Alfalaval LKHex UltraPure 40, LKHex UltraPure 20, LKHex UltraPure 25, LKHex UltraPure 35, LKHex UltraPure 45 Instruction Manual

100000157-EN1 2018-02
Original manual
Instruction Manual
LKHex UltraPure Centrifugal Pump
Table of contents
1. EU Declarationof Conformity ....................................................................... 4
1.1. ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU ......................................................................
1.2. ATEX Marking .....................................................................................
2. Safety .................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Important information .............................................................................
2.2. Warning signs .....................................................................................
2.3. Special conditions for safe use ..................................................................
2.4. Safety precautions ................................................................................
3. Installation .............................................................................................. 14
3.1. Unpacking/delivery ...............................................................................
3.2. Installation .........................................................................................
3.3. Pre-use check .....................................................................................
3.4. Recycling information .............................................................................
4. Operation ............................................................................................... 20
4.1. Important checkand monitoringduring operation ............................................
4.2. Operatingconditions .............................................................................
4.3. Operation/control .................................................................................
4.4. Trouble shooting ..................................................................................
4.5. Recommended cleaning .........................................................................
5. Maintenance ........................................................................................... 26
5.1. General maintenance .............................................................................
5.2. Dismantling of pump/shaft seals ................................................................
5.3. Assemblyof pump/single shaftseal ............................................................
5.4. Assemblyof pump/double mechanical shaftseal .............................................
5.5. Adjustmentof shaft ...............................................................................
6. Technicaldata ......................................................................................... 38
6.1. Technical data .....................................................................................
6.2. Technical information anddescription of mechanicalshaft seals ............................
6.3. Torque specifications .............................................................................
ght (kg) ........................................................................................
6.5. Noiseemission ....................................................................................
6.6. Relubricationintervals ............................................................................
7. Parts list ................................................................................................ 43
7.1. Drawing LKHex UltraPure -10,-20,-25,-35, -40, -45, -60, -70 ............................
7.2. LKHex UltraPure - Productwettedparts .......................................................
7.3. LKHex UltraPure - Motor dependentparts .....................................................
7.4. LKHex UltraPure - Shaft seal ....................................................................
1 EU Declaration of Conformity
Alfa Laval certificate no.: 9612-9609-01 X
This declaration of conformity is issue under sole responsibility of the manufacturer: Alfa Laval Kolding A/S
Company Name
Albuen 31, 6000 Kolding, Denmark
Phone No.
Equipment covered by this declaration of conformity: Pump
LKHex UP-10, LKHex UP-20, LKHex UP-25, LKHex UP-35, LKHex UP-40, LKHex UP-45, LKHex UP-60, LKHex UP-70
Typ e
From serial number 212.000 to 1.000.000 is in conformity with the requirements of the following directives:
2006/42/EC Machinery Directive 2014/34/EU Equipment Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX)
Pump Marking Options: For specific marking see pump name plate and refer to “Special Conditions for Safe Use” in instruction manual.
II 2 G
Ex h IIB T4 Gb Ta -20C to +35C
II 2 G
Ex h IIB T4 Gb
II 2 G
Ex h IIB T3 Gb
For ATEX directive 2014/34/EU the following harmonized standards EN 80079-36:2016 and EN 80079-37:2016 for none electrical equipment have been applied.
ATEX directive 2014/34/EU conformity fo
r the motor is covered by the relevant EU Type examination certificate and declaration
supplied by the manufacturer. The Pump Technical file is stored with: Teknologisk Institut, Kongsvang Allé 29, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Notified Body no.: 0396 Archive no.: 2018-1-0276A
The person authorized to compile the technical file is the signer of this document
Global Product Quality Manager Pumps, Valves, Fittings and Tank Equipment
Lars Kruse Andersen
Title Name
Alfa Laval Kolding, Albuen 31, DK 6000 Kolding
Place Date
1 EU Declaration of Conformity
1.1 ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU
ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU
The ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU covers equipment and protective systems that will be used in areas endangered by potentially explosive atmospheres created by the presence of flammable gases, vapours and dusts. Centrifugal pumps supplied with an ATEX symbol are classified for use in potentially explosive atmospheres under ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU Group II, Categories 2 and 3.
Technical File Ref: LKHex UltraPure - Document reference no. 9612-9609-01.
Equipment Group and Category: Group II category 2 G (zone 1)
Standards used:
EN 80079-36:2016, EN 80079-37:2016
1 EU Declaration of Conformity
1.2 ATEX Marking
Name plate example:
Pump Type
Serial No.
Alfa Laval, Albuen 31, Kolding, DK-6000
LKHex UP-20
Year 2018
II 2 G
Ex h IIB T4 Gb Ta -20C to +35C
Shroud not allowed
Dia:163 11.0kW 50Hz SSS
163 11.0kW 50Hz
Shaft seal type (single shaft seal)
Max power output at 50Hz
Impeller diameter (Ø163)
II 2 G
ATEX marking - directve part
Ex h IIB T4 Gb Ta -20C to +35C
Ambient temperature limit. See instruction manual ”Special Conditions for Safe Use” table A
ATEX marking - standard part
Shroud not allowed
Defines if pump can be with or without shroud. See instruction manual “Special Conditions for Safe use” table A
1 EU Declaration of Conformity
Name plate position
See marking options in chapter 2.3 Special conditions for safe use , table A.
2 Safety
Unsafe practices and other important information are emphasised in this manual. Warnings are emphasised by means of special signs. Always read the manual before using the pump!
2.1 Important information
WARNING Indicates that special procedures must be followed to avoid serious personal injury.
CAUTION Indicates that special procedures must be followed to avoid damage to the pump.
NOTE Indicates important information to simplify or clarify procedures.
2.2 Warning signs
General warning:
Dangerous electrical voltage:
Caustic agents:
2 Safety
All warnings in the manual are summarised in this section. Pay special attention to the instructions below so that severe personal injury and/or damage to the pump are avoided.
2.3 Special conditions for safe use
General warnings.
Always read chapter 4.2 Operating conditions. Never run the pump with neither the suction side nor the pressure side blocked. Always ensure that the pump is liquid filled when operating, unless a doubled mechanical seal is fitted (See table C). Always ensure that the pump is liquid filled if the process media is flammable. Never mount shroud on the pump if the name plate states "shroud not allowed". Always stop the pump if
- operating outside the given limits of the process media temperature or flow rate (See table A and B).
- operating outside the given limits of the flush media temperature or flow rate (See table C).
- Note it must be ensured that the flow and temperature limits for the process media or flush media are maintained when the pump is operating. If this cannot be ensured in any other way, the flow and temperature should be continuously monitored.
Note In case of seal failure, leakage may occur. If this can lead to hazardous situations, the risk must be evaluated and necessary precautions must be taken. (See chapter 6.2 Technical information and description of mechanical shaft seals).
Note the motor is a separate certified ATEX product and covered by EU-type examination certificate and must be handled according to the specifications in the motor instruction manual.
Safety critical limitations for specific ATEX markings.
Ta bl e A
Pump marking options Ambient temperature
Critical temperature range of
process media
II 2 G
Ex h IIB T4 Gb Ta -20C to +35C
-20°C to +35°C
(Shroud allowed) *
II 2 G
Ex h IIB T4 Gb
-20°C to +40°C
(Shroud NOT allowed)
-10°C to 100°C *
II 2 G
Ex h IIB T3 Gb
-20°C to +40°C
(Shroud allowed)
-10°C to 140°C *
*1 See table B for position of temperature sensor and min. flow rates. *2 “b1” ignition control is used, see details in section below “b1 control system requirements”. *3 For pumps with temperature class T4 and with 18,5kW motors or larger, shroud is not allowed (independent of ambient
temperature). Note For T4 applications the pump casing and seal housing can be sterilized to max 125
C when the pump is NOT operating.
Note Ensure that the chosen elastomer is compatible with the process media and the media temperature (see chapter
4.2 for more information). Note The LKHex UltraPure can only be marked for category 2G but can be used for 3G applications also.
2 Safety
All warnings in the manual are summarised in this section. Pay special attention to the instructions below so that severe personal injury and/or damage to the pump are avoided.
Requirements for measurements on the process media
There are two principles of temperature measurements of the process media:
A. Temperature is measured on the pump outlet side (S1). No equipment with cooling effect on the process media is allowed between pump and sensor.
B. Temperature is measured somewhere on the pump inlet side (S2). No heat generating equipment is allowed between the temperature sensor and the pump.
Tabl e B Measurements on process media Temperature
sensor position
Min. flow [m
Max. distance
to outlet [m] LKHex UP 10-70 0,5 0,5 LKHex UP 10-60
S1 (outlet side)
70 5
LKHex UP 10-60 1
S2 (inlet side)
LKHex UP 70
Anywhere on
inlet side
Requirements for measurements on the flush media (double mechanical shaft seal) Ta bl e C Flush media limitations
Max. temperature
MIn. flow rate
30 l/h
Max. pressure 5 bar
Note: Flush media temperature must be measured no more than 2m away from the flush housing outlet.
Pumps mounted with double mechanical shaft seals can operate without the pump casing being liquid filled at all times since the s
eal faces are lubricated and cooled by the flush media.
2 Safety
All warnings in the manual are summarised in this section. Pay special attention to the instructions below so that severe personal injury and/or damage to the pump are avoided.
“b1” control system requirements
Measurement system shall be chosen according to EN-ISO 80079-37.
Always test and validate the control system before production start-up.
The ignition protection system performance requirements:
- 30s reaction time
- 30s reaction time
The demand for the ignition protection system b1 must be according to ISO 13849-1 PL c cat. 2 or IEC 61508 SIL 1 and must be calibrated and functionally tested on a yearly basis.
2 Safety
2.4 Safety precautions
General considerations To prevent hazardous reactions between the processed fluid and the materials of construction, the materials of construction
must be suitable for the application.
The auxiliary equipment chosen for the application must be suitable.
Education Personnel installing, operating or carrying out maintenance on the pump or any sub-component must have the necessary
knowledge about the LKHex UltraPure pump range. Necessary knowledge includes the understanding of:
- Function of the pump, motor and shaft seal.
- Maintenance/service of the pump unit, motor and shaft seal.
- Operational limits for the LKHex UltraPure pump range.
- Safety instructions.
Installation Always read chapter 3 regarding installation carefully before installing the pump unit. Always ensure that the pump unit is suitable for the application and will stay within the specifications in chapter 4.2
Operating conditions during normal operation. Always read the technical data thoroughly. (See chapter 6 Technical data.) Always use a lifting crane when handling the pump.
Always design the process system in a way so pressure shocks or over pressure is avoided.
Pump with Impeller screw: Never start in the wrong direction of rotation with liquid in the pump. Always have the pump electrically connected by authorised personnel. (See the motor instruction) Never start the pump if the impeller is fitted and the pump casing is removed.
Operation Always read the chapter 4 Operation before the pump is started. Always ensure that the pump is operated within the specifications given in chapter 4.2 Operating conditions. Never touch the pump or the pipelines when pumping hot liquids or when sterilising. Never run the pump with both the suction side and the pressure side blocked. Never run the pump when partially installed or not completely assembled.
Necessary precautions must be taken if leakage occurs as this can lead to hazardous situations.
Always handle lye and acid with great care. Never use the pump for products not mentioned in the Alfa Laval pump selection program. Never restart the pump automatically after a system lockout. At restart, it must be ensured that the pump is running within
he specifications given in chapter 4.2 Operating conditions.
The Alfa Laval pump selection program can be acquired from your local Alfa Laval sales company.
2 Safety
Maintenance Always read the chapter 5 Maintenance before servicing the pump.
Always make sure that the specifications in chapter 4 Operation are met before the pump is put back into operation. Always refer to the pump serial no. on the name plate when ordering spare parts to ensure correct spares. Always read the technical data thoroughly. (See chapter 6 Technical data)
Never service the pump when it is hot. Never service the pump if pressurised. Always check for any abnormal sounds or running behaviors when starting up the pump after maintenance. Always useAlfaLavalgenuinespareparts.
Motors with grease nipples: Always re-lubricate the motor according to the intervals specified on the motor name plate, see also 6 Technical data
for relubrication intervals. Always disconnect the power supply when servicing the pump.
Transportation Transportation of the pump or the pump unit: Never lift or elevate in any way other than described in this manual Always drain the pump head and accessories of any liquid Always ensure that no leakage of lubricants can occur Always transport the pump in its upright position Always ensure that the unit is securely fixed during transportation Always use original packaging or similar during transportation
3 Installation
3.1 Unpacking/delivery
Step 1
Always use a lifting crane when handling the pump (see 6 Technical data).
CAUTION Alfa Laval cannot be held responsible for incorrect unpacking.
WARNING Be aware that
certain pump configurations can tilt, and therefore cause injuries to feet or fingers. The pump should be supported underneath the adaptor, when not installed in the process line.
Check the delivery for:
1. Complete pump.
2. Delivery note.
3. Motor instructions.
4. Instructions for flushing set, IF ORDERED!
Step 2 Remove any packing materials from the inlet and the outlet. Avoid dama
ging the inlet and the outlet.
Avoid damaging the connections for flushing liquid, if supplied.
Step 3 Inspect the pump for visible transport damage.
3 Installation
Step 4 Always remove the shroud, if fitted, before lifting the pump.
Remove the shroud before lifting!
Step 5 ONLY LKH UltraPure-60 and LKH UltraPure-70
Do NOT use eyebolt in casing to lift the pump. The eyebolt is for casing removal only.
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