ALK Technologies COPILOT LIVE 7 User Manual 2

User Guide
Thank you for choosing CoPilot Live 7. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about using CoPilot Live 7.
This PDF is interactive to make it easier for you to navigate through it to fi nd the information you are looking for. Here are some tips for using it:
section of your choice.
Click at the bottom of each page to go back to the contents page.
Click on red text and page numbers to be taken to the page referenced.
ou can also use the Bookmarks and Pages tab in Adobe Acrobat Reader
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2 User Guide Welcome
01 Getting started
Checklist ...............................................................................................5
Installing CoPilot Central ........................................................................6
Preparing your Mobile Device .................................................................6
Installing CoPilot Live 7 ..........................................................................6
Starting up ............................................................................................7
Activating CoPilot ..................................................................................7
Select language and voice ...................................................................10
Select a distance measurement ............................................................10
Tips and Tricks ....................................................................................10
Confi guring GPS ..................................................................................11
Setting up a Bluetooth GPS Receiver .....................................................11
Setting up a built in GPS Receiver .........................................................12
Using other GPS receivers ....................................................................12
02 In use
Selecting a destination .........................................................................13
Nearby points of interest ......................................................................14
Advanced POI Search ..........................................................................15
Adjusting the POI settings ....................................................................16
To choose a Recent destination ............................................................17
To choose a Contact’s address as a destination .....................................17
To choose an Intersection for your destination .......................................17
Selecting a destination using Lat and Long ...........................................18
Saving your Current Location................................................................18
Other ways to select a destination ........................................................18
Selecting multiple stops for your trip .....................................................19
Customizing your trip ...........................................................................19
Setting waypoints ................................................................................20
Saving destinations in your planned trip as favorites ..............................20
Saving a trip ........................................................................................21
Loading a saved trip ............................................................................21
Deleting a planned trip .........................................................................21
Preview your route ...............................................................................21
Begin driving .......................................................................................23
Traffi c Service .....................................................................................23
Guidance ............................................................................................23
Driving views .......................................................................................24
On-screen information .........................................................................24
Setting display mode ...........................................................................25
Driver Safety .......................................................................................25
3D ......................................................................................................25
2D Where Am I? ..................................................................................25
2D Next Turn .......................................................................................26
2D Destination ....................................................................................26
Itinerary ..............................................................................................26
03 Personalize
Saving a destination as Home ..............................................................27
Saving a destination as Work ................................................................27
Save your Favorite destinations ............................................................28
Edit or delete Favorites ........................................................................28
Night Map ...........................................................................................29
Customizing the guidance screen .........................................................29
Setting route preferences .....................................................................30
Saving a route preference ....................................................................30
Loading a saved routing profi le .............................................................30
Edit your road preferences ...................................................................30
Personalizing the voice instructions ......................................................31
User Guide Contents
Setting Map Styles ...............................................................................31
Applying Themes .................................................................................31
Customizing routing options .................................................................31
04 Advanced
Optimizing stops ..................................................................................32
Setting detours ....................................................................................32
Change your whole journey ..................................................................33
Ending a Detour ..................................................................................33
Avoiding Traffi c ....................................................................................33
CoPilot Live Traffi c Service ...................................................................34
Setting-up CoPilot Live traffi c ...............................................................34
Additional Traffi c Settings .....................................................................35
Using traffi c incidents ..........................................................................36
You can also... .....................................................................................36
CoPilot Live .........................................................................................37
To create a CoPilot Live web account ....................................................38
To enter your Live account information into CoPilot ................................38
Live connection status .........................................................................39
Adjusting CoPilot Live communication settings ......................................39
Setting map preferences ......................................................................40
Setting Map Styles ...............................................................................40
Setting route preferences .....................................................................41
Saving a route preference ....................................................................41
Loading a saved routing profi le .............................................................41
Edit your road preferences ...................................................................42
Adjusting your Safety View ...................................................................42
Checking the GPS status ......................................................................43
Track Playback ....................................................................................43
Adjusting the volume ...........................................................................43
Adjusting the Guidance Settings ...........................................................44
Setting the Language and Speech ........................................................44
Device settings ....................................................................................45
Keyboard ............................................................................................45
Playing a demo ...................................................................................45
About CoPilot ......................................................................................45
Licensing ............................................................................................46
Transferring your CoPilot Live License ...................................................46
Data Region ........................................................................................46
05 CoPilot Central
CoPilot Central ....................................................................................47
Create a map ......................................................................................47
Download a map .................................................................................48
Plan a Trip ...........................................................................................49
Entering an Address or City ..................................................................49
Trip Options.........................................................................................50
Transfer Trip from CoPilot Central to your mobile device .........................51
Download Updates ...............................................................................51
Purchase upgrades ..............................................................................51
Find out more ......................................................................................51
06 Support
CoPilot Customer Support Helpline .......................................................52
Online Support ....................................................................................52
4 User Guide Contents
Getting started
First check the contents of your box with the list below.
CoPilot Live
Memory Card
Splitter Cable*
* Optional accessory. Only included in certain CoPilot Live navigation kits.
5 User Guide 01 Getting started
DocumentationCoPilot Central Desktop
Companion DVD
Car Charger* CoPilot Live Bluetooth
Car Vent Clip*
GPS Receiver*
Getting started
Installing CoPilot Central
CoPilot Central is a desktop tool to help you manage CoPilot effectively and easily, but you do not need to install it in order to use CoPilot Live on your device. For more information on CoPilot Central see page 47.
Using the CoPilot Central software you can plan trips and re-install CoPilot Live to your storage card, as well as purchase upgrade licenses and maps for other regions.
Insert the DVD into the DVD drive of your PC.
An installation wizard will automatically launch.t
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Preparing your Mobile Device
Insert the supplied CoPilot Live memory card into
the memory card slot of your mobile device.
Note: The CoPilot Live card supplied includes adaptors that will fi t MicroSD,
MiniSD and standard SD slots. For details on how to insert a Memory Card please see the documentation that came with your mobile device.
Tip: It is recommended that you switch off T9 predictive text entry when
using CoPilot Live. Please read the device manual for instructions.
Important: On your mobile device make sure you set the correct date
and time to get the best GPS functionality.
Installing CoPilot Live 7
Turn on your mobile device, the CoPilot Live
installer will automatically start.
You will be asked to accept the License
agreement for CoPilot Live 7. to continue.
Select I Accept
Note: If the installer doesn’t start
automatically use File Explorer to navigate to Storage Card > 2577 and select AUTORUN.
Please review the GPS information on the
next screen and then select OK.
Select a location for your installation, we
recommend that you install on your device.
CoPilot Live 7 will now be installed. This may take a few minutes, please be patient. A message advising the successful installation of the CoPilot Live application will be displayed. Select Done.
Select Install to continue.
User Guide 01 Getting started
Getting started
Starting up
Once the installation has completed, select the CoPilot icon
on the Today screen. CoPilot will
Note: Alternatively, select Start > CoPilot, or
Start > Programs > CoPilot to launch the
You will be asked to enter your Product Key.
our product key can be found on the back of the Quick Start Guide. Enter your
product key in the boxes provided. Select Next to continue.
Activating CoPilot
After you have entered your product key you will be asked to activate your software.
Press Next to activate now or Cancel if you prefer to activate the license later. If you press cancel you will still be able to use your CoPilot software under an evaluation license for 4 days.
You can activate CoPilot:
Automatically using the internet connection
of your mobile device.
Automatically using the internet connection of your PC.
Manually using a PC connected to the Internet.
User Guide 01 Getting started
Getting started
Automatically activating CoPilot Live
Use the action key or press 1 on your keypad to select Inter
Enter your email address when requested and
press Ne
CoPilot will try to connect to the internet using the internet connection on your mobile device.
Note: To activate this way you must have a
mobile internet connection set up on your device.
Note: If a connection can’t be made an error screen will show and you will be
asked to return to the previous screen to re-try or you can select No Internet (see p. 9). Select Options > Back to return to the previous screen.
Automatically activating CoPilot via a PC internet connection
If you connect your mobile device to your PC you can use the PC internet connection to activate automatically.
Note: Your mobile device needs to be connected to your PC via either
Microsoft ActiveSync (PCs running Windows XP or earlier) or Windows Mobile Device Center (PCs running Windows Vista).
Your PC must be connected to the internet to activate automatically.
Use the action key or press 1 on your keypad to select Inter
CoPilot will automatically activate via your PC’s internet connection to the activation server.
User Guide 01 Getting started
Getting started
Activation through the CoPilot activation website at
1 Use the action key or press 2 on your keypad to select No Inter
2 The next screen will show your product key and license number.
3 Now, visit the CoPilot activation website at and
enter your product key Press Submit. Your activation code will be displayed on-screen and will be sent to you by email.
4 On your mobile device, press Ne
Enter your activation code and press Next.
After activation
When activation is completed you will see the message Activation successful.
Press Ne
xt to continue using CoPilot.
, license number and email address as requested.
xt to continue to the next screen.
Select language and voice
On the Set Language screen you can choose which language you would like CoPilot Live to use and which voice you would like to hear guidance instructions in.
Use the action key to select your preferred
Select T
have chosen.
When you are happy with your selections press
est to hear a sample of the voice you
Note: You can change these settings at any time, select Menu > More >
Settings > More > Language & Speech.
User Guide 01 Getting started
Getting started
Select a distance measurement
Choose between Miles and Kilometres for the distance units used in maps and instructions. Press Next.
Note: You can change these settings at any time,
select Menu > More > Settings > Map.
Safety Warning: You will be asked to accept
the Safety Warning for CoPilot Live 7. Please read this carefully and then select Accept.
Tips and Tricks
CoPilot Live has loads of great features, to help you get to know and understand them we have included Tips and Tricks at start up.
To turn off the Tips and Tricks uncheck the ‘Show Tips and Tricks’ box. Press 1 or 2 on your keypad to view more tips and tricksTo close the window click on the cross (
To view Tips and Tricks at any time:
Welcome Screen
On the Welcome screen we have included a quick menu which allows you to easily enter a
Destination, select your Favorites, access your Settings, or Drive to set off.
To close the quick menu, select Close.
Menu > Mor
User Guide 01 Getting started
e > Tips & Tutorials > Tips & Tricks.
Getting started
Confi guring GPS
You will need to set up your GPS receiver before you can begin navigating.
Tap Menu > Mor
Setup GPS.
On the Setup GPS Receiver screen choose between:
Built In - to use the GPS receiver built in to your mobile device.
Bluetooth - to set up a connection between your mobile device and the
Bluetooth GPS receiver
Other - recommended when you are using any other GPS receiver
e > Settings > GPS >
If you chose Manual to set up your Bluetooth GPS receiver, you will be prompted to enter a pin code. Use: “0183” or “0000”.
Setting up a Bluetooth GPS Receiver
Switch on your Bluetooth receiver.
Select ‘Bluetooth’ on the Setup GPS receiver
Press Ne
CoPilot will automatically begin searching for Bluetooth devices in your immediate vicinity. Once it has completed the search it will display a list of all nearby GPS devices.
Select your GPS receiver from the list.
Note: If you are using the GPS receiver supplied with your CoPilot software it
will appear in the list with a name starting with ‘BT-GPS’.
Press the action key on your keypad. To complete the setup process press
ou’re ready for your fi rst journey!
Note: The fi rst time you use the GPS receiver it may take a moment
to determine your position.
User Guide 01 Getting started
Getting started
Setting up a built-in GPS Receiver
If you selected Built-In you will need to choose between Automatic and Manual. We recommend Automatic setup.
With Automatic selected, press Finish. CoPilot will fi nd and connect to the GPS receiver in your device.
To set up Manually, select Manual, you will need to select the COM Port that the GPS is connected to and the BAUD rate for the device. Please consult your device manufacturer for this information.
When you have entered the information press Finish to continue. Once setup has been completed select Finish to complete the process.
Note: If you get the message GPS Setup failed
the COM Port and/or BAUD information were incorrect. Please try again.
You’re ready for your fi rst trip!
Using other GPS receivers
If you selected Other you will need to connect the GPS Receiver manually.
You will need to select the COM Port that the GPS is connected to and the BAUD rate for the device. Please consult your device manufacturer for this information.
Press Finish to continue. Once setup has been completed select Finish to exit.
You’re ready for your fi rst trip!
Note: The fi rst time you use the GPS receiver it may take
a moment to determine your position.
Tips: GPS Signal
GPS signal will be limited inside buildings, tunnels or parking lots. To work effectively the GPS receiver needs to have a clear line of sight to the sky.
Note: The fi rst time you use the GPS receiver it may take a moment
to determine your position.
User Guide 01 Getting started
In use
Safety information
Do not attempt to change the settings, or set a destination on CoPilot while you are driving. Ask a passenger to make changes, or pull over safely.
Do not leave your Mobile Device or GPS loose in the car while driving. Ensure they are correctly seated in a car mount.
Selecting a destination
CoPilot uses GPS satellites to calculate your exact position so you don’t have to enter your starting point. Simply enter your destination and CoPilot will take you there, providing detailed turn instructions all the way.
Select Menu > Destination > Addr
Enter the city/town name of your destination.
Select the correct city or area when it appears
in the list below address options matching what you have typed.
. Scroll down to see more
Enter the fi rst three or four letters of the street
As you enter the street name CoPilot will list potential matches. Select the correct street name when it appears in the list below.
Enter the house number and select Finish,
just select Finish to skip this step.
A Route screen will then appear, showing you a preview map of the route. Select Drive to begin navigating.
Tips: Quick Destination Entry
You can also select a destination from the map. Select Menu > More > Pick on Map. A map of the area around your current location will be displayed. Pan and zoom around the map and select your desired destination when you fi nd it.
There are even more ways to enter destinations in CoPilot, for more information see pages 17 and 18.
13 User Guide 02 In use
In use
Nearby points of interest
If you are running low on gas, need a bank or are looking for a restaurant , CoPilot Live has over 6 million pre­loaded Points-of-Interest (POI) to search.
Select Menu > Nearb
From the list, select a category. For example,
Gas Station.
After a few moments a list of nearby gas stations will appear, in order of distance from your current location.
Select the gas station you wish to visit and press the action key. A preview
map of the route to your selected POI will appear
Press Drive to begin navigating the route.
y POI.
Tip: Call ahead
You can call direct to a selected POI. Once you have found a POI, select it then press Options > Details to see if the phone number for this POI is available.
Tip: POI in the city
You can search for a POI within a city, near your current location or along your route by pressing Menu > Destination > Points of Interest.
You can search for a particular POI within a category, by name. For more details, see
on page 15.
User Guide 02 In use
In use
POI Search in Detail
If you want to receive guidance to a specifi c POI without entering the address, you can search the POI database and set it as a destination.
Select Menu > Destination > Points of
If you know the name of the place you want to visit, enter it here.
Scroll down to continue.
Choose to select a category or search all. If you check the Pic
box, select the correct category. Select Type to specify a subcategory. Scroll down to continue.
Select a location option: choose from Near curr
route or In a City to search for a related POI. Press Next.
For Near curr
automatically generated. If you selected In a City, enter the name of the city or town nearest the POI you are searching for.
ent location and Along my route, the POI list will be
ent location, Along my
k Category
CoPilot will then search the thousands of POIs. When complete a list of the nearest matches will appear on-screen.
Select the correct POI from the list.
Press Options > Sho
Select Options > Details to display the phone number for the POI if
available. return to the POI list.
For CoPilot to create a route from your current location to your selected POI,
press the action key
Press Call to ring the POI via your mobile device or press Back to
w on Map to view the POI on the map.
User Guide 02 In use
In use
Adjusting the POI settings
You can choose when to have POIs shown on­screen and the distance at which you are notifi ed by adjusting the POI settings.
Tap Menu > Mor
Enable the POIs by checking the box. Disable
by unchecking.
Choose to Sho
e > Settings > POIs.
w POIs Always, Never or When Stopped from the picklist.
In the Report POIs this far ahead fi
0.2 and 25 miles.
Select how long POI messages are displayed with the Message T
picklist. Select between 5 seconds and 5 minutes.
Select whether to show POIs that are on your route or nearby it. Select On
Route or Near Route.
Select specifi c POI categories to display by checking the boxes.
Select OK to apply the settings and return to the Settings menu.
eld, select a distance between
User Guide 02 In use
In use
To choose a Recent destination
Select Menu > Destination > Recent.
Recent provides quick and easy access to the last 50 destinations that you entered.
Note: Your recent list will store the last 50
addresses you have entered. When the list is full each new address will replace an older inactive address.
To delete the list:
Select Menu > Destination > Recent > Clear All.
To choose a Contact’s address as a destination
You can select an address from any Contacts that you have stored in your device.
To select a contact:
Select Menu > Destination > Mor
Enter your contact name to automatically recall the address saved in your mobile device.
e > Contact.
To choose an Intersection for your destination
Select Menu > Destination > More > Intersection.
Enter the City or Town and press Next. You will be asked to enter the first road and then the second. CoPilot will calculate your route to the point where they meet.
User Guide 02 In use
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