The AS29LV800 is an 8 megabit, 3.0 volt Flash memory organized as 1 Megabyte of 8 bits/512Kbytes of 16 bits each. For
flexible erase and program capability, the 8 megabits of data is divided into nineteen sectors: one 16K, two 8K, one 32K, and
fifteen 64k byte sectors; or one 8K, two 4K, one 16K, and fifteen 32K word sectors. The ×8 data appears on DQ0–DQ7; the
×16 data appears on DQ0–DQ15. The AS29LV800 is offered in JEDEC standard 48-pin TSOP and 44-pin SOP packages. This
device is designed to be programmed and erased in-system with a single 3.0V V
reprogrammed in standard EPROM programmers.
The AS29LV800 offers access times of 70/80/90/120 ns, allowing 0-wait state operation of high speed microprocessors. To
eliminate bus contention the device has separate chip enable (CE
mode (×16 output) is selected by BYTE
= high. Byte mode (×8 output) is selected by BYTE = low.
), write enable (WE), and output enable (OE) controls. Word
The AS29LV800 is fully compatible with the JEDEC single power supply Flash standard. Write commands are sent to the
command register using standard microprocessor write timings. An internal state-machine uses register contents to control the
erase and programming circuitry. Write cycles also internally latch addresses and data needed for the programming and erase
operations. Read data from the device occurs in the same manner as other Flash or EPROM devices. Use the program command
sequence to invoke the automated on-chip programming algorithm that automatically times the program pulse widths and
verifies proper cell margin. Use the erase command sequence to invoke the automated on-chip erase algorithm that
preprograms the sector (if it is not already programmed before executing the erase operation), times the erase pulse widths,
and verifies proper cell margin.
Boot sector architecture enables the system to boot from either the top (AS29LV800T) or the bottom (AS29LV800B) sector.
Sector erase architecture allows specified sectors of memory to be erased and reprogrammed without altering data in other
sectors. A sector typically erases and verifies within 1.0 seconds. Hardware sector protection disables both program and erase
operations in all, or any combination of, the nineteen sectors. The device provides true background erase with Erase Suspend,
which puts erase operations on hold to either read data from, or program data to, a sector that is not being erased. The chip
erase command will automatically erase all unprotected sectors.
A factory shipped AS29LV800 is fully erased (all bits = 1). The programming operation sets bits to 0. Data is programmed into
the array one byte at a time in any sequence and across sector boundaries. A sector must be erased to change bits from 0 to 1.
Erase returns all bytes in a sector to the erased state (all bits = 1). Each sector is erased individually with no effect on other
The device features single 3.0V power supply operation for Read, Write, and Erase functions. Internally generated and
regulated voltages are provided for the Program and Erase operations. A low V
operations during power transtitions. The RY/BY
pin, DATA polling of DQ7, or toggle bit (DQ6) may be used to detect end of
program or erase operations. The device automatically resets to the read mode after program/erase operations are completed.
DQ2 indicates which sectors are being erased.
The AS29LV800 resists accidental erasure or spurious programming signals resulting from power transitions. Control register
architecture permits alteration of memory contents only after successful completion of specific command sequences. During
power up, the device is set to read mode with all program/erase commands disabled when V
voltage). The command registers are not affected by noise pulses of less than 5 ns on OE
commands, CE
When the device’s hardware RESET
state machine is reset to read mode. If the RESET
and WE must be logical zero and OE a logical 1.
pin is driven low, any program/erase operation in progress is terminated and the internal
pin is tied to the system reset circuitry and a system reset occurs during an
automated on-chip program/erase algorithm, data in address locations being operated on may become corrupted and requires
rewriting. Resetting the device enables the system’s microprocessor to read boot-up firmware from the Flash memory.
The AS29LV800 uses Fowler-Nordheim tunnelling to electrically erase all bits within a sector simultaneously. Bytes are
programmed one at a time using EPROM programming mechanism of hot electron injection.
supply. The device can also be
detector automatically inhibits write
is less than V
, CE, or WE. To initiate write
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March 2001
Operating modes
ID read device codeLLHHLLV
Output disable L HHXXXXHHigh Z
Enable sector protectLV
Sector unprotectLV
Temporary sector
Verify sector protect
Verify sector unprotect
Hardware Reset XXXXXXXLHigh Z
L = Low (<VIL) = logic 0; H = High (>VIH) = logic 1; VID = 10.0 ± 1.0V; X = don’t care.
In ×16 mode, BYTE = V
Verification of sector protect/unprotect during A9 = V
. In ×8 mode, BYTE = VIL with DQ8-DQ14 in high Z and DQ15 = A-1.
Mode definitions
ID MFR code,
device code
Read mode
Selected by A9 = V
When A0 is low (V
When A0 is high (V
Selected with CE
and t
after OE is low.
Selected with CE
activated during an automated on-chip algorithm, the device completes the operation before entering
Output disable Part remains powered up; but outputs disabled with OE
Selected with CE
register. Contents of command register serve as inputs to the internal state machine. Address latching occurs
on the falling edge of WE
whichever occurs first. Filters on WE
sector protect
Ver if y se ct or
Hardware protection circuitry implemented with external programming equipment causes the device to
disable program and erase operations for specified sectors. For in-system sector protection, refer to Sector
protect algorithm on page 14.
Disables sector protection for all sectors using external programming equipment. All sectors must be
protected prior to sector unprotection. For in-system sector unprotection, refer to Sector unprotect algorithm
on page 14.
Verifies write protection for sector. Sectors are protected from program/erase operations on commercial
programming equipment. Determine if sector protection exists in a system by writing the ID read command
sequence and reading location XXX02h, where address bits A12–18 select the defined sector addresses. A
logical 1 on DQ0 indicates a protected sector; a logical 0 indicates an unprotected sector.
) the output data = 52h, a unique Mfr. code for Alliance Semiconductor Flash products.
), D
represents the device code for the AS29LV800.
= OE = L, WE = H. Data is valid in t
= H. Part is powered down, and ICC reduced to <1.0 µA when CE = VCC ± 0.3V = RESET. If
= WE = L, OE = H. Accomplish all Flash erasure and programming through the command
or CE, whichever occurs later. Data latching occurs on the rising edge WE or CE,
prevent spurious noise events from appearing as write commands.
time after addresses are stable, tCE after CE is low
pulled high.
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March 2001
Te mp or ar y
power down
sleep mode
Temporarily disables sector protection for in-system data changes to protected sectors. Apply +10V to RESET
to activate temporary sector unprotect mode. During temporary sector unprotect mode, program protected
sectors by selecting the appropriate sector address. All protected sectors revert to protected state on removal
of +10V from RESET
Resets the interal state machine to read mode. If device is programming or erasing when RESET = L, data
may be corrupted.
low to enter deep power down mode (<1 µA). Recovery time to start of first read cycle is 50ns.
Enabled automatically when addresses remain stable for 300ns. Typical current draw is 1 µA. Existing data is
available to the system during this mode. If an address is changed, automatic sleep mode is disabled and new
data is returned within standard access times.
In word mode, there are one 8K word, two 4K word, one 16K word, and fifteen 32K word sectors. Address range is A18–A-1 if BYTE = VIL; address range is
A18–A0 if BYTE
= VIH.
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March 2001
ID Sector address table
Bottom boot sector address
0000000X00 0 0XXX
10000010000 1 XXX
20000011001 0 XXX
300001XX0 0 1 1XXX
100111XXX10 1 0XXX
111000XXX10 1 1XXX
121001XXX11 0 0XXX
131010XXX11 0 1XXX
141011XXX11 1 0XXX
151100XXX11 1 1 0 XX
16 1101XXX1111100
17 1110XXX1111101
181111XXX11 1 1 1 1X
Top boot sector address
READ codes
MFR code (Alliance Semiconductor)XLLL52h
×8 T bootXLLHDAh
Device code
Sector protectionSector addressLHL
Key: L =Low (<VIL); H = High (>VIH); X =Don’t care
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×8 B bootXLLH5Bh
×16 T bootXLLH22DAh
×16 B bootXLLH225Bh
01h protected
00h unprotected
March 2001
Command format
Required bus
Command sequence
ID Read
Unlock bypass
Unlock bypass program2XXXA0h
Unlock bypass reset2XXX90hXXX00h
Chip Erase
Sector Erase
Sector Erase Suspend1XXXhB0h
Sector Erase Resume1XXXh30h
write cycles
1Bus operations defined in "Mode definitions," on page 3.
2Reading from and programming to non-erasing sectors allowed in Erase Suspend mode.
3Address bits A11-A18 = X = Don’t Care for all address commands except where Program Address and Sector Address are required.
4Data bits DQ15-DQ8 are don’t care for unlock and command cycles.
5The Unlock Bypass command must be initiated before the Unlock Bypass Program command.
6The Unlock Bypass Reset command returns the device to reading array data when it is in the unlock bypass mode.
1st bus cycle2nd bus cycle3rd bus cycle4th bus cycle5th bus cycle6th bus cycle
Initiate read or reset operations by writing the Read/Reset command sequence into the command
register. This allows the microprocessor to retrieve data from the memory. Device remains in read
mode until command register contents are altered.
Device automatically powers up in read/reset state. This feature allows only reads, therefore
ensuring no spurious memory content alterations during power up.
AS29LV800 provides manufacturer and device codes in two ways. External PROM programmers
typically access the device codes by driving +10V on A9. AS29LV800 also contains an ID Read
command to read the device code with only +3V, since multiplexing +10V on address lines is
generally undesirable.
ID Read
Hardware Reset
Initiate device ID read by writing the ID Read command sequence into the command register.
Follow with a read sequence from address XXX00h to return MFR code. Follow ID Read command
sequence with a read sequence from address XXX01h to return device code.
To verify write protect status on sectors, read address XXX02h. Sector addresses A18–A12 produce
a 1 on DQ0 for protected sector and a 0 for unprotected sector.
Exit from ID read mode with Read/Reset command sequence.
Holding RESET
handled in the operation is corrupted. The internal state machine resets 20 µs after RESET
low. RY/BY
of 50 ns for the device to permit read operations.
Programming the AS29LV800 is a four bus cycle operation performed on a byte-by-byte or wordby-word basis. Two unlock write cycles precede the Program Setup command and program data
write cycle. Upon execution of the program command, no additional CPU controls or timings are
necessary. Addresses are latched on the falling edge of CE
on the rising edge of CE
algorithm provides adequate internally-generated programming pulses and verifies the
programmed cell margin.
Check programming status by sampling data on the RY/BY
or toggle bit (DQ6) at the program address location. The programming operation is complete if
DQ7 returns equivalent data, if DQ6 = no toggle, or if RY/BY
The AS29LV800 ignores commands written during programming. A hardware reset occurring
during programming may corrupt the data at the programmed location.
low for 500 ns resets the device, terminating any operation in progress; data
is driven
remains low until internal state machine resets. After RESET is set high, there is a delay
or WE, whichever is last; data is latched
or WE, whichever is first. The AS29LV800’s automated on-chip program
pin, or either the DATA polling (DQ7)
pin = high.
AS29LV800 allows programming in any sequence, across any sector boundary. Changing data from
0 to 1 requires an erase operation. Attempting to program data 0 to 1 results in either DQ5 = 1
(exceeded programming time limits); reading this data after a read/reset operation returns a 0.
When programming time limit is exceeded, DQ5 reads high, and DQ6 continues to toggle. In this
state, a Reset command returns the device to read mode.
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March 2001
The unlock bypass feature increases the speed at which the system programs bytes or words to the
device because it bypasses the first two unlock cycles of the standard program command sequence.
To initiate the unlock bypass command sequence, two unlock cycles must be written, then
followed by a third cycle which has the unlock bypass command, 20h.
The device then begins the unlock bypass mode. In order to program in this mode, a two cycle
Unlock Bypass
Command Sequence
unlock bypass program sequence is required. The first cycle has the unlock bypass program
command, A0h. It is followed by a second cycle which has the program address and data. To
program additional data, the same sequence must be followed.
The unlock bypass mode has two valid commands, the Unlock Bypass Program command and the
Unlock Bypass Reset command. The only way the system can exit the unlock bypass mode is by
issuing the unlock bypass reset command sequence. This sequence involves two cycles. The first
cycle contains the data, 90h. The second cycle contains the data 00h. Addresses are don’t care for
both cycles. The device then returns to reading array data.
Chip erase requires six bus cycles: two unlock write cycles; a setup command, two additional
unlock write cycles; and finally the Chip Erase command.
Chip Erase
Sector Erase
Chip erase does not require logical 0s to be written prior to erasure. When the automated on-chip
erase algorithm is invoked with the Chip Erase command sequence, AS29LV800 automatically
programs and verifies the entire memory array for an all-zero pattern prior to erase. The 29LV800
returns to read mode upon completion of chip erase unless DQ5 is set high as a result of exceeding
time limit.
Sector erase requires six bus cycles: two unlock write cycles, a setup command, two additional
unlock write cycles, and finally the Sector Erase command. Identify the sector to be erased by
addressing any location in the sector. The address is latched on the falling edge of WE
command, 30h is latched on the rising edge of WE
erase time-out.
To erase multiple sectors, write the Sector Erase command to each of the addresses of sectors to
erase after following the six bus cycle operation above. Timing between writes of additional sectors
must be less than the erase time-out period, or the AS29LV800 ignores the command and erasure
begins. During the time-out period any falling edge of WE
(other than Sector Erase or Erase Suspend) during time-out period resets the AS29LV800 to read
mode, and the device ignores the sector erase command string. Erase such ignored sectors by
restarting the Sector Erase command on the ignored sectors.
The entire array need not be written with 0s prior to erasure. AS29LV800 writes 0s to the entire
sector prior to electrical erase; writing of 0s affects only selected sectors, leaving non-selected
sectors unaffected. AS29LV800 requires no CPU control or timing signals during sector erase
Automatic sector erase begins after sector erase time-out from the last rising edge of WE
sector erase command stream and ends when the DATA
address must be performed on addresses that fall within the sectors being erased. AS29LV800
returns to read mode after sector erase unless DQ5 is set high by exceeding the time limit.
. The sector erase operation begins after a sector
resets the time-out. Any command
polling (DQ7) is logical 1. DATA polling
; the
from the
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