Pilot’s GuidePilot’s Guide
Copyright ©2019 AlexAnder pedAls llC
2018 Garner Station Rd, Raleigh NC 27603 (919) 977-6665 alexanderpedals.com

thiS Pedal needS no introduction
Well, maybe it does.
We released the rst Radical Delay way back in 2015 as an homage to the tones and aesthetic
of the 1980s. We were shooting for video games, neon nights, and maybe a hint of ALF.
It’s now 2019, and according to conventional wisdom we should be dealing with replicants in
the streets and competing in futuristic running-based game shows.
Since that stu hasn’t quite happened yet, we thought it might be time to update the Radical
Delay to our Neo Series platform and give it a bit of a makeover at the same time.
Inside you’ll nd the same great delay and special eects that made the earlier Radical Delay
pedals so fun, plus a few new twists. Outside, we’ve added some teal and chrome, and intensied the laser grid for your enjoyment.
We hope you love this pedal as much as we do. There’s a lot to discover inside, so let’s get
GettinG Started
If you’ve used a guitar pedal before, please feel free to skip this part of the manual.
Connect a 9V power supply, center negative, 100mA minimum to the 9V input
on the top of the pedal.
Connect your instrument to the jack on the right side of the pedal.
Connect your amp to the lower jack on the left side of the pedal.
Connect your expression pedal, Neo Footswitch, or
MIDI Controller to the MultiJack on the upper left
side of the pedal (OPTIONAL.)
Have fun!