NTD-FT:Flow-through Burst Synchronous SRAM with NTD
1. NTD: No Turnaround Delay. NTDTM is a trademark of Alliance Semiconductor Corporation. All trademarks mentioned in this document are the property
of their respective owners.
The AS7C33256NTF32A/36A family is a high performance CMOS 8 Mbit Synchronous Static Random Access Memory (Flowthrough
SRAM) organized as 262,144 words × 32 or 36 bits and incorporates a LATE Write.
This variation of the 8Mb sychronous SRAM uses the No Turnaround Delay (NTD™) architecture, featuring an enhanced write operation
that improves bandwidth over pipelined burst devices. In a normal flowthrough burst device, the write data, command, and address are all
applied to the device on the same clock edge. If a read command follows this write command, the system must wait for one 'dead' cycle for
valid data to become available. This dead cycle can significantly reduce overall bandwidth for applications requiring random access or readmodify-write operations.
devices use the memory bus more efficiently by introducing a write latency which matches one-cycle flow-through read latency.
Write data is applied one cycle after the write command and address, allowing the read pipeline to clear. With NTD
operations can be used in any order without producing dead bus cycle.
Assert R/W low to perform write cycles. Byte write enable controls write access to specific bytes, or can be tied low for full 32/36 bit writes.
Write enable signals, along with the write address, are registered on a rising edge of the clock. Write data is applied to the device one clock
cycle later. Unlike some asynchronous SRAMs, output enable OE does not need to be toggled for write operations; it can be tied low for
normal operations. Outputs go to a high impedance state when the device is de-selected by any of the three chip enable inputs.
Use the ADV (burst advance) input to perform burst read, write and deselect operations. When ADV is high, external addresses, chip select,
pins are ignored, and internal address counters increment in the count sequence specified by the LBO control. Any device operations,
including burst, can be stalled using the CEN=1, the clock enable input.
The AS7C33256NTF32A and AS7C33256NTF36A operate with a 3.3V ± 5% power supply for the device core (VDD). DQ circuits use a
separate power supply (V
) that operates across 3.3V or 2.5V ranges. These devices are available in a 100-pin 14×20 mm TQFP package
ParameterSymbolTest conditionsMinMaxUnit
Input capacitanceC
I/O capacitanceC
Guaranteed not tested
Vin = 0V-5pF
Vin = V
= 0V-7pF
, write and read
TQFP thermal resistance
DescriptionConditionsSymbolTyp ic alUnits
Thermal resistance
(junction to ambient)
Thermal resistance
(junction to top of case)
1 This parameter is sampled
Test conditions follow standard test methods
and procedures for measuring thermal
impedance, per EIA/JESD51
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Signal descriptions
SignalI/O Properties Description
CLKICLOCKClock. All inputs except OE
ISYNCClock enable. When de-asserted high, the clock input signal is masked.
A, A0, A1ISYNCAddress. Sampled when all chip enables are active and ADV/LD
DQ[a,b,c,d]I/OSYNCData. Driven as output when the chip is enabled and OE
, CE1,
Synchronous chip enables. Sampled at the rising edge of CLK, when ADV/LD
Are ignored when ADV/LD
Advance or Load. When sampled high, the internal burst address counter will increment in
the order defined by the LBO input value. (refer to table on page 2) When low, a new
address is loaded.
IASYNCAsynchronous output enable. I/O pins are not driven when OE is inactive.
A high during LOAD initiates a READ operation. A low during LOAD initiates a WRITE
operation. Is ignored when ADV/LD
Byte write enables. Used to control write on individual bytes. Sampled along with WRITE
command and BURST WRITE.
Selects Burst mode. When tied to V
order. When driven Low, device follows linear Burst order. This signal is internally pulled
ZZI ASYNCSnooze. Places device in low power mode; data is retained. Connect to GND if unused.
NC--No connects. Note that pin 84 will be used for future address expansion to 16Mb density.
, LBO, and ZZ are synchronous to this clock.
is asserted.
is active.
is high.
is high.
or left floating, device follows Interleaved Burst
is asserted.
Snooze Mode
SNOOZE MODE is a low current, power-down mode in which the device is deselected and current is reduced to ISB2. The duration of
SNOOZE MODE is dictated by the length of time the ZZ is in a High state.
The ZZ pin is an asynchronous, active high input that causes the device to enter SNOOZE MODE.
When the ZZ pin becomes a logic High, ISB2 is guaranteed after the time t
become disabled and all outputs go to High-Z. Any operation pending when entering SNOOZE MODE is not guaranteed to successful
complete. Therefore, SNOOZE MODE (READ or WRITE) must not be initiated until valid pending operations are completed. similarly,
when exiting SNOOZE MODE during tPUS, only a DESELECT or READ cycle should be given while the SRAM is transitioning out of
is met. After entering SNOOZE MODE, all inputs except ZZ
Burst Order
Interleaved Burst Order LBO=1Linear Burst Order LBO=0
XXXHXXLLNextL to HREAD Cycle (Continue Burst)Q1,10
LHLLHXHLExternal L to H NOP/DUMMY READ (Begin Burst) High-Z2
XXXHXXHLNextL to HDUMMY READ (Continue Burst)High-Z 1,2,10
LHLLLLXLExternal L to HWRITE CYCLE (Begin Burst) D3
XXXHXLXLNextL to HWRITE CYCLE (Continue Burst) D1,3,10
LHLLLHXLExternal L to H NOP/WRITE ABORT (Begin Burst) High-Z2,3
XXXHXHXLNextL to HWRITE ABORT (Continue Burst) High-Z
Key: X = Don’t Care, H = HIGH, L = LOW. BWn = H means all byte write signals (BWa, BWb, BWc, and BWd) are HIGH. BWn = L means one or
more byte write signals are LOW.
1 CONTINUE BURST cycles, whether READ or WRITE, use the same control inputs. The type of cycle performed (READ or WRITE) is chose in the initial
BEGIN BURST cycle. A CONINUE DESELECT cycle can only be entered if a DESELECT CYCLE is executed first.
2 DUMMY READ and WRITE ABORT cycles can be considered NOPs because the device performs no external operation. A WRITE ABORT means a
WRITE command is given, but no operation is performed.
may be wired LOW to minimize the number of control signal to the SRAM. The device will automatically turn off the output drivers during a WRITE
3 OE
cycle. OE
4 If an INHIBIT CLOCK command occurs during a READ operation, the DQ bus will remain active (Low-Z). If it occurs during a WRITE cycle, the bus
will remain in High-Z. No WRITE operations will be performed during the INHIBIT CLOCK cycle.
6 All inputs except
7 Wait states are inserted by setting
8 This device contains circuitry that will ensure that the outputs will be in High-Z during power-up.
9 The device incorporates a 2-bit burst counter. Address wraps to the initial address every fourth BURST CYCLE.
10 The address counter is incremented for all CONTINUE BURST cycles.
11 ZZ pin is always Low.
may be used when the bus turn-on and turn-off times do not meet an application’s requirements.
BWa enables WRITEs to byte “a” (DQa pins/balls); BWb enables WRITEs to byte “b” (DQb pins/balls); BWc enables WRITEs to byte “c” (DQc pins/
BWd enables WRITEs to byte “d” (DQd pins/balls).
OE and ZZ must meet setup and hold times around the rising edge (LOW to HIGH) of CLK.
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