MCS series
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toll-free phone
(888) 933-0100
Specially Designed for those with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
MCS is an acute sensitivity to airborne gasses which is often brought on by
long-term exposure to toxins. Our MCS models include special features
which handle even the smallest traces of chemical vapors.
Carbon filter
18-22 lbs of granular activated Mac-B carbon
bed adsorb gasses and odors.
Inert Gaskets on filters.
No glue or bonding agents used in carbon bed.
Over 40 blends of carbon available for specific
chemical sensitivities.
HEPA filter
The HEPA filter (MCS) traps 99.97% of particles
as small as 0.3 microns.
The micro-HEPA filter (D-MCS model) traps
95% of particles as small as 0.5 microns.
Constructed with unbleached pesticide-free
5000 MCS
Designed for those with sensitivities to
chemicals as well as particulate allergies.
Cleanable muslim cotton pre-filter.
18 lbs. granular activated Mac-B carbon bed.
HEPA filter with metal cap and AFM bonding.
Inert gaskets on filters.
5000 D-MCS
Designed for those who are extremely
sensitive to airborne chemicals and toxins.
Cleanable muslin cotton pre-filter.
22 lbs. granular activated Mac-B carbon bed.
Micro-HEPA filter.
Inert gaskets on filters.
cotton pre-filter.
Easily removable and cleanable.
Robust all-metal housing
Baked enamel housing ensures that no harmful
vapors are released.
18 gauge steel.
Cylindrical shape maximizes airflow.
400 cubic feet per minute fan
American-made motor with little varnish on windings.
Quiet and powerful motor maintains chemical
free air quality up to 1500 square feet.
Weight: 50 lbs
Weight: 50 lbs
Both MCS models
are available in:
Black, White,
Sandstone or
Hammered Powder.
Available in the 5000 MCS and 5000 D-MCS models
If members of your family suffer from MCS, invest in their health with the AllerAir MCS models today
AllerAir_MK:Documents_on_PDF/Sales_Sheets/5000 Series/Flyer5000MCS Feb/09/2006
Industries Inc.

MCS series
Distributed by:
toll-free phone
(888) 933-0100
Specially Designed for those with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
In Western industrial nations,
chemicals have replaced
bacteria and virus as the
biggest threat to our health.
Though our bodies have
defenses against most
particles, we are not protected
from the airborne chemicals,
odors and gasses.
Most domestic purifiers only
protect you from particles.
They spray a few grams of
carbon on mesh, but this will
not protect those with MCS.
Activated carbon is the
material the military uses for
their gas masks.
Symptoms of MCS
Possible symptoms of MCS are too numerous to completely list,
but they include difficulty breathing, migranes, loss of concentration,
fatigue, as well as aching muscles and joints.
Relieving those with MCS from airborne irritants
Those with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities are sensitive towards
perfumes, pesticides, fuels, carpets and building materials.
Our special blend of granular activated Mac-B carbon helps relieve
symptoms by trapping these chemicals.
At the same time, the machine is built to ensure that not even the
smallest traces of chemical vapors are released.
Choice of models
The 5000 MCS provides 18 lbs of carbon and a true HEPA filter
which traps 99.97% of particles.
The 5000 D-MCS provides 22 lbs of carbon and a micro-HEPA filter
which traps 95% of particles.
AllerAir purifiers are
Effective up to 1500 square feet
successfully used in hospitals,
dental clinics and operating
An effective air purifier
increases the quality of your
life, so invest in an AllerAir
unit today.
* More Features * More Options * Less Cost The AllerAir Guarantee
Both models feature a 3-speed motor.
Carbon can adsorb for up to 24 months before it needs replacement.
Multiple units or a central air system are recommended to clean
an entire house.