All rights reser ved. No part of this book ma y be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means wit hout the written
permission of the publisher .
Section 1
Death or serious injury can resu lt if children
become trapped in the ma c hine. Do not
allow childre n t o play o n or around this
machine. Do not leave children unattended
while the machine door is open.
This mach ine must be installed, adjuste d,
and serviced by qualif ied electrica l
maintena nc e personnel familiar with the
construc t ion and operation of this type o f
machine ry. They mu s t al s o be familiar with
the potential hazards involved. Failure to
observe th is warning may resu lt in personal
injury and/or equipment dama ge, a nd may
void the warranty.
Anyone operating or servicing this machine
must follow the safety rules in this manual.
Particular attention must be paid to the
, and
blocks which appear throughout the manual.
Be carefu l around the open door,
par ticularly wh en loading from a level
below the doo r. Impact wi th door edges
can cause personal injury.
Dangerous voltages are p res ent in the
electrical control box(es ) and at the motor
termin als. Only qualifi ed personnel familia r
with electrical te st procedures, test
equipment, and safety precautions shou ld
attempt ad justments and troubleshoot ing.
Disconnec t pow er f rom the mach ine before
removing the c ontrol box cover, and before
attemptin g any servic e procedures.
The following warnings are general examples
that apply to this machine. Warnings specific
to a particular operation will appear in the
manual with the discussion of that oper ation.
Ensure th at th e m ac hine is installed on a
level floor of sufficient s t rength and that the
recommended clearances for inspection
and maint enance are prov ided. Never allow
the inspect ion and maint enance space to
be blocked.
Key To Symbols
The lightning flash and arrowhead within the
triangle is a warning sign indica ting the
presence of dangerous voltage.
Never touch internal or exter nal steam
pipes, connections, or components. These
surfaces can be extremely hot and will
cause severe burn s. Th e s t eam must be
turned off and the pipe, co nnections, and
compone nt s allow ed to cool before the pipe
can be touched.
This warning symbol indicates the presence of
possibly dangerous chemicals. Proper
precautions should be taken when handling
corrosive or caustic materi als.
The exclamation point within the triangle is a
warning sign indicating important instructions
concerning the machine and possibly
dangerous conditions.
This warning symbol indicates the presence of
potentially dangerous drive mechanisms
within the machine. Guards should always be
in place when the machine is in operation.
This warning symbol indicates the presence of
hot surfaces that could cause serious burns.
Stainless steel and steam lines can become
extremely hot and should not be touched.
This warning symbol indicates the presence of
possibly dangerous pinch-points. Moving
mechanical parts can crush and/or sever
body parts.
Never operate the machine with a bypassed
or disconnected b alance system. Operating
the machine with severe out-of-balance
loads cou ld result in personal injury and
serious equipment da m age.
To provide personal safety and keep the
machine in proper working or der, follow all
maintenance and safety procedures presented in
this manual. If questions reg arding sa fety ari se,
contact the factory immediately.
Use factory-authorized spare parts to avoid
safety hazards.
Operator Safety
NEVER in s ert hands or objects into basket
until it has co m pletely stopp ed. Doing so
could resu lt in s erious injury.
To ensure the safety of machine operators, the
following maintenance checks must be
performed daily:
If the door lock and interlock are
not functioning properly, call a
service technician.
3. Do not attempt to ope rate the machine if
any of the following conditions are present:
a. The door does not remain securely
locked during the entire cycle.
b. E xcessively high water level
is evident.
c. Machine is not connected to a
properly grounded circuit.
Do not bypass any safety devices in
the machine.
1. Prior to operating the machine, verify that
all warning signs are present and legible.
Missing or illegible signs must be replaced
immediately. Make certain that spares
are available.
2. Check door interlock before starting
operation of the machine:
a. Attempt to start the machine
with the door open. The machine should
not start with the door open.
b. Cl ose the door without locking it and
attempt to start the machine. The
machine should not start with the
door unlocked.
c. Close and lock the door and start a
cycle. Attempt to open the door while
the cycle is in progress. The door
should not open.
Do not place volatile or flammable fluids
in any machine. D o not clean the m ac hine
with volatile or flammable fluids s uc h as
acetone, lacquer thinners, enamel reducers,
carbon tetrachloride, gasoline, benzene,
naptha, etc. Doing so could result in serious
personal injury and/or damage t o
the machine.
Safe Operating Environment
Safe operation requires an appropriate
operating environment for both the operator
and the machine. If questions regarding safety
arise, contact the factory immediately.
V entilation
. The need for make-up air
openings for such laundry room
accessories as dryers, ironers, water
heaters, etc., must be evaluated
periodically. Louvers, screens, or other
separating devices may r educe the
available air opening significantly.
Environmental Conditions
Ambient Temperatur e
. Water in the
machine will freeze at temperatures
of 32° F or below.
Temperatures above 120° F (50° C) will
result in more frequent motor ove rhea ting
and, in some cases, malfunction or
premature damage to solid state devices
that are used in some models. Special
cooling devices may be necessary.
Water pressure switches are affected by
increases and decrease s in temperat ure .
Every 25° F (10° C) change in temperature
will have a 1% effect on the water level.
. Relative humidity above 90%
may cause the machine’s electronics or
motors to malfunction or may trip the
ground fault interrupter. Corrosion
problems may occur on some metal
components in the machine.
Radio Frequency Emissions
. A filter is
availa ble for mac hines in installations
where floor space is shared with
equipment sensitive to radio
frequency emissions.
. If the machine is to be operated
at elevations of over 3,280 feet (1,000
meters) above sea level, pay special
attention to water levels and electronic
settings (particularly temperature ) or
desired results may not be achieved.
. Ke ep stainless steel surfaces
free of chemical residues.
If the relative humidity is below 30%,
belts and rubber hoses may eventually
develop dry r ot. This condition can result
in hose leaks, which may cause safety
hazards external to the machine in
conjunction with adjacent electrical
Water Dama ge
. Do not spray the machine
with water. Short circuiting and serious
damage may result. Repair immediately all
seepage due to faulty gaskets, etc.
Safe Operating Environment
Machine Location
sufficient strength and thickness to handle
the floor loads generated by the high
extract speeds of the machine.
Ser v ic e/ M aintenanc e Space
sufficient space to allow comfortable
performance of service procedures and
routine preventive maintenance.
This is especially important in connection
with machines equipped with an AC
inverter drive.
Consult installation instructions for
specific details.
. The concrete floor must be of
. Provide
(6.7 bar) may result in damage to m achine
plumbing. Component failure(s) and
personal injury could result.
Steam Heat (Optiona l) Pressure
. Best
performance will be realized if steam is
provided at a pressure of 30–80 psi
(2.0–5.4 bar). Steam pressure higher than
125 psi (8.5 bar) may result in damage
to steam components and may cause
personal injury.
For machines equipped with optional
steam heat, install piping in accordance
with approved commerc ial steam
practices. Failure to install the s upplied
steam filter may void the war ranty.
Compressed Air
. For machines requiring
compressed air service, best performance
will be realized if air is provided at a
pressure of 80–100 psi (5.4–6.7 bar).
Replace a ll panels that are removed to
perform service an d m aintenance
procedures. Do not opera te th e m ac hine
with missing gua rds or with broken or
missing parts. Do not bypass any
safety devices.
Input and Output Services
Water Pressure
realized if water is provided at a pressure
of 30–85 psi (2.0–5.7 bar). Although the
machine will function properly at lower
pressure, increased fill times will occur.
Water pressure higher than 100 psi
. Best performance will be
Drainage System
. Provide drain lines or
troughs large enough to accommodate the
total number of gallons that could be
dumped if all machines on the site
drained at the same time fr om the highest
attainable level. If drain troughs are used,
they should be covered to support light
foot traffic.
. For personal safety and for proper
operation, the machine must be grounded
in accordance with state and local codes.
The ground connection must be to a
proven earth ground, not to conduit or
water pipes. Do not use fuses in place of
the circuit breaker. An easy-access cutoff
switch should be provided.
Ensure that a ground wire from a proven
earth ground is connected to the ground lug
near the input power block on this machine.
Without proper ground ing, personal injury
from electric shock could occur and machine
malfunctions may be evident.
Always disconnect power and water supplies
before a service technician performs any
service procedure. Where applicable, steam
and/or compressed air supplies should also be
disconnected before service is performed.
AC Inverter Drive
Machines equipped with the AC inverter driv e
require special attention with regard to the
operating environment.
• An especially dusty or linty environment
will require more frequent cleaning of the
AC inverter drive cooling fan f ilte r and of
the AC inverter drive itself.
• Power line fluctuations from sources such
as uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)
can adversely affect machines equipped
with the AC in verter drive. Proper
suppression devices should be utilized on
the incoming power to the machine to
avoid problems.
If voltage is above 230V for 200V
installations or above 440V f or 400V
installations, a buckboost transformer is
recommended. If voltage is above 240 or
480, a buckboost transformer is required.
• Sufficient space to perform service
procedures and routine preventive
maintenance is especially important for
machines equipped with the AC
inverter drive.
Never use this machine for any purpose other
than washing fabric.
• Never wa sh petroleu m- soaked rags in the
machine. This could result in an explosion.
• Never wash machine parts or automotive
parts in the mac hine. This could result in
serious damage to the basket.
• Never allo w children to play on or around
this machine. Death or serious injury can
result if children become trapped in the
machine. Do not leave children unattended
while the machine door is open. Th es e
cautions apply to animals as well.
• A clean power supply free from voltage
spikes and surges is absolutely essential for
machines equipped with the AC inverter
drive. Nonlinear inconsistencies (peaks and
valleys) in the power supply can cause
the AC inverter drive to generate
nuisance errors.
Section 2
This manual is designed as a guide to
operating and programming the 18-pound
and 25-pound capacity cabinet freestanding
washer-extractors equipped with the
V-computer and AC inv erter driv e. The
models covered by this manual are designed
for use in coin laundries.
The manuals, installation instructions, and
wiring diagrams which accompany the
machine have been included with the machine
at no charge. Additional copies are available at
a nominal charge.
attempting to operate the machine or program
the microcomputer.
with earlier model computer-controlle d
machines. Do not use technical literature
intended for earlier models when operating
this machine.
Read this manual thoroughly before
Do not use this manual in conjunction
Customer Service
If literature or replacement parts are
required, contact the source from whom
the machine was pur chased or contac t Alliance
Laundry Systems LLC at (920) 748-3950 for
the name and address of the nearest authorized
parts distributor.
For technical assistance, call any of the
following numbers:
(850) 718-1035
(850) 718-1026
Marianna, Florida
(920) 748-3121
Ripon, Wisconsin
A record of each machine is on file with
the manufacturer. Always provide the
machine’s serial number and model
number when ordering parts or when seeking
technical assistance.
specifications contained in this manual are
based on the latest product information
availa ble at the time of printing. We reserve
the right to make changes at any time
without notice.
All information, illustrations, and
Machine Familiarization Guides
The machine familiarization guides in Figures
1 and 2 provide front and rea r views of the
washer-extractor and identify the major
operational features of the machine.
Top Cover
Supply Dispenser
Control Panel
V-Computer Keypad
Door Unlock
Door Handle
Inner Fro nt Panel
Coin Meter
Door Glass
Outer Front Panel
Front View
Figure 1
Power Connection
Rear Panel
Cold Water Inlet
AC Drive Cooling Fan Filter
Hot Water In let
Steam Inlet
Rear View
Drain Outlet
Figure 2
Theory of Operation
The design of the machine emphasizes
performance reliability and long service life.
The cylinder, shell, and main body panels are
fabricated of stainless steel.
The machine uses one motor to drive the
cylinder via a V-belt drive in all speeds.
A door-lock system prevents opening of the
stainless steel door when water is in the
machine. It also prevents operation of the
machine when the door is open.
An electrically operated drain valve is used
to retain the water and wash solution in the
machine during the wash and fill steps.
The drain valve closes when power is applied
and opens when power is removed, allowing
the machine to drain in the event of a
power fail ure.
The cylinder is designed with lifters or ribs
that lift the garments from the wash solution
when the cylinder rotates at slow speed and
allow the garments to tumble back into the
solution. The cylinder is perforated, allowing
the water to pass through and drain from
within during the wash pr oces s and extract.
The AC inverter drive uses special balance
detection software in conjunction with the
V-computer to prevent out-of-balance
conditions. When the AC dri ve detects an
unbalanced load at the end of a drain step, the
computer will make up to seven attempts to
balance the load.
The operator can select from among 10
cycles and program up to six for a total of 16
cycles available. A special permanent test
cycle can be selected to verify proper
operation of the machine.
The V-computer control is a programmable
solid-state control capable of storing and
running up to 16 cycles. A detailed
description of these cycles can be found in
the Programming section of this manual.
If this machine’s computer has been equipped
with special preprogrammed cycles, a separate
insert listing these cycles has been included in
the resealable plastic bag which contained
this manual.
Electrical controls for the machine are housed
in a separate enclosure located underneath the
top cover of the machine.
The machine uses an AC inverter drive control
which provides four motor speeds using a
single motor. The solid state output board
converts motor logic from the V-computer to
the correct signals for the AC inverter drive.
computer mode switch is in the PROGRAM
position. Such action will disorder portions of
the programmed data, necessitating
reprogramming of some or all of the existing
cycles. Always return the mode swit ch to R UN
position before turning the power off.
Never turn the power off while the
Operation of the V-computer control is
performed with a 4-key touch keypad and LED
display located on the front of the machine.
See Figure 3.
High Water
Medium Water
The following table describes the function of
the individual keys when the machine is in
RUN mode.
Used in cycle selection; pressing thi s k ey
moves among cycles from smaller to greater.
Used in cycle selection; pressing thi s k ey
moves among cycles from greater to s maller.
Used to s ta r t a cyc le .
This key is not active in normal RUN mode.
In RUN m ode, it is used only fo r s toppin g t he
test cycle.
Figure 3
Theory of Operation
Conditions Monitored
by the Computer
–The computer continuously
monitors the open/locked status of the
door. If it detects that the door is open
during a wash cycle, it immediately aborts
the cycle and exe cutes the stop routine.
enough for the computer to go off, after
the power is restored, the display briefly
flashes “Hold” to indicate the interruption.
The door unlock will be disabled to keep
the door from being opened while the
basket is still turning.
balance signal provided by the AC drive
during drain steps. It will attempt to
optimize the load seven times before
skipping the programmed spin for the
extract step. The dot at the top of the
leftmost display digit will light following
the final unsuccessful attempt.
–If power is interrupted long
–The computer monitors the
(Continu ed)
Tempe rature probe problem
temperature sensor fails when prompted
for degrees Fahrenheit, the computer
flashes “tSFL” in PROGRAM mode rather
than showing the temperature. If the
temperature sensor fails when prompted
for degrees Celsius, the display will re ad
“-17C” rather than showing the
The following table, entitled “Display
Indications,” lists the various displays and
what they mean. The operator should become
familiar with these computer displays.
–If the
Water level
maintain the water level programmed for
the fill preceding the agitation step. If the
level f alls below the programmed le vel, the
computer will stop the time countdown
and re-energize the fill valves until the
level is restored.
Water level in a heat step
the computer to energize the heat output,
there must be at least a low water level in
the machine. If this minimum level is not
detected, the heat output will be turned off
until the required level is restored.
–The computer attempts to
–In order for
Display Indications
FC 5
Program identification code (ROM). This
is an example onl y.
HFILHot fill
LoLow water level
HoldWait...power has just been turned on.
PAY/(pric e)*
CYCycle (followed by two-digit number)SUP1Supply 1
tESt/CYC*Test cycle selecte d.SUP2Supply 2
FArDegrees FahrenheitSUP3Supply 3
CELDegrees Ce lsiusSUP5Supply 5 (Supply 1 and 2)
HeatAuxiliary hea t enabled.SUP6Supply 6 (Supply 2 and 3)
noHtAuxiliar y hea t disabled.drAI/dISt*Distribution (load balancing before extract)
FLSHFlashing ve nd price enabled.drAI/For*
nFLSFlashing ve nd price disabled.
PrEPrewash segment (1st of 8 se gm ents)bAL/FAIL*Balance routine failed during test cycle.
UASHWa sh segment (2nd of 8 segments)SHUT/door*Door not prope rly closed.
FIL1First fill (3rd of 8 segments)
FIL2Second f ill (4th of 8 segments)
FIL3Third f ill (5th of 8 segments)
FIL4Fourth fill (6th of 8 segments)
FIL5Fifth fill (7th of 8 segments)
FIL6Sixth fill (8th of 8 segments)
AFILAuxiliary filldFLtDrive f ault detected.
bFILWarm fill (both hot and cold)
CFILCold fill
bLCHAdd ble ach
*Display indications separated by a slash represent an alte rnating display.
Pay (flashes alternately with start price if
“FLSH” SETUP option is enabl ed)
Start amount—flashe s bri efly before
showing vend price in SETUP mode
Coin 1 value—flashes briefly before
showi ng value of coin 1 in SE TUP mo de
Coin 2 value—flashes briefly before
showi ng value of coin 2 in SE TUP mo de
HIHigh water level
SUP0No supplies
SdLYSpin coast delay
STOPStop routine
donECycle and stop routine have ended.
HI 1Low spin in test cycle.
HI 2High spin in test cycle.
Medi um wate r leve l
Drain step (low speed forward in test
Reads “SPIn” for one second, then
E” followed by time for spin.
Computer cannot unlock door after f ive
Programmed wate r level not reached after
30 minutes.
The computer detects low water level or
higher when none should be present.
Temperature sensor fail ure or temperature
out of range.
Turn on th e main power source (circuit bre aker
or cut-off switch on the wall).
The display shows an identification code for
approximately fiv e seconds. The display then
flashes “hold” briefly.
The display then shows the vend price or
alternately flashes the vend price and “PAY,”
depending upon which setting was prompted
in the “FLSH”/“nFLS” setup option.
Opening Door
Press the round button on the door handle and
turn the door handle downward.
Partial loads are a waste of energy, water, and
chemicals, and cause greater machine wear
than full loads. Partial loads also increase the
possibility of a severe out-of-balance
Never operate the machine with a bypassed
or disconnected b alance system. Operating
the machine with severe out-of-balance
loads cou ld result in personal injury and
serious equipment da m age.
When loading is complete, ensure that all
fabric is inside the basket. Then close and
lock the door by rotating the door handle
counterclockwise until the door handle
pushbutton pops out. The machine should not
start or run unless the door is both closed
and locked.
Be carefu l around the open door,
par ticularly wh en loading from a level
below the doo r. Impact wi th door edges
can cause personal injury.
Load the machine to full capacity whenever
possible, but do not exceed the rated dryweight capacity of the machine if the fabric to
be washed is quite dense, closely woven, and
heavily soiled. Overloading can result in an
inferior wash. The operator may need to
experiment to determine load size based on
fabric content, soil content, and level of
cleanliness required.
Check the door safety interlock daily before
the machine is placed in operation.
disintegrate, such as mop heads or sponges,
use laundry net bags to prevent drain blockage.
Supply Dispenser
Both liquid and powder supplies may be added
by raising the flexible cover of the dispenser.
When washing items which may
Cycle Selection
enough to activate them.
As coins are inserted in the coin meter slot, the
display shows the remaining amount to start. It
will continue to count down until the start
price is satisfie d.
Once the amount to start is satisfied, the
display will read “CYxx” where “xx”
represents a cycle number. Pr es s t he Up or
Down key until the desired cycle number is
displayed. Press the Start key to start the
cycle. For a more detailed description of the
preprogrammed cycles, see the cycle charts at
the end of the Programming section.
blocking coil, the machine must be loaded and
the door closed before coins can be added. The
meter will not accept coins until these two
conditions are met.
If the computer detects that the door is not
properly closed when the Start key is pressed,
the display will alternately read “SHUT” and
“door. ” Verify that the door is properly
closed, and press Start again to begin the
desired cycle.
Press keys at their centers just hard
If the coin meter is equipped with a coin
remaining cycle time during fills and drains or
prior to first achieving the programmed heat
temperature when heating. The computer
resumes counting down cycle time once the
programmed fill level is reached, when the
machine has drained, and after a programmed
heat temperature is reached.
Each of the 16 cycles consists of eight
segments: Prewash, Wash, and Fills 1–6. A
description of the various steps in a cycle
segment follows:
After the Start key is pressed, the door locks,
the drain closes, and the machine begins fi lling
to the programmed level. Each programmed
segment begins with a fill. The display counts
down the remaining cycle time in minutes and
seconds while the cycle is running, except as
noted above.
If a supply is programmed in a step, the
supply dispenser will flush during the fill of
that segment. If the programmed supply is
supply 2 (“sup 2”), the display will fla sh
“bLCH” alternately with the cycle time while
supply 2 is on. This signals the user to
manually add liquid bleach in the middle
supply dispenser compartment.
The computer does not count down the
Cycle Execution
To display the temperature of the w ater while a
cycle is running, press the Up key. To display
the number of the cycle in progress, press the
Start key.
programmed water leve l after attempting to fill
to that level for 30 minutes, the display will
flash “FILL”/“STOP” while sounding the
buzzer briefly. The computer will then abort
the cycle. This indicates a serious problem.
Contact a qualified service technician.
If the computer does not detect the
Cycle Execution (Continued)
As soon as water level is reached (and any
programmed temperature is reached), the
displayed time begins counting down at
one-second intervals.
The machine will agitate low speed forward,
pause, low speed reverse, pause, then repeat
this sequence for the programmed time. The
table below shows available agitation options.
Agitation Action Option s
Agitation TypeDescription
12 seconds forward,
* Gentle agitat ion information must be programmed
in cylces 15 and 16.
3 seconds pause,
12 sec o nds revers e,
3 seconds pause
3 seconds forward,
12 seconds pause,
3 seconds reverse,
12 sec o nds paus e
The cylinder accelerates to distribution speed
seven seconds into the drain step. About five
seconds later, the drain opens.
The machine should drain in
30 seconds. If the machine fails to drain,
contact a qualified service technician.
Spin steps for all segments except Fill 6 are
low-speed spins. These spin steps are cal le d
intermediate spins. For cycles 1–14, the spin
step for the Fill 6 segment is the final spin and
is thus a high-speed spin. For cycles 15 and 16
(gentle cycles), the final spin is always a
low-speed spin.
Intermediate spin steps can be 30 to 240
seconds in length. Final spin steps can be from
1 to 10 minutes in length. Any spin step can be
skipped by programming 0 for the spin time.
However, in order to have a high speed spin in
the Fill 6 segment, a nonzero time must be
programmed for that segment.
If the water does not reach the
programmed temperature in 30 minutes, the
computer will proceed with the cycle. (The
time countdown will resume as though
temperature had been reached, but the
computer will continue heating).
The drain v al ve w ill open afte r th e pro gramm ed
segment time has elapsed. The cylinder will
turn counterclockwise (forw ar d ) at w ash speed
while in th e drain step. This counterclockwise
direction mirrors the spin rotation and is,
therefor e, also considered for ward.
An automatic 25-second coastdown
follows all spins. This does not add to the cycle
time because the fill for next segment begins
during the coastdown.
If the cycle program se gment spin time is set to
zero, the computer moves to the next segment
of the cycle program. I f the segment is at the
end of a cycle program, the computer goes into
the stop routine.
Stop Routine
When the wash cycle concludes, the c omputer
goes into the stop routine. The stop routine
consists of a brief countdown and a brief
reversing sequence, after which the computer
will display “donE.”
NEVER in s ert hands or objects into basket
until it has co m pletely stopp ed. Doing so
could resu lt in s erious injury.
If no water level is detected, and no rotation is
detected from the AC drive, the computer will
unlock the door and sound the buzzer for five
seconds. The computer will display “dONE”
for 25 seconds regardless of whether or not the
door is opened.
If the computer cannot unlock the door, it will
display “----” while attempting to unlock the
door fiv e additional ti mes. If it is still unable to
unlock the door after fiv e attempts, it will flash
“CANt”/“OPEN.” No further attempts will be
made to unlock the door.
If the balance signal indicates that the wash
load is unbalanced, the computer will slow
the cylinder down to wash speed for seven
seconds in an attempt to redistribute the load.
The computer will make as many as seven
attempts, if needed.
If on the seventh attempt the load is not
balanced, the machine will light the out-ofbalance LED indicator located in the upper left
corner of the display (to the left of the first
digit) until the next drain step. The machine
will then skip the programmed spin and
continue to the next programmed step.
If this occurs in the final segment, the machine
will begin the Stop routine.
Overtravel Limit Switch
As a fail-safe measure, an overtra vel limit
switch is installed. The limit switch serves to
trigger a rapid stop. This means that if the
machine balance “passes” the inverter drive
balance detection system at the drain step but
the balance switch detects an out-of-balance
load condition at the extract step, the basket
will brake to a rapid stop.
Balance Dete ct io n
All models come equipped with an inverter
drive balance detection system.
Load balance is detected by the invert er drive
during the drain step. The V-series computer
will make up to seven attempts to balance the
load during a drain step.
The computer begins monitoring the balance
signal from the AC in verter drive eight s econds
after the water level drops below low level. If
the balance signal indicates that the wash load
is evenly distributed, the computer will start
the spin step.
To reset the control, push the stop button and
open the door when the display shows “donE.”
Test Cycle
A test cycle is provided as a means of verifying
proper machine operation. Before the test
cycle is run, it must be enabled. Refer to the
Programming section of this ma nual for
instructions on enabling and running the
test cycle.
Section 3
The V-computer board is inside the control
module. Near the center of the board is a s mall
toggle switch: this is the RUN/PROGRAM
mode switch.
Dangerous voltages are p res ent in the
electrical control box(es ) and at the motor
termin als. Only qualifi ed personnel familia r
with electrical te st procedures, test
equipment, and safety precautions shou ld
attempt ad justments and troubleshoot ing.
Disconnec t pow er f rom the mach ine before
removing the c ontrol box cover, and before
attemptin g any servic e procedures.
The RUN/PROGRAM switch is normally in
the down (RUN mode) position. To enter
PROGR AM mode, flip the switch to the up
position. The display will now show the
current temperature in the sump.
Down–The Down key is used to decrease
cycle numbers (1 through 16) and other
numerical values such as times or temperatures
(when creating wash formulas).
Start–The Start key acts as an enter key in
program mode. Use this key to enter data and
move to the next function in the cycle.
Stop–The Stop key saves all data and
terminates the programming procedure.
If it is the first key pressed in program mode,
the computer enters setup mode. The Stop ke y
can be pressed again to exit setup mode and
return to program mode.
Setup Mode
Setup options are programmable options that
are in effect for all wash formulas. These
options include:
Since the keypad operates in a slightly
different fashion when in program mode, pay
careful attention to the programming
instructions provided in this manual.
Key Functions In Programming
Up–The Up key is used to increase cycle
numbers (1 through 16) and other numerical
values such as times or temperature s (when
creating wash formulas).
• Degrees displayed in Fahrenheit or Celsius
• Auxiliary heat enabled or disabled
• Set the display to flash or not flash
• Program coin denominations and start
only in setup mode.
These options can be read or changed
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