Alliance Laundry Systems UWU045K2L, UWL035K12, UWL035K1L, UWL035K1M, UWL045K1L Programming Manual

Refer to Page 4 for Model Numbers
Keep These Instructions for Future Reference.
Part No. F8208801R6
April 2012
Failure to install, maintain, and/or operate this machine according to the manufacturer's instructions may result in conditions which can produce bodily injury and/or property damage.
instructions appearing in this manual are not meant to cover all possible conditions and situations that may occur. It must be understood that common sense, caution, and carefulness are factors which cannot be built into these machines. These factors MUST BE supplied by the person(s) installing, maintaining, or operating the machine.
Always contact the distributor, service agent, or the manufacturer about any problems or conditions you do not understand.
© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMITF8208801
Table of Contents
Model Identification ........................................................................... 4
Preliminary Information.................................................................... 5
About the Control.......................... ..... .................................................. 5
Glossary of Terms................................................................................. 5
Power Failure Recovery ....................................................................... 5
Communications................................................................................... 5
Control Identification......................................................................... 6
Select Cycle Pads.................................................................................. 6
Display Identification ......................................................................... 7
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)............................................................. 7
Machine Operation............................................................................. 8
Start Up................................................................................................. 8
Door Locking Mode ............................................................................. 8
Stop Mode............................................................................................. 8
Start Mode ............................................................................................ 8
End of Cycle Mode............................................................................... 8
Cycle Sequence..................................................................................... 8
Run Mode ............................................................................................. 8
Signals................................................................................................... 8
Special Features.................................................................................. 9
Programming Control........................................................................... 9
Collecting Audit Information ............................................................... 9
Testing Machine and Control Functions............................................... 9
Rapid Advance Feature......................................................................... 9
Communications Mode......................................................................... 9
Entering the Manual Mode................................................................ 10
How to Enter the Manual Mode ........................................................... 10
Manual Diagnostics.............................................................................. 10
Programming Control........................................................................ 11
What Can Be Programmed? ........................................................ .... ..... 11
Programmable Options Available......................................................... 11
Manual Mode Flowchart....................................................................... 14
Manual Programming Flowchart (1 of 3)............................................. 15
Manual Programming Flowchart (2 of 3)............................................. 16
Manual Programming Flowchart (3 of 3)............................................. 17
Diagnostic Tests Flowchart .................................................................. 18
1. Default Cycle “dCYC” ............................................................... 19
2. Audio Signal “AUd” .............................................................. ..... 20
3. Error Code Programming “Err-” ................................................. 22
4. Cycle Programming “Cy--” ........................................................ 26
5. Number of Balance Retries “bALr” (Variable Frequency
Drives Only) ................................................................................ 30
6. IR Access (On/Off) “IrA” ........................................................... 31
7. Fahrenheit/Celsius “t FC” ........................................................... 31
8. Hot Water Temperature “FH” ..................................................... 32
9. Warm Water Temperature “FHC” .............................................. 32
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10. Cold Water Temperature “FC” ................................................... 33
11. Cooldown Enable/Temperature “Codn” ..................................... 33
12. Production Test Cycle (On/Off) “PtEn” ..................................... 34
13. Manual Rapid Advance (On/Off) “rAEn” .................................. 34
14. No Cycle Time Display “nCtd” .................................................. 35
15. Programmable Cycle Time Display “PCtd” ............................... 35
16. Slow Drain Detection Adjust “SdAd” ........................................ 36
17. Set Real-Time Clock “rtC-”’ ...................................................... 37
18. Manual Diagnostics (On/Off) “dAEn” ....................................... 38
19. Low Water Level “FLo” ............................................................. 38
20. Medium Water Level “FnEd” ....................................... ..... .... ..... 39
21. High Water Level “FHI” ............................................................. 39
22. Temperature Controlled Fill Enable/Disable “tCF” ................... 40
23. Auto-Water Leak Detection “ALd” ............................................ 41
Collecting Audit Information ............................................................ 42
Manual Reset....................................................................................... 43
Testing Machine and
Electronic Control Functions............................................................. 44
Diagnostic Test Descriptions................................................................ 46
Production Test Cycle.................................................... ....................... 49
Error Codes......................................................................................... 52
Rapid Advance Feature...................................................................... 55
Communications Mode ...................................................................... 56
Infra-red Communications.................................................................... 56
Default Cycles...................................................................................... 57
© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT
Model Identification
Information in this manual is applicable to these machine models:
UWL035K12 UWL065K2M UWN060K1M UWU045K2L UWL035K1L UWL080K1M UWN065K1L UWU045K2M UWL035K1M UWL100K1M UWN065K1M UWU060K12 UWL045K1L UWL125K1M UWN065K2L UWU060K1L UWL045K1M UWN035K12 UWN065K2M UWU060K1M UWL045K2L UWN035K1L UWN080K1M UWU065K1L UWL045K2M UWN035K1M UWN100K1M UWU065K1M UWL060K12 UWN045K1L UWN125K1M UWU065K2L UWL060K1L UWN045K1M UWU035K12 UWU065K2M UWL060K1M UWN045K2L UWU035K1L UWU080K1M UWL065K1L UWN045K2M UWU035K1M UWU100K1M UWL065K1M UWN060K12 UWU045K1L UWU125K1M UWL065K2L UWN060K1L UWU045K1M
© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT
Preliminary Information
About the Control
This control is an advanced, programmable computer that lets the owner control most machine features by pressing a sequence of keypads. Refer to Figure 1.
The control allows the owner to program custom cycles, retrieve audit information, run diagnostic tests, and other programmable features. Refer to Programming Control for a list of features. Machines shipped from the factory have a default cycle of Cycle #5 built in. However, the owner can change the default cycle, or any cycle, as needs permit.
IMPORTANT: In the event of a power failure, the control will not have to be reprogrammed. It is designed with a memory system that will remember how it was programmed until the electrical power is restored.
IMPORTANT: It is extremely important that the machine has a good ground connection and that all mech a ni c al and electrical connections to the contr ol are made before applying power to or operating the machine.
Glossary of Terms
The following are a few terms and abbreviations to learn. These are referred to throughout the instructions.
Power Failure Recovery
If a cycle is in progress and the power fails for less than five seconds, the cycle status is saved in memory. When the power recovers, the machine will resume into the previously active cycle.
If the length of the power failure is greater than five seconds, the control will end the cycle and the display will revert back to Start Mode.
The control may be programmed manually or by infra­red communication with an external device.
Infra-red Communications
An external device, such as a PDA, allows the owner to program and retrieve information from the control without touching the keypad. An external device greatly expands the programming options available to the owner. However, it is not required to program and operate the machine. The operation of an external device and the advanced features available are covered separately in the instructions included with the external device software. Contact Alliance Laundry Systems for a list of approved PDAs and o ther external devices.
Display – This term refers to the window area of the
control that displays words and values.
LED (Light Emitting Diode) – This term refers to the
lights next to the keypads and status words of the control.
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Control Identification
Select Cycle Pads (Refer to Figure 1)
SELECT CYCLE pads are used to select the specific washer cycle. These pads are numbered 0-9 and allow the user to select a cycle other than the default cycle (#5). The SELECT CYCLE keypads are not active after a cycle has been started. Pressing the flashing START pad will confirm the selection and the cycle will begin.
The SELECT CYCLE pads are used in va rious combinations for programming cycles, retrieving audit information, running diagnostic tests, and other operations. These instructions cover the manual programming and data retrieval options.
1 SELECT CYCLE pads 2 Display 3 Four 7-Segment Digits 4 STOP UNLOCK pad 5 START pad 6 LED Light 7 LED Status Lights
Figure 1
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Display Identification
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) (Refer to Figure 1)
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are used to indicate the chosen cycle, cycle status, when the bleach compartment is dispensing, and door lock information. See below for information on each LED.
Wash LED is lit at the beginning of a wash portion of the cycle and will remain lit until the wash is complete.
Rinse LED is lit at the beginning of a rinse portion of the cycle and will remain lit until the rinse is complete.
Spin LED is lit during the Final Spin portion of the cycle.
Door LED is lit whenever the door is locked.
Four 7-Segment Digits
The 7-Segment Digits are used to display the time remaining in a cycle, error messages and descriptive codes. During diagnostic testing or manual programming of the control, these digits will display descriptive codes and values (as described in Entering the Manual Mode).
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Machine Operation
Start Up
When power is applied to the machine, the control will display its software version as “S xx” (“xx” is the version number) for one second. If the control was not powered down during a running cycle, it will enter Star t Mode.
Door Locking Mode
The control enters this mode after the START (enter) keypad is pressed in Start Mode. The control stays in Door Locking Mode until it confirms the door is closed and locked.
Stop Mode
The control enters this mode if the user stops the cycle by pressing the STOP keypad. If control does not detect water or cylinder rotation it will enter End Of Cycle Mode.
Start Mode
The control enters this mode when machine is ready for operation. The display will show “CYxx” where “xx” is the cycle number.
After pressing the START keypad, with the door closed and locked, the cycle will begin. The cycle cannot be changed once the cycle has st arte d.
Run Mode
The control enters this mode when a cycle is running. The time remaining appears in the display , the status LED’s are lit and the loading door is locked.
There are two options when a signal can be used during the machine operation. These two options are listed below:
1. End of Cycle Signal
By default, this signal is turned off. If turned on, the signal sounds for three (3) seconds at the end of a cycle.
2. Signal On Keypad Depression
By default, this signal is turned on and sounds for a quarter of a second each time a keypad is pressed.
NOTE: Refer to Programming Control to program signal options.
End of Cycle Mode
When a cycle is complete, the control will display “00” and will prompt for door unlock by flashing STOP/ UNLOCK LED until the machine door is unlocked and opened. When this event occurs, the display will revert back to Start Mode.
Cycle Sequence
Upon the start of a cycle, the control will display the total cycle time. The appropriate LEDs will light while the machine passes through different cycle steps. The user will not be able to change cycles or water temperature.
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Special Features
Programming Control
The control allows the machine owner to program the control with the use of the keypad. Cycle options may be programmed, audit information may be viewed and diagnostic tests may be run by pressing combinations of the select cycle keypads.
For details on programming select cycle options, refer to Programming Control.
Collecting Audit Information
The control will store audit information in its memory that can be retrieved by pressing various combinations of Select Cycle keyp a d s . The control will record total machine cycles.
For more information on the audit features, refer to Collecting Audit Information.
NOTE: Additional audit information is retrievable with an external device, using infra-red communications. Refer to the appropriate instruction manual.
Testing Machine and Control Functions
Special diagnostic features built into the control allow the owner to run specific diagnostic tests. By opening and closing the top cover and then pressing various sequences of Select Cycle keypads, the owner may retrieve or perform the following tests:
Drive Parameter Table Version Number (Design 4 models only)
Drive Type (Design 4 models only)
For detailed information on running diagnostic tests, refer to Testing Machine and Control Functions.
Rapid Advance Feature
This feature allows the user to quickly advance through active cycles. This feature is useful when tests must be performed immediately on a machine currently in an active cycle. In this case, the user can quickly advance through the cycles to shakeout. At this point, the user can perform the required tests and then return the machine to the point it was interrupted.
For detailed information on using the Rapid Advance feature, refer to Rapid Advance Feature.
Communications Mode
This feature allows the control to communicate with an external device using infra-red communications. This allows the control to be programmed and have its data read without using the keypad.
For more detailed information on using the Communications Mode feature, refer to Communications Mode.
Front End Control Software Version Number
Output Board Control Software Version Number
Output Board Water Level Sensor Trim Value
Top Cover Opening Test
Door Switch Input Test
Door Lock Input Test
Show Fill Time Test
Show Drain Time Test
Temperature Sensor Display Test
Start Pulse Test
VFD Balance Input Test
24 VAC Switch Input Test
VFD Drive Fault Input Test
Frame Balance Switch Input Test
VFD Balance Weight Test (Design 1 models
Drive DC Bus Display Test (Design 4 models only)
Water Purge Test
Water Leak Detection test
Drive Software Version Number (Design 4
models only)
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Entering the Manual Mode
For programming, testing, and retrieving information from the control, it is often necessary to enter the Manual Mode by following the six simple steps below .
How to Enter the Manual Mode
1. If the machine is in an active cycle, rapid advance through the cycle. Refer to the Rapid Advance Feature.
2. Press and hold the #4 keypad and the #1 keypad at the same time.
3. The display will show “rAPd”.
4. Press the #3 ( ) keypad or the #6 ( ) keypad to scroll through the options until the desired option appears in the display.
5. Press the START (enter) keypad.
Manual Mode is broken into three groups: Manual Programming, Manual Rapid Advance and Manual Diagnostics. Manual Programming can only be turned on or off with an external device. Refer to the appropriate instruc tion m anual. Manual Rapid Advance and Ma nua l D iag no sti cs can be turned on and off usi ng an external device or by manual p rogramming (refer to 13 and 15 of Programming Control).
Manual Programming
Manual Programming (Prog) Manual Read Audit (AUdt) Manual Reset (rSEt)
Manual Rapid Advance
Rapid Advance (rAPd)
Manual Diagnostics
Manual Diagnostic Tests (dIAg) If a group is turned off, the display will change from
the selected feature to “oFF” when the START pad is pressed and an audio signal will sound for one (1) second. The display will then return to the selected feature. The features in the group cannot be entered.
By default, all groups are turned “on”. The manual features available in each group are as
follows (the menu displayed on the display in this mode is in parentheses).
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Programming Control
What Can Be Programmed?
Each description includes instructions on when and why the option might be used and, more importantly,
This feature allows the owner to program cycle information and other features by using the keypads. The control must have the Manual Programming Mode enabled, which is the factory default. This mode can only be turned “oFF” and “on” by using an external device. Refer to this section when programming the control.
This section offers a detailed description of all available programmable options.
how to program the option. For more advanced users, a quick reference list (refer
to Table 1) of the options available throug h the Manual Programming Mode is available. Programming Flowcharts (refer to Figures Figure 2-Figure 6) are located on the following pages.
NOTE: The letters and numbers in the Option Display column of the Programmable Options List are what will be shown in the display when that option is selected.
Programmable Options Available
1“dCYC” Default Cycle Cy05”* Cy01”-“Cy30”* 2“AUd” Audio Signal 29”* 0”-“31”* 3“Err-” Errors ——
a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
4“Cy--” Cycle Programming Refer to Cycle Chart for default cycle information
E FL Fill Errors on”“on”/“oFF”
E dr Drain Error on”“on”/“oFF”E Ub Unbalance Error Display on”“on”/“oFF”E oP Open Therm ister Error Display on”“on”/“oFF”
E SH Shorted Thermistor Error Display on”“on”/“oFF”
E Ht Heat Error Display (Heater only) on”“on”/“oFF”
LEr- Water Leak Detection Error
LEr1 Water Leak Detection During a Machine Cycle
LEr2 Water Leak Detection Day of Week Enable 127”* “0”-“127”*
LEr3”*** Number of Cycles Between Water Leak
Detection During a Machine Cycle
ESd” Slow Drain Detection oFF”“on”/“oFF”
AgIt Cycle Agitate ——
tyPE Agitate Type ** 1”-“4”*
ASPd Agitate Speed (VFD only) ** Lo”/“rEg”*
SgEn Segment Enable/Disable ** on”/“oFF
FILL Fill Step ——
FLEn Fill Step Enable/Disable **
FLEU Fill Level ** HI”/“nEd”/“Lo” or 1-30
Cycle Segment Programming ——
Description Default
Table 1 (continued)
Value Range
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Programming Control
Table 1 (continued)
tEnP Fill Temperature ** CoLd”/“Uarn”/“Hot”or
Description Default
Value Range
SUPL Supply S tep ——
SUEn Supply Step Enable/Disable ** on”/“oFF
dISP Dispenser Options ** Display will show “Sx
S1 Supply #1 ** on”/“oFF
S2 Supply #2 ** on”/“oFF
S3 Supply #3 ** on”/“oFF
S4 Supply #4 ** on”/“oFF
SdUr Supply Duration ** Press START keypad to access
SEC Seconds ** 0-59
nIn Minutes ** 0-9
AgSt Agitate Step ——
AgEn Agitate Step Enable/Disable ** on”/“oFF
AdUr Agitate Duratio n (in minutes) ** 1-30 for agitate types 1 or 2;
1-180 for agitate types 3 or 4
HEAt Heat in Agitate (if heater is present) ** oFF”/“1”/“2”**
drAn Drain Step —“on”/“oFF
SPIn Spin Step ——
SPEn” Extract Step Enable/Disable ** “on”/“oFF
SSEC Extract Seconds ** 0-59
SnIn Extract Minutes ** Intermediate Extract:
Min. Step Time = 30 seconds, Max. Step Time = 3:59 minutes
Final Extract: Min. Step Time = 30 seconds, Max. Step Time = 9:59 minutes
SSPd Extract Speed (VFD only) ** 1”-“3”*
5“bALr” Number of Balance Retries (VFD only) 3 (Design 1
Cnin”*** Cycle Time in Minutes (If PCtd is enabled) 0 0-255 minutes
and 2)
1 (Design 4)
6“IrA” IR Access (On/Off) on”“on”/“oFF 7“t FC” Fahrenheit/Celsius FAHr”“FAHr”/“CEL 8“FH” Hot Water Temperature 140°F (60°C) 35°F-194°F/2°C-90°C 9“FHC” Warm Water Temperature 100°F (38°C) 35°F-194°F/2°C-90°C 10 FC Cold Water Temperature 35°F (2°C) 35°F-194°F/2°C-90°C 11 Codn Cooldown Enable/Temperature oFF
”“oFF” or 50°F-160°F/10°C-71°C
12 PtEn Production Test Cycle (On/Off) on”“on”/“oFF 13 rAEn Manual Rapid Advance (On/Off) on”“on”/“oFF
Table 1 (continued)
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Programming Control
Table 1 (continued)
Description Default
Value Range
14 nCtd No Cycle Time Display oFF”“on”/“oFF 15 PCtd”*** Programmable Cycle Time Display 0 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled 16 SdAd Slow Drain Detection Adjust 0 0-255 seconds 17 rtC-” Real Time Clock ——
a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
rtC1 Set Real Time Clock Minutes 00-59
rtC2 Set Real Time Clock Hours 00-23
rtC3 Set Real Time Clock Day 001” (Sunday)-“007” (Saturday)
rtC4 Set Real Time Clock Date 1-31
rtC5 Set Real Time Clock Month 1-12
rtC6 Set Real Time Clock Year 00 (2000)-99
rtC7 Daylight Saving Option on”“on”/“oFF”
18 dAEn Manual Diagnostics (On/Off) on”“on”/“oFF 19 FLo Low Water Level 31-10 20 FnEd Medium Water Level 15 11-20 21 FHI High Water Level 27 21-30 22 tCF Temperature Controlled Fill oFF”“on”/“oFF 23 ALd
a. b. c.
Auto-Water Leak Detection ——
ALd1 Auto-Water Leak Detection (On/Off and cycles) oFF”“oFF”/0-127 (Cycles)ALd2 Auto-Water Leak Detection Hour 0 0-23 “ALd3 Auto-Water Leak Detection Day of Week 127”* “0”-“127”*
*Refer to programming section for value definition. **Refer to the Operation Manual for default cycle setting information. ***Available on Software Version 2 or later.
Table 1
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Programming Control
Enter Manual Mode.
Press and hold both #4 keypad and
#1 keypad at the same time.
“rAPd” - Quickly advance through active
1. Press START (enter) keypad to begin Rapid Advance cycle and advance through cycle
“AUdt” - Retrieve audit information for
1. Press START (enter) keypad.
“CyC” - Total number of machine cycles:
1. Press START (enter) once to read audit.
“rSEt” - Reset the control’s programming data
to factory default.
1. Press START (enter) keypad.
“Prog” - Program cycle information and other
features into the control.
1. Refer to the Manual Programming flowchart.
“dIAg” - Run diagnostic tests on machine
1. Press START (enter) keypad. Refer to Diagnostic Tests flowchart.
“rCyC” - Total number of rapid advance cycles:
1. Press START (enter) once to read audit.
(Option available on Software Version 2 or later)
Manual Mode Flowchart
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Figure 2
Manual Programming Flowchart (1 of 3)
“AUd” - Program when the signal will sound.
“Err-” - Turn on/off certain errors in control.
“E dr” - Drain Error
“E Ub” - Unbalance Error (VFD only)
“E Sd” - Slow Drain Detection
“FILL” - Program fill step options
“LEr-” - Leak Detection
“E oP” - Open Thermistor Error
(temp sensor only)
“E SH” - Shorted Thermistor Error
(temp sensor only)
“LEr1” - Water Leak Detection During
a Machine Cycle
“LEr2” - Water Leak Detection - Day
of Week
“LEr3” - Number of Cycles Between Water
Leak Detection During a Machine Cycle
“0” - “127”
(Available on Software
Version 2 or later)
“dCYC” - Set the default cycle and
“Cy--” - Program aspects for the various
steps in each type of cycle. There are (30)
cycles available for programming.
(continued) (continued)
“SEg1” - Program options for each
segment. There are (8) segments
available for programming
“SgEn” - Segment Enabled/Disabled:
“on” = Enabled
“oFF” = Disabled
“tyPE” - Agitation Type:
1 = 18/3/18
2 = 10/20/10
3 = 3/27/3 4 = 4/56/4
“ASPd” - Agitation Speed (VFD only):
“Lo” = Reduced Speed
“rEg” = Normal Speed
“AgIt” - Program the cycles agitation
action and speed
““FLEn” - Fill Step Enable/Disable:
“on” = Enabled
“oFF” = Disabled
“FLEU” - Fill Level:
“HI” = High Level
“nEd” = Medium Level
“Lo” = Low Level
“1-30” = Fill Level
“tEnP” - Fill Temperature:
“CoLd” = Cold
“UArn” = Warm
“Hot” = Hot
(35°F - 194°F [2°C - 90°C])
“E Ht” - Heat Error (heater only)
“E FL” - Fill Error
Programming Control
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Figure 3
Programming Control
(continued) (continued) (continued)
“SUPL” - Program supply step options
“dISP” Dispenser Options:
Press START (enter) to access options
“SdUr” Supply Duration:
Press START (enter) to access options
“AdUr” - Agitate Duration (min):
“1” - “30” (for agitation types 1 or 2) or
“1” - “180” for agitation types 3 or 4
“AgSt” - Program agitate step options
“drAn” - Enable/disable drain step
“SPIn” - Program extract step options
“Cnin” - Programmable
Cycle Time Display
in Minutes: "0" - "255"
Option available on Software
Version 2 or later
“SUEn” - Supply Step Enable/Disable:
“on” = Enabled
“oFF” = Disabled
“AgEn” - Agitate Step
“on” = Enabled
“oFF” = Disabled
“SSEC” - Extract Seconds:
“0” - “59”
“SPEn” - Extract Step
“on” = Enabled
“oFF” = Disabled
“HEAt” - Heat in Agitate
(heat present only):
“oFF” = Disabled
“1” = To Target
“2” = Maintain
“S3” -
Supply #3:
“on” = Enabled
“oFF” = Disabled
“S2” -
Supply #2:
“on” = Enabled
“oFF” = Disabled
“S4” - Supply #4:
“on” = Enabled
“oFF” = Disabled
Drain Step:
“on” = Enabled
“oFF” = Disabled
“SEC” - Seconds:
“0” - “59”
“nIn” - Minutes:
“0” - “9”
“S1” -
Supply #1:
“on” = Enabled
“oFF” = Disabled
“SnIn” - Extract Minutes:
“30” - “3.59”: Intermediate Step
“30” - “9:59”: Final Step
“SSPd” Extract Speed (G)
(Design 1 and 2 VFD models only):
1 = Very Low Speed (60)
2 = Low Speed (L - Speed = 100; M - Speed = 120)
3 = Medium Speed
(L - Speed = 100;
M - Speed = 180)
“SSPd” Extract Speed (G) (Design 4 models only)
1 = Very Low Speed (27) 2 = Low Speed (100) 3 = Medium Speed (200) (M-speed only)
Manual Programming Flowchart (2 of 3)
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Figure 4
Manual Programming Flowchart (3 of 3)
“IrA” - Enable/disable the ability to read
the control by an external device:
“on” = Enabled
“off” = Disabled.
“t FC” (Temp Sensor only) - Set
temperature shown in Fahrenheit or Celsius.
“FH” (Temp Sensor only) - Set
the temperature of the hot water:
35°F - 194°F / 2°C - 90°C.
“FHC” (Temp Sensor only) - Set the
temperature of the warm water:
35°F - 194°F / 2°C - 90°C.
“FC” (Temp Sensor only) - Set the
temperature of the cold water:
35°F - 194°F / 2°C - 90°C.
“Codn” (Temp Sensor only) - Enable/disable
the cool down water temperature option:
“off” or 50°F - 160°F / 10°C - 71°C.
“PtEn” - Enable/disable access to the
production test cycle:
“on” = Enabled
“off” = Disabled.
“rAEn” - Enable/disable the rapid advance
“on” = Enabled
“off” = Disabled.
“nCtd” - Enable/disable whether the cycle
time will appear in display:
“on” = Enabled
“off” = Disabled.
“bALr” (VFD only) - Program the number
of times control will retry balancing the
load before moving to extract step: 1-7.
“CEL” = Celsius
“FAHr” = Fahrenheit
“SdAd” - Enable/disable slow drain
detection. When enabled can
increase/decrease the time before a slow
drain error will occur:
0 - 255 seconds
“dAEn” - Enable/disable the manual
diagnostics option:
“on” = Enabled “off” = Disabled.
“FLo” - Program the low water level
during fill and tumble of all cycles:
“1” - “10”
“FnEd” - Program the medium water level
during fill and tumble of all cycles:
“11” - “20”
“FHI” - Program the high water level during
fill and tumble of all cycles:
“21” - “30”
“tCF” (Temp Sensor only) - Enable/disable a
temperature controlled fill:
“on” = Enabled “off” = Disabled.
“ALd-” - Set the time and frequency that the
control automatically checks the water level.
“ALd3” - Auto-Water Leak Detection
Day of Week:
“0” - “127”
“ALd2”” - Auto-Water Leak Detection
“0” - “23”
“ALd1” - Auto-Water Leak Detection:
“on”, then “0” - “127”
“rtC1” - Programs minutes:
“0” - “59”
“rtC2” - Programs Hours:
“0” - “23”
“rtC3” - Programs Day of Week:
“1” - “7”
“rtC4” - Programs Date of Month:
“1” - “31”
“rtC6” - Programs Year:
“0” - “99”
“rtC-” - set the control’s internal clock.
“rtC7” - Programs Daylight Saving:
“on” = Enabled
“oFF” = Disabled
“rtC5” - Programs Month:
“1” - “12”
“PCtd” - When enabled, the control
displays the programmed time during
a machine cycle:
“0” = Disabled “1” = Enabled
Option available on Software
Version 2 or later
© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT
Programming Control
Figure 5
Programming Control
“dIAg” - Diagnostic Tests.
1. Press START (enter) keypad.
“d001” - Front End Control
Software Version # Test
“S xx”
“d002” - Output Board Control
Software # Test
“o xx”
“d003” - Output Board Water Level
Sensor Trim Value
“d004” - Top Cover Opening Test
“A oP” or “A CL”
“d017” - VFD Drive Fault Input
Te st
“dFoP” or “dFCL”
Design 1 and 2 Models
“d018” - Frame Balance Switch
Input Test
“FSoP” or “FSCL”
Design 1 and 2 Models
“d019” - VFD Balance Weight Test
Design 1 and 2 Models
“d021” - Water Leak Detection
Te st
“d020” - Water Purge Test
“d013” - Termperature Sensor
Display Test
“xxxF” or “xxxC”
“d015” - VFD Balance Input Test
“bAoP” or bACL”
Design 1 and 2 Models
“d016” - 24 VAC Switch Input Test
“ACoP” or “ACCL”
Design 1 and 2 Models
“d014” - Start Pulse Test
“d009” - Door Switch Input Test
“drCL” or “drOP”
“d010” - Door Lock Input Test
“drUL” or “drLo”
“d011” - Show Fill Time Test
“d012” - Show Drain Time Test
“d019” - Drive DC Bus
Display Test
Design 4 Models
“d023” - Custom Drive
Parameter Table Version # Test
Design 4 Models
“d022” - Custom Drive
Software Version # Test
Design 4 Models
“d024” - Custom Drive
Type Value
“dt x”
Design 4 Models
Diagnostic Tests Flowchart
© Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC – DO NOT COPY or TRANSMIT
Figure 6
+ 44 hidden pages