The receiversystemisadoublesuperheterodynesystemwitha45.1MHz firstIFanda455kHz second IF.
Thereceivedsignal atany frequencyinthe430.00- to449.995-MHz rangeispassed through the low-pass filter(L2, L3,L8,C2,C9,C10, C11,andC62) andhigh-pass filter (C56, C57, C61,L25andD25), andamplified by the RFamplifier(Q9). The signal fromQ9isthen passed through thetuningcircuit (L19,L20,L21andvaricaps D12,D13andD14)and converted into45.1MHz by themixer (Q10). The tuningcircuit,which consistsof L25,L19, L20, L21,
D15,D12,D13andD14iscontrolledby the tracking voltage formthe CPUsothatitisoptimizedfor the receptionfrequency.Thelocalsignalfromthe VCO ispassed through the buffer (Q11),andsuppliedto the sourceof themixer (Q10). The radiouses the lower sideof the superheterodynesystem.
The mixer mixesthereceivedsignal withthelocal signal toobtainthe sumof and differencebetweenthem.The crystal filter(XF1) selects45.1MHzfrequency fromthe results andeliminates the signalsof the unwanted frequencies. Thefirst IFamplifier(Q8)thenamplifiesthesignal of the selectedfrequency.
3.Demodulator Circuit
4.Audio Circuit
After the signal isamplifiedbythe firstIFamplifier(Q8), itisinput topin16ofthe demodulatorIC(IC4). The second local signal of 45.555MHz,whichisoscillatedbythe internal oscillationcircuit inIC4andcrystal (X2).Then,these two signals aremixedby theinternal mixerinIC4andthe resultisconverted intothe secondIFsignal withafrequencyof 455kHz. The second IFsignal isoutput frompin3of IC4to theceramicfilter(FL1),where theunwantedfrequency bandof that signal iseliminated, andthe resulting signalissent back
Theaudio signal frompin10of IC4iscompensatedto the audio frequencycharacteristics inthede-emphasis circuit (R106, R107, C128, C127) andamplifiedbytheAFamplifier(Q27). The signal isthen input topin2of the electronicvolume (IC6) forvolume adjustment, andoutputfrompin1.Thead
justedsignal issent to the audio poweramplifier(IC5)through pin2to drivethespeaker.
5.Squelch Circuit
2.Power Amplifier Circuit
The signal except for thenoise componentinAFsignal of 104iscutby theactivefilterinside 1C.Thenoisecomponentisamplifiedandrectified, thenconverted to the DCvoltage tooutput frompin13of IC4.The voltage isledtopin2of CPUandcompared withthesettingvoltage. The squelch willopeniftheinput voltage islower thanthe settingvoltage.
Theaudiosignal isconvertedtoanelectricsignal ineithertheinternal or external microphone,andinput to themicrophoneamplifier(IC8). IC8consistsof two operational amplifiers; oneamplifier (pins5,6,and7)iscomposed of pre-emphasis andIDCcircuitsand theother (pins1,2,and 3)iscomposed of asplatterfilter.Themaximumfrequencydeviation isobtained by VR1andinput to thecathodeofthe varicapof theVCO, tochange theelectric capacityinthe oscillationcircuit.This produces thefrequencymodulation.
The transmitted signalisoscillated by the VCO, amplifiedby the pre-drive IC(IC1)anddriveamplifier(04),andinput tothe final amplifier(02).Thesignal isthen amplified bythefinal amplifier (02)andledtotheantennaswitch(D2)andlow-pass filter (L5,L3,12,C24, C11,010,andC9),where unwanted highharmonicwaves arereduced as needed, andtheresulting signal issupplied
to the antenna.
Part of the transmission power from thelow-pass filter isdetected by D7,convertedto DC,andthenamplified byadifferential amplifier.The outputvoltage controls thebiasvoitagefrom thesource of02and04tomaintain the transmission power constant.
The dividingratioisobtainedby sendingdatafromtheCPU(IC9)to pin2and
sendingclock pulsestopin3of thePLLIC(IC2).The oscillatedsignal fromtheVCOisamplifiedbythe buffer(05,037)and inputto pin6of IC2. Eachprogrammabledivider inIC2dividesthe frequencyof the input signal by Naccording tothefrequency data, togenerate acomparison frequencyof 5or
2.Reference Frequency Circuit
The reference frequency appropriateforthe channel stepsisobtained by dividingthe 21,25MHz reference oscillation (X1)by 4250 or 3400, according tothe datafromthe CPU(IC9). When theresultingfrequencyis5kHz, channel steps of 5,10,15,20,25, 30,and50kHz are used. When itis6.25kHz,the
412.5kHzchannel stepisused.
3.Phase Comparator Circuit
The PLL(IC2)usesthe reference frequency, 5or 6.25kHz.Thephase comparatorinthe IC2comparesthe phase of the frequencyfromthe VCOwith that of thecomparison frequency, 5or 6.25kHz, which isobtained by theinternaldivider inIC2.
4.PLLLoop Filter Circuit
Ifaphasedifferenceisfoundinthephasecomparison between the reference frequency andVCO output frequency, thecharge pump output(pin8)of IC2generates apulse signal, which isconverted to DCvoltage by the PLL loopfilterandinput tothevaricap of the VCO unitfor oscillation frequencycontrol.
5.VCO Circuit
A Colpittsoscillationcircuit driven byQ3directlyoscillatesthe desiredfrequency. The frequencycontrol voltage determined inthe CPU (IC9) andPLLcircuitisinput to thevaricaps(D3).This changetheoscillationfrequency, whichisamplified bythe VCO buffer (Q5)andoutput from the VCOunit.
1.LCD Display Circuit
The CPUturns ONtheLCDviasegment andcommon terminalswith 1/4thedutyand1/4thebias,at theframe frequencyis112.5Hz.
2.Display LampCircuit
When the LAMP keyispressed, “H”isoutput formpin42of CPU (IC9) tothebases of Q19,Q24andQ25.
3.Resetand Backup
When thepower formtheDCjackorexternal batteryincreasesfromCircuits0Vto2.5Vormore, “H”levelreset signalisoutput from thereset IC(IC11)topin33 of the CPU(IC9), causing the CPUto reset. Thereset signal, however, waits at 100,anddoesnot enterthe CPUuntiltheCPU clock (X3) has stabilized.
4.S(Signal) Meter Circuit
TheDCpotential of pin8of iC4isinput to pin1of the CPU(IC9),converted from ananalog toadigital signal,anddisplayed as the S-meter signal ontheLCD.
5.DTMF Encoder(DJ-496)
The CPU(IC9)isequipped withaninternal DTMF encoder.TheDTMF signalisoutput frompin10,throughR179andR180(for leveladjust-ment), andthenthrough themicrophone amplifier (IC8), andissent to thevaricap of the VCO formodulation. At thesame time, the monitor-ing tone passes through theAFcircuit andisoutputform thespeaker.
7.DCS Encoder
8.CTCSS, DCSDecoder
TheCPU (IC9) isequippedwith an internal toneencoder. Thetonesignal(67.0 to250.3Hz) isoutputfrompin9of theCPU to thevaricap (D4) of the
TheCPU(IC9)isequippedwithaninternalDCScodeencoder. The code(023to754) isoutputfrompin9of theCPUto thevaricap (D16)of the PLL referenceoscillator.When DCSisON, DCSMUTEcircuit(Q12-ON, Q18-ON, 015-
OFF) works. The modulation activates inX1sideonly.
The voicebandoftheAFoutput signalfrompin10of IC4iscut by sharpactivefilterIC7(VCVS) and amplified, then ledtopin4of CPU. The input signal iscompared withthe programmedtonefrequency codeintheCPU. Thesquelchwillopenwhenthey match.
Inthe unlikely event that CPUclock noiseispresent onaparticular operating frequencyprogrammed intothe radio, youcanshift theCPUclock frequencytoavoid theCPUclock-noise. The output signal from pin31of theCPUturns onQ35. Thentheoscillation frequencyofX3willbeshiftedabout 300ppm.