30 MA881 - Electrified Fail Secure (EU) - 12 & 24V, with or
without RX
31 MA911 - Classroom Dead Lock
32 MA921 - Dead Lock
33 MA931 - Dead Lock
34 MA941 - Dead Lock
35 MA12 - Single Dummy
36 MA18 - Double Dummy
37 Parts and Accessories
37 Knob and Lever Designs
37 Screw Packs
39 Cams
40 Mortise, rim and cam lock for standard cylinders
40 Strikes
41 Cylinder collars
41 Escutcheon Trim Rings
41 Sectional Trim Rings
42 Trim Rings & Collars
43 Ordering Procedures
43 Finishes
43 Door Handing
This manual contains a complete listing of parts and assemblies for MA-Series mortise locks manufactured by Falcon Lock
Company. This edition lists components of MA-Series locks manufactured aer February, 2011. All lock case covers are
labeled with dates to identify year of manufacture. Example: 2311 = the 23rd week of 2011.
Exploded views of each lock function and trim assembly are provided with accompanying charts to identify parts for
replacement purposes. Exploded views of trim are shown with parts for standard size doors. In addition, this manual
provides lock trim ordering procedures, cylinder length charts by door range, and all auxiliary components of the MA-Series
mortise locks.
Standard Features*
CertificationsANSI A156 .13, Series 1000, Grade 1 Operation and Security, UL Listed for 3-hour fire door
Latch2-piece brass mechanical anti-friction bolt, ³⁄v” projection
Strike1Z⁄v” x 4M⁄,”, ANSI, Square corner, with dust box
Cylinder6-Pin solid brass, keyed 5-pin, Falcon G keyway, keyed different (KD)
Door Range1³⁄v” standard
KeysTwo, nickel silver cut keys per lock, Falcon G keyway
* Locks are furnished with standard features unless otherwise specified.
Lock Case Dimensions
1” (25)
1³⁄₁₆” (30)
1³⁄₁₆” (30)
2³⁄₄” (70)
4⁵⁄₃₂” (106)
¹⁄₄” (6)
1” (25)
1¹⁷⁄₆₄” (32)
³⁄₄” (19)
⁹⁄₁₆” (14)
⁴⁵⁄₆₄” (18)
²⁵⁄₃₂” (20)
1¹⁄₄” (32)
¹⁄₄” (6)
(A) Door ThicknessLip Size
1³⁄v” - 1M⁄,”1Z⁄v” (32 mm)
2” - 2Z⁄,”1M⁄zn” (37 mm)
2Z⁄v” - 2³⁄,”1>⁄zn” (40 mm)
2Z⁄x” - 2B⁄,”1ZZ⁄zn” (43 mm)
4 • Falcon • MA-Series service manual
Lock assembly drawing index
The Lock Assembly Drawing Index provides visual representations and textual
descriptions of available functions. Page numbers for full trim and chassis
drawings are referenced.
To order Falcon MA Series locksets, please consult page 5 for ordering
information and assistance.
Catalog Number Prefixes: Add the following prefix for the appropriate trim
Î Note: If a special function is required and not listed here, please contact the
factory for assistance.
FunctionANSI A156.13, 2005Page
Falcon ANSIDescriptionFunction
MA101 F01 Passage/Closet LatchsetLatch bolt by knob/levers at all times.9
Rigid Knob
Blank Plate
MA161 F31 Connecting Room/Exit LatchLatch bolt operated by knob/lever from inside. No trim outside. Auxiliary dead latch.10
MA301 F02 Privacy LockLatch bolt by knobs/levers either side, dead bolt by turn inside or emergency release
MA311 F19 Privacy, Bedroom or Bath LockLatch bolt by knobs/levers. Deadbolt by turn from inside and emergency release
outside. Rotating inside knob/lever retracts both bolts.
MA321 F22 Privacy LockLatch bolt operated by knob/lever from either side except when outside knob/lever
is locked by inside T-turn. Operating inside knob/lever, closing door or operating
outside emergency release unlocks outside knob/lever.
MA371 F14 Store Door LockLatch bolt by knobs/levers. Deadbolt by key from either side.14
MA381 F09 Apartment, Exit LockLatch bolt operated by knob/lever from either side, except when outside knob/lever
is locked by key from inside. When outside knob/lever is locked, latch bolt is
retracted by key from outside or by operating inside lever. Auxiliary dead latch.
Falcon • MA-Series service manual • 5
MA411 F30 Asylum LockLatch bolt operated by key from either side. Both knobs/levers always inoperative.
MA431 F34 Classroom Security Lock with
MA441 F32 Classroom Security LockLatch bolt operated by knob/lever from either side except when outside knob/lever
MA451 F15 Hotel/Guest LockLatch bolt operated by key from outside or by operating inside knob/lever. Outside
MA521 F04 Entry/Oce LockLatch bolt operated by knob/lever from either side except when outside knob/lever
Auxiliary dead latch.
Latch bolt operated by knob/lever from either side except when outside knob/lever
is locked from inside or outside by key. Dead bolt retracted by key from inside or
outside. Operating inside knob/lever retracts both bolts and unlocks outside. Latch
bolt dead locked when dead bolt is thrown.
is locked from inside or outside by key. When outside knob/lever is locked, latch bolt
is retracted by key from inside or outside or by operating inside knob/lever. Auxiliary
dead latch.
knob/lever is always inoperative. Dead bolt projected by turn from inside and all
keys except emergency key are shut out. Operating inside knob/lever retracts both
bolts. Auxiliary dead latch.
is made inoperative by buttons in face. When outside knob/lever is locked, latch bolt
is retracted by key from outside or by operating inside knob/lever. Auxiliary dead
When dead bolt is retracted, knob/lever is unlocked by buttons in face.
MA531 F20 Apartment Corridor Door LockLatch bolt operated by knob/lever from either side, except when outside knob/lever
is made inoperative by buttons in face. Dead bolt operated by key outside or turn
inside. Key outside operates both bolts. Operating inside knob/lever retracts both
bolts and outside remains locked. Latch bolt is deadlocked when outside knob/
lever is made inoperative or when the dead bolt is projected. When dead bolt is
retracted, knob/lever is unlocked by buttons in face.
MA541 F21 Entry/Oce LockLatch bolt by knobs/levers either side. Deadbolt by key outside or turn inside.22
MA551 F06 Holdback LockLatch bolt operated by lever from either side except when outside lever is locked
from outside by key. Latch bolt can be locked in a retracted position by key. When
outside lever is locked, latch bolt is retracted by key from outside or by operating
inside lever unless latch bolt has been locked in a retracted position. Auxiliary dead
Note: Chassis is handed.
MA561 F05 Classroom LockLatch bolt operated by knob/lever from either side except when outside knob/lever
is locked by key. WHen outside knob/lever is locked, latchbolt is retracted by key
from outside or by operating inside knob/lever. Auxiliary latch deadlocks latch bolt
when door is closed. Inside knob/lever always free for immediate use.
MA571 F13 Dormitory or Exit LockLatch bolt operated by knob/lever from either side. Dead bolt projected by key from
outside and turn from inside. Operating inside knob/lever retracts both bolts and
unlocks outside.
MA581 F07 Storeroom LockLatch bolt operated by key from outside or by operating inside knob/lever. Otuside
6 • Falcon • MA-Series service manual
knob/lever is always inoperative. Auxiliary dead latch.
MA621 F08/F10 Front Door/Apartment
MA641 - Dormitory LockLatch bolt by knob/lever inside and key outside. Inside knob/lever free. Outside
MA851 - Storeroom - Fail Safe (EL),
with or without RX
MA881 - Storeroom - Fail Secure (EU),
with or without RX
MA911 F29 Classroom DeadlockKey from outside operates deadbolt. Turn from inside retracts but does not project
Latch bolt is operated by knob/lever from either side except when outside knob/
lever is made inoperative by buttons in face. Dead bolt is operated by turn inside.
Key outside operates both bolts.
knob/lever rigid. Dead bolt by key outside or T-turn inside. Rotating inside knob/
lever retracts both bolts. Deadlocking latch.
Latch bolt operated by knob/lever from either side except when outer knob/lever is
electrically locked. When outer knob/lever is locked latch bolt retracted by key in
cylinder outside. Deadlocking latch.
Latch bolt operated by knob/lever from either side except when outer knob/lever is
electrically unlocked, then latch bolt from either side. When locked key in cylinder
outside retracts latch bolt. Deadlocking latch.
dead bolt.
MA921 F18 DeadlockDeadbolt by key outside only.32
MA931 F16 DeadlockDeadbolt by key from either side.33
MA941 F17 DeadlockDeadbolt by key outside or turn inside.34