Alinco DJ NX40T User manual

(Type : NXDN Conventional)
Instruction Manual
The digital protocol of this product is NXDN but does NOT support Type-C/D Trunking.
Thank you for purchasing your new Alin co tra nsc eiv er. Ple ase re ad thi s m anu al carefully before using the product to ensure full performance, and keep this manual for future reference as it contains information on after-sales service. In case addendum or errata sheets are included with this product, please read those materials and keep them together with this instruction manual for future reference.
■ Introduction
Ple ase b e info rmed that this m anual has been e dited with consumer-use in mind. The product is delivered to consumers after being programmed by dealers. Some features are dealer-selectable and pr og ra mm ab le using ed it or -s of tware onl y an d th ey are no t mentioned in this manual.The product is blocked and not functional in ex-factory state due to regulations. Please read this manual completely from the first page to the last, to learn basic functions the product offers. It is important to note that some of the operations may be explained in relation to information in other chapters. By reading just one part of the manual, you may risk not understanding the complete explanation of the function.
■ Lightning
Any pers on is not s afe outdoor during thunderstorm and lightning. This condition is getting worse if somebody keeps a hand-held radio; chances of being hit by lightning are doubled since lightning may hit a radio antenna as well. At this time, there is no hand-held radio having any k in d of p ro te ction against l ig ht ni ng current (whi ch i s hi gh er than10 kA.). Note also that no car provides adequate protection of its passengers or drivers against lightning as well. Therefore, Alinco will not take r es po ns ib ility for a ny d an ge r associate d wi th u si ng its hand-held radios outdoor or inside the car during lightning.
■ Covering ranges (without using repeaters)
You ma y ex p ect a r a nge of a ppr o x.4 k m/2 . 5 m ile s or mor e at high-power when located on a flat, noise-free place like on a beach. However, it may vary depending on how to wear and carry the radios, surrounding locations/conditions and static noise levels, etc. In urban areas with many buildings or inside a building, such covering range may become drastically short.
■ Dealer programming
The utility software may be available to distributors/dealers only. An op ti ona l pro gr amm in g c ab le is re qui re d f or pr og ram mi ng. T he manufacturer will not release the software to unauthorized party so please contact your de ale r f or det ail s.T his pr odu ct is del ivered to consumers after being preprogrammed with the operating parameters, then certain operation may be disabled for user-accesses. For this reason some features mentioned in this booklet may not be available, or features NOT mentioned in this manual may be available to your radio. The manufacturer and distributers are not aware of details of such dealer-programming.Therefore, please contact to your dealer in case any technical assistance may be necessary.
Copyright © All rights reserved.
No p a rt o f this d o cum e n t may b e re p r o duce d , tra n s l ate d o r transcribed in any from or by any means without the prior permission of Alinco. Inc., Osaka, Japan. Alinco and ALINCO logo are registered trad em ar ks o f Alinco i nc or porated , Ja pa n in Un it ed S ta tes, EU States, Russia, China and many other countries.
NXDN and NXDN logo are registered trademarks of Icom Incorporated and JVCKENWOOD Corporation.
Windows is a registered tradema rk of Microsoft Cor poration in the United States and other countries.
All other trademarks are the properties of their respective holders.
AL I NCO a nd a uth o r ize d de a l ers are n ot r esp o n sib l e fo r an y typographical errors there may be in this manual. The contents of this manual may be updated w it ho ut a ny n ot ic e or o bl ig at io n. Al in co cannot be liable for pictorial or typographical inaccuracies. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
NXDNTM is a protocol name for a new digital communications system using 4-level FSK technology. Please visit here for details at
■ Compliance Information Statement
This equipment generates or uses radio frequency energy. Ch a n g es o r mod i f icat i o ns t o thi s e qui p m e nt m a y ca u s e ha r m ful interfe re nc e un le ss t he m od if ications are expressl y ap pr ov ed i n th e ins tr uc tion ma nu al . The u ser could l os e the a ut ho rity to o pe rate th is equipment if an unauthorized change or modification is made.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These li mi ts a re d es igned to pr ov id e re as onable prot ec ti on a ga in st harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can generate radio frequency energy and, if not installe d and used in ac cordance with th e instruction s, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that the interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this e quipm ent does cause h armfu l interf erence t o rad io or te levision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit diffe ren t f rom th at to
which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer for technical assistance.
Please also read the Radio Frequency Energy Safety Information separately included in the package of this product for your RF safety.
To prevent any hazard during operation of Alinco's radio product, in this manual and on the product you may find symbols shown below. Please read and understand t he m eanings of these symbols before starting to use the product.
■ Environment and condition of use
Use of this produc t m ay be pro hibited or illegal outside of yo ur country. Be informed in advance when you travel.
It is r eco m men d ed t h at y ou c hec k lo c al t raf fic r egu l ati o ns re ga rdi ng the use o f a r ad io eq uip me nt wh ile d riv in g. So me countries prohibit or apply restrictions for the operation of radios and mobile-phones while driving.
Do not use this product in close p ro xi mi ty t o ot he r el ec tr on ic devices, esp ecially medica l o nes. It may ca use interference to those devices.
Th is sy m bo l i s i nte nde d t o a ler t t he us e r to an immediate dan ger that may cause loss o f l ife and property if the user disregards the warning.
Th i s sy m bol i s i n t end e d to ale r t th e use r to a poss ib le h az ard tha t ma y cause l os s of life a nd property if the user disregards the warning.
This symbol is intended to alert the user a possible hazard that may cause loss of property or injure the user if the warning is disregarded.
Alert symbol. An explanation is given.
Warning symbol. An explanation is given.
Instruction symbol. An explanation is given.
Keep the radio out of the reach of children.
In case a liq ui d lea ks fr om th e produ ct, d o not touc h it. I t may dam age y our s ki n. Ri nse w ith p lenty o f col d wat er if the li quid contacted your skin.
Never operate thi s product in facilities where radio produ cts are prohib ite d for use s uch as aboa rd aircraft, i n airports, in ports, within or near the operating area of business wireless stations or their relay stations.
The manufacturer declines any responsibilities against loss of life and/or a property due to a f ailure o f t his prod uct when us ed to perf or m imp or ta nt ta sk s l ik e life- gu ardin g, s urv ei ll ance, a nd rescue.
Do not use mult iple ra dios in very close proximity. I t may cause interference and/or damage to the product(s).
Ris k of expl os ion i f battery i s repla ced wit h an inco rr ect t yp e. Dispose of, or r ec yc le u se d ba tt er ie s according to your loc al regulations.
The manufacturer declines any responsibilities against loss of life and property due to a failure of this product when used with or as a part of a device made by third parties.
Use of third party accessory may result in damage to this product. It will void our warranty for repair.
■ Handling this product
Be sure to reduce the audio output level to minimum before using an earphone or a headset. Excessive audio may damage hearing.
Do not open the unit without permission or instru cti on fro m t he manufact urer. Unautho rized modification or repair may result in electric shock, fire and/or malfunction and voids warranty.
Do not operate this pr odu ct in a w et pla ce suc h as in a shower room. It may result in electric shock, fire and/or malfunction, This product is splash-proof but not a complete water-proof.
Do n ot pl ace t he pr od uct i n a c ont ai ner c arr yi ng co ndu ct ive materials, such as water or metal in close proximity. A short-circuit to the product may result in electric shock, fire and/or malfunction.
■ About chargers
Do not use adapters other than having the specifi ed vol tag e. It may result in electric shock, fire and/or malfunction,Never turn on the radio while charging.
Do not p lug multipl e devices u sing an adapter into a single wall outlet. It may result in overheating and/or fire.
Do not handle adapter w ith a wet han d. It may result in electric shock.
Securely plug the adapter into the wall outlet. Insecure installation may result in short-circuit, electronic shock and/or fire.
Do not use the adapter if the plu g or soc ket cont act s are di rty. Overheating and/or short-circuiting may result in fire, electric shock and/or damage to the product.
■ In case of emergency
In case of the foll owing situa tion(s), please turn off the product, sw i tc h of f t h e s o urc e o f po w er, t h en rem o ve o r u n pl u g t h e powe r-cord. Please co ntact y our local dealer of this product f or service and assistance. Do not use the product until the trouble is resolved. Do not try to troubleshoot the problem by yourself.
●When a strange soun d, s moke and/or strange odor co mes out of the product.
●W hen th e p rod uct is dr op p ed or th e c a se is br o ke n o r cracked.
●When a liquid penetrated inside.
●Wh en a power cord ( inclu ding DC ca bles, AC cabl es an d adapters) is damaged
For your safety, turn off then remove all rel ate d AC lines to the product and its accessories from the wall outlet if a thunderstorm is likely.
■ Maintenance
Do not open the unit and its accessories. Please consult with your local dealer of this product for service and assistance.
■ Environment and condition of use
Do no t us e the pro du ct in proxi mi ty t o a T V or a radi o. I t may cause interference or receive interference.
Do not install in a humid, dusty or insufficiently ventilated place. It may result in electric shock, fire and/or malfunction.
Do not install in an unstable or vibrating position. It may result in electric shock, fire and/or malfunction when/if the product falls to the ground.
Do no t ins tall th e produ ct in p roximit y to a source of heat and hum idity such as a he ater or a stove . Avoid plac ing t he un it in direct sunlight.
Be cautious of a dew formation. Please completely dry the product before use when it happens.
■ About transceiver
Be cautious of the whip antenna when carried in your shirt-pocket etc. It may make contact with your eye and cause injury.
Do not connect devices other than specified ones to the jacks and ports on the product. It may result in damage to the devices.
Tur n of f an d remove th e po wer sou rc e (A C cable , DC c ab le, battery, cigar cable, charger adapter etc.) from the product when the product is not in use for extended period of time or in case of maintenance.
Never pull the cord alone when you unplug AC cable form the wall outlet.
Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe off dirt and condensation from the surface of the product. Never use thinner or benzene for cleaning.
Check with your local waste officials for details on recycling or proper d isposal of the electro nics product, battery-packs and accessories in your area.
■Applicable Standards
●IP67 Dust and water proof
6: Dust pr oof / No dust entry into the de vic e,wires 1.0mm diameter or greater cannot penetrate the connection. 7: No water penetration / Submerge the device for 30 minutes at a depth of 1 meter from the water's surface.
The IP67 designation provides for limited dust and water proofing of the device per specified above. This compatibility is factory guaranteed for a period of one year provided all specified conditions of use are respected, any accessories connected must be specified genuine Alinco accessories and the device has not been disassembled by the customer. The device is designed to remain operational when used in rain, severe weather o r in a cc id en ta l ca se s of dropping it in w at er w he n us ed i n extreme conditions and is in no way stating that you should attempt to use the device under water or submerge the radio for cleaning. Warranty will not cover devices that are damaged due to negligence or misuse of the product. Never remove, or cover with another label, the small label attached on the rear chassis of this product. This is a very important part to adjust an air pressure inside to secure dust/water proofing.
● Tested to comply MIL-STD-810G
-Shock: Method 514.6/I,IV
-Vibration: Method 516.6/I
Notice ....................................................................2
Warning ................................................................. 5
Contents .............................................................. 10
1 Accessories ..................................................... 11
2 Names and Operations of Parts ...................... 17
3 Basic Operation............................................... 19
4 Special Functions ............................................ 22
5 Maintenance.................................................... 26
6 Options ............................................................ 28
7 Specifications ..................................................31
+ 22 hidden pages