600 Mbps PLC Ethernet Bridge
Utility Program User Guide
1. Introduction........................................................................ 3
1.1. System Requirements ................................................................................................................ 3
1.2. Installation ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3. Run the Utility ........................................................................................................................... 3
2. How to use ......................................................................... 4
2.1. Main Tab ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Diagnostics Tab......................................................................................................................... 8
2.3. About Tab ................................................................................................................................. 9
Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later.
Intel Pentium III or better, clock rate faster than 2.0GHz
At least one Gigabit Ethernet (1000 Mbps) network card, and
Ethernet Cord
1. Introduction
This Utility Program enables users to find 600Mbps PLC-Ethernet Bridge devices on
the Powerline network, measures data rate performance, ensures privacy and performs
diagnostics by setting user defined secure Powerline networks.
1.1. System Requirements
1.2. Installation
First, you need to verify that there is no other Powerline utility installed on your
computer before installing this utility. If there is another utility installed, please uninstall
Then, please insert the Utility CD-ROM into the computer’s CD-ROM drive. The CD
will launch an IE browser. Click the necessary link to start installation. Please install
WinPcap v4.1.1 (you can download it from before install the
Powerline utility. If IE browser is not your default browser, please run
WinPcap_4_1_1.exe at D:\Software\WinPcap\, and then run setup.exe at
D:\Software\Setup\. (Please change D: to your CD-ROM drive).
Follow the installation wizard through the installation process.
1.3. Run the Utility
After installing the Utility Program, please run the Utility Program from the Start / All
Programs or double-click the utility icon on the desktop.