Alcolizer LE5 User Manual

REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 1 © Alcolizer Technology
LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual
User Manual
The BAC reading obtained by correct use of this device is only considered accurate at the time of testing.
Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of each reading.
Neither the manufacturer, the distributor, nor the owner accepts liability or responsibility due to any action
or claim arising from the reading produced by this device, whether used correctly or incorrectly.
REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 2 © Alcolizer Technology
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 5
2 Description of LE5 .............................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Equipment Overview ................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Device Overview .......................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Test Key ................................................................................................................ 6
2.2.2 LCD Colour Graphics Display ................................................................................ 6
2.2.3 Mouthpiece Locator and Sample Inlet Spigot ..................................................... 7
2.2.4 Up and Down Buttons .......................................................................................... 7
2.2.5 USB Port ............................................................................................................... 7
2.2.6 Battery Charger Port (Li-ION powered devices only) .......................................... 7
2.2.7 AA Battery Compartment (Alkaline powered devices only) ................................ 7
3 Operating Instructions ....................................................................................................... 7
3.1 General Information .................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Testing Types ............................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Mouthpieces................................................................................................................ 8
3.4 Charging the Battery (Li-ION Powered Device) ........................................................... 9
3.5 Changing the Batteries (AA Alkaline Powered Device) ............................................... 9
3.6 Turning on the Device ............................................................................................... 10
3.6.1 Mouthpiece Testing ........................................................................................... 11
3.6.2 Taking a Mouthpiece (Active) Breath Sample ................................................... 12
3.6.3 Analysing a Mouthpiece Breath Sample ............................................................ 14
3.6.4 Passive Testing ................................................................................................... 15
3.6.5 Enabling Passive Standard ................................................................................. 15
3.6.6 Taking a Passive Standard Breath Sample ......................................................... 16
3.6.7 Analysing a Passive Breath Sample .................................................................... 17
3.6.8 Enabling Passive Only......................................................................................... 19
3.6.9 Taking a Passive Only Breath Sample ................................................................ 19
3.7 Back Operation .......................................................................................................... 19
3.8 Shutting Down ........................................................................................................... 19
4 Test Options Menu .......................................................................................................... 20
4.1 Test Cancel ................................................................................................................ 20
4.2 Test Refusal ............................................................................................................... 20
5 GPS ................................................................................................................................... 21
REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 3 © Alcolizer Technology
5.1 Acquiring GPS Satellites ............................................................................................ 21
5.2 GPS Mode Configuration ........................................................................................... 23
5.3 Static GPS Mode Operations ..................................................................................... 23
5.4 Mobile GPS Mode Operations................................................................................... 23
6 Sending and Printing Data ............................................................................................... 24
6.1 Bluetooth Connection ............................................................................................... 25
6.2 Printer ........................................................................................................................ 26
6.3 Printer Driver ............................................................................................................. 28
6.3.1 Installing the Printer Driver................................................................................ 28
6.4 Auto Print .................................................................................................................. 29
6.4.1 Auto Print Standard ........................................................................................... 30
6.4.2 Auto Print Passive .............................................................................................. 30
6.5 Setting the Bluetooth Printer PIN ............................................................................. 31
6.6 Printing Records ........................................................................................................ 33
6.6.1 Automatic Printing ............................................................................................. 33
6.6.2 Printing Records ................................................................................................. 33
6.7 Serial Device .............................................................................................................. 34
6.8 Setting the Bluetooth Serial Device PIN .................................................................... 36
6.9 Auto Send .................................................................................................................. 37
6.9.1 Auto Send Standard ........................................................................................... 37
6.9.2 Auto Send Passive .............................................................................................. 38
7 Area Code ......................................................................................................................... 38
8 Records ............................................................................................................................ 39
8.1 Accessing Records ..................................................................................................... 39
8.2 Clearing Records ........................................................................................................ 40
9 Calibration ........................................................................................................................ 41
9.1 Calibration Alerts ....................................................................................................... 41
9.2 Replacing Sample Module ......................................................................................... 41
10 Specifications ................................................................................................................... 42
11 Alcoconnect ..................................................................................................................... 43
11.1 Installing Alcoconnect Software ............................................................................ 43
11.2 Using Alcoconnect ................................................................................................. 44
11.2.1 Navigating Around the Event Log Page ............................................................. 45
11.2.2 Set Log Settings (Filtering Data) ......................................................................... 46
11.2.3 Saving Event Logs ............................................................................................... 46
REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 4 © Alcolizer Technology
11.2.4 Erasing Event Logs or Clearing Logs on a Device ............................................... 46
REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 5 © Alcolizer Technology
1 Introduction
This User Manual details the operation of the Alcolizer LE5 alcohol breath testing device and Alcoconnect software for managing and analysing breath test results.
This User Manual is applicable to the Alcolizer LE5 version S5MAPP installed with
firmware version 1.26 and later.
2 Description of LE5
2.1 Equipment Overview
The LE5 Equipment List includes the following items:
LE5 Handheld device (Li-ION powered, or AA Alkaline battery powered)
USB cable
Battery Chargers (240 VAC and 12VDC vehicle, Li-ION version only)
Silicon protective cover and wrist strap
Carry bag or protective hard case (optional)
Bluetooth printer (optional).
2.2 Device Overview
The LE5 is a handheld device consisting of a hard-plastic outer case, silicon cover, wrist strap and the following user displays, buttons and adaptor sockets (refer Figure 1):
a. Test Key b. LCD Colour Graphics Display c. Mouthpiece Locator and Sample Inlet Spigot d. Up and Down Buttons e. USB Port f. Battery Charging Port/AA Alkaline Battery Compartment (refer Figure 2)
REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 6 © Alcolizer Technology
Figure 1 – User Display, Buttons and Adapter Sockets
Figure 2 – Charging Port (left) and AA Battery Compartment (right)
2.2.1 Test Key
The Test Key activates selected functions.
2.2.2 LCD Colour Graphics Display
Displays the various functions of the device including:
Welcome screen which includes days remaining until next calibration
Various test modes (Mouthpiece, Passive Standard, and Passive Only)
Extensive menus and options
Ready notification
Blow notification including progress bar
BAC level in various formats
GPS acquisition data
Test Key (a)
Mouthpiece Spigot Locator (c)
Battery Charging Port/ AA Battery Compartment (f)
Wrist Strap
USB Port (e)
Up Button (d)
LCD Colour Graphics Display (b)
Down Button (d)
Silicon Cover
REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 7 © Alcolizer Technology
Printer setup
Records information
These and other displays are explained in the Operating Instructions section.
2.2.3 Mouthpiece Locator and Sample Inlet Spigot
The disposable mouthpiece (sample tube) is located on the Mouthpiece Locator which surrounds the Sample Inlet Spigot.
2.2.4 Up and Down Buttons
The Up and Down buttons allow navigation through menus. Operation of both buttons also facilitates access to the Off function (refer Section 3).
2.2.5 USB Port
The USB port facilitates connection of the device to a USB equipped computer using the cable included with the device. Refer to Section 11 for instructions on using the Alcoconnect Toolbox.
2.2.6 Battery Charger Port (Li-ION powered devices only)
The Battery Charging Port, installed only on the Li-ION powered devices, is located beneath a moisture proof cap under the wrist strap bracket and facilitates connection to the battery chargers included with the device.
2.2.7 AA Battery Compartment (Alkaline powered devices only)
The AA Alkaline battery compartment, installed only on the AA Alkaline powered devices, is located beneath a dust proof cap adjacent to the wrist strap bracket. For access to the compartment refer to paragraph 3.5.
3 Operating Instructions
While the LE5 is a robust device, it does contain sensitive instrumentation and should not
be subject to rough handling or become submerged in water.
Do not store the device in direct sunlight or places where extreme temperature
conditions can occur.
The LE5 has optional functions which may or may not be active on your device. The
screen images shown in the User Manual may differ to your device depending on the
options fitted or functions enabled
3.1 General Information
The following information should be observed when conducting breath test analysis using this device:
To obtain an accurate reading, alcohol should not be consumed, or mouthwash
containing alcohol used for at least 15 minutes prior to using this device.
REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 8 © Alcolizer Technology
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) readings can continue to rise or fluctuate for up
to two hours after alcohol was last consumed. Should the BAC readings be near or over the local threshold, drinking should cease, then a re-test conducted after 15 minutes.
Driving or operating machinery should not occur until a new test shows a decline in
BAC reading and the BAC reading is below the local legislation legal limit.
It can take up to one hour for the average person’s system to absorb a 0.01 BAC
before the level returns to zero. In such circumstances further testing later in the day or the following morning is strongly recommended.
3.2 Testing Types
The LE5 can perform both Mouthpiece and Passive (Passive Standard and Passive Only) testing. Mouthpiece testing provides a BAC reading in g/100ml (or other formats as required) and Passive testing will display the presence of alcohol in breath. Following if a Passive test indicates the presence of alcohol, a Mouthpiece test should then be performed if an accurate BAC is required.
Mouthpiece testing is also referred to as Standard or Active Testing.
3.3 Mouthpieces
There are two types of Mouthpieces available for use on the LE5, these are the:
Spit Trap Non Return Valve Mouthpiece (2 variants), and
Standard Spigot Locator Mouthpiece.
Figure 3- Mouthpiece Types
Non Ribbed End
Sample Inlet Ports
Standard Mouthpiece
Non Return Spit Trap Mouthpieces
REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 9 © Alcolizer Technology
The advantage of using the spit trap type mouthpieces is that most of the saliva in the exhaled breath is collected in the mouthpiece and doesn’t enter the device.
3.4 Charging the Battery (Li-ION Powered Device)
Prior to initial use, the LE5 battery should be fully charged. The battery charge cycle may take up to two hours.
The battery in the LE5 device is a Li-ION battery. As such it should not be tampered with in anyway. Should any problems occur that are related to the battery, contact your local
Alcolizer representative for advice.
Only use the battery charger supplied with the Alcolizer supplied equipment. Use of non
Alcolizer battery chargers could damage the device and render it inoperative.
Charge the battery as follows:
Connect the charger DC socket to the LE5 battery charging port (Refer Figure 1)
Connect the AC or DC (vehicle) plug to a suitable power supply and switch on power.
The device will automatically start and Charging will be displayed. When the battery is fully charged, the battery condition indicator on the LCD Colour Graphics Display will display five bars (Refer Figure 4).
Figure 4- Battery Condition Indicator
Recharge the battery when the battery condition indicator shows one bar to ensure testing will not be interrupted by a flat battery.
The device cannot be used for testing during charging but can be used for accessing
Records (Refer Section 8).
3.5 Changing the Batteries (AA Alkaline Powered Device)
Prior to initial use, the LE5 batteries should be new, Alcolizer recommend the use of Eveready® AA Alkaline EN91 batteries for the LE5. Change the batteries in accordance with the following procedures (Refer Figure 5)
Invert the device so the compartment hatch is upper most (Refer Figure 5A).
REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 10 © Alcolizer Technology
Access the battery compartment by pressing the compartment release button on the
underside of the device (Refer Figure 5A). The compartment hatch will pop out.
If the device has a silicon cover installed, the release button is operatable by pressing the
raised portion over the button on the back of the device. Removal of the cover is not
required to change the batteries.
Open the hatch by gently moving it to expose the compartment (Refer Figure 5B).
Remove the flat batteries and insert two new batteries ensuring the polarity is
correct. Polarity markings (o and +) are marked on the hatch contactor (Refer Figure 5B).
Close the hatch by gently positioning it in place and pressing it closed (Refer Figure
5C). A click indicates the hatch is locked.
Figure 5- Installing/ Replacing AA Alkaline Batteries
3.6 Turning on the Device
Turn the device on as follows:
Press either the Test key or Up/Down buttons. A company logo screen will appear
for a period of five seconds prior to the test screen displaying. The logo screen can be terminated sooner by pressing either the Test key or Up/Down buttons a second time.
On specially configured devices, additional information may be displayed on start-up e.g.
Device serial number, Sample module serial number and days till calibration.
To permanently display this information, hold the Test key down or up/down button for
an extended period when start up is pressed.
The display will show press to test (Refer Figure 6).
Compartment hatch
Release button
Hatch open
Hatch contactor
a b c
Closing hatch
REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 11 © Alcolizer Technology
Figure 6- Press to test message
3.6.1 Mouthpiece Testing
To maintain a healthy sampling environment, the following procedures must be strictly
adhered to.
Attach the mouthpiece to the device as follows:
Grasp the mouthpiece at the non-ribbed end and tear the plastic wrapping from the
ribbed end, downwards to expose the sample inlet hole.
Locate the mouthpiece sample inlet port over the mouthpiece locator in line with
the recesses that surround the spigot (Refer Figure 7)
Press the mouthpiece sample inlet port onto the locator until it is attached securely
(Refer Figure 8). The orientation of the mouthpiece will not affect the sampling.
Remove the remaining portion of the plastic wrap just prior to testing to ensure
hygienic use.
Figure 7- Locating the Mouthpiece
REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 12 © Alcolizer Technology
Figure 8- Mouthpiece Correctly Positioned
3.6.2 Taking a Mouthpiece (Active) Breath Sample
Before taking a breath sample, ensure the subject has not consumed alcohol for at least
15 minutes.
If any step in a breath test sequence is not completed or the device is left idle for a
prolonged period of time, then the device will terminate the breath test and display test
timed out. The device will return to the press to test display.
The standard breath test time out period is 60 seconds. If a test time out does occur
during a breath test, a new breath test must be performed.
Perform a Mouthpiece Test as follows:
Press the Test key, the device will perform a self-test and Please wait…. And a
progress bar will be displayed.
If the self-check is unsuccessful an error code will be displayed, the device will not accept
a breath sample.
BLOW will be displayed when the device is ready (Refer Figure 9).
Figure 9- Blow is displayed when the device is ready
After taking a deep breath, the test subject places their mouth over the mouthpiece
inlet (ribbed end) and blows a gentle to medium breath sample into the mouthpiece (Refer Figure 10).
REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 13 © Alcolizer Technology
Figure 10- Providing a Sample
The exhaled breath volume is indicated via a bar graph; scrolling left to right at the
bottom of the screen and a graph showing air flow over time in seconds (Refer Figure 11). A beeping sound is also heard during the breath sample delivery phase, indicating a satisfactory breath sample is being delivered.
Figure 11- Sample Progress Bar
The test subject continues blowing until the device takes a sample of the exhaled
breath volume, indicated by a click and long beep sound.
The frequency of the sound beeps increases with the intensity of the blow pressure. Blowing too hard or too soft will result in Invalid Sample Try Again being displayed (Refer Figure 12). The deice will return to the Blow screen so another sample can be taken.
REF: LE5 Alcohol Tester User Manual V5.docx Page 14 © Alcolizer Technology
Figure 12- Invalid Sample Try Again Message
3.6.3 Analysing a Mouthpiece Breath Sample
After a valid breath sample is taken, the Analysing Sample message is displayed until the device calculates the BAC reading. This will normally take a few seconds. In cold climate conditions it may take longer to display the BAC reading (Refer Figure 13).
Figure 13- Analysing Sample Message
When the BAC reading is calculated, it will be displayed on the screen together with the unit of measurement (e.g. g/100ml, g/210L) and be retained until the Recovering period has ended. The screen colour will vary depending on the percentage of alcohol present; green for zero, orange for zero to 0.049 g/100ml, g/201l and red for readings greater than 0.05 g/100ml, g/201L. The Recovering period is indicated by Recovering shown on the display (Refer Figure 14).
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