Alfa Laval C MRPX 614HGV-74C, H MRPX 614HGV-74C, A MRPX 614HGV-14C, B MRPX 714HGV-14C, C MRPX 714HGV-74C Operator's Manual

Operator’s Manual
Self-cleaning Hermetic Separators
Product N o. :
A MRPX 714HGV-14C B MRPX 714HGV-14C C MRPX 714HGV-74C H MRPX 714 HGV-74C W MRPX 714HGV-74C B BRPX 714HGV-34C D MRPX 714HGV-34C
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Product No.: Multiple Book No.: 1271058-02 V3
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Alfa Lav al Separati on AB Separator Manuals, dept. SKEL S-147 80 Tumba, Sweden
Telephone: +46 8 53 06 50 00 Telefax: +46 8 53 03 10 40
Printed in Sweden, 99-12
© Alfa Laval Separation AB 1999
This pub lic ation or any part thereof m ay not be reprod uc ed or transm it t ed by any proc es s or means wi th out prior writ te n permissio n of Alfa Laval Separation AB.
Study instruction manuals and observe the warnings before installation, operation, service and maintenance.
Not following the instructions can result in seriou s accident s.
In order to m ak e t he informat ion clear only foreseeable c onditions have been considered. No warnings are gi v en, t herefore, fo r situations arising from the unintended usage of the machine and its tools.
1 Safety Instructions 7 2 Separation process 13
2.1 Basic principles 15
2.2 General 16
3 Mechanical function 19
3.1 Identification and safety signs on the machine 20
3.2 Power transmission 23
3.3 Brake 26
3.4 Speed indication 26
3.5 Outlet / inlet (twin phase separators) 28
3.6 Outlet / inlet (single phase separators) 30
3.7 Axial seals –
cooling system 31
3.8 Bowl 33
4 Sediment discharge function 35
4.1 Function description 36
4.2 Operating water module compact (OWMC) 38
5 Installation and first start 41
5.1 Preparations 42
5.2 Before first start 43
5.3 First start 44
5.4 Operation 44
5.5 Stopping 46
6 Cleaning 47
6.1 Check of cleaning 48
7 Operating routine 51
7.1 Check points 52
8 Trouble tracing 55
8.1 Mechanical function 56
8.2 Sediment discharge function 59
8.3 Axial seals 61

1 Safety Instructions

The centrif ugal separ at or includes pa rt s th at rotate at high speed. T his m eans that:
Kinetic energy is high
Great fo rc es are generat ed
Stopping time is lon g
Manufacturing tolerances are extremely fine. Rotating parts are ca ref ully balance d t o reduce undesired vibrations that can cause a breakdown. Material properties have been considered carefully during des ign to withstand stress and fatigue.
The separ at or is designed and supp lied for a specific separation dut y (t y pe of liquid, rotat ional speed, temperature, density etc.) and must not be used for an y oth er purpose .
Incorrect operation and maintenance can result in unbalance due to bui ld-up of sediment, reduc ti on of material strength, etc., that subsequent ly coul d lead to seri ous damage a nd/or injury.
The following basic sa f et y ins t ruc t ions therefore apply:
Use the separator only for the purpose
and parameter range specified by Alfa Laval.
Strictly follow the instructions for
installation, operation and maintenance.
Ensure that personnel are competent and
have sufficient knowledge of maintenance and operation, especially concerning emergency stopping procedures.
Use only Alfa Laval genuine spare parts
and the special tools supplied.
Disintegration hazards
Use the separator only for the purpose and para m et er range spe c if ied by Alfa Laval.
If excessive vibration occurs, stop separat or and keep bowl filled with liquid during rundown.
When power cables are conn ec t ed, always check direction of motor rotati on. If incorrec t , vit al rotating parts could unscrew.
1 Safety Instructions
Chec k th at th e gear ratio is c orrect for power frequency used. If incorrect, subsequ ent oversp eed may result in a serious b reak down.
Welding or heating of parts that rotat e can serio us ly affec t m at erial strengt h.
Wear on t he large lock ring thread mu s t not exceed safety limit. φ-mark on lock ring must not pass op pos it e φ-mark by more than specified distance.
Inspe c t re gularly for corrosion and erosion damage. Inspect frequently if
process liquid is corrosive or erosiv e.
S005 5611
1 Safety Instructions
Entrapment hazards
Make sure that rotating part s have come to a complete standsti ll be fo re s t arting any dismantling work.
To avoid accidental start, switch off and lock power supply before startin g any dismantling work.
Assemble the machine completely before start. All covers and guards must be in place.
Electrical hazards
Follow lo c al regulatio ns fo r electrical installation and earthing (grounding).
Crush hazards
Use correct lifting to ols and follow lift ing instructions.
Do not work un der a hanging load.
Noise hazards
Use ear p rot ection in nois y environm ents.
Burn hazards
Lubr ic at ion oil and var ious machin e surfaces c an be hot and cause burns .
Cut hazards
Sharp edges on separator discs and lock ring threads can cau s e c ut s .
1 Safety Instructions
1 Safety Instructions
Warning signs in the text
Pay attention to the safety instructions in this manual. Below are definitions of the three grades of warning sig ns us ed in the text w here there is a risk for injury t o personne l.
Type of hazard
This type of safety instruction indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in
fatal injury or fatal damage to health.
Type of hazard
This type of safety instruction indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in disabling injury or disabling dam age to health.
Type of hazard
This type of safety instruction indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in
light injury or ligh t dam age to hea lt h.
This type of instruction indicates a s it uat ion which, if not avoided, could result in damage to the equip m ent.
1 Safety Instructions

2 Separation process

2.1 Basic principles 15
2.1.1 Separation by gravity 15
2.1.2 Centrifugal separation 15
2.2 General 16
2.2.1 Throughput 17
2.2.2 Light phase 18
2.2.3 Air penetration / inlet pressure 18
2 Separation process

2 Separation process 2.1 Basic principles

2.1 Basic principles
The purpos e of separat ion can be:
to free a liq uid of solid part ic les.
to separate two mutually insoluble liquids with
different densities, removing any solids at the same time.
to separ at e and concentrate sol id particles from a liq uid.
Sedimentation by gravity

2.1.1 Separ ation by gravity

A turbid liquid in a statio nary vessel will c lear slowly as the heavy part ic les in the liqui d m ix t ure are sinkin g to th e bottom un der the influen c e of gravity. The lighter liqu id phase will ris e while the heavier sinks.
Continuo us se paration and sedimentation can be achieved in a s et t ling tank hav ing the outlets arranged at levels suited to the density ratio of the two liquid p hases. Any s olids and heav ier particles in the liquid mixture will settle and form a sediment layer on the tank bottom.

2.1.2 Centrifugal se paration

In a rapidly rot at ing vessel the gravity is rep laced by the cent rif ugal force, which can be thousands of times gre at er. Separ at ion and sed im entation are contin uous and very f as t . When liquid an d solid parti cl es in a liquid mixt ure are subjec te d t o the centrif ugal force in a s eparator bow l, it tak es only a few seconds to achieve what takes many hours in a ta nk under influe nc e of gravity.
Sedimentation in a settling tank, with outlets making it possible to separate the lighter liquid parts from the heavier
The centrifugal solution

2.2 General 2 Separation process

2.2 General
Twin phase separators
The flow of t he product th rough the ma ch ine is shown in th e adjoining f igure.
Product is fe d t o t he inlet bend (1) f or f urther conveyance through the hollow bowl spindle (2) to the dist ributor (3) an d onwards th rough the distribu t ion holes in the discs (4). The s eparation takes place in the spaces between t he discs. The light phas e is forced a long the upper s ides of the discs towards the bowl centre, leaves the bowl
and is ref orw arded by the impeller (5). T he rest – heavy phase and sediment – moves along the undersides of the d is c s tow ards the bowl periph ery w here the sediment settles in the sediment space (6). The heavy phase continues along the upper side of the top disc (7) to the impeller (8), which effec t s the further routing.
1. Inlet bend
2. Bowl spindle (hollow)
3. Distributor
4. Bowl discs
5. Impeller – light phase
6. Sediment space
7. Top disc
8. Impeller – heavy phase
2 Separation process 2.2 General
Single phase separators
The flow of the product thro ugh the machine is shown in the adjoining figure.
Product is f ed to the inlet b end (1) for further conveyance through the hollow bow l spindle (2 ) to the distri but or (3) and onw ards throug h t he distribution holes in the discs (4). The separation takes place in the spaces b etwee n the di scs. Th e liquid is forced along th e upper sides of the discs towards th e bowl centr e, leaves the bo w l and is
reforward ed by the imp eller (5). The re s t – sedimen t – mo v es along the un dersides of th e discs towards the bowl periphery where the sedimen t set t les in the sedim ent space (6).
1. Inlet bend
2. Bowl spindle (hollow)
3. Distributor
4. Bowl discs
5. Impeller – separated liquid
6. Sediment space

2.2.1 Throughput

The throughput is directly dependent on the flow resistanc e in the separator and sub s equent devices and piping as well as on the height of the collecting t anks abov e th e outlet.
The throu ghput is regulated by adju s ti ng t he inlet pressure .
2.2 General 2 Separation process

2.2.2 Light phase

Twin phase separators only
Decrea s ed light phase counte rpressure
Increa se d light phase counte rpressure
The light phase flow and thus the concentration of the light phase are de te rm ined by the pre s s ure difference between the two outlets. With one and the same throughput a certain pressure difference w ill always g iv e t he s ame light pha s e flow. With higher c ounterpre s su re in the light phase outlet pipe th e light phase concentrat ion will be higher.
lower concentration
higher conc entration
A. Light phase B. Heavy phase

2.2.3 Air penetration / inlet pressure

A prereq uis ite for satis fa c to ry s eparation is that air is prev ented from mi xi ng with the proc es s liquid.
Air pene t rat ion can occu r f or instance if the pressu re in front of the inlet device is too low or if the balance vessel suddenly becomes empty. This can be caused by a careless change-over of tanks, incorrect dime ns ions or by changing at the incorrec t time. Even si m ult aneous filling and emptying of a tank can result in admixture of air.
Make sure, therefo re, that the inle t pres s ure is kept at th e recomme nded value and that the balance vessel is always full. In the vessel, the liquid should flow gently withou t b ubbling.

3 Mechanical function

3.1 Identification and safety signs on the machine 20
3.2 Power transmission 23
3.2.1 Motor and starter 25
3.3 Brake 26
3.4 Speed ind ication 26
3.5 Outlet / inlet (twin phase separators) 28
3.5.1 Outlet pumps 28
3.5.2 Inlet device 28
3.5.3 Axial seals 28
3.6 Outlet / inlet (single phase separators) 30
3.6.1 Outlet pump 30
3.6.2 Inlet device 30
3.6.3 Axial seals 30
3.7 Axial seals – cooling system 31
3.8 Bowl 33
+ 43 hidden pages