Thank you for purchasing this Allen & Heath ZEDi-10 or ZEDi-10FX!
We recommend that you read all of this user guide to get the best from your mixer and after
reading, please keep this safe for future reference.
Included in this package is:
ZEDi-10 / ZEDi-10FX Mixer.
IEC C5 Mains Power Cable. Please check correct mains plug is fitted for your country.
USB A-B Cable 2M.
This User Guide!
1. Get to know your mixer
1. Mic Input Socket uses a st andar d 3-Pin XLR socket for connecting
dynamic or condenser microphones.
2.Line / Inst Input Socket uses a st andar d 1/4” (6.25m m) Jac k s ock et
for connecting balanced or unbalanced signals such as guitars and
other instruments.
3.Gain Control adj ust s t he gai n o f t he in pu t preamp lifier to dri ve t he
source signal level. Gain ranges from 5dB to 60dB.
4.Instrument act ivat es t he Line / Inst input cir cuit f or electro -
acoustic and electric guitars, basses and other Direct Input
instruments. When activated the Mic Input Socket is disabled.
5. For channels M3 and M4 this is replaced by a LINE/PAD switch. This
activates the LINE input and a PAD circuit which reduces the Mic Input
Socket gai n l evelby -20dB for very loud sources.
6. lo-cut (Hi-Pass Filter) is used for reducing Low Frequency noise such
as handling noise, popping, rumble and proximity effect in microphone
7.HF EQ (Hig h Fr eq uen cy) equal is er aff ects tr ebl e freq uen cies in
the signal for adding “brightness” and “definition” or for reducing “hiss”
and “harshness”.
8.MF EQ (Mid Frequ enc y) equ ali ser affec ts fr eq uen cies in the sig nal
for adding “presence” or for removing “boxiness”.
9.LF EQ (Lo w Fr equen cy) eq ualis er aff ect s bas s frequ enc ies i n t he
signal to cover “boom” and “sub-bass” frequencies.
10.AUX send co ntrol s t he amo un t of si gnal sen t from th e chan nel to
the aux buss and AUX OUT. The signal is sourced pre-fader (MIX) so
is independent of the level being sent to the main L-R Mix.
There is a master level control for the AUX OUT.
11.FX send co nt rols t he amo un t of si gn al sen t f rom th e channel to
the FX buss and the FX OUT. The signal is post-fader (MIX) which
means it’s affected by the channel MIX control so it stays in proportion
to the signal going to the MAIN MIX.
There is no master level control for the FX OUT.
12.PAN adj us ts sig nal from a m ono in p ut ch annel bet ween t he l eft
and right busses and subsequently the main outputs.
13.MIX ro tar y fader c ontr o ls the am ou nt of s ignal t o t he lef t an d r igh t
14. Pre-Fade Listen (PFL) swi tc hes t he c hann el i npu t s ig nal t o t he
headphones for checking before adding it to Mix. The PFL signal is
taken after the EQ but before the MIX control. The LR Meters display
the channel input level when the PFL switch is activated.
1. ST1 and ST2 Inputs u se s tandard 1/4” (6.25mm) J ack
sockets for balanced or unbalanced line level stereo sources
such as professional keyboards, drum machines and other pro
audio equipment.
2.ST2 incl udes USB IN 1-2 fro m the ZEDi USB interface.
Plugging into the jacks will override the input from USB. Make
sure nothing is plugged into the jack sockets if you want to use
the ST-2 fo r USB play back.
3. ST3 is USB IN 3-4 fro m the ZEDi USB interface.
See section 3. for more information on the ZEDi USB
4. ST1 Gain Control adjust s the in pu t level t o t h e ST1 c han nel .
There is no Gain Control for ST2.
5.HF and LF EQ are th e sam e f or as t h ey ar e for M1 & M2 and
are set at the same frequencies. There is no EQ for ST2.
6.AUX send co ntrol s t he amo un t of si gnal sen t from th e
channel to the aux buss and AUX OUT.
The signal is sourced pre-fader (MIX) so is independent of the
level being sent to the main L-R Mix. Unlike the FX bus, there is
a master level control for the Aux output.
7.FX send co nt rols t he amo un t of si gn al sen t f rom th e
channel to the FX buss and the FX OUT. The signal is postfader (MIX) which means it’s affected by the channel MIX
control so it stays in proportion to the signal going to the MAIN
8. BAL adj us ts t he r elat i ve l evel betw een the lef t and ri gh t
stereo signals as they are sent to the left and right busses and
subsequently the main outputs. There is no BAL for ST2.
9.MIX ro tar y fader c ontr o ls the am ou nt of s ignal t o t he lef t
and right busses.
10.Pre-Fade Listen (PFL) swi tc hes t he c hann el i npu t s ig nal t o
the headphones for checking before adding it to Mix. The PFL
signal is taken after the EQ but before the MIX control.
The LR Meters display the channel input level when PFL is
1. MAIN OUT L & R are li ne l evel o ut put s f or the m ain ster eo
mix using standard XLR output connectors and are
impedance balanced for rejection of unwanted interference.
2.AUX OUT is a line level output from the AUX buss and uses a
standard 1/4”(6.25mm) jack socket.
This can be used for connecting to external equipment such
as a monitor speaker or a phones/ in-ear monitoring system.
3.FX OUT/FOOTSWITCH is a line level output from the FX buss
and uses a standard 1/4”(6.25mm) jack socket.
This can be used for connecting to external equipment such
as another effects processor. The output of external effects
processors should be returned into ST1 or ST2 Inputs.
For ZEDi-10FX a latching footswitch can be connected to the
FX OUT in st ead and us ed to mu te th e ou tput f ro m th e
ZED FX Multi Model pr o ces sor.
The footswitch must be wired between Tip and Sleeve.
4. AUX MASTER contr ol s th e vo lume of si gnal fr om the AUX
5. XLRs = MONS switc hes the PFL s ign al t o the MAIN OUT
as well as the PHONES output for flexible monitoring of input
signals through your speakers.
This is mainly for studio control room monitoring applications.
6.48V sw it ches in dustr y s tand ard 48V (p han tom po wer ) to
all the microphone inputs for use with condenser microphones
and active D.I. boxes requiring +48V.
7. POWER LED in di cates that th e mixer i s swit ched on.
8. MONITORS level con tr ol s the vo lum e of si gnal fr om t he
MONITOR OUT (shown section 3.)
9. MONITOR SOURCE select s wi tches t he sour ce s ign al t o
10. LR Meters di splay t he l evel o f t he MAIN MIX or t he mo no
PFL si gn al i f act ivated b y any of th e PFL s wi tch es.
11. PFL (Pre-Fade Listen) LED i nd ic ates w hen a PFL s wit ch
has been pressed on one of the channels.
12.MAIN MIX fader is the m aster vo lu m e co nt rol fo r the mai n
stereo mix.
13. PHONES level contr ol s the vo lume of si g nal to the
PHONES output.
14. PHONES SELECT switc hes t he m on i to ri ng s ou rc e fro m
FX SEND, AUX SEND or ST3 IN to th e PHONES output.
When nothing is selected the default source is the MAIN MIX.
Pressing any PFL switch will override this to monitor the
selected channel input signal.
15.PHONES output us es a st andard 1/4” (6.25m m) jac k
Warning! To av oi d dam age to yo ur heari ng do n ot oper ate
headphones or sound system at excessively high volume.
Continued exposure to high volume sound can cause frequency
selective or wide range hearing loss! !
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