Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch 6400
The Alcatel-Lucent®OmniSwitch™6400 Stackable LAN Switch is a layer 2+ Gigabit Ethernet LAN switch
addressing the small and medium-sized business needs for converged voice, data and video networks as
well as residential and business Ethernet access service providers’ requirements. With an optimized design
for flexibility and scalability as well as low power consumption, the OmniSwitch 6400 runs the field-proven
Alcatel-Lucent Operating Software (AOS), providing an outstanding edge solution for highly available,
self-protective, easily managed and eco-friendly networks.
The OmniSwitch 6400 addresses the fixed managed LAN switch segment and expands the current enterprise
portfolio, fitting between the Alcatel-Lucent OmniStack
LAN switch) and the Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch 6850 Stackable LAN Switch (Advanced layer 3 Gigabit LAN
switch with 10G interfaces) in terms of speed and software features.
Solutions that will benefit from these versatile LAN switches are:
• Small-to-medium business (SMB) converged networks
• Branch office workgroups
• Metro Ethernet access for residential/metro triple-play applications
6200 Stackable LAN Switch (layer 2 Fast Ethernet
Key features
Availability and performance:
• Wire rate switching and routing
• High availability with redundant
stacking links, primary/secondary unit
failover, hot swappable power
options and configuration rollback
Key benefits
• Always-on robust infrastructure, optimal
response time for users and applications,
investment protection

ey features
ey benefits
Security and quality of service:
• Auto-sensing network access control through Access Guardian framework
(802.1X, MAC, rules)
• Edge network security and control
allowin g business continuit y and
preventing network outages
• Advanced quality of service (QoS) and acc ess con trol lists (ACLs) fo r traffic
• Automated containment and quarantine with Alcatel-Lucent Quarantine Manager
Unmatched flexibility and simplified manageability:
• Choice of 24 ports, 48 ports power over Ethernet (PoE) or non-PoE, and fiber models.
• Scalable from 24 to 384 ports via high speed stacking
• AOS management through web interface (Webview)
• Scalable and versatile configuration
with effortless deployment meeting
SMB, branch office or service providers
• Supported by Alcatel-Lucent 2500/2700 Network Management System (NMS) and
5620 Service Aware Manager (SAM)* applications.
Cont act for availa bility
The Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch 6400 Stackable LAN switch family offers a variety of PoE, non-PoE Gigabit and fiber models.
All models in the Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch 6400 family are stackable, fixed configuration chassis in a 1U form factor. They can
be optionally equipped with Alcatel-Lucent approved pluggable SFP transceivers supporting short, long and very long distances.
Table 1 indicates the OmniSwitch 6400 models available.
Chassis 10/100/1000 1 Gig combo 10 Gig Power supplies Backup power
Or Gig ports stacking ports supported supplies supported
Non-PoE Models
OS6400-24 20 10/100/1000 4 2 Internal AC supply External AC or DC
OS6400-48 44 10/100/1000 4 2 Internal AC supply External AC or DC
OS6400-U24 22 Gig SFP ** 2 2 Internal AC supply External AC or DC
OS6400-U24D 22 Gig SFP ** 2 2 Internal DC supply External AC or DC
PoE Models
OS6400-P24 20 10/100/1000 4 2 360W AC or 510W AC 360W AC or 510W AC
OS6400-P48 44 10/100/1000 4 2 360W AC or 510W AC 360W AC or 510W AC
* Combo ports are ports indi viduall y c onfi gurable to be 1 0/100/1 000Base-T or 1000B ase-X that can support SFP transc eive rs for sho rt, long and very long distances.
** Gigab it fiber inter face s support Giga bit SFP or 100Ba seX SFP optic al t rans ceivers.
Alcatel-Lucent has been a leader in terms of compliance with various “green” initiatives including:
• RoHS – The Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch family was among the first to be in compliance with the European Community’s
directive – Restriction on Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment
• WEEE – Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Alca tel-Luc ent OmniSwitch 6400 | Dat a Sheet

roduct specifications
Interfaces and speeds
• 24 and 48 ports 10/100/1000, 24
ports 100/1000BaseX
• Wire rate at layer 2 and layer 3
on all ports
• Two built-in 10 Gbps full-duplex
stacking ports
• OS6400-24, -P24, -48, -P48 support
four Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) SFP
combo ports
• OS6400-U24, -U24D support two
GigE SFP combo ports
• PoE: IEEE 802.3af supported on
“P” PoE models (15.4 W per port)
• Raw switching capacity:
¬ 24 port:
48 Gbps full duplex or 96 Gbps
¬ 48 port:
96 Gbps full duplex or 192 Gbps
• Switching throughput:
¬ 24 port: 35.7 Mpps
¬ 48 port: 71.4 Mpps
• Stacking capacity:
¬ 2x10 Gig full duplex
¬ 29.8 Mpps
• Priority queues: eight hardware-
based queues per port
• Traffic prioritization: Flow-based
QoS with internal and external
(a.k.a., re-marking) prioritization
• Bandwidth management: flow-
based bandwidth management,
ingr ess pol icing shaping and
port-based egress shaping
• Queue management: Random Early
Detect/Discard (RED), configurable
de-queuing algorithm; Strict Priority,
Weighted and Deficit Round Robin
• 1000 ACL policy rules
• Layer 2 to layer 4 classifications
High availability
• Two b uilt-in stacking ports to
provide f ault-tolerant looped
stacking configurations
• Redun dant 1:1 po wer provided
by the OS6400-BPS
• Dual image and dual configuration
file storage provides backup
Layer 2 switching
• Up to 16,000 MACs
• Up to 4000 VLANs
• Ring Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
(RRSTP) optimized for ring topology
to provide less t han 100 ms
convergence time
* Conta ct for avai labilit y
• 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree
Protocol for loop free topology
and link redundancy
• 802.1w Rapid Reconfiguration of
Spanning Tree allows sub second
failover to redundant link
• Alcatel-Lucent per-VLAN spanning
tree (1x1)
• 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol
for loop free topology and link
• Static and 802.3ad dynamic link
aggregation that supports automatic
configuration of link aggregates
with other switches
ayer 3 switching
• Static routing IPv4 and IPv6
• RIP v1 & v2 for IPv4, RIPng for IPv6
• Up to 1000 IPv4/ 512 IPv6 static
and RIP routes:
• Up to 128 I Pv4 and 16 IP v6
• Inter net Grou p Mana geme nt
Protocol (IGMP) v1/v2/v3 snooping
to optimize multicast traffic
• Up to 1000 multicast groups
etwork protocols
• TCP/IP stack
• Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
• Dynamic Host Configu ration
Protocol (DHCP) relay
• DHCP re lay to f orward cl ien t
requests to a DHCP server
• Generic User Datagram Protocol
(UDP) relay per VLAN
Simplified manageability
User interface
• Intuitive Alcatel-Lucent CLI with
fami lia r in terface, redu cing
training costs
• Exten siv e u ser m anua ls wit h
• Easy to u se, poi nt- and- clic k
we b-based e leme nt man ager
(WebView) with built-in help for
ea sy con fig urat ion of n ew
technology features
• Remote Teln et mana gement or
Secu re Shel l acces s us ing SSH
• File upload usingTrivial File Transfer
Protocol (TFTP) and FTP
• Human -readable ASCII-bas ed
config files for off-line editing
and bulk configuration
• BootP/DHCP client allows auto
co nfigura tion o f swit ch IP
information to simplify deployment
• Auto- negotiating 10/100/1 000
ports aut omatically con figure
port speed and duplex setting
• Auto medium-dependent interface
(MDI/MDIX) automatically configures
transmit and receive signals to
su pport str aigh t-th rou gh and
crossover cabling
• Simpl e Netw ork M anag emen t
Protocol (SNMP) v1/v2/v3
• Integration with SNMP manager
Al catel-L ucen t Omni Vista for
network-wide management
etwork monitoring and troubleshooting
• Supports RFC 2819 Remote Network
Monitoring (RMON)group(1-Statistics,
2-History, 3-Alarm & 9-Events)
• Por t-ba sed mi rroring f or
tr oublesh ooti ng and l awfu l
in tercept ion su ppor ts fou r
sessions with multiple sourcesto-one destination configuration
• Policy-based mirroring - allows
selection of the type of traffic to
mirror by using QoS policies
• Remote port mirroring
• Port monitoring feature that allows
capture of Ethernet packets to a
file, or for on-screen display to
assist in troubleshooting
• Local (on the flash) and remote
logging (Syslog)
• Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD)
for detecting one-way connections
etwork configuration
• 802.1AB – Link Layer Discovery
Protocol with MED extensions
• Alcat el- Luce nt Map ping
Adjacency Protocol (AMAP) for
building topology maps within
OmniVista product family
• GARP VLAN Registration Protocol
(GVRP) for 802.1Q-compliant VLAN
pruning and dynamicVLAN creation
• Fast-forwarding mode on user ports
to bypass 30-second delay for
spanning tree
• Auto QoS for switch management
tr affic as well as traffi c from
Alcatel-Lucent IP phones
• Network Time Protocol (NTP) for
network-wide time synchronization
Advanced security
Access control
• 802.1X multi-client, multi-VLAN
support for per-client authentication
and VLAN assignment
• 802.1X with group mobility
• 802.1 X with M AC- bas ed
authentication, group mobility or
“guest” VLAN support
• MAC-based authentication for
non-802.1X host
• AuthenticatedVLAN that challenges
users with username and password
and supports dynamic VLAN access
based on user
• Captive Portal – a new Access
Guardian policy that uses embedded
web portal for user authentication.*
• Public Key Inf rastruct ure (PK I)
authentication for SSH access
• Support for host integrity check*
and remediation VLAN
• Learned Port Security (LPS) or MAC
address l ockdown allows on ly
known devices to have network
access preventing unauthorized
network device access
• Support of Microsoft®Network
Access Protection (NAP)*
ontainment, monitoring
nd quarantine
• Support for Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista
2770 Quarantine Manager and
quarantine VLAN
• ACLs to filter out unwanted traffic
including denial of service attacks;
flow-based filtering in hardware
(Layer 1 to Layer 4)
• DHCP snooping, DHCP IP spoof
• Dynamic ARP protection and ARP
poisoning detection
• Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU)
blocking – automatically s huts
down switch ports being used as
user ports if a spanning tree BPDU
packet is seen. Prevents
unauthorized spanning-treeenabled attached bridges from
• sFlow v5 support to monitor and
effectively control and manage
the network usage
Secure management
• RADIUS and Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDA P) admin
authentication prevents
unauthorized switch management
• TACAC S+ cli ent al lows f or
authentication, authorization
and accounting with a remote
TACACS+ server
• Secure Shell (SSH), Secure Socket
Layer (SSL) for HTTPS access and
SNMPv3 for encrypted remote
management communication
• Secure file upload using Secure
File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), or
Secure Copy (SCP)
• Switch protocol security
¬ MD5 for Routing Information
Protocol (RIP) v2 and SNMPv3
¬ SSH for secure CLI session
with PKI support
¬ SSL for secure HTTP session
Ethernet access services
• DHCP Option 82 – configurable
relay agent information
• Q-in-Q (VLAN stacking)
• Ethernet OAM compliant with
Alca tel-Luc ent OmniSwitch 6400 | Dat a Sheet 3