie va continua să furnizeze noi funcţii pentru dezvoltarea produsului, şi nu va fi emisă nicio notificare separată în cazul oricărei modificări ale performanţelor şi funcţiilor produsului. Deoarece acest produs este utilizat ca un
mediu de memorie mobil, compania nu poate fi trasă la răspundere pentru securitatea
fişierelor salvate pe disc.
Dacă aceste configurări actuale şi metodele aplicaţiiei nu sunt identice cu cele prezentate în acest manual, accesaţi ultima informaţie a site-ului acestei companii.
Cuvânt înainte ........................................................................................................... 15
Sumar ......................................................................................................................... 16
Puncte de atenţie ........................................................................................................ 17
Forme şi taste ............................................................................................................. 18
Descrierea butoanelor şi aplicaţii ............................................................................... 19
Prezentare desktop ...................................................................................................... 20
Introducerea interfeţei aplicaţiei ................................................................................. 22
Declaraţie de conformitate………………………………………………….………...27
Specificaţii .................................................................................................................. 57
Puncte de atenţie
1. Nu utilizaţi tableta în medii excepţional de reci sau calde, cu mult praf,
umede sau uscate.
2. Nu permiteţi tabletei să se oprească în timpul utilizării.
3. Încărcaţi bateria când: A. Simbolul bateriei afişează o pictogramă goală;
B. Sistemul se închide automat şi telefonul se opreşte imediat ce
încercaţi să-l porniţi;
C. Nu există niciun răspuns după ce apăsaţi orice tastă.
4. Nu deconectaţi de la sursa de încărcare când tableta este formatată sau
în procesul încărcării sau descărcării. Altfel, poate duce la eroare în program.
5. Când această unitate este utilizată ca un disc mobil, utilizatorul poate
memora sau exporta fişiere în metoda potrivită a operaţiunii de administrare a fişierului. Orice metodă operaţională necorespunzătoare poate duce la pierderea fişierelor, iar această companie nu poate fi trasă la răspundere.
6. Vă rugăm să nu demontaţi această unitate singuri. Dacă vă confruntaţi
cu orice disfuncţie, vă rugăm să contactaţi distribuitorul.
7. Nu va fi emisă o notificare separată în caz de modificare în funcţiile şi
performanţele acestui produs.
Pentru a evita probleme care pot sa apară cu service-uri care nu mai sunt
agreate de către SC Visual Fan SRL (deoarece Visual Fan işi rezervă dreptul de a
înceta colaborarea cu orice service colaborator agreat, existent pe certificatul de
garanţie la data punerii in vanzare pe piaţă a lotului de produse), înainte de a duce un produs in service va rugăm sa consultaţi lista actualizată a serviceurilor agreate, existentă pe siteul Allview la secţiunea „suport&service-service autorizat”.
Nu ne asumăm responsabilitatea pentru situaţiile in care produsul este folosit in alt mod decat cel prevăzut in manual. Compania noastră isi rezervă dreptul de a aduce modificări în continutul ghidului fără a face public acest lucru. Aceste modificări vor fi afişate pe siteul companiei ( in secţiunea dedicată produsului căruia i se aduc modificări.
Conţinutul acestui ghid poate fi diferit de cel existent in format electronic in
produs. In acest caz ultimul va fi luat in considerare.
Pentru mai multe detalii despre produs accesati Nu
acoperiti antena cu mana sau alte obiecte, nerespectarea acestei indicatii ducand la probleme de conectivitate si descarcarea rapida a bateriei. Aplicatiile care insotesc produsul, si sunt furnizate de terte parti, pot fi oprite sau intrerupte in orice moment. S.C. Visual Fan S.R.L. se dezice in mod explicit de orice responsabilitate sau raspundere privind modificarea, oprirea ori suspendarea serviciilor/continutului puse la dispozitie de catre terte parti prin intermediul acestui dispozitiv. Intrebarile sau alte solicitari legate de acest continut ori servicii se vor adresa direct furnizorilor propietari ai acestora.
Forme şi taste
1. Camera foto frontală 2. Mufă USB 3. Mufa HDMI
4. Mufă căsti 5. Slot card SD 6.Buton Home
7. Buton pornire 8. Tasta de volum 9. Difuzor
10. Camera foto spate
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