These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Allied Vision
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Unless stated otherwise, all trademarks appearing in this document of Allied Vision Technologies
are brands protected by law.
The information provided by Allied Vision Technologies is supplied without any guarantees or
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All texts, pictures and graphics are protected by copyright and other laws protecting intellectual
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Allied Vision Technologies GmbH 05/2012
All rights reserved.
Managing Director: Mr. Frank Grube
Tax ID: DE 184383113
This AVT Goldeye Technical Manual describes in depth the technical specifications, dimensions, all pixel formats, image processing, basic and advanced
parameters and related subjects.
Please read through this manual carefully.
We assume that you have read already the How to install a GigE
camera (Bigeye/Pearleye/Goldeye)and that you have
installed the hardware and software on your PC or laptop (GigE
interface card, cables etc.). For Goldeye CL-... cameras refer to
the documentation of the grabber manufacturer.
V2. in Chapter Specifications
•Deleted Mono8, corrected manual gain (up to factor 10),
added (-0%) in Power requirements, corrected mass in
Chapter Goldeye P-008 SWIR / Goldeye P-008 SWIR Cool on
page 13
•Added (-0%) in Power requirements, added max. 2.6 A with
Goldeye CL-008 SWIR Cool, corrected mass in Chapter
Goldeye CL-008 SWIR/ Goldeye CL-008 SWIR Cool on page
•Deleted Mono8, added (-0%) in Power requirements,
corrected mass in Chapter Goldeye P-032 SWIR Cool /
Goldeye P-032 SWIR F-Mount Cool on page 17
•Corrected mass in Chapter Goldeye CL-032 SWIR Cool /
Goldeye CL-032 SWIR F-Mount Cool on page 19
•Each pixel is output horizontally two times (instead of four
times) in Chapter Goldeye xy-008... models on page 31
•Activate correction data set for Highgain (instead of
gain x4) in Chapter Adjust the image processing on page 34
to be continued on next page
Table 1: Document history
Goldeye Technical Manual V2.2.0
continued from last page
V2.•All Goldeye camera model name changed from NIR to SWIR:
•Internal GigE interface instead of GIP1000 module in Table
21: Camera standard feature: AcquisitionControl on page
•Gain instead of High speed mode in Table 23: Camera
special feature: Gain on page 47
•Trigger mode (instead of Gain) in column GigE feature name
in Table 24: Camera special feature: Trigger mode on page
•Trigger mode (instead of High speed mode) in Table 24:
Camera special feature: Trigger mode on page 48
see throughout the manual
•Added Pixel format: Mono12: see Chapter Goldeye CL-008
SWIR/ Goldeye CL-008 SWIR Cool on page 15
•Analyze multiple regions: added (rectangular, circle, ring, line) in smart features in all tables in Chapter Specifications
on page 13ff.
•Deleted pixel format: Mono8 in Chapter Goldeye P-032 SWIR
Cool / Goldeye P-032 SWIR F-Mount Cool on page 17
•Added pixel format: Mono12 in Chapter Goldeye CL-032
This manual overview outlines the contents of each chapter of this manual.
•Chapter Contacting Allied Vision Technologies on page 6 lists AVT contact
data (phone numbers and URLs) for both:
– Technical information / ordering
– Commercial information
•Chapter Introduction on page 7 (this chapter) gives you the document his-
tory, a manual overview (short description of each chapter) and conventions used in this manual (styles and symbols). Furthermore you learn
how to get more information on how to install hardware, available AVT software (incl. documentation) and where to get it.
•Chapter Conformity on page 12 gives you information about conformity of
AVT cameras (CE, FCC, RoHS).
•Chapter Specifications on page 13 lists camera details and measured spec-
tral transmission diagrams for each camera type.
Table 1: Document history
Goldeye Technical Manual V2.2.0
•Chapter Camera dimensions on page 22 provides CAD drawings of stan-
dard housing models (2D drawings), tripod adapter and cross sections of
the mounts.
•Chapter Start up on page 30 describes the first steps to get the camera
into operation: camera control signals and camera controls as well as
adjusting the image process.
•Chapter Camera interfaces on page 36 describes the control junction (I/O
pin assignment), inputs / outputs and trigger features.
•Chapter Image processing on page 54 describes the function of the Goldeye P-.../Goldeye CL-... firmware. It is related to the individual
modules of image processing and shows in what way the user can control
these modules via the serial interface.
•Chapter Basic parameters and commands on page 59 describes the basic
configuration options and general commands available for the user, being
important for the operation of an ex factory preconfigured camera. Most
probably the information stated here will be sufficient for most of the
•Chapter Advanced parameters and commands on page 64 describes the
advanced configuration of the Goldeye P-.../Goldeye CL-... models. For
the control of an ex-factory set up camera the intervention within the
parameters stated here or rather the use of the mentioned commands is
only necessary in exceptional cases.
•The appendix: Chapter Command reference on page 79 describes the
general command reference of the Goldeye P-.../Goldeye CL-... firmware.
•Chapter Index on page 97 gives you quick access to all relevant data in
this manual.
Conventions used in this manual
To give this manual an easily understood layout and to emphasize important
information, the following typographical styles and symbols are used:
BoldPrograms, inputs or highlighting
important things
CourierCode listings etc.Input
Upper caseRegisterREGISTER
ItalicsModes, fieldsMode
Parentheses and/or blueLinks(Link)
Table 2: Styles
Goldeye Technical Manual V2.2.0
Before operation
We place the highest demands for quality on our cameras.
This symbol highlights important information.
This symbol highlights important instructions. You have to
follow these instructions to avoid malfunctions.
This symbol highlights URLs for further information. The URL
itself is shown in blue.
Target groupThis Technical Manual is the guide to detailed technical information of the
camera and is written for experts.
Getting startedFor a quick guide how to get started read: How to install a GigE camera
(Bigeye/Pearleye/Goldeye). For Goldeye CL-... cameras refer to the
documentation of the grabber manufacturer.
Please read through this manual carefully before operating
the camera.
Safety warnings
Polarity of supply voltage
Use correct polarity of the 12 V supply voltage.
Goldeye Technical Manual V2.2.0
Do not loosen the two hexagon socket screws (M 5) in the front
The vacuum area may get leaky (Cool models only).
The warranty becomes void in case of unauthorized tampering
or any manipulations not approved by the manufacturer.
Electrostatic discharge
The camera contains sensitive electronic components which
can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge.
Use sufficient grounding to minimize the risk of damage.
Models with Camera Link interface (Goldeye CL-...): First
connect CL camera and grabber with Camera Link data cable,
then supply power to the CL camera.
Environmental conditions
Operate the camera in dry and dust free environment.
Regarding the signal quality of the camera it is an advantage to
operate the camera under constant ambient air temperature
(~20 °C).
Beneath or above 20 °C ambient temperature a sufficient
heating or cooling may be necessary.
Cooled camera models (Goldeye xy- ... Cool)
The red LED L3 at the backside examinates the sensor peltier
cooling state. Also register T has this function. If L3
permanently lights up or rather the lowest bit of T is set, the
sensor has a temperature which is beyond the optimum range.
In this case an additional heating or cooling has to be
Warm-up period
Depending on the prevailing environmental conditions, some
time might pass after the camera start, until the image quality
reaches its optimum.
A warm up period of 20 minutes is recommended.
Goldeye Technical Manual V2.2.0
Allied Vision Technologies declares under its sole responsibility that all
standard cameras of the AVT Goldeye family to which this declaration relates
are in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative
•CE, following the provisions of 2004/108/EG directive
•RoHS (2002/95/EC)
We declare, under our sole responsibility, that the previously described AVT
Goldeye cameras conform to the directives of the CE.
Goldeye Technical Manual V2.2.0
The warranty becomes void in case of unauthorized tampering
or any modifications not approved by the manufacturer.
Image size (max.)320 (H) x 256 (V) full resolution
320 (H) x 160 (V) reduced resolution
Lens mountC-Mount
Spectral response900 ... 1700 nm (SWIR)
Pixel formatMono12
Frame rateup to 100 fps full resolution
up to 186 fps reduced resolution
Exposure time32 μs ... 100 ms / 32 μs ... 1 s
CoolingGoldeye P-008 SWIR Cool only:
Peltier cooled
+0 °C stabilized
ADC14 bit
Digital interfaceGigabit Ethernet, IEEE 802.3 1000BASE-T
Smart featuresManual gain (up to factor 10 at short exposure times), built-in correction
data sets, gain/offset correction (NUC/non-uniformity) for each pixel,
bad pixel correction, background (FPN) correction, continuous mode
(image acquisition with maximum frame rate), image on demand mode
(triggered image acquisition)
With AVT‘s AcquireControl software: pseudo color LUT with several color
profiles, auto contrast, auto brightness, analyze multiple regions
(rectangular, circle, ring, line) within the image, real-time statistics and
Image size (max.)320 (H) x 256 (V) full resolution
320 (H) x 160 (V) reduced resolution
Lens mountC-Mount
Spectral response900 ... 1700 nm (SWIR)
Frame rateup to 100 fps full resolution
up to 186 fps reduced resolution
Exposure time32 μs ... 100 ms / 32 μs ... 1 s
CoolingGoldeye CL-008 SWIR Cool only:
Peltier cooled
+0 °C stabilized
ADC14 bit
Digital output12 bit
Digital interfaceCamera Link Base
Smart featuresSwitchable gain (factor 10 at short exposure times), built-in correction
data sets, gain/offset correction (NUC/non-uniformity) for each pixel,
bad pixel correction, background (FPN) correction, continuous mode
(image acquisition with maximum frame rate), image on demand mode
(triggered image acquisition)
With AVT‘s AcquireControl software: pseudo color LUT with several color
profiles, auto contrast, auto brightness, analyze multiple regions
(rectangular, circle, ring, line) within the image, real-time statistics and
Power requirements+ 12 V (-0% / +5%)
Goldeye CL-008 SWIR: 0.4 A
Goldeye CL-008 SWIR Cool: 0.9 A (max. 2.6 A)
DimensionsGoldeye CL-008 SWIR: 74 mm x 90 mm x 71 mm (L x W x H)
Goldeye CL-008 SWIR Cool: 101 mm x 90 mm x 99 mm (L x W x H)
each model incl. connectors, without tripod and lens
Digital interfaceGigabit Ethernet, IEEE 802.3 1000BASE-T
Smart featuresSwitchable gain (factor 20 at short exposure times), built-in correction
data sets, gain/offset correction (NUC/non-uniformity) for each pixel, bad
pixel correction, background (FPN) correction, continuous mode (image
acquisition with maximum frame rate), image on demand mode (triggered
image acquisition)
With AVT‘s AcquireControl software: pseudo color LUT with several color
profiles, auto contrast, auto brightness, analyze multiple regions
(rectangular, circle, ring, line) within the image, real-time statistics and
Power requirements+12 V (-0% / +5%), 1.0 A (max. 1.3 A)
DimensionsGoldeye P-032 SWIR Cool: 115.8 mm x 90 mm x 99 mm (L x W x H)
Goldeye P-032 SWIR F-Mount Cool: 145.1 mm x 90 mm x 99 mm (L x W x H)
each model incl. connectors, without tripod and lens
MassGoldeye P-032 SWIR Cool: 1110 g (with C-Mount)
Goldeye P-032 SWIR F-Mount Cool: 1070 g (with F-Mount)
Operating temperature0 °C ... +35 °C ambient temperature (without condensation)
Storage temperature-30 °C ... +70 °C ambient temperature (without condensation)
Smart featuresSwitchable gain (factor 20 at short exposure times), built-in correction
data sets, gain/offset correction (NUC/non-uniformity) for each pixel, bad
pixel correction, background (FPN) correction, continuous mode (image
acquisition with maximum frame rate), image on demand mode (triggered
image acquisition)
With AVT‘s AcquireControl software: pseudo color LUT with several color
profiles, auto contrast, auto brightness, analyze multiple regions
(rectangular, circle, ring, line) within the image, real-time statistics and
Power requirements+ 12 V (+5%), 0.8 A, max. 1.1 A
DimensionsGoldeye CL-032 SWIR Cool: 100.8 mm x 90 mm x 99 mm (L x W x H)
Goldeye CL-032 SWIR F-Mount Cool: 130.1 mm x 90 mm x 99 mm (L x W
x H)
each model incl. connectors, without tripod and lens
MassGoldeye CL-032 SWIR Cool: 1050 g (with C-Mount)
Goldeye CL-032 SWIR F-Mount Cool: 1010 g (with F-Mount)
Operating temperature0 °C ... +35 °C ambient temperature (without condensation)
Storage temperature-30 °C ... +70 °C ambient temperature (without condensation)
Table 13: Description of LEDs: Goldeye P-032 SWIR F-Mount Cool
L1GreenPower indicator
L2RedCamera is operational
L3RedPeltier cooling state
off: sensor temperature is OK
Table 14: Description of LEDs: Goldeye CL-032 SWIR F-Mount Cool
Goldeye Technical Manual V2.2.0
Start up
Start up
Depending on the camera interface a Camera Link frame grabber or a a Gigabit
Ethernet port (1000Base-T) on the host computer is necessary.
1.Connect the camera with the appropriate data cable to the computer.
2.Plug the 15-pin connector of the power supply to the camera.
3.Switch on the power supply.
Camera Link interface
The camera is controlled in two different ways: direct camera control signals
(called CC1 to CC4) on the one hand and more complex commands transferred
over a serial data interface on the other hand. For applying serial commands to
the camera, a serial terminal program can be used.
Gigabit Ethernet interface
The camera functions are controlled via GigE Vision features, which are internally mapped to the CC1 to CC4 signals or the corresponding serial commands.
Refer to the corresponding chapters to learn more about GigE feature mapping.
For more information see:
•Chapter GigE Vision feature mapping to serial commands
on page 91
•Chapter GigE Vision feature reference for AVT Goldeye
cameras on page 92
Direct camera control signals
A short survey of the CC signals is given below for users who already have some
experience in using Camera Link equipment and who plan to use the Goldeye
camera with their self-developed software.
Some of the CC signals can also be externally applied to the 15-pin D-SUB
control jack.
Goldeye cameras with Gigabit Ethernet interface use the same CC signals , but
they are mapped to corresponding GigE Vision features.
Goldeye Technical Manual V2.2.0
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