AllerAir 5000 DS User Manual

4000 and 5 0 00 DS
air cleaners
Specially designed to deal wit h tobacco smoke
For Bars, restaurants, hotels, smok ing lounges.
Unique Tar-Trapping pre-filter
Activated carbon filter
Specially blended activated carbon traps up to 400 toxic chemicals found in tobacco smoke. Including: benzene, toluene, arsenic, nicotine, cyanide, trichlorethylene.
Micro-HEPA particle filter
Filters airborne par ticles such as f ine ash.
3 speed 400 CFM fan
Whisper quiet on low, high for regular use and turbo for rapid room clearing.
A choice of installation options
Floor standing, overhead or built in. Suspension chains, wall bracket, intake funnel
or ducting available.
Profit from advertising opportunity
Use your air cleaner as a vehicle for commercial messages.
5000 D S
21lbs. activated carbon
4000 DS
15lbs. activated carbon
Intake funnel
Improve your patrons comfort. Conform to environmental codes and regulations
Suspension chains Advertising vehicle
DuctingWall brackets
AllerAir Industries Inc. 2049 LeChatelier, Laval Qc. H7L 5B3 Toll free; 1-888-852-8247 Fax: (450) 688-3939
4000 DS and 5000 DS air cleaners
Specially designe d t o deal with tobacco smoke
The nature of tobacco smoke
Tobacco smoke consists of tars, water vapor, carbon dioxide, nicotine and over 400 other chemicals.
Tar s accumulate on drapes, furniture, clothing, walls and other sur faces and continue to release tar vapors and odors long after active smok ing has stopped.
Adsorb t obacco smoke, odors and chemicals with AllerAir ’s unique tar-trapping filt er c ombined w ith act i vate d car bon f ilt rat ion
The tar-t rapping filter traps tar like a cigarette filter. The acti vated carbon absorbs the airbor ne chemicals, gases and odors. Acti vated car bon absorbs up to 60% of its own weight of air bor ne chemical compounds. The DS series have 15 to 21 lbs of specially blended ac ti vated carbon. Carbon traps and removes the gases and odors permanentl y.
It does not mask them or move them to another area.
Cost savings
The air in the room is ef fect ively cleaned and recirculated. There is no need to bring in energy consuming outdoor air.
Remove lingering o dors
Leaving the DS unit on while the area is inactive removes lingering odor from tars accumulated on sur faces leaving a fresh atmosphere for opening time.
Elect rost atic dev ices : not as e f fe ct ive
Electrostatic air filtration devices only filter the particles in tobacco smoke but leave the toxic chemicals.
Electrostatic filters become quickly filled and ineffective; requiring frequent and expensive changes.
Ozone, which damages the lining of the lungs, is given off by electrostatic air filtering device filters. The EPA has issued a warning on the dangers of breathing ozone.
Tar builds up on the electronic plates and toxic materials are emitted back into the air.
Consult our exper ts
AllerAir air quality experts can suggest the best combination of filtration and carbon blend for your situation.
Flyer_4000&5000 DS_R00
The DS series: the safest, most effective air cleaning for tobacco smoke