Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OmniAccess Stellar AP User manual

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
OmniAccess Stellar AP User Guide - AWOS 4.0.1 January 2021 033517-10 Rev.C
How to Use This Manual
Stellar AP User Guide
1 How to Use This Manual ............................................................................................. 7
Access Stellar AP Through the GUI .................................................................................... 7
Document Conventions .................................................................................................. 7
2 Configuration Sample ................................................................................................ 8
Scenario 1: AP Group Without ALE OXO server ...................................................................... 8
Scenario 2: AP Group With ALE OXO Server (ZTP) ................................................................. 10
3 Connecting AP Group via Web Browser ......................................................................... 12
Prerequisites for Setting up and Accessing AP Group .............................................................. 12
Connect to Pre-defined SSID and Browse URL ...................................................................... 12
Using the Initializing Wizard .......................................................................................... 13
Connecting to the AP Group via Web ................................................................................ 16
PVM/SVM Election and AP Group Scalability ........................................................................ 16
4 Introduction to the AP Group Web Management System .................................................... 18
Dashboard Overview .................................................................................................... 18
WLAN Window ........................................................................................................ 18
AP Window ............................................................................................................ 20
Client Window ........................................................................................................ 23
Monitoring Window .................................................................................................. 25
System Page ............................................................................................................. 28
General Window ...................................................................................................... 28
System Time Window ................................................................................................ 33
Syslog & SNMP Window .............................................................................................. 34
Wireless Page ............................................................................................................ 36
RF Window ............................................................................................................ 36
wIDS/wIPS Window ................................................................................................... 40
Performance Optimization Window ............................................................................... 43
Access Page .............................................................................................................. 44
Authentication Window ............................................................................................. 45
Customized Portal Page Panel ..................................................................................... 48
Customized Portal Page – Login by Account ...................................................................... 49
Customized Portal Page – Login by Access Code ................................................................. 49
Customized Portal Page – Login by Terms of Use ................................................................ 49
Black List & White List Window .................................................................................... 50
Access Control List Window......................................................................................... 53
Network Page............................................................................................................ 54
5 WLAN Configuration ................................................................................................ 55
Create New WLAN ...................................................................................................... 55
How to Use This Manual
Stellar AP User Guide
Create an Enterprise WLAN ......................................................................................... 55
Create a Personal WLAN ............................................................................................ 60
Create a Captive Portal WLAN ..................................................................................... 64
Delete Your WLAN ...................................................................................................... 67
Modify Your WLAN ...................................................................................................... 68
Modify WLAN QoS ....................................................................................................... 68
6 AP Management...................................................................................................... 70
AP Group Management ................................................................................................. 70
Import and Export AP Configuration ................................................................................. 72
Upgrade AP Firmware .................................................................................................. 73
Modify AP Name and IP Address ...................................................................................... 75
Check AP Configuration Detail ........................................................................................ 76
Modify AP Transmission Power and Channel ........................................................................ 77
AP LED Specification ................................................................................................... 78
Locate AP or Turn LED Off ............................................................................................. 78
Remove an AP from the Group ........................................................................................ 79
Allow an AP to Join the Group ........................................................................................ 80
How to Add a New AP to Group ....................................................................................... 80
How to Replace a Current AP in Group .............................................................................. 81
How to Setup Wireless Networks With large scale of Stellar APs ................................................ 81
How to Configure the AP if There is No DHCP server .............................................................. 81
7 Authentication Management ...................................................................................... 82
Authentication and Encryption Methods ............................................................................. 82
How to Configure Captive Portal Authentication ................................................................... 85
Create a Captive Portal WLAN ..................................................................................... 85
Enable Captive Portal Service ...................................................................................... 85
Select Your Login Method ........................................................................................... 86
Create Users or Access Code ....................................................................................... 86
Customize Your Splash Page (Optional) ........................................................................... 88
Log User Behavior (Optional) ....................................................................................... 88
Specify Your Walled Garden (Optional) ........................................................................... 89
Specify Your Captive Portal Whitelist (Optional) ................................................................ 89
8 Tools ................................................................................................................... 91
PMD .................................................................................................................... 92
Reset the AP to Factory Default Settings ......................................................................... 92
SSH Secure shell ...................................................................................................... 92
9 AP UI ................................................................................................................... 93
Login to AP UI ......................................................................................................... 93
AP Interface ........................................................................................................... 94
AP Network ........................................................................................................... 95
How to Use This Manual
Stellar AP User Guide
Configure Mesh/Bridge through AP UI ............................................................................. 95
Configure DHCP through AP UI ..................................................................................... 99
Configure DNS Cache through AP UI ............................................................................. 100
Configure NAT through AP UI ..................................................................................... 100
Configure Static Neighbor AP through AP UI ................................................................... 101
RF Environment .................................................................................................... 102
10 Web Management with HTTPS .................................................................................. 105
Download the Certificate from AP ................................................................................. 105
Install the Certificate on Different Platform accordingly ....................................................... 106
Case A: Microsoft Windows + Microsoft IE/Google Chrome .................................................. 106
Case B: Microsoft Windows + Mozilla Firefox ................................................................... 109
Case C: Apple MAC OS X + Google Chrome ..................................................................... 112
Case D: Apple MAC OS X + Mozilla Firefox ...................................................................... 116
A. End-User Software License Agreement ....................................................................... 117
Table of Figures
Figure 2-1 AP group without OXO ........................................................................................ 8
Figure 2-2 AP group with OXO ........................................................................................... 10
Figure 3-1 AP Group Login Page ......................................................................................... 13
Figure 3-2 Initialization Wizard-Welcome Page ....................................................................... 14
Figure 3-3 Initialization Wizard-Modify Administrator Password ................................................... 14
Figure 3-4 Initialization Wizard-Select country code and time zone ............................................... 14
Figure 3-5 Initialization Wizard-Create New WLAN ................................................................... 15
Figure 3-6 Initialization Wizard-Complete Notice .................................................................... 16
Figure 4-1 Dashboard Overview ......................................................................................... 18
Figure 4-2 WLAN Window-Simplified Mode ............................................................................ 19
Figure 4-3 WLAN Window-Advanced Mode ............................................................................. 19
Figure 4-4 AP Window-Simplified Mode ................................................................................ 20
Figure 4-5 AP Window-Advanced Mode ................................................................................. 21
Figure 4-6 Clients Window-Simplified Mode ........................................................................... 23
Figure 4-7 Clients Window-Advanced Mode ............................................................................ 24
Figure 4-8 Monitoring Window - AP Group ............................................................................. 25
Figure 4-9 Monitoring Window - WLAN ................................................................................. 26
Figure 4-10 Monitoring Window - AP .................................................................................... 27
Figure 4-11 Monitoring Window - Client ................................................................................ 27
Figure 4-12 System page ................................................................................................. 28
Figure 4-13 General Window – Simplified Mode ....................................................................... 29
Figure 4-14 General Configuration Window –Advanced Mode ....................................................... 29
Figure 4-15 Account Management Tab ................................................................................. 30
Figure 4-16 Account Lockout............................................................................................. 31
Figure 4-17 Command line Account ..................................................................................... 31
Figure 4-18 Certificate Management Tab .............................................................................. 32
Figure 4-19 Service Management Tab .................................................................................. 33
Figure 4-20 System Time Window ....................................................................................... 33
Figure 4-21 Syslog Window ............................................................................................... 34
Figure 4-22 SNMP Window ................................................................................................ 35
Figure 4-23 Wireless Page ................................................................................................ 36
Figure 4-24 RF-2.4GHz .................................................................................................... 37
How to Use This Manual
Stellar AP User Guide
Figure 4-25 RF-5GHz ...................................................................................................... 37
Figure 4-26 RF Configuration Window .................................................................................. 38
Figure 4-27 Edit RF Information ......................................................................................... 39
Figure 4-28 Top 5 AP interfered ......................................................................................... 40
Figure 4-29 wIDS/wIPS Configuration Window ........................................................................ 41
Figure 4-30 Foreign AP Whitelist ........................................................................................ 42
Figure 4-31 Foreign AP Black List ....................................................................................... 42
Figure 4-32 Wireless Optimization Tab ................................................................................. 43
Figure 4-33 Access Page .................................................................................................. 45
Figure 4-34 Authentication Window – Simplified Mode ............................................................... 45
Figure 4-35 Authentication Window – Internal Portal Server ........................................................ 46
Figure 4-36 Authentication Window – External Portal Server ....................................................... 46
Figure 4-37 Customized Portal Page .................................................................................... 48
Figure 4-38 Customized Portal Page – Login by account ............................................................. 49
Figure 4-39 Customized Portal Page – Login by access code ........................................................ 49
Figure 4-40 Customized Portal Page – Login by Terms of use ....................................................... 50
Figure 4-41 Customized Portal Page – Terms of use .................................................................. 50
Figure 4-42 Black List Tab ................................................................................................ 51
Figure 4-43 White List Tab ............................................................................................... 51
Figure 4-44 Walled Garden Tab ......................................................................................... 52
Figure 4-45 Multicast Control Tab ....................................................................................... 52
Figure 4-46 ACL Window – Simplified Mode ............................................................................ 53
Figure 4-47 ACL Window – Advanced Mode ............................................................................ 53
Figure 4-48 Network Page ................................................................................................ 54
Figure 5-1 Create Enterprise WLAN - Simplified Mode ............................................................... 56
Figure 5-2 Create Enterprise WLAN - Advanced Mode ................................................................ 57
Figure 5-3 Create Personal WLAN - Simplified Mode ................................................................. 60
Figure 5-4 Create Personal WLAN - Advanced Mode .................................................................. 61
Figure 5-5 Create Captive Portal WLAN - Simplified Mode .......................................................... 64
Figure 5-6 Create Captive Portal WLAN - Advanced Mode ........................................................... 65
Figure 5-7 Delete a WLAN ................................................................................................ 68
Figure 5-8 Modify a WLAN ................................................................................................ 68
Figure 5-9 Modify WLAN QoS ............................................................................................. 69
Figure 6-1 AP Group Configuration Window ........................................................................... 71
Figure 6-2 AP Group Information Location ............................................................................. 71
Figure 6-3 AP Group Management IP .................................................................................... 71
Figure 6-4 Export AP Group Configuration ............................................................................. 72
Figure 6-5 Import AP Group Configuration ............................................................................. 72
Figure 6-6 Update Single AP using Local Image File .................................................................. 73
Figure 6-7 Update Single AP from Remote TFTP Server.............................................................. 74
Figure 6-8 Update all APs’ Firmware ................................................................................... 74
Figure 6-9 Modify AP Name .............................................................................................. 75
Figure 6-10 Modify AP IP Address ........................................................................................ 76
Figure 6-11 Check AP Configuration Detail ............................................................................ 77
Figure 6-12 RF Management ............................................................................................. 77
Figure 6-13 Turn LED off ................................................................................................. 78
Figure 6-14 Locate AP..................................................................................................... 79
Figure 6-15 Restore AP state ............................................................................................. 79
Figure 6-16 Remove an AP from Group ................................................................................. 80
Figure 6-17 Allow AP to join group ...................................................................................... 80
Figure 7-1 Enterprise Authentication ................................................................................... 83
Figure 7-2 SOHO Authentication ......................................................................................... 83
Figure 7-3 Authentication Security Type-Personal .................................................................... 84
Figure 7-4 Authentication Security Type-Enterprise.................................................................. 84
Figure 7-5 Create Captive Portal type WLAN .......................................................................... 85
Figure 7-6 Enable Captive Portal Service .............................................................................. 86
How to Use This Manual
Stellar AP User Guide
Figure 7-7 Select Your Login Method ................................................................................... 86
Figure 7-8 Create Captive Portal Users ................................................................................. 87
Figure 7-9 Create Access Code .......................................................................................... 88
Figure 7-10 Customize Your Splash Page ............................................................................... 88
Figure 7-11 Log User Behavior ........................................................................................... 89
Figure 7-12 Wall Garden .................................................................................................. 89
Figure 7-13 Portal Whitelist .............................................................................................. 90
Figure 8-1 Tools in Dashboard ........................................................................................... 91
Figure 8-2 Troubleshooting Command .................................................................................. 91
Figure 8-3 PMD ............................................................................................................. 92
Figure 9-1 AP List – link to AP UI ........................................................................................ 93
Figure 9-2 AP UI............................................................................................................ 94
Figure 9-3 AP Interface ................................................................................................... 94
Figure 9-4 AP Network .................................................................................................... 95
Figure 9-5 MESH Topology ................................................................................................ 96
Figure 9-6 Configure Mesh Root ....................................................................................... 97
Figure 9-7 Configure Mesh Leaf.......................................................................................... 97
Figure 9-8 Configure Wireless Bridge ................................................................................. 98
Figure 9-9 DHCP Server in AP group .................................................................................... 99
Figure 9-10 DHCP Server .................................................................................................. 99
Figure 9-11 Source NAT ................................................................................................. 100
Figure 9-12 Destination NAT ........................................................................................... 101
Figure 9-13 Auto Neighbor AP ......................................................................................... 102
Figure 9-14 Static Neighbor AP ........................................................................................ 102
Figure 9-15 RF Environment............................................................................................ 103
Figure 9-16 RF Scanning Data .......................................................................................... 103
Figure 9-17 Wireless Packet Capture ................................................................................. 104
Figure 10-1 HTTP Login Page .......................................................................................... 105
Figure 10-2 Download Certificate from AP ........................................................................... 106
Figure 10-3 Case A – Step 1 ............................................................................................ 106
Figure 10-4 Case A – Step 2 ............................................................................................ 107
Figure 10-5 Case A – Step 3 ............................................................................................ 107
Figure 10-6 Case A – Step 4 ............................................................................................ 108
Figure 10-7 Case A – Step 5 ............................................................................................ 108
Figure 10-8 Case A – Step 6 ............................................................................................ 109
Figure 10-9 Case B – Step 1 ............................................................................................ 109
Figure 10-10 Case B – Step 2 ........................................................................................... 110
Figure 10-11 Case B – Step 3 ........................................................................................... 110
Figure 10-12 Case B – Step 4 ........................................................................................... 111
Figure 10-13 Case B – Step 5 ........................................................................................... 111
Figure 10-14 Case C – Step 1 ........................................................................................... 112
Figure 10-15 Case C – Step 2 ........................................................................................... 112
Figure 10-16 Case C – Step 3 ........................................................................................... 113
Figure 10-17 Case C – Step 4 ........................................................................................... 113
Figure 10-18 Case C – Step 5 ........................................................................................... 114
Figure 10-19 Case C – Step 6 ........................................................................................... 114
Figure 10-20 Case C – Step 7 ........................................................................................... 115
Figure 10-21 Case C – Step 8 ........................................................................................... 115
Figure 10-22 Case C – Step 9 ........................................................................................... 116
How to Use This Manual
Stellar AP User Guide
1 How to Use This Manual
This manual describes all features supported by the Stellar AP and provides instructions and examples for
configuring ALE series OmniAccess Stellar Access Point (AP). It is designed for network administrators who
are responsible for configuring and maintaining the Wi-Fi network. It assumes the reader is familiar with
Layer2 and Layer3 networks and 802.11 protocols and related technologies. The manual covers an
introduction to the Stellar AP and configuration samples. The examples describe the general steps of setting
up a Wi-Fi network based on several typical deployment scenarios. It is useful for those new to the ALE Access
Point configuration and those already familiar with the software wanting to know more about certain
Access Stellar AP Through the GUI
This manual is developed for the Stellar AP GUI (Wi-Fi Express mode). Each Stellar AP supports up to three
simultaneous GUI connections. The GUI is accessible through a standard web browser from a remote
management console or workstation. The GUI includes configuration wizards that guide you to change
administrator password and complete basic WLAN configuration. In addition to the wizards, the GUI includes
a Dashboard monitoring feature that provides visibility into your wireless network’s performance and usage.
This allows you to easily locate and diagnose WLAN issues. For details on the GUI Dashboard, see Dashboard
Document Conventions
The following conventions are used throughout this manual to emphasize important concepts:
It indicates helpful suggestions, pertinent information, and important things to remember.
It indicates a risk of damage to your hardware or loss of data or some incorrect or improper operation that
should be avoided.
Configuration Sample
Stellar AP User Guide
2 Configuration Sample
This chapter describes the general steps to configure the Stellar AP with respect to several deployment
topologies. Follow the configuration steps in the guide to configure your Stellar AP. This chapter contains
the following topics:
AP Group without ALE OXO server AP Group with ALE OXO server (ZTP)
Scenario 1: AP Group Without ALE OXO server
Figure 2-1 AP group without OXO
Following are the requirements for this scenario,
There are three APs in this group. All APs connect to a standard PoE switch and the PoE switch connects
to the core router. The core router provides DHCP server function to both APs and clients. The Primary
Virtual Management (PVM) in the group will be responsible for portal server, AP and client management
and monitoring.
All three APs broadcast three SSIDs: Employee, Guest and Voice. The Employee WLAN is used for company staff, by which both internal servers and the internet are
For security, this WLAN will use 802.1x authentication methods. Anyone who tries connecting to this
WLAN will be requested to input the user name and password registered in an internal RADIUS server.
Configuration Sample
Stellar AP User Guide
The Guest WLAN is designed for guests and can access the internet ONLY. It uses a captive portal
authentication and a portal page will pop up when browsing any website. Guest can access the Internet
only after inputting the access code or user name and password provided by the network administrator.
The splash page can be customized to the customer’s style.
The Voice WLAN is designed for VoIP application ONLY. It will authorize voice traffic to be highest
priority in QoS profile so as to provide a stable voice connection. The SSID will be hidden and
inaccessible to both internal and external networks.
ALL APs usage and client connections are visible in the UI dashboard.
According to the topology, the clients are separate in three service VLANs (For example: VLAN 100, VLAN 200
and VLAN 300) while APs are in the management VLAN (default VLAN of the switch ports, for example: VLAN
1). The APs and clients will be assigned an IP address from the DHCP server via the router. The router is the
default gateway for APs and clients. Following are the detailed configuration steps:
Step1: Configure a PoE switch as follows:
1) The ports used to connect the APs have their default (untagged) VLAN as the AP management VLAN;
2) Add tagged VLANs to the ports for all WLANs that will be created on the APs;
3) Tag (trunk) all of the user and AP-Management VLANs on the uplink between the switch and the
Step2: Connect all APs to the PoE switch and all APs will obtain an IP address from the DHCP server.
Login to the AP group, change the administrator password and initially create WLAN Employee using
the wizard. Refer to Connect to pre-defined SSID and browse URL and Using the Initializing Wizard for
details. Refer to Modify Your WLAN to set the mapping VLAN for WLAN ‘Employee’.
Step3: Create WLAN Guest as per the steps in Create New WLAN and configure the captive portal
authentication according to How to configure captive portal authentication.
Step4: Create WLAN ‘Voice’ as per the steps in Create New WLAN. Step5: Configure ACLs according to Access Control List to restrict the access domain of each WLAN. Step6: Check AP, Client and monitor the performance in the dashboard. Refer to Dashboard Overview
for detail.
Configuration Sample
Stellar AP User Guide
Scenario 2: AP Group With ALE OXO Server (ZTP)
Figure 2-2 AP group with OXO
Following are the requirements for this scenario,
There are three APs in this group. All APs connect to a standard PoE switch and the PoE switch connects
to the core router and an ALE OXO server.
All three APs broadcast three SSIDs: Employee, Guest, and Voice. The Employee WLAN is used for company staff, by which both internal servers and the internet are
For security, this WLAN will use 802.1x authentication methods. Anyone who tries connecting to this
WLAN will be requested to input the user name and password registered in an internal RADIUS server.
The Guest WLAN is designed for guests and has access to the internet ONLY. It uses a captive portal
page authentication and a portal page will pop up when browsing any website. Guest can access the
Internet only after inputting the access code or user name and password provided by the network
administrator. The splash page of captive portal authentication can be customized to customer’s style.
The Voice WLAN is designed for VoIP application ONLY. It will authorize voice traffic to be highest
priority in QoS profile so as to provide a stable voice connection. It will be hidden and inaccessible to
both internal and external networks.
ALL APs usage and client connections are visible in AP UI dashboard.
According to the topology, APs will be assigned an IP address from the OXO server. Router is the DHCP server
for the clients. Following is the detailed configuration steps:
Step1: Connect all APs to the PoE switch and all APs will obtain an IP address, download firmware (if
necessary) and configuration file from the OXO server.
Configuration Sample
Stellar AP User Guide
Step2: The APs will reboot automatically to setup a group and allow configuration from the OXO server
take effect, all three WLANs are created.
Step3: Check AP, Client and monitor the performance in the dashboard. Refer to Dashboard Overview
for detail.
Connecting AP Group via Web Browser
Stellar AP User Guide
3 Connecting AP Group via Web Browser
Prerequisites for Setting up and Accessing AP Group
Connect all APs to switch and power up.
Ensure that a DHCP server is present and accessible in the network. The AP group uses an external
DHCP server for IP address management of the access points and the wireless clients.
Ensure that a DNS server is available in the network, which helps to parse the web URL used to access
the AP. (Refer to Note 3-1)
It is recommended that your configuring terminal should have a compatible operating system and
Recommended OS
Recommended Browser
Windows 7 Window 8 Window 10 MAC OS X 10.10 MAC OS X 10.11
Google Chrome 48 and later Mozilla Firefox 48 and later Internet Explorer 11 and later
After above prerequisites are met, proceed to: Connect to pre-defined SSID and browse URL.
Note 3-1: The process of connecting to a single AP through web is same as connecting to AP group.
Note 3-2: It is recommended to connect only one AP at a time to the network and complete the configuration,
then plug in other APs one by one to synchronize the configurations.
Connect to Pre-defined SSID and Browse URL
The ALE WLAN solution is based on a cluster architecture. A maximum of 255 APs are supported in one AP
cluster/group. All APs have the same cluster ID that uniquely defines the AP group and all APs have to be in
the same VLAN because the communication between group members is based on multicast. The group will
select the Primary Virtual Manager (PVM) and Secondary Virtual Manager (SVM) based on AP model and MAC
address, more details refer to PVM/SVM Election and AP Group Scalability. The PVM is responsible for the
group management, such as configuration synchronization, usage data statistics, firmware upgrading, etc.
and the SVM is the backup of the PVM. By default, the AP group will advertise the pre-defined SSID mywifi-
xxxx’ and you can connect to ‘mywifi-xxxx’ to browse the AP group GUI through to the initializing wizard. After you complete Using the Initializing Wizard, the SSID
mywifi-xxxx will be deleted. (xxxx’ is the last two bytes of PVM’s MAC address)
Note 3-3: Besides the HTTP login method (port 8080), you can also login to the web manager using HTTPS protocol with the URL , more details please refer to Web management with
Note 3-4: If there is no DNS server in the network, you can connect to the AP group directly using the IP address of any AP in the group, accessing http://a.b.c.d:8080”. (a.b.c.d is the AP’s IP address)
Connecting AP Group via Web Browser
Stellar AP User Guide
Note 3-5: If there is no DHCP server in the network, the AP will default to the address. See How to
Configure the AP if there is no DHCP server.
Stellar AP1230 series and AP1311 Access Points can be powered with dual uplinks, with both switch ports POE enabled
only when connected to a standalone or VC of OmniSwitch 6860/E.
• When using dual links, both switch ports should be of speed 1GE and configured as Linkagg (LACP).
• On the slots used for POE, enable capacitor-detection and then connect the ports to Access Points (lanpower <slot>
capacitor-detection enable). Save and certify switch configuration.
• AP1230 series and AP1311 Access Points will always get powered by either uplink, and if the main source goes down,
the backup POE link will power up the Access Point.
Stellar AP1230 series and AP1311 when not POE powered using OmniSwitch 6860/E, but other LAN switches, you can
still use dual uplinks, but please ensure only one uplink is POE enabled.
Using the Initializing Wizard
Initializing wizard page is loaded by connecting to the pre-defined SSID accessing the URL Login with the Administrator account and the default password ‘admin’, illustrated in
Figure 3-1. If you want to manage the AP group with HTTPS protocol, refer to Web management with HTTPS.
Figure 3-1 AP Group Login Page
The following are the Initialization Wizards:
Step1: Welcome Page
Connecting AP Group via Web Browser
Stellar AP User Guide
Figure 3-2 Initialization Wizard-Welcome Page
Step2: Change your Administrator password.
Figure 3-3 Initialization Wizard-Modify Administrator Password
Note 3-6: It is highly recommended and a best security practice to change the default passwords for
the predefined login accounts.
Step3: Select your country code and time zone. (Only for -RW models)
Figure 3-4 Initialization Wizard-Select country code and time zone
Step4: Create your own WLAN. You can click Create New WLAN for details.
Connecting AP Group via Web Browser
Stellar AP User Guide
Figure 3-5 Initialization Wizard-Create New WLAN
Note 3-7: The VLAN assignment for the WLAN is not available in the initial wizard phase. You can
modify the mapping VLAN value after the initial setup is completed, using the steps described in Modify your WLAN” section which can be used to modify existing WLANs.
Connecting AP Group via Web Browser
Stellar AP User Guide
Step5: Complete Confirmation Page
Figure 3-6 Initialization Wizard-Complete Notice
Note 3-8: While configuring the Initialization Wizards, please make sure your configuring terminal is connected
to the pre-defined WLAN ’mywifi-xxxx to keep the communication operational between AP group (or AP) and
web browser. If not, you may encounter the following prompt and fail to complete the wizard configuration
Note 3-9: The pre-defined WLAN ’mywifi-xxxx is deleted when the wizard is completed. For additional
configuration through the wireless connection you need to connect to the new WLAN created in the wizard
and then login to the web main page with your new administrator password.
Connecting to the AP Group via Web
When the initializing wizard has completed and new WLANs have been created, you can connect to each of the WLANs and browse the URL to manage the AP group.
Another way of connecting to the AP group web management system is through the AP group management IP address. For information on setting of the Management IP address refer to AP Group Management.
The AP group web management system can be accessed through the wired network if the group management IP address is configured and is reachable.
PVM/SVM Election and AP Group Scalability
The APs with the same cluster ID will form a group and it will select the Primary Virtual Manager (PVM) and
Secondary Virtual Manager (SVM) based on AP model and MAC address. The PVM election rules are as following:
Connecting AP Group via Web Browser
Stellar AP User Guide
1. PVM/SVM election priority:
AP1320/AP1360 > AP1311 > AP1220/AP1230/AP1251/AP1201 > AP1101/AP1201H/AP1201L/AP1201HL
2. Among the APs with same priority, the one with highest MAC address will be selected as PVM, the second
highest MAC address AP will be selected as SVM.
3. AP1101/AP1201H/AP1201L/AP1201HL as PVM in the cluster, it can scale to 32 APs.
4. AP1320/AP1360/AP1311/AP1220/AP1230/AP1251/AP1201 as PVM in the cluster, it can scale to 255 APs.
5. The idea in general is to be able to have enough resiliency in the network design, so if there is a cluster
size >64 always there is either (AP1220 series, AP1230 series, A1251, AP1320 series or AP1360 series,
AP1311) to take up PVM/SVM role. Recommend in network segments of every 64 APs there are at least
4x APs of either AP1220 series, AP1230 series, AP1251, AP1320 series, AP1360 series or AP1311.
6. For resiliency deployment, to scale to 64 APs you will need at least 4 AP12XX (AP1220/AP1230/AP1251)
or 4 AP13xx (AP1320/AP1360/AP1311) in the cluster.
7. For resiliency deployment, to scale even further for 255 APs you will need at least 16 AP12XX
(AP1220/AP1230/AP1251) or 16 AP13XX (AP1320/AP1360/AP1311) in the cluster.
8. If AP1201 coexists with AP1220/AP1230/AP1251 in the same cluster, and AP1201 is selected as PVM by
the system automatically, suggest to manually intervene and turn one of the AP1220/AP1230/AP1251 to
be PVM for better management performance consideration. (See “Update to PVM” parameter in Chapter 4
AP Window)
9. If a higher priority AP joins an existed AP group, it will take over the PVM role. For example, an AP1221
will become PVM after it joins an existed pure AP1101 group, and the old PVM will change to SVM or
member in the AP group.
Example network design …
Introduction to the AP Group Web Management System
Stellar AP User Guide
4 Introduction to the AP Group Web Management
Dashboard Overview
The Stellar AP provides a visualized dashboard for AP and client monitoring and configuration. As illustrated
in Figure 4-1 Dashboard Overview, the dashboard is split into sub-windows for WLAN Window, AP Window,
Client Window and Monitoring Window, System Page, Wireless Page and Access Page. You can briefly check
the WLANs, APs or Clients in the dashboard or double click the framework of each window to see the details.
Figure 4-1 Dashboard Overview
WLAN Window
The WLAN configuration window is integrated with all WLAN related monitoring and operation tasks. There
are two modes for the WLAN Window, Simplified Mode illustrated in Figure 4-2 and Advanced Mode illustrated
in Figure 4-3. You can easily launch the Advanced Mode from Simplified Mode by clicking the WLAN Window
Introduction to the AP Group Web Management System
Stellar AP User Guide
Figure 4-2 WLAN Window-Simplified Mode
Note 4-1: The label below displays the number of enabled or disabled WLANs.
Table 4-1: Key word specification in WLAN Window (Simplified Mode)
Label or name of WLAN, which is composed by 0-9, a-z or other string.
Indicates the WLAN state, indicates that WLAN is in broadcast state, while
indicates WLAN is not in broadcast state.
The number of users connected to the WLAN.
Launch the WLAN creation window.
Figure 4-3 WLAN Window-Advanced Mode
Table 4-2 Key word specification in WLAN Configuration Window (Advanced Mode)
Introduction to the AP Group Web Management System
Stellar AP User Guide
Label or name of WLAN.
Indicates the WLAN state, indicates that WLAN is in broadcast state, while
indicates WLAN is not in broadcast state.
Security Level
Security Level of WLAN, from high to low is Enterprise>Personal>Open.
Captive Portal
Indicates whether the WLAN is using captive portal authentication. Yes means the WLAN is configured with captive portal authentication, while No means the WLAN is without captive portal authentication.
Operation for the WLAN. see Modify Your WLAN, see Delete Your WLAN, see Modify WLAN QoS.
Link for Creating new WLAN, see Create New WLAN.
AP Window
AP Window is integrated with all APs and group related monitoring and configuration functions. Similar to
the WLAN Window, there are two modes for AP Window, Simplified Mode illustrated in Figure 4-4 and
Advanced Mode illustrated in Figure 4-5. You can easily launch the Advanced Mode from Simplified Mode by
clicking the AP Window Frame.
Figure 4-4 AP Window-Simplified Mode
Table 4-3 Key word specification in AP Window (Simplified Mode)
Primary Name
AP Mac address.
Connection status of AP, there are three indication for AP status, they are Working, Down and Joining. See more in Note 4-2.
The total number of users currently connected to AP.
Note 4-2: AP has three status indications when connecting to group, they are working which indicates that
AP has connected to the PVM successfully and is working normally, Down indicates that AP is disconnected
from the group, and Joining indicates that AP is requesting to join the group but hasnt completed yet. The
Label in AP Window indicates the number of APs in each status.
Select an AP from the AP Configuration Window (Advanced Mode), you can learn the detailed information of the AP, see in Figure 4-5.
Introduction to the AP Group Web Management System
Stellar AP User Guide
Figure 4-5 AP Window-Advanced Mode
Table 4-4: Key word specification in AP Configuration Window (Advanced Mode)
Primary Name
Name of the AP.
IP address of the AP.
Firmware version of the AP.
There are three optional operations for the AP: , and
Primary Virtual Management in the AP group.
Secondary Virtual Controller in the AP group.
Other member APs in the group except PVM/SVM.
APs in joining state, needs to be authorized to join the group.
APs in pending state, needs to upgrade the software to join the group.
Neighboring Group
Neighboring AP groups with different group ID.
Checking the detailed configuration on the AP.
Upgrading firmware for the AP.
Execute to reboot the AP.
Reboot all the APs in the group.
Introduction to the AP Group Web Management System
Stellar AP User Guide
Restore factory settings for all the APs in the group.
Backup the configuration of the AP group.
Restore the configuration for the AP group.
Update the firmware for all the APs in the group.
Contact to Cloud – Enable/Disable contacting to OmniVista Cirrus
periodically. If AP in the cluster are authorized to register OV Cirrus, the AP will reboot the register to OV Cirrus, then user can monitor and manage the AP from OV Cirrus. By default, it is enabled.
Management Server – OV Cirrus server address to which AP send
the register request. User can modify the management server address for the purpose of using other OV Cirrus server than the default one.
Convert all the APs in the cluster to be managed through OmniVista On­Premise. Once configured, AP will reboot and register to On-Premise OV server.
Management Server – OV On-Premise server address to which AP
register. DHCP Option – Obtain the On-Premise OV server address through DHCP option 138 or option 43 during AP booting up state. Static – Configure a static On-Premise OV server to which AP will register after rebooting.
Detailed information for the selected AP.
AP Name
Name of the AP.
Location of the AP.
Connection status of AP, there are three indications for AP status, they are Working, Down and Joining. See more in Note 4-2.
Remove the AP from the group. When an AP is removed from the group, it changes into Joining state until the administrator permits it to join the group again. See more in Allow an AP to Join the Group.
Role in Group
AP role in the group, including PVM, SVM and Member.
Update to PVM
Upgrade the member or SVM to be the PVM of the AP group.
Serial Number
Serial Number of the AP selected.
Product Model of the AP selected.
Upgrade Time
Last firmware upgrade time.
Upgrade Flag
Flag of last time firmware upgrade. Success means the firmware was upgraded successfully on the Upgrade Time, Failed means the firmware wasn’t upgraded successfully on the Upgrade Time.
IP Mode
The way by which the AP attains its IP address, dynamically assigned from DCHP server or static IP configured manually. Only IPv4 static address can be configured for AP.
IPv4/IPv6 address of the AP selected.
Netmask of the IPv4 address of the AP selected.
Default Gateway
Default Gateway of the AP selected.
DNS server in the network.
AP Mode
Express – AP working in cluster mode.
Enterprise – Change the AP to be managed and configured through
OmniVista On-Premise edition. You need to specify the OmniVista server address when changing to Enterprise mode. DHCP Option –
Obtain the On-Premise OV server address through DHCP option 138 or option 43 during AP booting up state. Static – Configure a static On-Premise OV server to which AP will register after rebooting.
Introduction to the AP Group Web Management System
Stellar AP User Guide
Client Window
Client Window displays all the connected clients. Similar to the WLAN Window, there are two modes for
Client Window, Simplified Mode illustrated in Figure 4-6 and Advanced Mode illustrated in
Figure 4-7. You can launch the Advanced Mode from Simplified Mode by clicking the Client Window Frame.
Figure 4-6 Clients Window-Simplified Mode
Table 4-5: Key word specification in Client Window (Simplified Mode)
Clients connected to the group.
Clients connected to the specified WLAN in the group.
Clients connected to the specified AP in the group. User Name
User Name of the client, applicable for 802.1X or portal clients.
IPv4 address of the client.
IPv6 address of the client.
MAC address of the client.
WLAN to which the client connected.
Authentication type: Open, Portal (Captive portal), PSK (Personal), 802.1X (Enterprise).
Introduction to the AP Group Web Management System
Stellar AP User Guide
Figure 4-7 Clients Window-Advanced Mode
Table 4-6: Key word specification in Client Information Window (Advanced Mode)
User Name
User Name of the client.
IPv4 address of the client.
MAC address of the client.
WLAN to which the client connected.
Access Point
Access point to which the client connected.
Force the client to disconnect the wireless network.
Remove the client from the wireless network and put it within the blacklist. If removed, the client can be displayed and operated in the blacklist window.
AP Name
Name of access point that the client connected.
Authentication type: Open, Portal (Captive Portal), PSK (Personal), 802.1X (Enterprise).
Attached Band
The radio band through which the client attaching to AP, 2.4GHz or 5GHz.
Online Time
Time when the client attached to the wireless network.
Session Time
Time when the client has passed the captive portal authentication, only for captive portal clients.
Received Signal Strength Indication of the client, Value 0~99.
Working Mode
Wireless working mode of the client.
PHY Rx rate
Physical receiving rate of the client.
PHY Tx rate
Physical sending rate of the client.
Rx rate
Packet receiving rate of the client.
Tx rate
Packet sending rate of the client.
Total download data size since the client connected to the wireless network.
Total upload data size since the client connected to the wireless network.
Device type
Device type of the client.
OS Type
Operating system type of the client.
Rx Error
The number of error packets received by the client. Interference is the most major cause of packet error. Another cause of packet error is the mismatch of broadcast power levels (Tx Power). If an AP and client device are communicating at much different broadcast strengths, then this can cause packet error.
Tx Retry
The number of retry packets sent by the client. The Retry indicates packets that had to be re-sent because they were corrupted upon arriving at the proper destination.
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Roaming History
Showing roaming history between SSID/AP/Band for the client, total 32 roaming records can be displayed and will be separated by connection sessions.
Connection Session – A session represent a period which starting from associating
to the wireless network and ending by disassociating. Roaming records are distributed within sessions.
The connection sessions are arranged based to time sequence. The latest session
will be positioned on the top of roaming history display.
The Offline status represent the connection session has ended. The Online status
represent an ongoing session and the client is not disassociated.
Monitoring Window
The monitoring window displays the utilization of the wireless network, including statistics of traffic throughput and client working state.
The monitoring window can monitor from four different levels: group level, WLAN level, AP level and client level, illustrated in Figure 4-8, Figure 4-9, Figure 4-10 and Figure 4-11.
The group monitoring is the default display, you can select to monitor certain WLAN/AP/client from the WLAN Window/AP Window/Client Window on left side of the Dashboard.
The monitoring window is automatically refreshed every 30 seconds by default, and the data polling cycle can be set to 30s /60s /120s.
Figure 4-8 Monitoring Window - AP Group
Table 4-7: Key word specification in AP group Monitoring Window
Total receiving rate of the AP group.
Total sending rate of the AP group.
The number of clients connected to the AP group.
Introduction to the AP Group Web Management System
Stellar AP User Guide
Client Band
The working band distribution of clients connected to the AP group, including number of clients working on 2.4GHz band and number of clients working on 5GHz band.
Client Health
The wireless connection quality between client and Stellar AP, it is judged by the signals of client, and classified as below:
Best Number of clients whose signal strength is more than 30.
Good Number of clients whose signal strength is between 15 ~30.
FairNumber of clients whose signal strength is less than 15.
Figure 4-9 Monitoring Window - WLAN
Table 4-8: Key word specification in WLAN Monitoring Window
Total receiving rate of the WLAN.
Total sending rate of the WLAN.
The number of clients connected to the WLAN.
Client Band
The working band distribution of clients connected to the WLAN, including number of clients working on 2.4GHz band and number of clients working on 5GHz band.
Client Health
The wireless connection quality between client and Stellar AP, it is judged by the signals of client, and classified as below:
Best Number of clients which signal strength is more than 30.
Good Number of clients which signal strength is between 15 ~30.
FairNumber of clients which signal strength is less than 15.
Introduction to the AP Group Web Management System
Stellar AP User Guide
Figure 4-10 Monitoring Window - AP
Table 4-9: Key word specification in AP monitoring Window
Total receiving rate of the AP.
Total sending rate of the AP.
The number of clients connected to the AP.
Client Band
The working band distribution of clients connected to the AP, including number of clients working on 2.4GHz band and number of clients working on 5GHz band.
Client Health
The wireless connection quality between client and Stellar AP, it is judged by the signals of client, and classified as below:
Best Number of clients which signal strength is more than 30.
Good Number of clients which signal strength is between 15 ~30.
FairNumber of clients which signal strength is less than 15.
Figure 4-11 Monitoring Window - Client
Introduction to the AP Group Web Management System
Stellar AP User Guide
Table 4-10: Key word specification in Client Monitoring Window
Receiving rate of the client.
Sending rate of the client.
Received Signal Strength Indication of the client
Physical receiving rate of the client.
Physical sending rate of the client.
Note 4-3: The data shown in the monitoring window is collected and displayed while the window is open.
The data is not stored and no historical view of the data is available.
System Page
The System page focus on the basic settings of the AP group, including: AP group attributes, system management accounts, system time and syslog.
It is divided into three windows in System Page: General window, System Time window and Syslog window, illustrated in Figure 4-12 System page.
Figure 4-12 System page
General Window
General Window displays the basic information of the wireless system. There are two modes for General
Window, Simplified Mode illustrated in Figure 4-13 General Window – Simplified Mode and Advanced Mode
illustrated in Figure 4-14 General Configuration Window –Advanced Mode. You can launch the Advanced Mode
from Simplified Mode by clicking the General Window Frame.
Introduction to the AP Group Web Management System
Stellar AP User Guide
Figure 4-13 General Window – Simplified Mode
The General Configuration window includes two tabs: Group Info Management and Account management, illustrated in Figure 4-14 .
Group Info Management Group Info Management contains the basic information of the AP group, you can edit it with your own group settings to identify a private Wi-Fi network.
Figure 4-14 General Configuration Window –Advanced Mode
Table 4-11: Key word specification in Group Info Management Tab
Group Name
Name of the AP group.
Location of the AP group.
Group Management IP
A virtual IP address for AP group management, default is, see more in Note 4-4.
Group Management Netmask
Netmask of Group Management IP.
Group Management IPv6
A virtual IPv6 address for AP group management.
Introduction to the AP Group Web Management System
Stellar AP User Guide
Group ID
Identification of the AP group, default is 100.
MQTT Compatibility
Enable to allow AP with lower version firmware (AWOS4.0.0 and before) to join. The lower version firmware is low-level security on MQTT. By default, it is not allowed AWOS4.0.0 and before version AP to join.
Note 4-4: AP of a group usually obtains its IP address dynamically from a DCHP server, and it is difficult to
keep the same assigned IP address for the AP. So managing the AP group by the AP’s dynamic IP address can
be difficult. The Group Management IP (GMIP) is a static IP address configured for the AP group web
management, and you can manage the AP group via accessing the URL: http://GMIP:8080 by wired or wireless.
The GMIP is configured on the PVM of the AP group, and you have to make sure the GMIP on the PVM is routable
from your configuring terminal (browser). A recommended method is to choose an idle IP address from the AP
group domain to configure as a GMIP.
Account Management
There are three accounts can login to the Web GUI with different privileges: Administrator, Viewer, and
GuestOperator. Administrator account allows configuring and viewing the whole system, Viewer account
allows checking configuration and monitoring of WLAN operations, while GuestOperator ONLY has the
privilege to edit the guest portal users. Each account can be logged in at the same time. By default, only
the Administrator account is enabled; Viewer and GuestOperator are disabled.
In the Account Management tab, you can enable/disable the Viewer and GuestOperator account, change
the password for Administrator, Viewer and GuestOperator, illustrated in Figure 4-15.
Figure 4-15 Account Management Tab
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