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Table of Content
1. GENERALITIES ................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.2 Aim of the document ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE FEATURE OR EQUIPMENT ................................................................................. 2
1.3 EXTERNAL INTERFACES ................................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 TERMINOLOGY / ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................. 4
2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 5
2.1 BT FUNCTION GLOBAL LOGICAL BLOC DIAGRAM ......................................................................................... 5
2.2 BT DAUGHTER BOARD BLOC DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................ 5
2.3 MECHANICAL ASPECTS AND INTEGRATION ................................................................................................... 6
2.4 SPECIFICATION .............................................................................................................................................. 7
3. INDUSTRIAL CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................... 7
3.1 MANUFACTURING ......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 8
3.3 MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY / INDUSTRIAL FEASIBILITY .................................................................................... 8
3.3.1 Board outline ............................................................................................................................................ 8
3.3.2 Connections.............................................................................................................................................. 8
3.3.3 Mounting on the main board .................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.4 Shielding Mounting ................................................................................................................................ 11
4. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE ....................................................................................... 12
4.1 FCC STATEMENT: ........................................................................................................................................ 12
4.2 IC STATEMENT: ........................................................................................................................................... 12
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1. Generalities
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Overview
The main objectives for this board, discussed also with the marketing are:
Get lowest cost solution to enable BT for a maximum of IP terminals
Enable new usages like
o The phone is seen as a carkit for a smartphone
o The phone can exchange phonebook with a smartphone
From R&D point of view:
o The board must be small enough to be integrated easily into our ID.
o The board must integrate the antenna to avoid a re-certification for each phone
which would use it.
For this project, a pre-study has been done. See reference [1].
The choice is to do a daughter board with the chip CC2564 from Texas Instruments, with an
integrated antenna on the layout (Printed antenna).
1.1.2 Aim of the document
A pre-study has been done, in order to define the best choices for the whole solution, going from
antenna to the BT management software in the phone.
This document is intended to give all the technical inputs in order to make a BT daughter board
which will be used on the Alcatel-Lucent IP Phones.
A first step will be to use it on 8088, but we should care to make it possible to be used also on
nextgen phones.
1.2 Services provided by the feature or equipment
The BTDB will give a BT2.1+ EDR connectivity to the product where it is mounted into. The main
reasons of this daughter board are to have:
A common function usable on several phones without the need of RF expertise and full
BT qualification
A cost effective solution
1.3 External Interfaces
The interface signals are listed hereafter:
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Direct path supply for 1.8V I/O pads.
HS UART Receive up to 4Mbps
TI internal debug messages. Not used.
HS UART flow control: data from BTDB to
Host allowed when low
HS UART flow control: data from host to
BTDB allowed when low
HS UART Transmit up to 4Mbps
Frame synchro for audio data
Output of audio data. Maybe in tristate
Disables BT chip when low (Pull down)
and performs internal reset of CC2564.
Minimum low state duration: 5ms
PU* : Pull-Up enabled only during ShutDown and DeepSleep phases (.
These correspond to the metal cut-holes. See chapter 7.4.3.
The VDD_IN pin can accept 2.2V to 4.8V. Typical value is 2.5V or 3.3V, but this depends on the
Check the CC2564 datasheet for more information.
The UART has by default the following characteristics (can be reprogrammed to up to 4Mbps)
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without written authorization from Alcatel.
Check the CC2564 datasheet for more information.
This cabling supposes that the Host is in DTE mode. In case of DCE host, RTS and CTS are
straight, and not crossed.
1.4 Terminology / Abbreviations
BTDB: BlueTooth Daughter Board
BT: BlueTooth