Allearth Allsun Tracker User Manual

Made by AllEarth Renewables in the U.S.A.
Customer Manual
Designed and Manufactured by
AllEarth Renewables, Inc.
94 Harvest Lane • Williston, VT 05495
Phone 802-872-9600
... on the purchase of your AllSun Tracker. We are con dent that this
solar electric system will provide you with clean renewable electricity and stable power prices for many years to come.
Each AllSun Tracker is covered by a 10 year manufacturer’s warranty on all parts. In addition, we may make updates to the controller’s software to improve the overall operation of the tracker. These free updates can usually be installed remotely through the internet interface – requiring no action by the system owner.
The purpose of this manual is to allow you identify the parts of your AllSun Tracker and help you understand the tracker’s normal operation. Your tracker has no customer serviceable parts. If you have questions about the function of your tracker that aren't covered in this manual, please contact your installer.
Thank you for your investment in renewable energy. Together we are reducing our dependence on traditional energy sources, helping the environment and strengthening the nation’s economy and electrical grid with local solar power.
The Sta of AllEarth Renewables
Table of Contents
• Welcome letter
• Table of Contents
Parts of an AllSun Tracker
• AllSun Tracker Operation
Website Customer Center
Process for issuing a service request
Energy Production Report
How to read the inverter display
• Warranty Info
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AllSun Tracker Customer Manual V2
+ 5 hidden pages