All Power APW5102 Owner’s Manual

Thank you for purchasing e Pressure Washer,
WheLher you are doing light cLeaninB at home or are
needing power to do the Lough jobs, pressure
washers are built to 81re you the power you need. Your pressure washer WiLLserve you in the future,
foi|owing proper break=in procedures, by ustng recommended set-up and operating procedures,
and performing preventtve maintenance as specified
I n this and the accornpanying engine man ua|.
Most important ts the safety ofyog and those
around youo P.emember [:hat while the pressure washer gWes you the power you need to complete
your Job_ s=fety rules should a!.ways be foitowed.
Thank you for selecting our product,
Safety Sym boI$
The foLLowtnB symbots are used throUffhouf: this manual Foltow Listed instructions to erasure your
The Precaut forts whenever u_mg s_orm_ or serwcm_ Pressure
Washers or their ensmes [o reduce the possibility of persona_ 1njury.
Over[ooMn_ or _8noMn8 these precautions _an
Lead to persona_ m_ury or produc_ damage.
e _ead _n_s manua_ carefully. K_ow you_
eqUipmento Cons_der app_lcatfons potent_a_ hazards and _m_tations fo_ you_ umt.
e This equipment Is designed fo_ sPeetfi_
_pplications. Do not modify or use fo_ any application other than which It _s desi_ned.
Store the pressure washer in a we_L
ventilated area with the fuel _ank empty. Fuel should no_ be _tored near the
pressure washer.
Never opera _e under these conditions: a. A noticeable _han_e _nen_e speed.
b, Anoticeabte [ossof pressure.
c Theen_inem_sfires
d. Smoke or f_ames are present. e. Enclosed compar_men_ _. Excessive vibration.
_. Rainor indement weather.
_ndleate_ a potentiaLLy hazardous _tu_on e_s
which _f no_; avoided, _ay result _n m_nor or moderate _njury o_ product damage°
No_e: _nd_cates operation or maintenance information
helpfu_ _o _mprove performance or opera_ion,
Water spray must never be directed towards any e_e_tri_ wirin8 or d_reet[y towards the
pressure washer.
Do not a{,[ow the hose to come in _ontact
with the hot muffler.
Equipment must be placed on a firm. supporting suHaceo
Remove the _park piu_ or cable from the spark p_ug to prevent ace Ldenta[ starting,
when not t_ use_ or prior te detacMn_ the high pressure hose.
Keep the pressure washer dean and free. o_ oi_, mud and other foreign matter.
Do not wear loose c_[o_h_n_, jewelry, or anythm_ that may be caugh_ in (he engine,
Never direct spray a_. people or animals°
Never allow children to operate pressure washer a_ any t_me.
Use both hand_ to _ontro| _he wand.
Do not touch the nozzte or water spray white operating.
Wear safety goggtes white operating.
Only approved hoses and nozzles shoutd
be used.
Do not kink the high pressure hose.
A[t hose connections must be property seated.
Prior to starting the pressure washer in
cow weather, be sure ice has not formed in any part of the equipment.
Use onty recommended chemicals.
Outdoor use onty.
Ptace the pressure washer away from cleaning site during operation.
To prevent accidentat discharge, the spray
gun shoutd be secured by rocking trigger when not in use.
Do not run the pressure washer for more than five minutes without depressing the
trigger or damage to the pump may resutt.
Check the fuel system periodicatty for teaks
or signs of deterioration such as chafed or spongy hose, loose or missing damps, or damaged tank or cap. Art defects shoutd be corrected before operation.
Do not touch hot muffler.
A thermat retief vatve is provided to protect the pump from overheating if the spray gun is ctosed for an extended tength of time or the nozzte becomes ptugged. However, it is intended to be used as a backup system and every effort shoutd be made to
not permit the pump to heat up.
We recommend turning the pressure washer off if it witt not be used for more than five minutes. This
saves wear on the unit, reduces fuel consumption and extends the rife of the pump by avoiding heat.
To prevent accidentat discharge of high pressure water, the safety tatch on the trigger should be engaged whenever the pressure washer is not in use.
Some engines are equipped with tow-oit shutdown. If the engine oit [ever becomes tower than required, the
pressure washer witt automatica[ty shut off. (Refer to the engine manuat for this feature). This protects your pressure washer engine from operating without proper [ubrication.
If the pressure washer engine shuts off and the oi[ fever is according to specification, check to see if the pressure washer is sitting at an angte that forces oit
to shift. Prate on an even surface to correct this. If the engine fairs to start, the oi[ [eve[ may not be
sufficient to deactivate tow oi[ [ever switch. Be sure the pumpis comptetety fur[ of oit.
Service, operate and refuet under the
for[owing conditions: a. Good ventitation.
b. Refuet the pressure washer in a weft righted area.
c. Avoid fuet splits and never refuel white the pressure washer is operating. d. Avoid an ignition source when refueling.
e. Use read free fuet with a minimum of
85 octane.
Do not smoke near the pressure washer.
Do not use damaged high pressure hoses.
The pump witt overheat and may damaged, or
cause damage if allowed to circutate more than five minutes.
NOTE: The engine and pump on your pressure washer witt often have improved performance after a
break-in period of severat hours.
Before starting the pressure washer, check for toose or missing parts and for any damage which may have occurred during shipment.
NOTE: A|_gn threaded connections carefully to prevent dama_n_ threads during assemb|yo Tighten c@nnect_ons securely to prevent teaks
during operation.
Attach the hose to the in|of of the tr_ger gun.
DO NOT attempt to start the pressure washer
en_'ine without f_iHin_ the engine crank cas_ w_th
_he _roper amount and type of o_L_ (See the
accompanying engine manua_ _or _h_S
information.} You_ pressure washer engine h_s
been sh_pped from the factory w_thout o_[ _n the
Operattn_ the umt w_thou[ o_t will rum the eng, me_ The pump has been shipped w_th o_L Before
opera[_n8 the pressure washer check [he ot_ leve_ O_ the pump _o make sure the oH tore{ _s to
pump's manufacturers required [eve[. Use oi_ that _s recommended from the pum_s
manufacturer. DO NOT OVERFILL!
F_[_ the tank w[_h c&ean fresh unleaded
automotive gasoUneo Regular grade gasoUne may
be used provided a h_h notable raD_g _sobtained
_at [east _5 pump octane/,
_o Make sure water supply _s connected and
turned on Re_ease _un safety ff_ocked_
3o To allow air [o escape from the hose. squeeze
tr_ser on the Sun un[_| there _s a steady f_ow of
water comm_ _rom the _ozz[e
4_ Remove any d_rt or foreign ma_ter from [he Sun
ou_Iet and the ma{e connector of the wand.
5_ Insert the nozzle wand _nto the _un wand and
t_£hten the twist fast: f_tt_n_ securely by hand.
f the wane _sno[ secure[_ locked into peace, {t
could De elected unde_ h_h pressure w_en
bperatm_ the gun, POSSibly causmR m)ury o_
I)Check o_land 9as
2) C#a_ect _ose & _r_ #a water
3) S_aeeze tr_ _ger 4} _ake s_re pressure was_er _s o_ lbe o_ pos_on
S) Set gas lever (0 ape#
6) Set choke if available & se_ t_#ttle to fas(
7) When start|ng eag_ne, pull cord s|ewly until
rests[once _s fel_L, &lhen pel| rapiel_ [e avoid k_ckback
8} # engine sta_s & fa_ls [e coalmue to run or #
increase resistance _s felt d_r}n# startia# pull
altempts repeal steps 3
Gasoline _svery dan_ero_o Ser_o_ injury may result from fire caused by _aso{ine engine
contracting ho_ surfaces.
HIGH PRESSURE HOSE Attach U_e h_Sh pressure hose to U_e pressure
washer by puWn_ back the co_ar o_ the Qu_ck connect coupHn_ on [he hose and pushln_ tt over
the coup[m_ half on the pressure washer ouUet.
NOTE: DO NOT use a high pressur_ hose from
another man ufacturer.
WATER CONNECTION Before con_ec[_nR to umt ru[_ wa_er throush K_e
garden hose _not suppUed) to f_ush out any fore_sn matKe_.,
Attach garden hose to the pressure washer' water
NOTE; The water supply must provide a m_n_mum of 4 at 2Opos.L or {he pump may be
This pressure washer _s mtended for use only
w_th Hqu_e car wash de[er_ents_ spec_f_caUy foe pressure washer and w_th mild soaps° On{y use chem_a{s compatible with the
aluminum and brass parts of the pressure washer: Powdered snobs may c1[o8 t_e _n_ect_on
system. Always use chemicals accord_n8 to the mam_facturer d_rec_iions. We assumes t_o
respons{bH_ty for any d_rnases caused by chem_cats m)ec[ed through I.hispressu_'ewasne_
1o Attach rejection tube assembly to the s_phon
mjec_or on the pump
2_ Open a c:ontamer of chemica|s and paste next
to the unft near _ne i_ject_on tube,
3. Visually mspecL strainer at the end of [he _n]ect_On Lube to verify thal_ _t _s not clogged_
4_ _nsert the _n]ect_on tube into the container
a_[ the way to the bottom.
III ?R"=:ilu III °°°
5. Remove the high pressure nozzle from the wand and instal[ the black injection nozzle. The
solution will automatically mix with the water and discharge through the nozzle.
NOTE: For certain models, if the engine throttle is not in the fast position, the injection of the
solution may be decreased or stopped.
Cleaning Techniques When cleaning with the pressure washer, many
cleaning tasks can be solved with water alone, but for most tasks, it is advantageous to use a detergent also. A detergent ensures a quick
soaking of the dirt allowing the high pressure water to penetrate and remove the dirt more effectively.
1. Apply the solution to a DRYwork surface. On a vertical surface, apply horizontally from side to side starting from the bottom to avoid streaking.
NOTE: Wetting the surface first is not recommended, it dilutes the detergent and
reduces its cleaning effects.
Avoid working on hot surfaces or in direct sunlight to minimize the chances of the chemical damaging
painted surfaces. Damage may occur to painted
surface if chemical is allowed to dry on the surface. Hold nozzle far enough away from
surface to prevent damage to the surface.
2. Allow chemical to remain on the surface for a short time before rinsing.
3. Rinse with clean water under high pressure. On
a vertical surface, first rinse from the bottom up, then rinse from the top down. Hold nozzle 6 to 8 inches from the work surface at a 45 ° angle using
the flat spray as a peeling toot rather than a scrub brush.
1. Immediately after cleaning, apply wax. Place
injection tube in container of wax.
2. Apply the wax sparingly in an even layer. Apply
to wet surfaces from bottom up for even distribution and to avoid streaking.
3. Remove the suction tube from the wax bottle
rinse off the surplus wax.
4. Wipe dry to reduce water spotting.
End of Operation When you have completed use of the chemical injection system, remove tube from container. Continue to run in tow pressure position and
inject clean water through the tube and injection system by placing end of tube in a
container of clean water. Continue to run until it is thoroughly cleaned.
Connection on pressure washer hoses, gun and spray wand should be cleaned regularly and lubricated with the manufacturer's recommended
grease to prevent leakage and damage to the
NOZZLE Clogging of the nozzle causes the pump pressure
to be too high and cleaning is immediately
A nozzle cleaner must only be used when the spray wand is disconnected from the gun or
personal injury could be occur
1. Separate the wand from the gun.
2. Clear the nozzle with a small rigid piece of wire such as a paper clip.
3. Flush the nozzle backwards with water.
4. Reconnect the wand to the gun.
Restart the pressure washer and depress the trigger on the spray gun. If the nozzle is stilt
plugged or partially plugged, repeat above instructions 1-4.
If the previous procedure does not clear the
nozzle, replace with a new nozzle.
The pressure washer is equiped with a water inlet screen to protect the pump. If the screen is not
kept clean, it wilt restrict the flow of water to the pressure washer and may cause damage to the pump. Do not damage the screen white removing
or cleaning screen. Any foreign particles entering the pump may damage the pump. Do not operate
pressure washer without the screen in place. Remove the screen and backflush to remove
impurities from screen. Replace immediately.
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