Important User Informa tionSolid state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of
electromechanical equipment. "Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation, and
Maintenance of Solid State Controls" (Publication SGI-1.1) describes some important
differences between solid state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices.
Because of this difference, and because of the wide variety of uses for solid state
equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves
that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.
In no event will Rockwell Automation be responsible or liable for indirect or
consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes.
Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular
installation, Rockwell Automation cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use
based on the examples and diagrams .
No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation with respect to use of the
information, ci rcui ts , equi pment , or software de scrib ed in this manual.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written
permission of Rock well Autom ation i s prohi bite d.
Throughout this manual, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.
circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death,
property damage, or economic loss.
and understanding of the product.
Identifies information that is especially important for successful application
Identifies information about practices or
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Using this ManualPreface
Who Should Use This Manual................................................. P-1
Purpose of this Manual............................................................P-1
Contents of this Manual...........................................................P-2
Parallel Port Printers...............................................................C-1
PC Cards................................................................................C-1
Table of Contents
6182 Point-to-Point
Appendix D
COM2 RS232 Comm un i cations.............................................D- 1
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Table of Contents
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Who Should Use This
Purpose of this Manual
Read this preface to familiarize yourself with the rest of the manual. The
preface covers the following topics:
wh o shou ld use t his ma nual
the purpose of the manual
co ntent s of th e manual
conventions used in this manual
Allen-Bradley support
Use this manual if you are responsible for installing, using, or
troubleshooting the 6182 Windows CE Industrial Computer.
For users interested in writing their own application software for the
6182 Computer, you will need to order the
development kit. This catalog number includes a detailed technical
manual describing how to develop software applications for the 6182
Computer, along with a complete library of 6182 interfaces and
development tools on CDROM.
This manual is a user guide for the 6182 Windows CE Industrial
Computer. It gives an overview of the system and describes procedures
you use to:
install the 6182 Computer in a panel or enclosure
install and remove system components
run the system
troub lesho ot the system
Contents of this Manual
PrefaceDesc ribes the pur pose, background, an d scope of
this manual. Also specifies the intended audience.
1Com puter FeaturesSho w s the d iff erent vers i ons and features of the
618 2 Computer .
2Installati onDesc ribes ho w to install the 6 182 Com puter in a
pan el or encl osur e. Also how to connect power,
network, and relay output.
3Connecting External Devices
4Adding/Removing Internal
5Installing and Removing Front
Bezel Assembly Items
6Installing and Removing
Com puter Cha ssis Items
7Initial Operation and SetupTells how to start and checkout the system.
8Windows CE Operating System
9Keypad OperationExplains how the 6182 keypad functions, and how
10Display SettingsExplai ns how to configure the 6182 display
11Touchscreen Cali brationExplains how to calibrate the touchscreen on the
12Hardware Monitor
13Watchdog Timer
14Commu nication s Configurati onExplains how to configure the 6182 to
15Managing User ApplicationsExplains how to install and configure user
16System Troubleshooting
17MaintenanceGives procedures for cleaning the 6182 Computer
Tells how to connect external devices to the
various 6182 ports.
Gives procedures for ad ding/removing RAM and
ROM memory , a d d- in PCI and PC cards.
Gives procedures for installing or removing front
bezel items, including display backlight tubes.
Gives procedures for removing or installing
computer chassis items.
Pro v ides an overview of th e 6182 Wi ndow s C E
operating system and its native applications and
to use th e Keypa d conf iguration app lic at ion.
618 2 Computer .
Explains how to use the Hardware Monitor
application to perform hardware diagnostics.
Explains how to use the Watchdog Timer
application to reset the 6182 in case of lockup.
communicate with a host computer.
applications on the 6182 computer using Microsoft
ActiveSync. Also tells how to move data files to
and from the 6182 computer, and upgrade the
operating system.
Explains how to interpret and correct problems
with the 6182 Computer.
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Manual Conventions
Allen-Bradley Support
Appendi x ASpec ifi cationsPro vides physical, electri cal, envi r onmental, and
functional specifications.
Appendix BProcessor Board SpecificationsProvides information on the 6182 Computer
processor board.
Appendix C6182 Compatible Devices
Appendix D
6182 Point-to-Point
Lists the devices that are compatible with the
Describes how to connect the 6182 to various
The following conventions are used throughout this manual:
Bulleted lists such as this one provide infor mation, not procedural
Numbered lis ts pro vide s equ enti al steps or hierar chical inf o rmation.
Allen-Bradley offers support services worldwide, with over 75
Sales/Support Offices, 512 authorized Distributors and 260 authorized
Systems Integrators locat ed thr oughout the United States alone, plus
Allen-Bradley representatives in every major country in the world.
Local Product Support
Contact your local Allen-Bradley representative for:
sales and order support
product tech nical tra i ning
warranty support
support service agreements
Technical Product Assistance
If you need to contact Allen-Bradley for technical assistance, please
review the information in the System Troubleshooting chapter first.
Then call your local Allen-Bradley representative or contact AllenBradley technical support at (440) 646-5800.
For additional product information and a description of the technical
services available, visit the Rockwell Automation/Allen-Bradley Internet
site at
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Chapter Objectives
6182 Computer Versions
6182 Computer Packing
This chapter provides an overview of the 6182 Windows CE Industrial
Computer including:
available versions
additional catalog items
The 6182 computer is comprised of a front bezel assembly and computer
chassis. The computer chassis is common to all 6182 versions, and
contains the processor board, power supply, and add-in cards. It is
attached to the front bezel assembly with a hinge, so it can be easily
opened for int ernal access.
The 6182 front bezel assembly contains the LCD display, keypad, and
touchscreen features. A variety of front bezels are available for the 6182:
7.7-in. STN display with keypad a nd optiona l touchscreen
(8K, 8KT)
12.1-in. TFT display with keypad and optional touchscreen
(12K, 12KT)
12.1-in. TFT display with touchscreen (12T)
Non-display "brick" (NDB) computer
The 6182 Computer is delivered with the following
Computer with preinstalled Windows CE operating system
Mounting clips (4)
Power supply ter minal block
Ou tput r elay termina l block
6182 Applications and Accessories CD-ROM
6182 User Manual (this document, Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P)
Installation Guide (Publication 6182-IN001A-EN-P)
6182 Hardware
6182 Software
Computer Feat ur es
Microsoft Windows CE License Agr eement (Part 998084-010)
Software manuals and media for optional bundled softwar e
The 6182 Computer contains several hardware features designed to make
it a f lexible compu ter p latform for running indu stri al ap p lic ati ons.
MIPS 225MHz 32-bit RISC Processor, with hardware floating point
32MB-256MB Disk-On-Chip flash ROM, field upgradeable
32MB-256MB Dyna mic RAM, field upgradeable
128KB battery-backed static RAM, for high speed persistent data
Battery-backed real time clock/calendar
Hardware voltage/temperature monitoring
Software-based watchdog timer
Diagnostic Relay Output.
The 6182 Computer is shipped with a product-specific version of the
Microsoft Window CE operating system already installed in the product.
This is a full installation of Windows CE, complete with the graphical
Desktop, file management features, and Internet Explorer application.
Additional user application software may also be pre-installed,
depending on the 6182 version or dered.
The Windows CE operating system is stored in a secured flash ROM
location, and cannot be corrupted by any normal user or software
applications. Therefore, no Windows CE media is shipped with the 6182
product. The 6182 operating system can be field upgraded to new
versions. For instructions, refer to Chapter 15, Managing User
New user applications can be field-installed on the 6182 Computer.
Chapter 15, Managing User Applications, describes the various methods
for installing sof twa re ap plications. The software vendor should also
provide instructions for loading the application program.
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Computer Feat ur es
6182 Applications and Accessories CDROM
This CDROM delivered with the 6182 Computer contains the Microsoft
ActiveSync application software, the 6182 User Manual in Adobe
Acrobat PDF format, the 6182-specific backup files, and some Windows
CE application too ls.
Microsoft ActiveSync
The 6182 Computer supports the Microsoft ActiveSync communication
utility. Chapter 15, Managing User Applications, describes how to
install and use ActiveSync on a desktop PC. The ActiveSync program is
used to manage user applications and data files on the 6182 Windows CE
Computer. The connection between 6182 and PC can be either an
RS232 null modem cable (6189-2NMCBL) or through the Ethernet port.
To install Microsoft ActiveSync on a desktop PC for the
first time, you must use a null modem serial cable.
An ATA me mory card can also be us ed to transfer files betw een a PC and
the 6182 Computer. Chapter 4, Adding/Removing Internal Components,
describes how to install and remove PC cards on the 6182.
6182 User Manual
An electronic copy of this manual (publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P) is
distributed on the 6182 Applications and Accessories CDROM. The user
manual file is in a PDF format. A copy of the Acrobat reader software
program is also shippe d on th is CDROM.
6182 Backup Files
The 6182-specific operating system, program, and application files are
shipped on the C D ROM. Chapter 15, Managing User Applicati ons,
describes the 6182-specific files stored on the Disk-On-Chip flash
Windows CE Applications
Some useful Windows CE utility programs are included on the 6182
Applications and Accessories CDROM. These utilities include network
tools to verify Ethernet connections, a registry edit tool, and a scribble
application to test the touchscreen. See each application’s online help for
details on the program’s features.
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Features of the 6182
Computer Feat ur es
The following illustrations show the major features and controls of the
display versions of the 6182 Computer.
6182 Computer – 7.7 in. Version with Keypad
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Computer Feat ur es
6182 Computer – 12.1 in. Version with Keypad
6182 Computer – 12.1 in. Version with Touchscreen
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Computer Feat ur es
6182 Computer Common Chassis
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
6182 Computer Connectors
Computer Feat ur es
EXPLOSION HAZARD! Substitution of
comp onents may i mp air suitabilit y f or Class I, D iv 2
hazardou s locati ons.
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
LED Indicators
Computer Feat ur es
The following table shows the LED indicators on the 6182 Computer.
Table A
LED Indicators (Display Versions Only)
RightRedDiagnostics. Indicates that one of the
following conditions exists when lit:
Overtemperature. Tem pera ture i nsid e
the 6182 C omputer enclo sure is
above defined threshold.
Vol tage. Voltages not within
Refer to Chapter 16, System
Troubleshooting, for inf ormation on
reso lving diagnos tic conditions.
Cent erGr eenNumlock key act ivated when lit
LeftGreenPower On when lit
The LEDs toggle on and off during power up.
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Chapter Objectives
European Union
Mounting Hardware
This chapter describes installation of the 6182 Windows CE Industrial
Computer, including how to install the 6182 Computer in a panel using
mounting clips.
The 6182 Computer meets the European Union Directive requirements
when install e d within the Europea n Unio n or EE A regions and ha s the
CE mark. A copy of the Declaration of Conformity is available at the
Rockwell Automation/Allen-Bradley Internet site:
Mount the 6182 Computer in a panel or enclosure to protect the internal
circuitry. Versions with a gasketed bezel meet NEMA Type 1, 12, 13 and
4X (Indoor use) and IEC IP54, IP65 only when properly mounted in a
panel or enclosure having an equivalent rating. The non-display version
does not have a gasket and has a NEMA Type 1 and IEC IP2X rating.
Allow enough room within the enclosure for adequate ventilation. Also
consider heat produced by other devices in the enclosure. The ambient
temperature around the 6182 Computer must be maintained between 0
and 50 oC (32 o to 122 o F). The 6182 Computer is intended for use in
Pollution Degree 2 environments.
Make sure you provide provisions for accessing the top, bottom, and side
panels of the 6182 Computer to install/remove components and to access
the connectors.
Versions of the 6182 Computer with a display are shipped with the
following mounting hardware:
Table B
Mounting Hardware
ItemDescriptionQuantityUse For
4 ClipsPanel or enclosure
Tools Required
Mounting Clearance s
The following replacement clips can be ordered from Rockwell
Part NumberDescri ptionQuantityUse For
6189-2MTGKIT8Mounting clips
Package of 4
Replacement item
In addition to the tools required to make the cutout, you will need a
#2 Phillips-head screwdriver and a torque wrench.
Allow adequate space for mounting, air flow, and maintenance. The
figure below shows recommended minimum clearances to other
components with i n th e rack or enclosure.
AT TENTION: The 6182 Computer should not be
operated within a confined space of the dimensions
shown below unless adequate ventilation or other cooling
methods are used to lower the air temperature within the
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Mounting Dimens ion s
The following figures show the mounting dimensions for the 6182
Measu rem ents in these figures are expresse d in m illime ters
7.7 in. Version with Keypad
12.1 in. Version with Keypad
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
12.1 in. Version with Touchscreen
Non-Display Version
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Mounting Cutouts
Panel Mounting
The following figure provides the dimensions for making the panel or
enclosure cutout for the 6182 Computer.
Table C
Mounting Cutout Sizes
Display SizeHeightWidth
7.7 in. version with keypad197.8 [7.79]295.8 [11.65]
12.1 in. version with touchscreen256.8 [10.11]337.6 [13.29]
12.1 in. version with keypad256.8 [10.11]389.9 [15.35]
To install the 6182 Computer in a panel:
Disconnect al l el ect ri cal p ower from t h e
panel before making cutout.
Make sure the area around the panel cutout is clear.
Take precautions so that metal cuttings do not enter any
components that are already installed in the panel.
Failure to follow these warnings may result in personal
injury or damage to the panel components.
To install the 6182 Computer in a panel:
1. Cut an opening in the panel using the panel cutout dimensions
provided on Page 2-5.
2. Make sure the 6182 Computer sealing gasket is properly positioned
on the terminal. This gasket forms a compression type seal, do not
use sealing compounds.
3. Place the 6182 Computer in the panel cutout.
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
4. Install the mounting clips. The mounting clips slide into the slots on
the top and bottom of the 6182 Computer.
5. Gradually tighten the clips one at a time around the bezel using the
specified sequence. Repeat this process at least three times until the
clips are hand-tight and t he gasket is compressed uniformly a gains t
the panel.
6. Tighten mounting clips to a torque of 10 in–lbs (1.1 N•m) in the
sequence shown above. Do not over– tighten.
damage to the
Tighten mounting clips to a torque of
(1.1 N•m) to provide a proper seal and prevent
6182 Computer
. Allen–Bradley assumes
no responsibility for water or chemical damage to the
terminal o r oth er eq uipment withi n th e enclo s ure b ecau s e
of improper installation.
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Power Connections
A three-contact removable terminal block is used to connect power to the
6182 Computer. The 6182 Computer AC version accepts 120/240V AC.
The AC power supply is autoranging. The DC version accepts 18-32V
DC . The removable ter m inal block s are di fferent on the AC and DC
versions and cannot be interchanged.
The power supply must be connected to
an earth ground. Failure to follow this warning could
result in s ever e el ect rical shock.
Some 1784 communication cards have a
connector like the one used for the 6182 power connector.
Do not plug power into connectors on these car ds .
The terminal block is equipped with two retainer screws to prevent
accidental interruption of power to the 6182 Computer. Tighten the
screws on the AC version to a torque of 5 in–lbs (0.56 N•m). Tighten the
screws on the DC version to a torque of 2.5 in–lbs (0.28 N•m).
EXPLOSION HAZARD! Do not co nnect
or disconnect equipment unless power has been swit ched
off or the area is known to be non-hazardous.
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Relay Output
The following power supply terminal blocks can be ordered from
Rockwell A utom ation:
Part NumberDescription
6189-2ACCONN120/240VAC Unit terminal block (qty 1)
6189-2DCCONN24VDC Unit terminal block (qty 1)
The 6182 Computer has a relay output. This output is a norm ally- open
hard contact relay rated for 24VDC, 500mA. A two-contact removable
terminal block is used to connect to the relay output.
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
The terminal block is equipped with two retainer screws to prevent
accidental disconnection. Tighten these screws to a torque of 5 in–lbs
(0.56 N•m).
The f ollow ing r eplacement rela y outp ut termina l blocks can be ord ered
from Rockwell Automation:
Part NumberDescription
6189-2OUTCONNRelay output terminal block (qty 1)
Chapter Objectives
Safety Preca utions
This chapter describes how to connect a variety of external devices to the
6182 Computer. This chapter’s topics include:
USB devices
PS/2 keyboard and mouse
Ethernet network connection (RJ45)
Serial devices
Parallel devices
External video monitors
Diagnostic relay output
Make sure you disconnect all power to the 6182 Computer before
perfor mi ng any of the opera tions describe d in this chapter.
Computer and external devices before making any
connections. Failure to disconnect power could result in
damage to the 6182 Computer and/or external device.
As with all electronic devices, internal 6182 Computer components may
be damage d by Electr ostatic Di scharge (E SD). Do not touch con nector
pins when attaching external cables. Touch the metal chassis to
discharge yourself before connecting external cables.
Disconnect all power from the 6182
Connecting USB Devices
Connecting External Devices
The 6182 Computer has two USB ports. The Windows CE operating
system currently only supports standard USB keyboard and mouse
devices with its native device drivers. A vendor-specific Windows CE
driver will be required for all other USB devices.
The USB device can plug into either of the two side panel USB ports as
shown below. While the USB interface is designed to be connected and
disconnected under power, the Windows CE operating system will not
automatically recognize any changes made under power.
Publication 6182-UM001B-EN-P
Table D
USB Stacked Connector Pin-Out
1USB0 VCC ( Swit ched FET curr ent protected)
5USB1 VCC ( Swit ched FET curr ent protected)
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