Alliance laundry systems FLW1548C SVG User Manual

User's Guide
for Frontload Washers
Original Instructions Keep These Instructions for Future Reference. CAUTION: Read the instructions before using the machine. (If this machine changes ownership, this manual must accompany machine.)
Part No. 805002ENR4
November 2017
Failure to install, maintain, and/or operate this ma­chine according to the manufacturer's instructions may result in conditions which can produce bodily in­jury and/or property damage.
For your safety and to reduce the risk of fire or an ex­plosion, do not store or use gasoline or other flamma- ble vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any oth­er appliance.
NOTE: The WARNING and IMPORTANT instructions ap­pearing in this manual are not meant to cover all possi­ble conditions and situations that may occur. It must be understood that common sense, caution, and careful­ness are factors which cannot be built into these wash­ers. These factors MUST BE supplied by the person(s) installing, maintaining, or operating the unit.
Always contact the distributor, service agent, or the manufacturer about any problems or conditions you do not understand.
Read all instructions before using unit.
This product uses FreeRTOS V7.2.0 (
Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC -
3 Part No. 805002ENR4
Restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS)
Restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS)
Declaration of the Presence Condition of the Restricted Substan­ces Marking
Restricted Substances and its chemical symbol
Part Name Lead
Printed Circuit Board O O O O O O
Electromechanical Parts O O O O O O
Cables and Wires O O O O O O
Metal Parts - O O O O O
Plastic Parts O O O O O O
Timing Belts O O O O O O
Display O O O O O O
O : Indicates that the percentage content of the restricted substance does not exceed the percentage of reference value of presence.
- : Indicates that the restricted substance corresponds to the exemption.
All parts named in this table with an “-” are in compliance with the European Union’s RoHS Legislation.
Hexavalent Chromium
Polybromina­ted biphenyls
Polybromina­ted diphenyl ethers
Taiwan Models
Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC -
4 Part No. 805002ENR4

Table of Contents

Safety Information............................................................................. 6
Explanation of Safety Messages................................................................. 6
Important Safety Instructions....................................................................6
Operation......................................................................................... 8
Before Washing........................................................................................ 8
Loading the Washer.................................................................................. 9
Control Panel................................................................................... 10
Digital Display....................................................................................... 11
Selections............................................................................................ 11
Status................................................................................................ 12
To Wash Clothes.....................................................................................12
Out of Balance Load................................................................................14
Cycle Operation................................................................................15
Common Washer Sounds..........................................................................17
Using Your Dispenser Drawer.................................................................... 17
Maintenance................................................................................... 19
Lubrication........................................................................................... 19
Cold Weather Care..................................................................................19
Care of Your Washer................................................................................19
Cleaning Glass Sealing Area......................................................................19
Replacing Hoses.....................................................................................19
Filter Screens........................................................................................19
Vacations and Extended Non-Use.............................................................. 19
Reinstallation of Shipping Materials........................................................... 19
Cleaning Foreign Object Trap..................................................................... 20
Preventative Maintenance........................................................................20
Troubleshooting............................................................................... 21
Contact Information............................................................................... 25
Copyright 2017, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmied in any form or by any means without the expressed wrien consent of the publisher.
Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC -
5 Part No. 805002ENR4

Safety Information

Safety Information

Explanation of Safety Messages

Precautionary statements (“DANGER,” “WARNING,” and “CAU­TION”), followed by specific instructions, are found in this manual and on machine decals. These precautions are intended for the per­sonal safety of the operator, user, servicer, and those maintaining the machine.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will cause severe personal injury or death.
Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could cause severe personal injury or death.
Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may cause minor or moderate personal injury or prop­erty damage.
Additional precautionary statements (“IMPORTANT” and “NOTE”) are followed by specific instructions.
IMPORTANT: The word “IMPORTANT” is used to inform the reader of specific procedures where minor machine damage will occur if the procedure is not followed.
NOTE: The word “NOTE” is used to communicate in­stallation, operation, maintenance or servicing informa­tion that is important but not hazard related.

Important Safety Instructions

Save These Instructions
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, serious injury or death to persons when using your washer, follow these basic precautions:
Read all instructions before using the washer.
Install the washer according to the INSTALLATION INSTRUC­TIONS. Refer to the EARTH/GROUND INSTRUCTIONS in the IN­STALLATION manual for the proper earth/ground connection of the washer. All connections for water, drain, electrical power and earth/ground must comply with local codes and be made by li­censed personnel when required. Do not do it yourself.
Do not install or store the washer where it will be exposed to water and/or weather.
Do not add the following substances or textiles containing traces of the following substances to the wash water: gasoline, kerosene, waxes, cooking oils, vegetable oils, machine oils, dry­cleaning solvents, flammable chemicals, thinners or other flam- mable or explosive substances. These substances give off va- pors that could ignite, explode or cause the fabric to catch on fire by itself.
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a hot water system that has not been used for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVE. If the hot water system has not been used for such a period, before using a washing ma­chine or combination washer-dryer, turn on all hot water fau­cets and let the water flow from each for several minutes. This will release any accumulated hydrogen gas. THE GAS IS FLAM­MABLE, DO NOT SMOKE OR USE AN OPEN FLAME DURING THIS TIME.
To reduce the risk of an electric shock or fire, DO NOT use an ex­tension cord or an adapter to connect the washer to the elec­trical power source.
Do not allow children to play on or in the washer. Close supervi­sion of children is necessary when the washer is used near chil­dren. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. This is a safety rule for all appliances.
Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.
Children less than three years should be kept away unless con­tinuously supervised.
Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC -
6 Part No. 805002ENR4
Do not reach into the washer if the washtub or agitator, if appli­cable, is moving.
Never operate the washer with any guards, panels and/or parts removed or broken. DO NOT tamper with the controls or bypass any safety devices.
DO NOT operate individual units if they have been separated from a stack unit.
Use your washer only for its intended purpose, washing clothes. Always follow the fabric care instructions supplied by the gar­ment manufacturer.
Always read and follow manufacturer’s instructions on pack­ages of laundry and cleaning aids. To reduce the risk of poison­ing or chemical burns, keep them out of the reach of children at all times (preferably in a locked cabinet). Heed all warnings or precautions.
Do not use fabric softeners or products to eliminate static un­less recommended by the manufacturer of the fabric softener or product.
Loading door MUST BE CLOSED any time the washer is to fill, tumble or spin. DO NOT bypass the loading door switch by per­miing the washer to operate with the loading door open.
Be sure water connections have a shut-off valve and that fill hose connections are tight. CLOSE the shut-off valves at the end of each wash day.
Keep your washer in good condition. Bumping or dropping the washer can damage safety features. If this occurs, have your washer checked by a qualified service person.
Do not repair or replace any part of the washer, or aempt any servicing unless specifically recommended in the user-mainte­nance instructions or in published user-repair instructions that you understand and have the skills to carry out. ALWAYS dis­connect the washer from electrical supply before aempting any service.
Disconnect the power cord by grasping the plug, not the cord. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manu­facturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.
Before the washer is removed from service or discarded, remove the lid or door to the washing compartment.
Failure to install, maintain, and/or operate this washer accord­ing to the manufacturer’s instructions may result in conditions which can produce bodily injury and/or property damage.
Safety Information
NOTE: The WARNING and IMPORTANT SAFETY IN­STRUCTIONS appearing in this manual are not meant to cover all possible conditions and situations that may oc­cur. Observe and be aware of other labels and precau­tions that are located on the machine. They are intended to provide instruction for safe use of the machine. Com­mon sense, caution and care must be exercised when in­stalling, maintaining, or operating the washer.
Always contact your dealer, distributor, service agent or the manu­facturer about any problems or conditions you do not understand.
Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC -
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Before Washing

Prepare Wash Load
Empty Pockets and Cuffs
Make sure all pockets are empty and turn them inside out. One bob­by pin, metal or plastic toy, nail or sharp object in a load can catch laundry, cause tears and plug the pump. Facial tissue left in a pock­et will produce extreme “lint”. A crayon or lipstick in a wash load may cause stains that cannot be removed. Roll down cuffs and shake out grass, sand and gravel.
Mend Rips and Tears
Lile holes can become bigger in the washer. Mend holes and tears before placing garments in the washer.
Close Zipper and Fasten Hooks
These can catch on garments in a wash load and tear them. Tie belts and sashes so they won’t wind around clothes.
Put Small Items in Bag
Small items such as baby socks may get stuck around the door. Put them inside a mesh garment bag.
Check For Colorfastness
Sort Items
Different items use different wash cycles and temperatures. Al­ways follow the manufacturer’s care label.
Proper sorting is easy if you follow a few guidelines:
1. Sort by Color: Separate items into loads of whites, darks, lights and non-colorfast.
2. Sort by Fabric and Construction: Separate items into loads of coons/linens, permanent press, synthetics/blends/poly knits, and delicates.
3. Sort by Temperature: Separate items into loads that can be washed in cold, warm or hot water.
4. Sort by Type and Amount of Soil: Heavily soiled clothes will need extra treatment. Lightly soiled clothes can become dingy if washed with heavily soiled items.
5. Sort Lint “Shedders” From Lint “Receivers”: Some fabrics at­tract lint and should not be washed with lint-shedding loads. Lint shedders are coons, terry towels, chenille bedspreads, rugs and clothes that have been heavily bleached. Lint receivers are synthetics, permanent or durable press, knits (including socks), corduroy, and other smooth fabrics.
Pretreat shirt collars and cuffs with a pretreat product or liquid detergent when placing them in the washer. Before washing, treat special stains individually.
Squeeze a portion of garment in warm or hot sudsy water. If the color bleeds or runs, wash the item separately in cold water.
Copyright, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC -
Do not wash or dry items soiled with vegetable or cooking oils. Some oils may remain after washing and may cause the fabric to catch on fire by itself.
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