Document 90-00075A Algo Communication Products Ltd (604) 454-3792
2016-09-29 4500 Beedie St Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5L2
Page 4
Important Safety Information
This product is powered by a certified limited power source (LPS), Power
over Ethernet (PoE); through CAT5 or CAT6 connection wiring to an IEEE
802.3af compliant network PoE switch. The product is intended for
installation indoors or on outdoor perimeter of a building. If used in an
outdoor environment, additional protective measures must be taken
according to the installation manual. All wiring connections to the product
must be in the same building. If the product is installed beyond the
building perimeter or used in an inter-building application, the wiring
connections must be protected against overvoltage / transient. Algo
recommends that this product be installed by a qualified electrician.
If you are unable to understand the English language safety information
then please contact Algo by email for assistance before attempting an
Consignes de Sécurité Importantes
Ce produit est alimenté par une source d’alimentation limitée certifiée
(alimentation par Ethernet); des câbles de catégorie 5 et 6 joignent un
commutateur réseau à alimentation par Ethernet homologué IEEE 802.3af.
Le produit est conçu pour être installé à l’intérieur ou dans une zone
adjacente à un édifice; selon le manuel d’installation, des mesures de
sécurité additionnelles s’avèrent alors nécessaires. Tout le câblage rattaché
au produit doit se trouver dans le même édifice. Si le produit est installé
au-delà du périmètre de l’édifice ou utilisé pour plusieurs édifices, le
câblage doit être protégé des surtensions transitoires. Algo recommande
qu’un électricien qualifié se charge de l’installation de ce produit.
Si vous ne pouvez comprendre les consignes de sécurité en anglais,
veuillez communiquer avec Algo par courriel avant d’entreprendre
l’installation au
Información de Seguridad Importante
Este producto funciona con una fuente de alimentación limitada (Limited
Power Source, LPS) certificada, Alimentación a través de Ethernet (Power
over Ethernet, PoE); mediante un cable de conexión CAT5 o CAT6 a un
conmutador de red con PoE en cumplimiento con IEEE 802.3af. El producto
se debe instalar en lugares cerrados o en el perímetro de un edificio al aire
libre. Si se utiliza en un ambiente al aire libre, se deben tomar medidas de
Document 90-00075A Algo Communication Products Ltd (604) 454-3792
2016-09-29 4500 Beedie St Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5L2
Page 5
protección adicionales de acuerdo con el manual de instalación. Todas las
conexiones cableadas al producto deben estar en el mismo edificio. Si el
producto se instala fuera del perímetro del edificio o se utiliza en una
aplicación en varios edificios, las conexiones cableadas se deben proteger
contra sobretensión o corriente transitoria. Algo recomienda que la
instalación de este producto la realice un electricista calificado.
Si usted no puede comprender la información de seguridad en inglés,
comuníquese con Algo por correo electrónico para obtener asistencia antes
de intentar instalarlo:
Wichtige Sicherheitsinformationen
Dieses Produkt wird durch eine zertifizierte Stromquelle mit begrenzter
Leistung (LPS – Limited Power Source) betrieben. Die Stromversorgung
erfolgt über Ethernet (PoE – Power over Ethernet). Dies geschieht durch
eine Cat-5-Verbindung oder eine Cat-6-Verbindung zu einer IEEE 802.3afkonformen Ethernet-Netzwerkweiche. Das Produkt wurde konzipiert für die
Installation innerhalb eines Gebäudes oder außerhalb eines Gebäudes. Bei
der Anwendung außerhalb eines Gebäudes müssen zusätzliche
Schutzmaßnahmen gemäß der Gebrauchsanweisung durchgeführt werden.
Alle Kabelverbindungen zum Produkt müssen im selben Gebäude bestehen.
Wenn das Produkt jenseits des Gebäudes oder für mehrere Gebäude
genutzt wird, müssen die Kabelverbindungen vor Überspannung und
Spannungssprüngen geschützt werden. Algo empfiehlt das Produkt von
einem qualifizierten Elektriker installieren zu lassenv.
Sollten Sie die englischen Sicherheitsinformationen nicht verstehen,
kontaktieren Sie bitte Algo per Email bevor Sie mit der Installation
beginnen, um Unterstützung zu erhalten. Algo kann unter der folgenden EMail-Adresse erreicht werden:
Document 90-00075A Algo Communication Products Ltd (604) 454-3792
2016-09-29 4500 Beedie St Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5L2
Page 6
Important Safety Information
If used in an emergency communication application, the 8039 SIP
Video Intercom should be routinely tested. SNMP supervision is
recommended for assurance of proper operation. Contact Algo for
other methods of operational assurance including the use of the
integrated microphone for automated “sound to air” acoustic testing.
The 8039 SIP Video Intercom is intended for indoor or outdoor
locations and may be subjected to spray or weather, provided the rear
wiring cavity is properly sealed to prevent water ingress.
Gaskets included with the 8039 SIP Video Intercom may be effective
against water ingress on some, but not all surfaces in which case
additional protective measures must be taken such as a perimeter
CAT5 or CAT6 connection wiring to an IEEE 802.3af compliant
network PoE switch must not leave the building perimeter
without adequate lightning protection.
When the Intercom is connected to wiring that exits the building,
there is potential risk of lightning induced electrical surges or high
voltages from fault conditions. To reduce risk, outdoor wiring
should be protected by Earth grounded conduit whenever possible.
Relay input and output connections must not leave the building
perimeter without adequate lightning protection.
Document 90-00075A Algo Communication Products Ltd (604) 454-3792
2016-09-29 4500 Beedie St Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5L2
Page 7
About the Algo SIP 8039 SIP Video
Ideal for secure business entrances, emergency intercom, and gated
entrances, Algo’s 8039 SIP Video Intercom provides hands-free
intercom capability with video, entrance security with door unlock
control, rugged weatherproof design, and superior audio
Fully compatible with SIP industry standards, the 8039 SIP Video
Intercom will work with most hosted or enterprise SIP-base servers
supporting third-party SIP endpoints.
The 8039 SIP Video Intercom is configured using central provisioning
features or by accessing a web interface using browsers such as
Google Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer.
What is Included
8039 SIP Video Intercom
What is not Included
Optional 8061 IP Relay Controller
Document 90-00075A Algo Communication Products Ltd (604) 454-3792
2016-09-29 4500 Beedie St Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5L2
Page 8
Getting Started - Quick Install & Test
This guide provides important safety information which should be
read thoroughly before permanently installing the intercom.
1. Connect the 8039 SIP Video Intercom to an IEEE 802.3af compliant
PoE network switch. The backlight keypad will turn on. After about 30
seconds, a beep will signal the completion of the boot process.
2. After the boot is complete, press the blue call button on the 8039 to
hear the IP address. (Once the SIP Server field is populated in the
8039 web interface, the call button will contact the preconfigured
extension when pressed.) The IP address may also be discovered by
downloading the Algo locator tool to find Algo devices on your
3. Access the 8039 SIP Video Intercom web page by entering the IP
address into a browser (Chrome, IE, Firefox etc) and login using the
default password algo.
4. Enter the IP address for the SIP server into the SIP Domain field
under the BASIC SETTINGS > SIP tab.
5. Enter the SIP Extension, Authentication ID, and Password. Also enter
the target Dialing Extension that the Intercom will Call. Note: The
Authentication ID may also be called Username for some SIP servers,
and in some cases may be the same as the SIP extension.
6. Press the Call Button on the 8039 Intercom, then answer the phone
to communicate over the Intercom. Press the digit 6 on the phone
keypad to activate the door control relay for three seconds (if
Document 90-00075A Algo Communication Products Ltd (604) 454-3792
2016-09-29 4500 Beedie St Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5L2
Page 9
The 8039 SIP Video Intercom is
weather protected for outdoor
installation. However, if network
cabling extends beyond the
perimeter of the building, then
adequate lightning protection is
required to protect the cabling and
network switch from lightning
surges. No lightning protection is
required by UL or CSA if the 8039 is
located on the outside wall of a
building and the wiring is inside the
perimeter of the building.
The 8039 is wall and door frame
(mullion) mountable via the
supplied mounting plate:
Secure the mounting plate to the
wall/mullion door frame via two #8
screws. Attach the 8039 into the
mounting plate and secure the
device in place with the attached
security screw at the bottom of the
mounting plate using the provided
Allen wrench.
Document 90-00075A Algo Communication Products Ltd (604) 454-3792
2016-09-29 4500 Beedie St Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5L2
Page 10
Web Interface
The 8039 SIP Video Intercom is configurable using the web interface
or provisioning features.
After boot up, the speaker will beep and the intercom will have
obtained an IP address. If there is no DHCP server the 8039 SIP
Video Intercom will default to the static IP address
Before the 8039 is configured, the call button on the front can be
pressed to play the IP address over the speaker. (Once the SIP
Server field is populated on the 8039 web interface, the call button
will contact the preconfigured extension when pressed.)The IP
address may be discovered by downloading the Algo locator tool to
find Algo devices on your network:
Enter the IP address (eg into a browser such as
Google Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer (other than IE9). The
web interface should be visible and the default password will be algo
in lower case letters.
Document 90-00075A Algo Communication Products Ltd (604) 454-3792
2016-09-29 4500 Beedie St Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5L2
Page 11
Wiring Connections
Network Connection
Connect RJ45 jack from PoE network switch or
non-PoE network and 48V 350 mA IEEE 802.3af
compliant power injector.
There are two lights on the Ethernet jack:
Green light: On when Ethernet is working,
flickers off to indicate activity on the port.
Amber light: Off when successful 100Mbps link is
established. Typically on only briefly at power up.
Under normal conditions, the Amber light will turn
on immediately after the Ethernet cable is first
connected. This indicates that PoE power has been
successfully applied. Once the device connects to
the network, it will switch to the Green light
instead, which will typically flicker indicating traffic
on the network.
Door Control Relay
Provides both normally open and normally
closed relay contacts. Note: The 8061 IP Relay
Controller can be used as an alternative more
secure option for door opening control, by using
a separate relay from the public-facing intercom.
Serial Control
**Coming Soon**
Door Sensor (Dry Contact Input)
**Coming Soon**
Document 90-00075A Algo Communication Products Ltd (604) 454-3792
2016-09-29 4500 Beedie St Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5L2
Page 12
Backlit Keypad and Call Button
The backlit keypad and call button will be steady during power up
and will flash during a reset.
When making a call, the call button light will flash rapidly, while
the call is ringing at the far-end phone. Once the call is answered,
the flashing will slow down.
The 8039 SIP Video Intercom can only be reset during a power up.
To reset, reboot or power cycle the 8039 SIP Video Intercom, wait
until all the backlit keys start flashing. Then press and hold the call
button until the call button begins a double flash pattern. Release
the call button and allow the unit to complete its boot process. Do
not press the call button until all the keys start flashing.
A reset will set all configuration options to factory default including
the password.
Document 90-00075A Algo Communication Products Ltd (604) 454-3792
2016-09-29 4500 Beedie St Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5L2
Page 13
Web Interface Login – Status and Login
The web interface requires a password which is "algo" by default.
This password can be changed using the Admin tab after logging in
the first time.
This device’s Status page will be available before and after log on.
The section can be used to check 8039’s SIP Registration status and
other information.
Document 90-00075A Algo Communication Products Ltd (604) 454-3792
2016-09-29 4500 Beedie St Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5L2
Page 14
Status Tab – Video
The video can be seen in the “Status > Video” tab when the user is
not logged in. A separate video password can also be enabled, to
allow users to access the video, but not the rest of the device
settings. This password can be set in “Basic Settings > Video” tab,
“Session Password” field. Video settings like brightness, contrast,
view (Dewarped or Fisheye) are also available in the “Basic Settings
> Video” tab.
Document 90-00075A Algo Communication Products Ltd (604) 454-3792
2016-09-29 4500 Beedie St Burnaby BC Canada V5J 5L2
Page 15
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